The Beginning and The End

Of Fansigns and Babysitting
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'Dark and Wild' album: check.


Cute polka-dotted headband: check.


High definition camera: check.


Light, cutie style make-up: check.


White boxy shirt, ripped jeans and red high top converses: check.


Fansign admission ticket: check.


6 year old baby cousin Jason: check.


Sora glares at the cute toddler angrily, who doesn't seem to realise the anger directed towards him and is busy on a strawberry-flavoured lollipop.


Sora was set and ready to go to the BTS fansign held in Hongdae, Seoul.


And she had planned to leave the house earlier, so that she could reach the fansign venue earlier and catch a better glimpse of her favourite idol group and her ultimate bias, Min Yoongi aka Suga (aka Agast D).


But her mother just had to accept a babysitting request from Sora's aunt.


Sora thinks angrily to herself, people should only accept offers they can manage, right?!


But Sora's mother had arranged a baking session with her friends that afternoon, so she can't babysit Jason. Hence, Sora's mother thought it was only right for Sora to take on the babysitting job.


Sora would rather her mother send Jason back to his mother than have Sora forcibly take on the babysitting errand.


Although Sora always had a soft spot for cute little Jason, this was too much for her. She has a freaking fansign to attend! Not a class gathering. Who was going to be responsible for Jason if he runs away, or gets hurt in the midst of the fangirl chaos?


Arghhhhhh. Sora feels like tugging her hair out as she takes a fistful of her hair.


Jason looks up at Sora and blinks twice with his innocent glossy eyes. "Noona, are you alright?"


Sora doesn't know whether she should lie to the kid.


"No," Sora decides to be reply truthfully, "But we are going to somewhere to meet someone who will make noona very, very happy."


"Oh, oh," Jason quickly jumps off the couch and stumbles on his feet. He tugs on Sora's hand and drags her to the front door. "Then let's hurry up and meet this someone who will make noona happy! When Sora noona is happy, Jason is happy, too." He beams cutely at Sora.


And this is why Sora can't stay mad at this little ball of sunshine. She ruffles his hair affectionately and presses a kiss on his hair.


"You're so sweet, Jason," She praises. "Let's go then!" She helps him wear his shoes and they leave for Hongdae.


Sora thinks it's really absurd when her mum had insisted that it was alright for her to bring little Jason to a rowdy fansign.


"What could a mob of girls possibly do? Girls don't have that much strength anyway. Jason won't get hurt," Her mother had nonchalantly dismissed the thought.


Oh boy, how wrong she was, Sora thinks. Fangirls can either be the sweetest people on earth, or the most dangerous, depending on the situation. And Sora didn't like the idea of having to risk the second situation when it came to Jason's safety.


But it's not like Sora has a choice anyway.


They finally reach Hongdae after a long bus ride. Thankfully, Jason has always been an obedient child, so he didn't make much of a ruckus on the bus. Instead, he slept and Sora couldn't be more grateful for that.


Jason rubs his eyes with his tiny fists and blinks away the weariness. "Have we arrived, noona?"


"Um," Sora hesitates, "Not quite. We have to walk a little bit."


"Okay." Jason agrees readily and doesn't complain. Again, Sora is thankful for a non-whiny baby cousin.


They walk hand-in-hand towards the fansign venue. BTS' s van isn't here yet, which means the boys aren't here yet, but a lot of fans have already gathered.


Because Jason was blessed with good looks since birth (and because he happens to be of mixed blood), he garners a lot of attention from teenage girls/bangtan fangirls, who crowd around Sora and Jason and coo at Jason non-stop.


Jason is polite enough to not swat away their hands who couldn't seem to leave his chubby cheeks. Now they were sure to leave a red mark on his cheeks.


The fangirls eventually leave Jason and Sora alone when the host of the fansign goes up on stage to start the event. Behind the host is a large backboard of the boys' Dark and Wild photoshoot.


"Noona, are those people the ones who make you happy?" Jason points at the photo and asks.


Sora smiles with a twinkle in her eyes. She sighs dreamily, "Yeah, they are."


Jason nods, "Then, can I join them too? I want to make noona happy too!"


"You're too cute, Jay-jay." Sora pats his head. "You already make noona very happy without being part of them."


"Really? Jason does? Yay!" Jason cheers and jumps up and down excitedly.


Sora is about to pinch Jason's cheek fondly when she suddenly hears a loud series of screams. And Sora knows this could only mean one thing.


The boys have arrived.


"Jin! Oh my god, Jin oppa! Look here, please!"


"Golden maknae! Give noona some love! Noona will treat you to good food!"


"V! You're so handsome!"


"Wild Hope oppa!"


"You're so cute, Jimin oppa!"




Jason winces at the loud noise. "What's going on, noona?"


