chapter 1

Closer But Not Enough


"More 5 minutes"




Hyukjae whispered to himself pulling his mask which covers half of his face down from his collar up to his nose leaving his dark brown eyes exposed to the extreme cold wind the snow was hitting his hoodie and from where he was standing on huge wicker it was really hard to see. the storm was getting more and more stronger




"3 minutes"




He placed his hand size telescope in his bag believing he'll be able to see when his aim will get closer. He took out his -for many uses-stick he fold it to resize it to half pulling his blue glassed goggles and waited patiently for the three minutes to be two minutes and then he can count down




The wooden cart which was almost covered completely with snow was heading out of the town the driver couldn't stop cursing about how it was the most bad timing for snow storm . They needed to arrive to the next town by tomorrow and they are already late it was about another hour and he would be able to go inside the cart and let one of the other four guys to drive. 


Suddenly something or actually someone showed out of nowhere and everything went black 


The cart was stopped and the men which were inside- to keep an eye on the precious sack felt weird to suddenly stop. their "friend" will knock on the glass before they stop and now they felt the need to know why this sudden halt


The men dismounted from the vehicle they walked to where the driver should be and they found him knocked out

" what-"

Before he can finish his words a kick was hitting right to his head and another one to his friend too .the other guy tried to hold hyukjae from behind but with simple move hyukjae turned their positions and hit his head with his stick and finaly he threw the unconscious man to the last guy before he kick him too in his face and hit him with the stick at the back of his head

"That was kinda easy to deal with"

He said arranging his coat he floded his stick and put it back to his bag .he opened the door to the vehicle and jumped inside he noticed the sack and cocked his browse at it's direction

"Gosh don't tell me that's him"

He took a step closer wanting to open the sack but a rush of cold wind prevent him from doing so "it's too cold and the jerks out will get conscious I need to get out first " he saw a thick blanket on the side he grabbed it and covered the sack with it 

Holding the sack in his arms he tried to run as fast as he could he grabbed his GPS device to know how far he was from his -mansion- house

I think this will work now

He took out his wireless and tried to get an answer while holding the sack firmly 

"Mikko mikko do you hear me . . . MIKKO!"

"oh master! rokki give me that black thing . . . thanks"He heard the other line and after some shaking the other line talked again

"Y-yes master!"

"I'm heading home now probably 10 minutes a far"

"T-that's good master"

"I need you to prepare the gust room the one In the first floor and turn on the heater a bit higher there"

"O-okay master anything else"

"Ah I don't know just prepare this first"

"Okay....I'm hanging up now" Hyukjae rolled his eye you can't hang up the wireless mikko but he thought to keep it to himself 

He was running and jumping over some rocks which was coved with snow his blue goggles helped him to see more clearly as it prevent the snow from sticking to it .the wight from the sack didn't bother him at all and he arrived soon enough hopping it's not too late


"Welcome home master"

Hyukjae thanked his maid when she took his furry coat she was very short lady with a look like the warmhearted elder women from the fairy tales, she had had some difficulty before managed to hang the coat .Rokki -her brother which was the same as here short man with soft face features- looked from where he was sitting near the fireplace

Hyukjae headed to the gust room following by mikko and placed the sack on the bed.He opened it slowly after get rid of the snow and mikko behind him gasped

"Oh my fairy....master what is that? W-who is he? oh my green lucky cloverleaf!- m-master is it a live?"

Hyukjae didn't reply he was simply busy staring at the creature in his arms

There was lying a young boy definitely younger than hyukjae . The young boy's eyes were closed his skin was fair and peal he looked so innocent with no scar on his face flawless nor his thorax - obviously the kid weren't wearing anything - his hair was neck-length dark brown 

Hyukjae brought his palm to the boy's cheek and he was almost as cold as the ice bag "no wonder he is freezing, Mikko call rokki to help me to bath this boy, you go bring something clean to wear "

Mikko was still looking almost like lost in the young boy

"Mikko go and do as what I told you"

"Y-yes m-master.....rokki! rokki!"

Mikko left the room and hyukjae  lefted the kid with the blanket to the bathroom he didn't fail to notice the scars on his back it seems new, he placed him inside the hot water after a minute rokki came he helped hyukjae to clean the boy get the boy in some clothes and brought him to lay on the bed

"Sir I think he is having a fever "

"Yes,  I need to look after him rokki tell mikko to cook something for him in case he wook up"

"Yes master"

"I need to go and chang my clothes too if anything happens tell me i'll be in my room"

Rokki nodded his head and hyukjae left the room Rokki went out of the room to the kitchen

"Oh my cloverleaf rokki! did you see what master brought , he is an angel"

"Oh cut the crap off sister he is a human not an angel"

"But-but did you see how innocent and pure he looks! oh my great mother izmeralda!"

