
27-Day JJ Project / BNior Drabble Challenge

They were once friends. But now they're not. Their friendship was over. Jinyoung was happy this way. Jaebeom was, too.They were relieved to be out of the hole they called friendship. Jaebeom and Jinyoung were also happy when they were friends, but some things just don't go on for forever. They don't end the way they want to. 

It was raining and Jinyoung was nowhere to be seen. Jaebeom ran back to their school when he heard that Jinyoung was lost. They went home together and he even left Jinyoung in front of their home, waving at him as he went home on his own. He was happy that day for the next day it was his birthday and Jinyoung said he has a surprise for him. He couldn't wait for it, but right now, the surprise is not important anymore. What's important is to find Jinyoung and bring him back home. He wants nothing for his birthday but to be with his best friend. He doesn't want his friendship with Jinyoung to be over.

But when they found him, in the school's yard, sitting on the soaked grass, Jinyoung doesn't want to speak to Jaebeom. He doesn't even glance his way.The next day, Jaebeom had his worst birthday ever. He had no one to celebrate it with the exception of the girls that swoon over him. He has this one fan that never gave up. The day before his birthday, he found her on their doorstep with chocolates and flowers in her hands. 

"Oppa, these are my gifts for you. Please celebrate with me," the girl said. Jaebeom smiled at her but refused to do her request because he wants to celebrate his birthday only with Jinyoung. It was still suspicious for Jaebeom that the girl looked behind him and and leaned in to fake a kiss on his lips. He was surprised at first but pushed the girl harshly away from him. He apologized quietly and ran inside their home. Few minutes later, Jinyoung's parents called to ask if he was with Jinyoung and they concluded that he was lost.

He found Jinyoung on the same spot he found them the other night. He was staring into space and Jaebeom could not help but feel sad that Jinyoung was ignoring him on his birthday. It never happened to them. He walked towards his best friend when the same girl clung on his arms.

"Oppa," the girl said. And again, Jaebeom pushed him away. He was tired of the girl's attitude and he doesn't really want girls like her. He found Jinyoung staring at him and ready to get out of his sight again so he sped up until he can grab his wrist.

"Jinyoung-ah," Jaebeom said. Jinyoung tried to free his wrist off of Jaebeom but the other's hold was tight.

"Don't touch me," Jinyoung said harshly and coldly that Jaebeom let go of his wrist instantly.

"What do you want?" he asked, his tone rising up. Jaebeom stuttered before shutting his mouth again. Jinyoung was already walking away from him when he shouted, "Why are you like this, Jinyoung-ah?" He sounded so sad that his tears flowed down. He was not emotional in the first place but because Jinyoung was ignoring him on his own day made him feel torn.

"Ask your girlfriend," Jinyoung said.

"I don't have one," Jaebeom answered.

"That girl from yesterday. The one who kissed you on your doorstep."

"She's not my girlfriend!" Jaebeom said.

"Jaebeom hyung, I can't go on like this forever. I can't be your friend now because it hurts. It hurts to see you with someone else. It hurts to know that you love someone the way I love you. I love you Jaebeom hyung. I don't think we can be friends after this," Jinyoung said and froze with Jaebeom's words.

"Then let's end this friendship." Jaebeom said. Jinyoung was frozen but he nodded seconds after. He was leaving his spot when Jaebeom grabbed his wrist again.

"Let's end this friendship and go on with a better relationship," Jaebeom said and smiled at Jinyoung. Jinyoung cried happy tears and he was happy that their friendship is now over. Their old friendship is now over and will be replaced by new memories of them as lovers.

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last chapter will be posted tomorrow...i hope. :) thank you everyone


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freshmiaw #1
Chapter 29: Aww.. Your fics is so cute.. You wrote beautifully.. I almost cry reading chap 9..
Chapter 29: Hwaaaaa im crying seriously , that was so sweet T.Tbut touchy tooo
Chapter 13: Awww this is cute :333
Chapter 7: Sooo cheesy :333333 I love it
Chapter 2: Ahh that was sooo.cute T.T :333
XiaoTian #7
I've finished reading this series-drabbles...
I really really like these cute drabbles =((( omg all of them are wonderful, humorous and touching at the same time.
These are my favorite everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
So I want to translate it into Vietnamese (ofc with full credit <3) ~ Can I? :3
Chapter 29: Finish re-reading this.... i love this fics collection so much :')
i hope u gonna make new BNior story.....
Chapter 14: i wish they came to Maldives so i could go see them :3 live these oneshots (y)