Close the Door [Markbum]

From the Ritz to the Rubble

For the thousandth time, Jaebum wondered to himself how a voice so deep could be so soft as his fingers fall from the faux brass knob behind him. It was baritone and profound, deep enough for the reverberations to shake mountains if Mark so wished. But instead of that, instead of wreaking havoc on the world, Mark kept his voice down low so that it only shook Jaebum’s world as he walked into the room.

“Close the door,” he said. That was all it took and Jaebum already felt on the verge of suffocation.

It was all the little things that left him breathless. The way Mark’s hair hadn’t been combed down yet that morning, how his pajama bottoms were about ready to slip completely off the jut of his hips, the puffed up pink of his lips after a hard night’s sleep—they all accumulated until his world was simultaneously shaking and spinning and the man really thought it a wonder that he managed his way across the bedroom without falling. He was pressed for air by the intensity of it all, but It was just so important in that moment to be able to stand behind the figure in front of the mirror there, bare-chested and too quiet to be capable of holding such power over Jaebum’s sanity.

Mark didn’t say another word. Not when Jaebum’s fingers brushed the taut skin of his hips, nor when his lips were pressed to his shoulder and making it so that he didn’t want to move for fear of disturbing that feeling.  Jaebum mumbled a good morning there against the spot, sighing at the way the elder leaned back into him when he felt a familiar pair of lips shortly dragged over his skin. The red head murmured an unintelligible word in return then, one that the younger’s ears perceived as nothing but a low rumble in Mark’s chest and throat.

There was a collective shiver from the pair and then the world fell silent again. Their world, the one where it had become okay for Jaebum’s lips to move over and up to mouth at the pretty column of his bandmate’s neck when no one was watching, was quiet more often than not. It felt right behind closed doors where no one could stick their nose in and give them opinions they didn’t want to hear. Moments like these could be a lot more complicated than they were making them out to be, but they were so content to leave the silence untouched. It was pure and concentrated, a dense ball of feeling in Jaebum’s heart that he wasn’t yet ready or willing to pry apart and figure out.

So when Mark was so persistent about having the door closed when they were together, Jaebum did as he was told. His wobbly knees brought him over as the Earth itself shook, so that he’d be allowed to continue telling Mark how beautiful he was with his fingertips alone. The silence he got in response would forever be his favorite sound.

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Chapter 3: Oh my god... So sad :'((
ReaderX #2
Chapter 1: Omg I love it
Chapter 1: WHOA!! That was like... the best..!! You're the besttt :D you should definitely make a story...