Fan Meeting P2

If Only You Knew (HIATUS)


I can't stand this.

Why do I have to feel this way?

Why can't I just ignore this feeling?

Did I do something wrong to be punished like this?

I managed to lie my way out earlier, but why can't I still control my emotions?

Isn't earlier already a lesson for me?

That getting jealous will only make it troublesome for me?

So, why is it that I'm still feeling this way?

Why do I have to suffer like this?

I know that he's just making the fans happy..

But, can't he at least control himself?

Why does he have to act like this?

Is he that desperate for the attention of a woman?

He's even the one initiating physical contact.

Didn't the company already said that we should all avoid getting too overly-friendly with the fans?

Look at him.

He's looks so stupid grinning like that.

He looks so happy.

I hate this.

I hate him!

I hate myself!

I hate myself for being like this..

I.. I can't stand this.

"Hyung? Are you alright?" Seungyoon placed his hand on my shoulder. "You don't look too well."

I looked at him. "I-I do?"

"Yeah. Your eyes are kinda red-ish. You don't feel well?"

"I.. don't know..? I guess I'm just tired."

"It's almost over. Bear with it for a little longer, okay?" He patted my head.

Yeah.. I wish I could.

Why is the time so damn slow?

I wanna get out of here..

"Mino-san! Me too! I wanna kiss!"

Another one, huh?

How nice..

Seungyoon chuckled. "His fans are too wild." He gestures at Mino.

"Oh.. Haha. Yeah. They sure are." I looked at the direction to where Mino was.

A tall, fair-skinned girl was leaning in closer to Mino.


She's a beauty.

I bet Mino's having the time of his life now.

I'm.. I'm kinda envious of these girls..

They can do all these without hesitating..

Without being afraid..

Without the worry of losing something important.

It's nice being a woman, huh?

You won't have to be afraid of liking a man..

My.. My chest feels tight..

W-What's this?

I feel like I'm getting strangled..

Why is it so painful?

"Hyung!" Seungyoon held my shoulders. "Why are you crying?!"


I'm.. crying?

I touched my cheeks. "Oh.. Right.. I am crying.. Haha.."


Since when did I started crying?

I didn't notice..

"Hyung! What the hell are you talking about?"

Taehyun, beside Seungyoon, suddenly moved in closer. "Why? What's happening?"

"Aish. You're making it more difficult! Go back there! I'll handle this!" Seungyoon pushed Taehyun away.

"Yah! I'm just helping here!"

"Aigoo! You're making a commotion! I'll handle this quietly! Don't let the fans notice!"

Seungyoon held my shoulders. "Do you feel weird? Are you not well?"

"I.. I don't know why I'm crying.."

Tears continued to roll down my cheeks.

This is so strange..

I can't stop myself..

"Hyung! Calm down!" Seungyoon held me in his arms. "Are you exhausted? Are you about to collapse?!"

"I.. I think so.."

A tall man with an 'Event Staff' ID walked towards us.

"Mr. Kim Jinwoo. Are you alright? Come with me." He held my arm and gestured me to walk. "I'll you backstage, Mr. Kim Jinwoo."

As we were walking away, I could hear the audience fuss. 

"Jinwoo-san! Are you alright?"

"Our baby Jinwoo!"

"Is Jinwoo alright?"

"Oh my! Is Jinwoo-san fine?!"


I caused a commotion.

I made them worry.

I really am no good.




"Kyaaaa! Mino!!"

"Mino-san! Me too! I wanna hug you!"


These girls are too hyper.

I can't keep up with them.

"Kyaaaa!! Mino, so handsome!"

Seunghoon chuckled. 

I looked at him. "What are you laughing about?"

He whispered. "Your fans are too hyper."

"I know. I'm getting quite exhausted here."

"It's cos you're too physical with them. That's why they're all hyped up."

"Am I? I just want to satisfy them-"

I was interupted by a high-pitched voice. "Minooo!! Take a picture with me, too!" 

"Oh, alright." I smiled.

"Can you do a pose while kissing me here?" She gestures at her cheek.

"Ah, okay. No problem." 

"Hyung? Are you alright? You don't look too well."



It's Seungyoon.

He's talking to Jinwoo.

 "I-I do?"

"Yeah. Your eyes are kinda red-ish. You don't feel well?"

"Oh.. I don't know..? I guess I'm just tired."

"It's almost over. Bear with it for a little longer, okay?" He patted Jinwoo's head.

Jinwoo's unwell?

Is he gonna be alright?

Should I go to him?

But, we're still meeting fans.

Seungyoon's beside him, so I guess it'll be alright?

"Mino-san! Me too! I wanna kiss!"

I looked at the girl in front of me.


She's good-looking.

Her skin is so fair.

But, Jinwoo's skin is more fair.



Why.. did I think of that?

I'm.. I'm really strange these past days..

What's wrong with me?

No. No.

Nothing's wrong with me!

Jinwoo's skin really is fair!

Nobody can deny that!

I just noticed.

Nothing's wrong with that!

"Hyung! Why are you crying?!"


I looked to where the voice was coming from.

It's Seungyoon talking to Jinwoo.


Jinwoo's crying?


He's really unwell?

That poor guy!

What do I do?!


Calm down, Mino!

Should I go over there?

But, what about these girls?

Should I-


Seungyoon's already there..

He's already holding Jinwoo..

Jinwoo should be fine, right?

Seungyoon's already comforting him..



Why do I feel disappointed?



Shoutout to SongRachel, who gave me the idea of Mino getting jealous over Seungyoon. ^^

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Chapter 13: Can you update this 〒_〒〒_〒
Chapter 15: Ahh you have to update you stopped at such a critical moment
Chapter 15: i jz found this..omg..please update pleaseeeeeeeee3 ╥﹏╥
huggasaur #4
omggggggggg finally found this
Chapter 13: Embarrassing !!!!!!!!
Uh but why did u do that to jinu aaaa,
He would make space between you two uh, and I don't wanna that thing happen ...
Please uhhh
Make this clear for jinu and mino, meriel kakaakkkkkkkk you are god of angst hweeeeeeeee
escapeartist #6
Chapter 13: OMG this was such an embarrassing moment! Poor Jinwoo, I would run away too!!! Run for your life!!!

Lol love this fic, I think Jinwoo will ignore him more after he was caught! Mino should follow Jinwoo's example and touch/stalk him too!))) Hehe now it's Mino's turn to show his affection♡
Thanks for updating!)))
bloodymoon #7
seriously 69 subscribers and only 2 upvotes wth
rainbobow #8
Chapter 12: aww~~~~~ your fiction is so cute. i love the way them express their feelings , kinda awkward and it's lovely. mino you should know abt your feeling with jinu! because jinu is so poor and i think he will not confess before. hahaha many thanks abt fiction, wait for the next chapter XD
aozora7 #9
Chapter 12: aww jinwoo, i think he started to realize his feelings to mino but afraid of it cz of the society & all. poor kid!!!
Chapter 12: KYAAAAAAAAA SEUNGYOONIEEEEEE aha ha I didn't guess that mino would jealous till he disappointed caused that XD

uhhh so surprising me !!!!
Uh I don't know but I felt little pity for babynamtae XD

Ahaha mino yaaa you are trapped in loveeeeee