Chapter 12

Fluffy's Refuge

~Fluffy’s Refuge~


Chenguang's POV

When break began I put the sign up by the window and just as I was about to sit and eat, Suho approached me with Sehun by his side.

"Chenguang, Sehun, go to the back to the storage room and get me the pet scale. It's time we bring that thing back in, Lay said he needs it." Suho said and I groaned and shut my lunch box closed.

"Why can't you get Tao to do it?" I whined. Seriously, I look forward to break!

"Zitao's not here, he went to buy him something to eat with Lay so I'm asking you two. I going out as well so watch the store, okay?" Suho then walked out the door leaving me with Sehun who dragged me to the back where the storage room was. We opened it and I closed the door behind me. It was so tiny and cramped inside it and it was dark. I actually can't see!

"It's dark in here isn't it?" I said while feeling my way around the room.

"I don't know, I can't see." Sehun replied with a dull tone in his voice causing me to frown. Zitao was shipping me with this guy? Where's Tao now to see how this guy treats me!?

"Did you find the scale?" I asked, where was Sehun I can't even see my hands that's how dark it is in here. Suho should build some windows in here or something.

"What part of 'I can't see' did you not get? It's almost impossible to see in front of me so do something useful and search for a light." He told me and by the sounds of it, Sehun was close by. I moved my hands along the walls and felt nothing until my fingers pressed against something almost soft and elastic. Then I felt something tickling my fingers and making its way up to my hand. I froze as the hairs on my neck stood up and I screamed while violently flailing my arms.


It was probably that spider, Noodle, who was almost a third wheel in my relationship with Lay. ARE YOU BACK TO THREATEN IT ONCE MORE!!?



While I was running in what little space was available in this dark cramped up room, I had managed to find Sehun. I was now lying on what I assume is Sehun and Sehun was groaning and mumbling something from beneath me.

"You have got TO STOP FALLING ON ME!" He exclaimed and shoved me off of him. He can't do that it's dark and who knows what Noodle is doing right now! I hurriedly crawled over to his direction and clutched his arm.

"No! Let me up! There's something in here with us.." I whispered the last part. I clutched what his arm tightly.. "Wait...This is your arm, right?" It is, right? Please tell me this is your arm.

"No, it's my leg. Can you please get off, there's nothing in here with us."

"There is! I felt it! Sehun let's just get out of here, Lay and Tao can get it themselves." Sehun helped me up from my part and gave in as he felt around for the door while I clutched his shirt.

"Wait....It's completely dark in here.." Sehun announced and stopped in his tracks.

"Duh, what was your first clue? The fact that you can't see my gorgeous face?" I sarcastically replied. Haha, I got him!

"You shut the door..." Why was his voice getting lower? "It only opens from the outside..."



"WHAT!?" I yelled and now held on to his shirt with both of my hands. He turned around and put his hands on my shoulders tightly causing me to flinch a bit.



"No...Don't you dare."


"Don't you push me, woman.."


"NOOOOOOOOO! Stop it!" Sehun screamed while pushing me to the side. I sighed and traced patterns on my arm. I don't know how long we were in here but I got bored and I decided singing was a good way to entertain myself.

"Thank you, now stay still and don’t do anything, okay?" Sehun said. I rolled my eyes and sat with him in the silence.






"BEFORE THE DAWFFFMMMMMMPH!!!" Sehun placed his hand over my mouth to keep me from singing and he covered my nose too so now I couldn't really breath. I started flailing around trying to tell him I couldn't breathe and knew there was only one way out of this.

I ran my tongue along his hand.

"AAUUGH!! Gross!" He exclaimed and started rubbing his hand over my hair.

"DON'T RUB IT ON ME!" I yelled while trying to push his hand away.

"What are you so scared of!? It's your own saliva! Take it back!"

I let out a yawn and stopped wondering how long we've been in here a while ago. Sehun hadn't said anything for a while and the one thing you could clearly hear was our breathing and that was kind of starting to get annoying.

That's when it happened.

That familiar sensation of something crawling only now, it was on my leg. I screamed again and jumped onto Sehun's lap and wrapped my hands around his neck tightly while kicking my leg in random directions.

