Welcome to EXO's House

EXO's House
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Chapter 2 - Welcome to EXO's House "Hello, my name is Zhang Joonmyun, but you may call me Suho. I am the main caretaker for EXO's house." Suho bowed to them and Kris eyed the man in suspicion. He did not look to be mean, but Kris new better than to judge a book by its cover. After all, that is partly what got him into this mess. Suho did not look to be that much older than he was; he was short and slender. His curly brown hair and friendly brown eyes complemented his pale skin. "Thank you for meeting with us on such short notice, Mr. Zhang. My name is Wu Michael and this is my wife Anna and our son Yifan." Michael and Anna bowed to him.  Kris' ignored his parents, looked over the shorter man’s body, and stopped at the bulge at his stomach. Kris looked away quickly when their eyes met. He saw him smile out the corner of his eye; and Kris looked at his feet in discomfort. Suho rubbed his stomach." I am pregnant. Three months to be exact." "How far along are you, Yifan?" He asked making Kris jump in surprise. The poor boy looked terribly withdrawn and Suho wanted to drag him out of his shell." Y-You can tell that I'm p-pregnant?" Kris could not even say the word without stuttering badly, Suho smiled. "EXO's house is a home for both pregnant males and runaways, and since you're here with your parents I can gather that you’re not a runaway," He explained, rubbing his chin and then he added." Although, I could be wrong and you are in fact a runaway?" Kris shook his head." I am not a runaway. I am pregnant. Two months." He whispered, ignoring the shocked gasp that came from his mother. This was the first time she had learned any of the details of his pregnancy. He did not want to acknowledge his predicament. "Congratulations, you must be very excited.” Kris merely nodded. He couldn't tell him that he was dreading his pregnancy and the thought of being away from his family. “If you are two months, then that would make your due date around December?" Kris nodded." you are very close to two of our residents. I'll be sure to introduce you to him later." Suho then turned his attention to his parents. “Would you parents like a tour of the house before they leave?" "They have to leave already?" Kris interrupted and he bit his lip nervously. He was gonna be left alone in a new country with no family, no friends and pregnant." "Yes, I'm sorry but we are very busy preparing the home. We do have visiting hours on the weekend if your parents would like to come back." "Alright then, Mr. Zhang?" Anna began." "It's alright Mrs. Wu, please call me Suho." He replied. "Thank you, we will." He nodded." Shall we begin?" "Wow, Mr. Suho, your house is beautiful." complimented Anna. "Thank you, Mrs. Wu." "Do you run the entire house by yourself? That must be a lot of work now that you’re expecting also." "Thank you for your concern, but I don't run the house by myself. My husband, Yixing is the care taker for the runaway side of the house and we are in constant contact with each other." "How can you afford such a place?" Anna started. She paused once she realize how her sentence sounded and she quickly apologized. “That's quite alright Ma'am. Yixing and I are personally invested in EXO’s House. We also receive both private funding from the government and public funding." Suho explained. "How often do you have to file reports with your donors?" asked Michael as they followed Suho through the house. "Not often. Our donors leave us be for the most part and allow us to run the house the way that we see fit." Suho led the Wu family to the second floor of the  house where the bedrooms and nursery were located. The second floor also featured a connecting walkway to the other side of the house. “–and this is where you will be staying Yifan." Suho opened a brown oak door and
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joanna20 #1
Chapter 6: Ty for updating! ^^ i hope nothing happened to kris!
GoovieRose #2
Chapter 7: Ohh you finally back
It's good to see you have recovered at least a bit :)
By the way happy birthday!! I wish you all the best
Fighting in writing!
Chapter 7: I'm sorry for your loss and I hope your day has been well
lis999 #4
Chapter 7: My condolences to you. Stay strong! :)
marianne2906 #5
Chapter 7: Im sorry to hear that... Hope for you to stay strong.. My deep condolances.. ;'(
SuJubiased888 #6
Chapter 7: Take as much time as you need. I will support you and your family.
GoovieRose #7
Chapter 7: I'm sorry to hear about your father passed away :"( It's okay though, you can take as much time as you want. You really gonna need to heal from this sudden and unexpected event. We support you! :)
exoxoxo12daebak #8
Chapter 7: Stay strong bae! Spend your time more with your family we will wait for you!! My condolences :)
joanna20 #9
Chapter 7: I m sorry to hear this news. My condolences. :-(
Chapter 7: My condolences to you and your family.......