Drabble: Garden of Blue Roses
 Night after night we escape. Under the moonlit sky we traverse through the lonely roads, your hands intertwined with mine, heart racing feet thundering through our midnight escape. I loved you, and you loved me back. It seemed perfect, yet we both knew it was altogether wrong. We were prisoners of our desires, irrational beings acting upon the dictates of our hearts and on the whims of hasty pleasures. We were rebels struggling to fight for what we feel...rebels seeking for refuge from all the pain that our love has caused us. And in that garden...that sanctuary under the moonlit sky, we found solace. In each other's arms, we found the strength to continue fighting for what we feel and gazing at each toher's eyes, we saw love in its purest, most untainted form. As our nightly visits became more frequent the time for us to depart drew nearer and nearer.
And on one of those numbered nights you asked me: "Why can't we love each other without their fingers pointing at us?"
"Beacause we are forbidden to love each other.", i replied bitterly.
"Lovers can be forbidden, but their love for each other can never be forbidden...." you said with every bit of sorrow in your heart.
"And it is that love that has kept us living..." i reminded you, once again being your strength at such time of vulnerability.
"Aren't you tired of this?", you asked me.
"Of what?"
"Of loving me..."

I took a deep breath. "Even if the whole world would turn its back on us...even if fate was not on our side...i would spend my lifetime loving you, for it is something i will never get tired of." And then you slipped into a deep slumber with your head on my chest.
Sleep, my darling, and may my heartbeat be the first thing you'll hear in the morning...for it is the sonnet of our rebellion.

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hae_ki #1
hahaha~ kahinumdom ko ani!!!! ^0^ like gihapon hangtud karon! saon, bias baya nako XD
It's a little sad... but still sweet! I felt kind of sorry for them~ but it's still really good! ^-^