"Hey! What are you...I can't..!!!" Sehun said while trying to in some air. When I was sure that the crawly thingie was off I let out a sigh of relief and relaxed my posture.

"Chen...Chenguang.." Sehun said in a raspy voice. I quickly retracted my hands and felt around his face. "Oh my gosh! Sehun, I'm sorry! Are you still alive!?" I asked him.

"Am I still alive!? What happened to 'are you okay!?' "

Okay he's alive.

Things became silent again and I began to wonder if we would ever get out of here. I don't want to spend the rest of my life in this storage room with Sehun and that....Descendant or cousin of Noodle the tarantula or something.


Just, no.

Out of nowhere, I felt Sehun's body start vibrating, I was still on his lap. He then started chuckling and from then, full out laughing.


I was scared.

"Um......Okay. Sehun?" I unsurely asked.

"Hehehehe....hehe...AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAA!" Someone, help me...

"............HELLO!? IS ANYONE OUT THERE!? I DON'T KNOW IF I'M SAFE WITH THIS GUY ANYMORE!!" I yelled. What happened!? Did he crack under all the pressure of being in the dark?

"Chenguang....I just realised something.." So did I, you've lost it haven't you? I thought I would be the first one to crack but...Wow. "I have my phone in my pocket...We could have easily just called Suho or Lay and even Tao.."  He lowly chuckled.






"You what...You have your..." I tried saying but he only chuckled further. "I know right!? Funny isn't it!?" He exclaimed.

I felt a sudden rush of happiness at the thought of getting out of here and escaping Noodles and this dark place. I screamed in happiness and used my hands to find Sehun's face. When I found his cheek I leaned down and was about to kiss it out of happiness but Sehun moved his head.

My lips were now against his.



A girl can dream of many things, like her first kiss for example. He'd take her hand and touch his lips with hers gently, or he'd hug her while they're alone and make the first move. Maybe even on a date under the stars. But no. Not all first kisses are like that.

I'd know.

Because I just had mine in a dark shed containing Sehun and some ancestor of Noodle.

I hadn't moved and neither did Sehun. I couldn't see his face but I could feel his hot breath against my face and the butterflies must be at Club Tummy because there's a rave in my stomach.

His lips were soft as they appeared, it fit on my own nicely as well.

This was....


He moving his lips against mine and I froze and as if he realised what he just did, he stopped. I was enjoying that.

However, we have to come back to reality at some point in our lives. Sehun came back first because I was shoved off him and he cleared his throat out loud.

"We...We should call one of the guys." He softly said. I slowly stood up from my position on the floor and nibbled on my bottom lip.



"Yeah...uh.." I wanted to say something but what does one say after such an experience!?

I saw a small light and realized it was his phone. He tapped the screen a bit and held it up to his ear, the phone illuminating his face. His eyes were casted down as he tapped his foot and waited for someone to pick up.

"Hello? Tao......No, we didn't leave the shop....We're in the shed........Don’t you start....Listen, the door's shut could you open it for us?" As Sehun spoke with Tao on the phone, I could still feel my heartbeat and the lingering feel of his lips on my own. Why did he have to move his head!? Why did this shed have to be dark?

After Sehun ended the call he sighed and we waited in an awkward silence for someone to open the door. We suddenly heard rushed footsteps with what sounded like Tao screaming "CHENGHUN IS REEEEAAAAL!!!"

When we heard the door creak open Tao stood there looking like a kid in a candy store only to look like the candy turned into veggies.

"What is this? I thought you guys would be doing something. You know. Mushy?" Tao said and Sehun rolled his eyes and stormed out the shed. Tao turned to look at me in question and I could only shrug back and walk out as well.

We were back inside the store and Sehun and I hadn't spoken to each other and the others noticed it quickly. Tao stared at us from the end of the room as he swept the store which had become eerily quiet. Lay opted to stay in the pet care room, thinking it was best. Suho had been shooting Sehun and me skeptic looks whenever he came out of his office.

"Seriously, did you two have a fight or something?" Tao asked while sweeping the dust into a direction.

As for your question, Tao...If you call locking lips fighting then the couples of today must be black belts.

