


            In all of his life, Jongdae would never imagine that his lips will become one his charms. The permanent lift at the end if his lips make his face sort of look like one of the cat-kitten to be exact and this illuminated his handsome face even more.

             His fans love this so much and like to make fanart and fanfiction about how alike he is with the feline animal. At first he is okay with this but when the member start calling him 'kitty' and even worst, kittydae he started to feel uncomfortable.

             Minseok and Luhan just laugh and ruffles his hair when he whine about this. Jongdae try everything to make them stop but to no avail it didn't. His best friend, Baekhyun also pick up a habit to coo and pet him like a real kitten all because of this.

             But as time goes by he slowly accepted the nicknames and affection that is trown at him. Plus he also get the best petting and cuddle from his favourite person so he has nothing to complain about.


  • Another drabble XD if you can't tell already, Jongdae's fav person is baek. Hope u like it. Enjoy! 
  • Btw, i think i will post all my baekchen drabbles here so it easier to find. 
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oh my god, why so cute? >.< i love baekchen :3