
misunderstanding ( one shot)

"we are done minho!" yuri left crying..


things go hard when your love left you knowing you cheated on her

but it was a misunderstanding..but you didn't have chance to explain yourself


.. so this is about me and my yuri.. having a great relationship

UNTIL krystal came, krystal is my ex girlfriend..

we broke up because i don't feel that i love her anymore

and that i love yuri now.

she couldn't believe that so she did everything to win me back and to

ruin our precious relationship..

and she succeded!


today, yuri left me.. she gave up on me, she

said there's no us anymore.  i cried for weeks

i sulked in my room,, sadness was on my heart..

i tried to explain but she didn't believe me..


yuri left to america yesterday.

i tried to stop her but i didn't saw her in the airport.


2 years later



today, i'm going back to korea.

its been 2 years.. 2 years is long enough to move on but...

i'm still the same..feelings for him still in me..

but i have to face him, show him that i completely forgotten him..




my friends, surprised me with a welcome back party..

" so sweet of you guys, thank you!"

"unnie!" yoona said happily

"we missed you!" taeyeon hugs me...

" i miss you unnie" yoona hugs me too

"unnie welcome back" seohyun said..

"you owe me lots of food yuri-ah" sooyoung smiled

"i know that so i had a bag of goodies for you!" i answered

"really" sooyoung ask excited.

everyone came and give me a warm welcome..

" yuri-ah, i have.. i mean  we have surprise for you.." fany grinned

i was curios what was it and then suddenly minho

came out from nowhere..

i didn't expect him to be here.. really.


"YURI"i heard him calling my name with a soft voice..

 i just fake a smile " hey, how are you?" i ask uncomfortable...

suddenly he kneeled infront of me..

i was shocked.. why is he kneeling?

"yuri.. .  "he explains everything.. the truth about the misundertstnding we had 2 years ago

the reason of our break up..

now that i knew everything,, that he really did not cheat on me,,

tears bagin to fall..i began to cry..

"i'm so stupid.. i'm sorry.. i'm sorry.. sorry" i apologized crying

"your not stupid,. uljima" he wipe my tears..

"i know years have passed, but yuri-ah, i'm still me,, i'm still the minho who love you so much,

my feeelings never change.. i still love you" he confessed

a smile replace my tears,.

"yah choi minho.. .i still love you too"

we kiss passionately.

and like in every fairy tales,


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SNSDSHINee4ever #1
Sooo sweet ^^
thanks guys 4 the appreciation :)<br />
thank you thank you <3
BlackPearl_Goddess #3
Short story but sweet...! :)
aah~ :D
Khunpeeh #5
wow sweet ^^