I didn't answer Tao and neither did Sehun. Tao decided to rather go and join Lay, not liking the atmosphere in the front center of the store. After he left I turned to face Sehun with my arms crossed in front of my chest.

"Oh Sehun, don't you dare ignore me after what happened in that shed." I warned, I refuse to have some kind of silent treatment just because something like that happened. Sehun looked up at me and didn't say anything.

"Sehun, I'm serious! I get it, it was partially me but you moved your lips if memory serves me right!" Time to make him realize that he was with me in the shed besides that crawler.

"Look, my bad for kissing you. Just forget it happened, okay?" He casually said which caused my eye to twitch.

Forget it happened?

"How can I forget!? That was basically my first kiss! Not to mention it happened in a shed of all places...And with you no less!...Urrg, how could this happen?" I mumbled and clutched my head as I heard Sehun scoff.

"What do you mean it was with me of all people!? Not happy? Well guess what? It happened, alright, and it was me. Something wrong with that?" He challenged, does he dare to challenge me?

"You don't even sound sorry!"

"You're the one who basically kissed me!" Oh no he did not!

"You're the one who moved your lips!" He did, he moved it!

"Do you realize what we sound like right now?" Don't you change the subject, Sehun.

"Is that really important right now? I don't want things to suddenly change just because we kissed in the shed...” I mumbled. I didn't want to ruin this friendship and lace it with awkward cream. Nope. Can't let that happen.

"Well it did, okay? It's just...Never mind. Like I said, forget about it, Chenguang." He replied and I sighed. Was I even getting through to this boy?

"Oh no. You are not pulling that card. Is this some kind of drama on tv to you? I won't play the ignorance is bliss card here mister. We kissed, you can't just expect me to forget that. Don't you dare start ignoring me when YOU'RE the one who moved your lips!" No way is he going to play that card with me.

If Chenguang ain't happy, ain't no Fluffy's Refuge employee happy.




"I'LL TELL MY BABA!" I yelled.


 (Meanwhile, in the pet care room, nobody’s POV)

Tao and Suho were leaning against the door listening to Chenguang and Sehun. Tao looked happy while Suho stared dully and Tao's grin.

"I told you! I TOLD YOU! The Chenghun ship will sail!" Tao exclaimed and grinned, showing his teeth.

"Oh please, you can clearly hear them right? Does that sound like a couple in love? They're asking for their kisses to be returned." Suho said and Tao smirked at him from his spot. "I still go with Chengxing." Suho declared.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Suho."

Lay, who sat with his headphones on in the corner going through the pet's information, hummed to the song as he didn't catch much of the yelling happening around him.


He likes this song!

Lay raised the volume a bit and continued leafing through the files.


Chenguang's POV

I sat at the dinner table lost in my thoughts.

Oh Sehun either couldn't follow instructions or he just didn't listen to me good enough.

You wanna know what he did?


For three days now!

After I specifically told him not to! Yeah, I was gonna kiss his cheek. Sure. My lips were aiming for the cushions on the side of his face. I did NOT expect the boy to turn his head and because of that things are awkward between us. Well, it's awkward on his part I'm frustrated at the fact that he's avoiding me.

How dare he?

Like, I'm affected too! What about Lay? My sweet buttercup topped with rainbow sprinkles, what about him? I thought Lay and I had a thing going on, like, something special.

Come on, what about that plan Fate had for us?

"Are you done making the poor piece of steak feel bad? Cause I'm going to make it feel better if you don't." Luhan said from across the table as he slowly moved his chopsticks towards my plate. I quickly used my own chopsticks and put the steak in my mouth and chewed it, causing Luhan to stare at me blankly. He then got up and walked towards the kitchen.

"It's fine, I'll just go get the leftover steak in the kit-"



Hearing no reply from Luhan I went to see what it was he was so silent about only to see Mufasa seated on the kitchen counter with a steak in his mouth.

"Let's adopt a cat, she said. It will be fun, she said. Look at what your cat is doing right now!" He yelled while grumbling about how the leftovers were being consumed.

I didn't really know what to say to Luhan right now, so I slowly left the kitchen only to hear him call me.