But before Sora could reply, the mob of fangirls start to head her way, as BTS start to move towards the stage.


Sora curses softly and quickly scoops Jason into her arms. She carries him and tries to run towards the stage as fast as her legs could carry.


Jason, being the considerate boy he is, helps Sora by yelling, "Make way for noona! Make way for noona!"




The fansign officially starts and Sora stands in the queue excitedly. She grips onto the album so tightly that her palms are starting to sweat.


Jason queues with her. He is vaguely aware that this is some kind of queue and the destination is that group of boys who make Sora happy, but he doesn't know why people queue up for them. But that is the least of Jason's thoughts. The throbbing issue on his mind is: He needs a bathroom break.


He glances up at Sora who is biting her nails nervously. They are about 10 people away from the boys. Jason thinks Sora looks especially pretty today, with a boxy white top and ripped skinny jeans. But maybe it's the make-up.


Jason contemplates on whether he should ask Sora to bring him to the bathroom. Knowing Sora, she definitely wouldn't reject Jason's request.


But that also means that Sora would have to get out of the queue and would have to re-join the queue later. Jason would hate to see Sora disappointed.


So he makes up his mind to find the bathroom himself.


After all, he's 6 years old! This would be one tiny step for a kid like him, but one big step towards maturity. Jason nods with determination.


He sneakily leaves Sora and slinks away. Not that Sora would notice, since she is too busy staring at the Bangtan boys.


Jason bumps into a few legs on his way out of the queue. He remembers his manners and apologises to each person he bumps into. Jason vaguely remembers the toilet sign his mother taught him once. Using his large doe-like eyes, he scans his surroundings and smiles when he finds the toilet sign.


Jason hobbles along on his stubby legs, his eyes never leaving the toilet sign, for he fears that once he averts his eyes from it, he’ll lose it. Unfortunately, that means Jason can’t see what’s in front of him, and it just so happens that the stage is in the way between him and the toilet.


Jason stumbles past all the busy backstage crew, coordi noonas, and managers in charge of BTS, and onto the back of the stage. One Bangtan member who sits at the end of the table notices Jason and raises his eyebrows.


What on earth is a kid doing here at their fansign? He thinks.


The Bangtan member watches the little boy walk up the stage, and he notices how the little boy’s eyes are fixed in a particular direction. He follows the little boy’s sight and he traces it… to the washroom.




The Bangtan member doesn’t know what came over him. Maybe it’s a fatherly instinct. Or maybe he just feels a certain attachment to the kid. He knows he shouldn’t be holding up the fansign, but he ends up calling his manager over.


“What’s wrong, Yoongi?”


Suga jerks his thumb towards the little boy. “Help me find an excuse to leave the fansign for a while, hyung. I’ll be right back.”


And before the manager could stop him, Suga already jogged off in the direction of the little boy.




There are a million thoughts going through Sora’s head right now.


Does she look presentable enough?


What is she going to say when she finally meets her bias?


Will they give her a high-five?


What should she say to make an impression?


Is she pretty enough to leave an imprint in Suga’s mind?


What if she trips on the way up the stage?


What if-


Sora stops her train of thoughts when she feels a tap on her shoulder. She spins around and comes face to face with a girl who she presumes is of the same age as her.


“Hey,” The girl grins and sticks out her hand for a handshake. “I’m Hyemi. I thought it’d be cool to hang out with a few fellow fangirls so I decided to start with you because you seem the nicest. What’s your name?”


“Sora,” she smiles.


“Pretty name,” Hyemi compliments. “My bias is Jimin. He’s so cute, ugh. Just look at those chubby cheeks and cute eyesmile. I want to stuff him into my pocket already!”


Sora laughs at Hyemi’s mini-fangirling session and decides that Hyemi is a nice girl to befriend. “I totally feel you, girl.”


After a while of chit-chatting, Hyemi suddenly says, “Oh, I forgot to ask you. Who’s your bias?”


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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 3: Sequel please!! Or atleast say what suga wrote
NonaAlqaidy #2
Waaw thanx
ikakhai #3
Chapter 2: Sequel please !!!
simple99girl #4
IShisbdisbeibdidbd i love it ♥♥♥
Btw .. i'am an arabic girl and i loved your story and i want to translate it .. do you mind that ? I wanaa know if you are okay with it first !
I'll keep your name as the writer , don't worry about that honey !! What do you think ? Please be okay with that !
Chapter 1: Gosh, this is so cute! I hope that you can do a sequel! Or something that could show what happen after that... Anyway, I love it!
longlive #6
Sequel please...!!! (:
deniece1718 #7
Chapter 1: sequel pleaaaaase ~
jxmxn- #8
Chapter 1: Oh my, that was adorable.
Chapter 1: Sequel? Plssssssssssssss. This is great . Goooo Jason!! Hahahaha!