Chapter 04 - Confession


A/N: Sorry guys, I forgot to post this yesterday. Also, please note that the flashbacks are in italics.

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Chapter 04 – Confession

{Reiji’s POV}

She was gone.

So you’re finally leaving.’ She entered the foyer pulling a small piece of luggage behind her.

‘Yes, I am. Thank you so much for everything.’ She stopped before me and bowed deeply.

‘No it was my pleasure.’ I smiled at her, but underneath the façade, my heart felt heavy. ‘Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you?’

‘No, its alright.’ She smiled then headed towards the door. As she walked past me, the harsh reality came crushing down on me. She was going. Unable to control myself any longer, I stopped her.


She looked at me with a startled expression then pain swept over her features.

‘I’m sorry.’


I begged her, I had never begged before but I begged her, but she only shook her head.

‘I’m sorry.’ She repeated herself and tried to pull away from my grasp.

‘Jade,’ It felt good to say her name without the honorifics. ‘I love you.’


I put a finger to her lips. ‘Don’t say anything.’ Slowly, I removed my finger then gently placed my lips on hers.

We kissed for a while before she pushed me away.


‘What do you mean?’ She must have seen the puzzle in my face for her voice softened.

‘I–I can’t…’

‘Why? I know you love me too! You can’t hide it, not after that kiss!’

Ignoring her protests, I embraced her, holding her tightly as if she would disappear into thin air.

I embraced her, clutching her tightly despite her protests.

‘NO! I can’t love a murderer!’

Her accusation hit me like a tonne of bricks. Unconsciously, I let her go.

‘What do you mean?’

Angry tears flowed uncontrollably from her eyes.

‘You know very well what I mean Namikawa-san.’

Steadying her voice, she gave me a hateful glare.

‘I know you’re with Kira.’

‘How…how did you know?’

“it doesn’t matter! The fact remains that you’re with Kira. And I–I can’t have anything to do with Kira!’

With her words, she ran out of the door and got into the cab waiting outside.

And I, I couldn’t do a thing but watch as she disappeared from my life.

My eyes wandered towards the yellow liquid that was in my cup.

She was gone.

I shook the cup slightly then took a sip. The bitter taste of alcohol burned my throat but it had yet to numb my senses. I finished the cup then poured myself another one. Again, I found myself staring lifelessly at it.

Was this how it was to lose someone?

My eyes closed as my grip tightened.

No. I can’t lose her.

* * * * *

{Light’s POV}

She was looking at me again. Although I couldn’t see her, I could feel her gaze on me. Ever since she arrived, her eyes were always watching me warily. It reminded me of when I first saw her. As I had approached her, I was taken aback by the fear in her eyes. But her eyes suddenly became warm as she shook my outstretched hands. Her touch had been soft and her smile sincere. Yet, though she remained friendly, she had never let her guard around me. Ryuzaki had told us that she was a friend but I wonder if there was something more to her. As I pondered over her, something about the data caught my eye. I quickly opened a few other windows and began looking for similar patterns. finally, I found it.

‘Ryuzaki. Come over here for a second. Take a look at this.’

Peering over my shoulders, Ryuzaki examined th numbers and reached the same conclusion as me.


I turned to him with a smile.

‘You ready to get to work?’

* * * * *

{Jade’s POV}

I watched as Ryuzaki and Light pored over the texts before them. Everything was going exactly as in the book, and with Ryuzaki’s acting abilities, the rest of the task force didn’t notice anything amiss. Ryuzaki had introduced me as his friend and my task was to assist in the Kira case, but that was only a front.


Hearing my phone, I turned to answer the call.

‘Mushi mushi?’


I froze at the voice on the other line.

‘Namikawa-san.’ I uttered barely above a whisper.

‘Can I talk to you?’


‘Please. Just 10 minutes of your time.’

‘Alright. Where are you?’

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Chapter 5: why aren´t you upddating anymore
New reader btw
update soon
Interesting storyline and pairing.<br />
Shika_chan #7
I read this story at Winglin. It's sad you didn't update anymore. Hope we'll get to read the continuation at here. =)