"Hey! You still have to clean the kitchen!" After hearing that I ran to the toilet and locked the door. "You can't hide in the forever!"

Is that a challenge?




I want to go out.

I spent who knows how long in here playing Mahjong on my phone while lying in the empty bath tub (don't question me.)

Earlier at work today, the atmosphere was off the charts just because of Sehun and me. I didn't see much of Lay due to the fact that business was actually busy today. Tao stayed clear from the two of us and so did Suho.

Each time I tried to confront Sehun, he'd give me this look that screamed "Urg, no, please, no."

Did he want nothing to do with me now after what happened? I mean really now, he's pulling that cliché move by avoiding me!



Except Sehun.

Maybe I could try avoiding him!

No...Wait...He's avoiding me already, what point would there be to make if I avoid him too?

"The dishes are waiting for yoooou~" Luhan cooed on the other side of the door.

The next day at University, Professor Kyuhyun had us watch a biology video in class, it was actually quite simple to understand.

When I looked over at kris, he had his head on the table and had fallen asleep.

He looks so angry....

I think it's his eyebrows.

Fascinated by his eyebrows, I trailed my finger on it and wanted to laugh at the way his brow twitched.

What am I doing?

I'm feeling Kris's eyebrows in the middle of a lesson!

I immediately retracted my hand and sighed. I looked over at lay who also fell asleep, his cheek resting on his hand.

So adorable!

I wonder what Sehun looks like when he's aslee- nope. No, don't you dare, Chenguang. Let's not cross that bridge for now. Oh Sehun is not to be thought of at this moment.

Wait, I'm thinking of NOT thinking about Sehun.

Isn't that still thinking about him?

How do I not think about seeing him while trying not to think about him?...

Did that even make any sense?

I sighed again and brought my head down on the desk and it made a slight sound, causing Kris beside me to jerk awake and release a sound between a snort and a groan.

It was so funneeeeeh.

He looked around in a daze and blinked slowly and grumbled when he saw me. Probably figured out I kind of woke him up. Kris turned his head in the other direction, probably thinking it would stop me from waking him up.

Ooooh~ is that small little hairs on his neck?

Gonna pull 'em!

What was the point of trying not to think about Sehun when I work with him?

I held the box containing new stock of flea powder while Tao stored them away. I stared at Sehun who acted as if I totally hadn't been staring at him for about ten minutes now. Unlike the prior days, something was different about him. Usually he'd cast me annoyed glances whenever I tried to get him to talk to me and he didn't even pay much attention to me.

His eyes were casted to one side as if he wasn't a resident of this world but a resident of planet No-Chenguangs-Please. That planet doesn't really exist, probably. Though this is Sehun we're talking about.

"Do you know what's up with Sehun?" Tao whispered, leaning over to me.

"No, but maybe I should take the day off and find out for you." I replied.

"Are you...Using sarcasm on me?" Tao slowly questioned and I stared back at him.

I think Sehun's influencing me.

After I finished helping Tao, I went to the pet care room where Lay was doing research on pet medicines.

"Are you and Sehun still acting like a couple that got into a fight?" Lay asked, clicking away on the mouse. I coughed and stared at him with wide eyes.

Couple that got into a fight!?

"Couple!?" That word seemed to be the only thing I could get out right now.

"Yep. Couple. I mean, you two quarreled so much in the beginning but now look at you. Usually your quarrels were so friendly but this one...It gives off a negative energy in the shop." Lay said, turning to face me.

".......Couple!?" Real smooth Chenguang, real smooth.

"Have you noticed Sehun's a bit cold lately?" Lay asked and I looked at him.

What else is new besides Sehun's coldness?

"....Oh, right. I mean, like, cold but waaaaay too out of it today. He totally gave this lady 'the look' after her poodle did a doo-doo next to the counter and he had to clean it, cause Tao utterly refused after taking one look at the doo-doo. He even nearly snapped at Tao today because Tao mixed the stock prices up." Wow, who ate poor Sehun's pudding to make the man resort to such methods?

Yes, Sehun seemed un-Sehun-ish today.

"Do you think it's because of what happened that day in the shed?" I asked.

"....What happened in the shed?" Lay asked staring at me curiously. My eyes widened and I nervously laughed.

