Chapter 19

Last Kiss
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“Tiffany, that ring”

“It’s beautiful right? The dork designed it for me”

Sunny and Jessica looks at each other. Yuri just sighed while the others looked hopelessly at Tiffany. “Unnie, are you coming with us tomorrow?” Yoona asked softly. Sooyoung immediately sent a glare at her. ‘We gotta try’ Yoona mouthed. “Why? Where are we going?”

“At the Kim’s private ce-”

“You’re grieving over nothing”


“Taeyeon is not dead and I can feel it.”

“Fany, it’s been two months since she’s-”

“Since she’s gone missing, Soonkyu. Are you guys really giving up? We all know Taeyeon better than this. She will survive anything”

“Fany, she’s been missing for months and we have no idea or lead as to where she is” Sooyoung said. “Until I see her body I won’t believe it”

“And why do you think she’s still out there?” Hyoyeon asked. “Because of this” Tiffany pointed at her chest. “Because we made a promise. She promised me and I have this mark. A mark that connects the both of us. Unless you are the one with this mark I suggest you all just shut up because I don’t need friends who doesn’t believe their friend!” Tiffany slammed the table and left them.





“We are also her friend, Fany. We are also hurt”

“Sunny” Sunny sighs and sits beside Tiffany on the swing in a playground not far from the restaurant they were at earlier. “We are also longing for her, Fany. We almost lost her once and it’s killing us to experience the same again”


“Unnie, I’m sorry” Yoona also approached them and stands beside Tiffany. “Yoong”

“I miss her too you know. Taeyeon-unnie is like my big sister and Umma all in one” Yoona said as tears fall from her eyes. Tiffany grabs her hand and pulls her to a hug. “I know Yoong, Unnie is so sorry”

“She’s a babo you know. She loves leaving us like this. Always clueless as to where she is” they heard Hyoyeon’s voice. They saw here leaning on the metal stand of the swing looking at them with teary eyes. “I wish I can tell you where she is but this time I’m as clueless as you guys are” Yuri also appeared together with Jessica. “And trust me I almost accused her of knowing something too” Jessica immediately went to hug Tiffany sideways. “We all miss her, Tiff. The gang’s not complete without the little ahjumma whose crazy for you” Jessica whispered. “So we all left all that food to play at the swing” Sooyoung who’s faintly smiling appeared too. “I’m gonna kick Taengoo’s when she comes back. That was too much food wasted just because she left again, Aish”

They all smiled at the shikshin who tries to lift the mood up. “Unnies…” their maknae who was watching her Unnies’ warm scene makes her way to them. “I know Taeyeon-unnie will want us to have this instead” she shows them a plastic bag which contains ice cream. “They have her favorite flavor” she said as she hands them ice creams. “Fany-unnie, we will always be here. Taeyeon-unnie might be missing at the time being but she won’t be happy to know that we left you alone to be sad. She will surely scold us nonstop and despite of how much I love Taeyeon-unnie’s voice, her nagging voice scares me” they all smiled warmly and some even giggled because of what Seohyun said. “We haven’t given up, Fany. When it comes to one of us we will never give up” Hyoyeon said. “We may look indifferent but we are dying inside too. We are missing our cute little leader and we are also missing her first lady” Sooyoung said. “We will not force you to come tomorrow, Fany. But at least meet us after? We wanna spend the whole day together again. At least we can share the heartache” Yuri said. “Unnie, we miss you too” Yoona said. “So, Fany?”

“I… I will go with you guys tomorrow” Sunny looks at Tiffany worriedly. “Fany”

“I wanna… I wanna go. If ever she really is there, I wanna feel it”

They all smiled at each other and wiped their tears. They made a huge circle and group hugged. “We will make it through guys” Jessica said. “We are here, Fany” Sunny finished.





“How are you feeling, Taeyeon-ssi?” Soyeon’s grandpa asked as he sits beside the girl who is watching the beach from the house porch. “I’m feeling a lot better, all thanks to your family. I wouldn’t have made it without your help… uh”

“Just call me grandpa like everyone else here”

“Uh, yes. Grandpa”

“Can you tell me a little something about yourself, Taeyeon-ssi?”

“I… I uh, I came from a rather well off family and a happy one” Taeyeon said with a smile. “We had a lot of hardships but I’m glad I had them beside me”

“Yes, families should be like that. No matter what they should stand beside each other to support and love” Grandpa Juno said with a smile. “Anyone waiting for you?”

“… I hope so”

“You hope so?”

“Something happened before I met that accident. I’m kinda lost right now but… I miss her”


“Yes her. I know it might sound wrong to you but-”

“Do you love her?”

“I do, so much”

“Then no need to apologize” Taeyeon smiled at him. “Can I ask you something, grandpa?”

“What is it?”

“Why are you all here? Why not let them go back to the city?”

“Because we are escaping”


“I will tell you about our story some other time. Can you tell me what happened? How you ended up here?”

“Some people did something to me” she touched her neck. “I’m not sure what they did exactly but that night I… someone dear to me hurt me and I ended up in an accident” she then touched her chest, her mark. “Right now all I want is to go back home… back to her. I’m so sorry for asking this but can you please help me back to the city? I really need to talk to my family”

“Taeyeon, I can’t do that. Our doctor wanted you to stay here and rest. You can’t even move from this house with your condition. The ride back to the city is a long one and I doubt your body will be able to take it.”


“I’m sure they will wait for you. You need to rest first, Taeyeon. Once I know that you are fine enough to move around I will bring you to the city myself”

“Sigh~ Okay, grandpa. Thank you”




“Are these all the medicine the doctor asked for Taeyeon-ssi?” Soyeon asked as she takes the medicines from a man. “Yes, Miss Soyeon that’s all” the man told her. Soyeon thanked him and was about to go back to her place when the man called her again. “What is it?”

“Ms. Soyeon, I know that this isn

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Kim_shaela05 #1
Chapter 25: Hello??
Kim_shaela05 #2
Where are you?
Chapter 25: Haay. I miss this story..
Devilpinkmonster #4
Waiting your update please comeback
eyza_catherine #5
Chapter 25: Where are you? Update please.. Please don't give up on writing author (T_T)
author-nim~~ come back please~~~~ (╥﹏╥)
eyza_catherine #7
Chapter 25: author-nim... please update!! T-T
Kim_shaela05 #8
Where are you? (╥_╥)
Chapter 25: Still waiting for more ..! I can't stop smiling when I read this story. Our two lovebirds are just so adorable together~ x)
ebatwise #10
Chapter 25: Huhuhu.. How many time i cry..
This the wonderful story author nim..
Thankyou (╥﹏╥)