"Well in deed he is .. Mikko can you help me and hand me the wooden spoon over there"

Mikko pulled a chair and stood over it to reach the new wooden spoon



 "Yes he is with me ryeowook. Mind to give the phone to heechul"

"That's great hyung .wait a second I'll call him"

Hyukjae who was now sitting on his chair after he had his bath and now was talking through the phone he was wearing a simple whit T-shirt and denim waiting for his cousin to be on the line

"Hi hyukjae how it's going on"

"Hi heechul hyung it's good I got the kid with me"

"Good hyukjae thanks for that I'll make sure to have him here when the storm is is he"

"No problems.  he is running a fever now but everything else is good his back seemed to be hitting by a whip he have a long scars on his back but overall he seemed in not so dangerous condition"

"Oh poor kid .I hope you didn't had problems when you took him"

"No it wasn't much to say about"

"God I really don't know how to thank you without you we couldn't do anything with crazy weather like this"

"Nah its nothing "

" hyuk I'll leave him in your hand keep us on connect"

"Sure hyung I just want to ask is there any chance that the evil spirit will show when he wakes up"

I can say no there won't be any signs just if his body got in great danger.  and be careful if his eyeballs started to turn all black -well lets hope it won't be "

"Yes hyung ,you already told me about that I keep it on my mind. And I guss fever won't cause any trouble"

"good; I need to go now keep me on update"

"Okay have a good night hyuk"

"Good night hyuk"

Hyukjae want down to the kitchen to drink some water and went to the guest room to check on the boy there

The boy looked as if he got back to life his cheeks were a bit red and his forehead was covered witha sheet of sweat

Hyukjae took the towel on the nightstand and placed it on the boy's forehead, he looked at the the sleeping figure examining his features .he took a deep sigh and moved backwards to set on the wooden chair neer the bed 

How can they put evil spirit on some one like him he looked too pure to have such a thing inside him

hyukjae thought that 'cause what he new cursed humans looked horrible because of the evil spirit in them they will look almost like a zombie but the sleeping figure here was far away from being cursed Even the scar on his back he seemed too white too clear to have them

He stood up to leave hoping that the boy will be okay and would wake up



3 days later




"Dr.rokki I think our patient is in danger situation what do you suggest to do"

Mikko who was setting at the edge of the bed voiced in panicked tone 

"You are hopeless leave the poor kid a lone"

Rokki bent down to grap small shovel and made some circle in the soil

"But dr. Rokki we are losing him "

"We are losing nothing it's just you who is losing her mind leave the poor kid a lone for the sake of orang pumpkin"

"Oh my dear rainbow my colourful old dark dress my innocent boy your doctor is already giving up on you what should I do"

Mikko started to fake crying resting her head on the bed and rokki was rolling his eyes he was just done irrigates the flowers near the window and he was forced to see his sister playing doctor and nursing with him

"Can't you stop your silly act"

"Oh don't say that maybe the princ will hear you"

"And so what! I'm talking to you not him .and he is already sleeping for three days"

"I belive in young princ, he'll wake up for sure"

"I didn't say he won't and stop watching drama on the tv they are getting in you mind "

mikko ignored him and she looked surprisingly at the boy's hand clutching the bed sheets

"Rokki look at his hands"

"Oh I think he is going to wake up go and call master"

She nodded and started to call for her master and rokki stood next to the boy


Rokki heard the sleeping boy struggling to talk he tried to poke his side

"Hey boy wake up"

Rokki shaked the boy slowly and carefully


Rokki catch the word and went straight to get to the kitchen he almost bumped in hyukjae as hyukjae went inside the room and directly stood near the bed

"It's ...water"

The kid again tried to talk eyes still shut and breathing hardly

"Okay calm down I'll give you water"

Hyukjae set near The laying figure and hearing him asking for water he was about to turn to rokkie who was holding pitcher and gless cup. But suddenly the boy was all shaking and screaming like some one was hurting him graping tightly on the bed sheets hyukjae knew he needs to stop him first and calm him down 

"Hey hey kid it's okay calm down. Rokkie the water"

Hyukjae tried to hold the boy's hand down but his legs kept on kicking bed sheets

Rokkie come near giving the glass to hyukjae and he helped hyukjae to make the shaking boy drink the water but they couldn't hyukjae handed the cup back to rokki and lefted the boy's upper body embracing his shaking form trying to stop him from moving

"Listening to me kid open your eyes it okay you are safe"

But that was to nothing.  he told rokki to help him to hold the kid and prevent him from moving

He get the glass near his mouth and slowly he poured some water on his lips And that seened to affect the boy ,he stopped shaking and opened his mouth He drank the water with still his eyes closed and hyukjae thought he got back to sleep what happend just now was he having illusion

But suddenly the young boy opened his eyes wide looking straight to hyukjae's while grasping his shoulders tightly cutting hyukjae's thoughts

Hyukjae was frozen for good fifteen seconds staring back the clear brown orbs he could see himself in there




so clear and watery beautiful eyes this boy have


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