"Um..Er....Don't worry about it! I...No wait, Sehun.....Okay it was me but then it was him! Seriously! Don't ponder about it! Besides, he's totally avoiding me right now! “Um, well, see you later Lay. DON'T PONDER ABOUT IT!" I yelled as I got up from my seat next to him and walked out the room. Those two boys are making me confused here.

I was relieved when work finished off. Instead of going home, I hung out at the food court a few blocks away and decided to stop by a stall and buy some spicy rice cakes to nibble on.

Yum, spiceh raahce cakezzz.

I didn't feel comfortable walking and eating, it would be late soon but I still had some time to spend. So I went to the same park from when Mama and Baba were here. I walked over to the swing and placed the rest of the rice cakes in my lap and bit into one.


"Are you seriously appearing here by me right now on purpose? Now of all times? Why are you here?" A deep voice spoke up beside me and I turned to the person on the swing beside me and found my eyes locked with Sehun's. He looked tired, annoyed and distressed. His hair was a bit messed up, he probably raked his hands through it several times but he still looked good. Wow, seriously, he makes bed hair work.

I stared at Sehun with widened eyes and used my chopstick to pick up a rice cake and held it in his direction.

"Spicy rice cake?"

So here we are, in the park and it's nighttime. I'm on a swing next to Sehun with spicy rice cakes in my lap and we're sitting in silence. This is obviously because of Sehun. If he didn't start avoiding me, then we'd be talking like the buds we are but noooooooooo. Sehun wants to handle this situation like the people in the dramas.

'Oops, kissed the person, nope. Gotta avoid em now, toodles~ #totallyawkwardrnkthnxbye'



Who needs him?

....... I've got my spicy rice cakes anyway.

His loss.

Oh my gosh that one rice cake looks much spicier and enjoyable, I'm naming it Kim Myungsoo and saving it for last. "How much longer are you going to stare at the rice cake before you eat it?" Sehun scoffed. Psh. I ain't gonna eat Myungsoo. Yet...

I stared at him and slowly moved the rice cakes away from his direction. "I don't want your rice cakes, woman. Okay, I'm gonna say this nicely, Can you please disappear behind a bush or something....Please?" Sehun asked "nicely." According to Sehun, asking someone to disappear behind a bush is being nice. "Last I checked this place is available to the public." I smartly replied, remembering his words from the last time we were here.

"Do I look like I'm in the mood to put up with you right now!?" He slightly raised his voice and I stared at him with a half-eaten rice cake in my mouth. Quite the view, huh? I slowly chewed and swallowed and cleared my throat. "Um....You're in the park at night and asking me to go away and your blank expression actually looks like an emotion. If that makes don't look like you're in the mo-" Before I could finish I heard the chain rattle at the tightening of his grip as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Right, shut up. I got it." I hurriedly nodded.

"Thank you."

We sat in silence for a while, me munching and him, staring at the floor like the answer to his problems would be on it. I sat squirming on my swing and biting my lip and Sehun sighed beside me. "Just talk already." He said with a roll of his eyes and I let out a loud gasp of relief.

"Ohmygoshthankyousehun!" I finished off in one breath and smiled at him, he didn't return it.


When do you ever return them anyway?

No spicy rick cake for you.

"Um..Do you want to talk abou-"



Silence again, what is it with us and silence!? Gosh! Like how many silences have we had!? The park was quiet, a few people were here but it was kids with their parents and they were a few distances away. I turned to Sehun who had this unreadable expression on his face, and then he slowly dipped his head and brought his hands to his face.

Oh no!

"Sehun...You're not crying are you?" I shakily asked, I don't want to experience this. How does one go about comforting a crying man?


I can't deal with that.

He shook his head and he took his one hand away and use the other to massage his temples with his eyes closed. "I....I don't want to talk about it." He softly whispered and blinked at him.

Should I hug him?

Nah, too close...

I silently groaned to myself and took his hand in mine, much like how I did when we were in his car that day after the dinner with his parents. Sehun stared at our hands and then at me in slight surprise, he tried to tug his hand out of my grasp but I held his hand tightly. Hahaha, you can't escape!

