Naui Byeol

Till We Meet Again, Naui Byeol

            The book had been in my hands for quite a while now as I flip the pages one by one. The sky started to gives off the shades of a beautiful evening sky with its reddish and orange colour. I would have been appreciating the wonders of nature that god had created if my thoughts didn’t wander off to the past. I finally came to last page where there’s a sentence that was written by him when he gave me this book.

Meeting you again is a blessing and I’m thankful for that,

Oh Sehun.

A tear dropped without me even noticing it as my fingers started tracing word by word.

A week..thats all it take for me to know you.

A year…that’s all it takes for me to finally realize my feelings towards you

         We’ve known each others for the past two years now and yet I still remember the first time we met. You were younger than me and I have always thought you as my dearest younger brother.

But then it all change.

In one night.


            I was walking with my friends back to class after we had done with our class at the laboratory for that day. The stunning orange reddish of the evening sky looks gloomier than before and the shining of the sun was not like the usual as the sky’s showing signs that it’s going to rain sooner or later.

            I stopped in my track as I look towards the dark sky. I shrugged my shoulders unconsciously as it doesn’t really matters to me. I am used to these situations since it was a rainy seasons.

            A sigh escaped from my mouth unconsciously. Eventhough I am used to this kind of situation, it still bothers me till now. I quicken my steps toward my friends when I saw that they had gone quite far from where I am standing. Those brats, how come they did not notice that I’m no longer walking with them?! I spat to myself.

           When I’m finally beside them my hand was quick to pinch one of my friends who was the nearest to me and it happened to be none other than Sooyoung. A shrill filled the empty hallways that makes all of us to cover our ears and there we erupted into fits of laughter.

Including herself.

Yahh! How dare you guys did not wait for me~” I whined cutely.

Eww~ don’t you ever make that face again” she said.

Fine!” I cried back.

          A moment of silence filled us but was soon changed into continuous fits of laughter. “Gosh, you guys are so unbelievable. May I ask why am I still befriending you guys?” I said with sarcasm intended. “Its because you love us so much that your still here~” they said in chorused.

         I face palmed yet a smile was visible at my mouth as I watched them fooling around with themselves. As we were walking, I caught a glimpse of two students walking in the opposite direction.

We walked closer to each other as to give some space for the boys to pass through. They bowed to us slightly as a way of respect towards us.

My heart leaped. That junior..

The gazes from him made me conscious from my entranched.

He suddenly smiled.

Unconsciously, my lips crooked to form a smile back.

2 months later

While I’m scrolling down my SNS, I suddenly received a friend request. “Oh Sehun..why does his photo seems so familiar?” I said to myself. Omo! It’s the guy from that time!

Suddenly I felt a gushed of happiness filled inside me at the thought of knowing about him even more. I still remember when I first chatted with him.

Oh Sehun

Hye. Am I bothering you with your studying?

Kim Yumi (me)

Hye~ eh? Nonono you’re not

Oh Sehun

Great! I mean that’s good because I don’t want to be a nuisance to you.

           He’s so cute! I chuckled to myself. Since then, our relationship grew even more closer. Everyday, I felt like I’m on cloud nine. I would unconsciously smiling like an idiot everytime we had our daily chatting.

            Little did I know that all this time my heart was fluttering everytime you’re near to me. I would constantly getting jealous whenever other girls flocking around him yet I never knew the reason. I would always felt the fluttering of butterflies moving freely inside my stomach whenever I see him smile.

It changed in one night…our relationship, my feelings, everything change.

From : Sehunnie~

Noona..can I ask you something?

        Weird…why do I felt that this question he wanted to ask is something serious? Eventhough he always asking me questions somehow I felt like it’s different this time. After weeks we’ve known each other, he gave me his contact number so that it will be easier for us to text whenever and wherever we are. For months we had been calling each other as noona and dongsaeng but he decided to just started calling me by my name so why the sudden call as ‘noona’?

To : Sehunnie~

Of course~ what is it?

10 minutes later

What if..what if I told you that I love you?