"Okay, remember what I did to you that other night when you drove away after the whole thing with the dinner at your parents place?" I asked him, silently, slowly gliding my fingers over the skin of his hand.

He simply stared.

"Ahem!" I loudly cleared my throat and huffed. "I held your hand and said you could tell me what your problems were and to hurry up and do it quickly cause I didn't know how long I'd be able to keep it up!" Sigh, this boy.

"....Don't tell me you're seriously going to-" I held my free hand up to silence him and smiled. "This time, there's no time limit. Hold my hand for however long you want and tell me what's up." If this doesn't work, I don't know what will. We sat there for a minute or two until Sehun stood up and dragged me with him to a bench, our hands still entwined together.

"Okay...I don't know if this is going to help but, I'll tell you." That's the point, Sehun. "Remember when I told you, I'm working at Fluffy's Refuge to earn my own money to pay for my extra activity, dance and music? My dad wanted me to do something more...Stable. Like Accounting to benefit his business if I work there one day." I nodded, remembering that part and waited for him to continue. Sehun looked reluctant to continue but I squeezed his hand a bit, encouraging him to continue.

"He...I don't know how he did it, but my name was removed from the Dance and Music Club...I got kicked out of the one thing I actually look forward to at school, and you know what? My name appeared on the Extra Accounting Classes Club. Who else would have done that, except my dad? He probably phoned the school, asking them to take me out of the club I liked most and put me in the club I have no interest in. I paid for my own tuition with my own hard earned money from Fluffy's Refuge! My own money, Chenguang! Dancing and singing won't get you anywhere, they said." Sehun scoffed as his voice raised with the more frustration he felt at the moment.

"I don't know about that...I mean...Infinite's pretty famous....they dance and sing too..." I said. It got them somewhere alright, they're starring in dramas and stuff too, that has to count for something.

"I'm being serious here. Though, you see my point. I do most of what they want me to do. I get high grades, I go to company events, even sit through those painstakingly long dinners with people who want to form contracts." Sehun let out a dry laugh as he explained his situation, man, this is some intense stuff. "I'm tired...I'm tired of it all. One of the main reasons I joined Fluffy's Refige was to pay for the Music and Dance club activity but, what's the point now? I'm out of that club." He whispered, closing his eyes and breathing in and out.

"Wait. If your income from Fluffy's was your way to pay for Music and Dance then-"

"I'm planning on calling it quits. What's the point now, anyway? I'm out of that club and my dad is paying for the Accounting classes..." NOOO! He can't just leave!

"What...What did you just say?" I asked, as I picked up a spicy rice cake with my chopsticks.

"I said I'm going to quit my job at Fluff-MMPH!" Before Sehun could even finish what he was about to say I shoved the rice cake into his mouth and picked up another. After he swallowed he coughed. "What...What's wrong with you!!? Urg, my throat....." He said while furiously waving his hand in front of his mouth as if it were going to help cool it down.

"No, wait. You said you're going to...You're going to..." I tried finishing the sentence while my grip on the chopsticks holding the rice cake tightened.

"I said I was going to quit-URGMPH!!!??" I shoved another rice cake into his mouth and he narrowed his eyes at me and I held up another rice cake waving it dangerously in front of his mouth.

"Sehun...You're acting kinda like a wuss right now. Even Mufasa is probably more reliable than you are now." I said, my hand still resting on his.

"I just spilled out my problems to you and this is what you do!?" He yelled and I shrugged.

"I'd shove this last rice cake into your mouth but...." I can't, I named it Myungsoo. "Alright, listen. So what? Are you saying the only reason you worked at Fluffy's Refuge is so that you could pay for your extra club activity?" I questioned, watching him breath in and out from the spicy rice cake.

"Basically, yes." Sehun said and I flicked him on both sides of his cheek and by now, it's amazing how Sehun didn't jump me.

"Oi! What did all the time you spent working at Fluffy's mean to you!? Suho is one of the nicest guys I've met, he accepted me as an employee though there were many others!" I can remember when he phoned me and told me I got accepted, good times, good times. "Also, Zitao. He may look like he'll kick your left cheek off so hard it'll fly to the North Pole but he's so nice and kind. He even did the Macarena in the store and got me to join in, that counts for something. Also Yixing...He's so sweet and kind, like, how often do you come across someone like that? You've been there since I've started working there. It's not going to feel right if you're not there." It's true, it's like when you're at school with your group of friends and someone's missing. You feel me?

"Was that supposed to convince me to stay?" Sehun raised a brow. My eye twitched a bit and I tried to stay calm.

"Yes...I wanted to be like those characters that could move you with speeches and stuff. Like Naruto, dattebayo. Did it work?" I asked.

"............Don't do that again." Sehun said and got up to walk away. I panicked and latched myself onto his leg causing him to look at me in shock.

"Wh-what are you doing!? Get off!"' He tried wiggling his leg to make me let go but I held on even tighter.

"GET OFF!!!"


The little people that were in the park were staring at us, but that was a minor thing to consider right now.

"If I get off will you stay at Fluffy's!?" I asked, he better stop wiggling his leg I think I'm gonna puke at this rate.

"What? Why are you-!? Just let go! People are looking!"

"I held you hand, man!! How could you! I even gave you rice cakes!" That has to count for something, come on!

"Chenguang, get off of me right now!" he pleaded.


"Oh, Chenguang, no, please, no."




"Why couldn't I be a missing person right now..." Sehun mumbled, looking at the amount of people staring at the scene we were making.


"You're making a scene!" Sehun harshly whispered, pleading silently for me to get off but I increased my grip on his leg and smiled.


"FINE! I'LL STAY!!!" Sehun caved in, not wanting to be stared at any longer or be kicked out of the park. I stared up at him and let go of his leg and smiled.

"You're not lying?" I asked to make sure. "No...I'll...I'll stay just...Stop singing, please. You're going to get us arrested for disturbing the peace." Sehun said, wondering if he'd regret his decision.

"YAY! I should do this more often."

"No..You shouldn't. By the way, your last spicy rice cake flew on the floor when you ran to grab my leg." Sehun said, walking towards the park exit. I quickly turned around and the rice cake was on the floor, gathering dirt.

"NOOOO!!! MYUNGSOO!!" I screamed, Sehun, came back and dragged me away from the park while I begged him to buy me another rice cake parcel on the way home.




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Chapter 15: I sometimes forget just how much of a crack fic this is Xd
Chapter 17: Dang, I re-read this and I forgot how good it was it's really bad when you have already read a story and you have the some reaction as when you first read it or at least pretty close I bet I looked like a idiot while reading this(again, and the first time) i was laughing so muchXD anyway I've thought it before and I'll say it this is a amazing story!
Chapter 17: Found this by chance whilst browsing through the comedy tag. But boy was i disappointed? NOT AT ALL. This is HELLA FUNNY. ITS SO GODDAMN GOOD!!! I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS. bc to me Chenguang is pretty realistic nd hilarious af. I cracked myself up way too many times while reading this fic nd i'm just- god i love this fic so much! All the talking Chenguang did in her mind felt so real nd just so funny! Its a shame really that not many people find this fic bc i swear to god this fic is PURE GOLD. PURE GOLD I TELL YA. I bet my whole fortune a lot of people would find this fic entertaining! So, props to you author for this perfectly written romcom fic!
Chapter 17: I finished this to quickly know what am I going to do (all day)
Chapter 1: This makes me want to read TNOC again!!!!(which means this is really good)
Sehunislovelife #6
Chapter 4: Author nim your writing skills are JANG!!
WOW SRSLY I M IMPRESSED ur chapter r also sooo long n its really nicee
Chapter 17: Gah! The first time I read the title, I accidentally read it as "Fluffly's revenge" rather than "fluffy's refuge" and I was super confused. Like who would name a pet store "Fluffly's revenge"? And then o read it as Fluffly's revenge for the whole story -_-
... Anyways That was so cute >.< I loved it so much. I kinda wish for a sequel, but then again I thought it was perfect the way it was!
Chapter 17: OMGGGGGGGGGG... I'm gushing over these two like seriously crazy fangil...hahaha...they are so preciously cuteeeeeeeee imma dyinnn
Chapter 17: the end!
sweet the end!
best the end!
you are the best!