         My mouth went agape as I re-read the text that you gave me. My heart started pounding furiously thinking on the answer to your question. What’s wrong with me??! The fact that my heartbeat doesn’t show any sign to slow down made me realized that… I have feelings for him.

Bwo? You-, love me?

Just answer it honestly, please…

              This newly found feelings made my heart swelled in happiness. I admit that before this I felt some spark deep inside my heart but knowing me I just ignore it. Whenever I see him, my heartbeat would race. I felt really comfortable just knowing that he would always be there for me through thick and thin. Now when I finally realized it, I can’t help but mentally jumped in glee.

To : Sehunnie

You want me to answer it honestly?

From : Sehunnie


To : Sehunnie

Then…I would gladly with all my heart love you back.

Somehow my heart felt lighter and it seems like I was floating in mid-air when I sent the text.

Yahh! Rise and shine!! Good morning dear~ a smile crept on my face as I read his text. We finally noticed that our feelings had been mutual since the very beginning.

Days turns to weeks,

Weeks turns to months,

Months turns to a year.

          It had been a year since we had found out our feelings for each other yet we still acting like friends in real life. No mushy actions just plain old simple love for each other, except from the teasing that we received especially from my friends.

Uggh! Sometimes I just want dig up a hole and stay inside so that I don’t have to hear their teasing, I mumbled to myself.

             I suddenly heard someone chuckled out of nowhere. My eyes widen like a deer seeing a headlight when I saw that Sehun was the one who chuckled. Embarassed, I ducked my head and quickly walked towards other place.

Time sure flies fast as we're already known each other for almost 2 years now. Little did we know that our happiness would come to an end..soon.

              That day was just like the first day we met. The sky filled with the colour of orange and red courtesy of the evening sky that practically would took our breath away because of its magnificient blend of colour. The sun shone brightly as ever eventhough it was about to set sooner or later. We were just texting with each other like always when the topic popped out.

From : Sehunnie

I have something to tell you..

I hope that it's not what I'm thinking about. Jebal, not that topic..

Wha-,what is it?

5 minutes later

From : Sehunnie

We..we should stop chatting like this frequently. It's not that I hate you or anything, its just that we need to have some distance between us. You're even going to college next year right? So let's do this as a practice...I'm afraid that if I don't distance myself right now then I would always be dependent on you. Saranghae naui byeol but it's for the best. We will meet each other again if we are meant to be.

             A drop of tear flowed down my cheek, shock was an understatement because I knew this would come sooner or later. I text him back with a smile on my face just because I want to say my goodbye with a smile not with tears. I'm also afraid that if I don't then I wouldn't be able to control my tears from flowing.

Arasso~ if that what you think would be the best for us I will respect your decision. Before that can you promise me something?

          I waited for him to text back. I knew that it's hard for him too but I'm glad that it's him who brought up that topic first. If its me, I would had never be able to stay strong right now.

From : Sehunnie

Of course, what is it about?

Here goes nothing, I thought to myself

Can you promise me that you would take good care of yourself and careful wherever and whenever you are? My final request dear because your smile is the most beautiful thing in the world. Aracchi? Annyeong~

10 minutes later

I promise but only if you take good care of yourself too and be your happy true self forever like the one I know and the one I fell in love with. Farewell for now my dear.

          That's it..we're done. We will not be chatting anymore for the time being. I should have expect this to come when he gave me that book before. I should have expect this to come when I see his handwriting on the last page of the book yet I was blinded by my happiness that I threw away all the thoughts of him, not going to be there by my side anymore. 

        But..I'm thankful that I met someone as caring and kind-hearted as him. Eventhough it's hard for to accept it, I have to try..I have to be strong and consider this as a sacrifice to a better future.

If we are destined with each other, it would be a better future with him beside me.


         I looked up at the beautiful evening sky above me. My heart filled with warmth when I think about our times together. A smile crept on my face without me noticing it. Although my heart ache from missing him dearly, I believe that everything happens for a reason. Right now, I would just let the time to decide our fate.

Still gazing the sky, I voiced out..

"Till we meet again, naui byeol"




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