10. Bully

Cafe In Love

Changmin threw the pen onto the desk; he had had it with this detention, yunho was driving him insane with everything forbidden, he was dying like this, he didn't stand it anymore

Changmin stood up and walked out of his bedroom, yunho was watching the TV while jaejoong was in the kitchen preparing dinner for them, he stood between yunho and the TV and frowned crossing his hands in front of his chest

Yunho blinked; looking at changmin he smirked and waited

Changmin didn't speak; he just frowned and looked angry

'Well?' yunho blinked again

'Let's make a deal hyung, I'll cut you some slack but you will lift my detention'

'And why would I do that?' yunho cracked an eyebrow

'Because you're my guardian, you should treat me fairly' changmin argued

'As if' yunho spat ' I enjoy torturing you too much to stop'

Changmin fisted his hands, he looked at yunho and began to think, the next evil idea popped in his dark, evil mind at once and he smirked, he left yunho alone and went to the kitchen to jaejoong, if someone could change yunho's mind it was jaejoong and jaejoong alone

'Hyung~' changmin whined as he entered the kitchen

Jaejoong dropped the knife he was holding and rushed to changmin at once:' what is it minmin? Your blood pressure is low again? Need something?'

Changmin looked at him with puppy dog eyes and pouted cutely, he knew this will melt jaejoong's heart

'Oww… what happened minmin?' jaejoong hugged changmin

'Hyung is killing me, he's bullying me~' changmin whined and jaejoong frowned

'What did he do minmin?' jaejoong patted his shoulder

'He says he'll never let me out of the room, he wants me to lose all my friends and become old alone, he wants me to stay in my room as prisoned so he could keep on bullying me, he wants me to be his servant'

Jaejoong widened his eyes and frowned, he held on Changmin's hand and marched out of the kitchen to the living room, the second yunho saw the pair his eyes widened, he looked at the frowning jaejoong and then moved to the smirking changmin and knew he lost, jaejoong won't let him touch him now if he won't do as he wanted, but it's alright, yunho thought to himself, he will make changmin pay for it later on, he will make sure of it

'Yunie!!' jaejoong frowned

'He's not grounded anymore' yunho spoke at once ' don't be angry baby' he rushed to hug jaejoong

Jaejoong smiled a little and nodded, changmin smirked wider

'Now baby, go finish cooking, I'm hungry' yunho whispered planting a soft kiss on jaejoong's temple, jaejoong nodded and left, yunho turned to changmin and hissed:' I'll make you pay for it, wait and see'

Changmin smirked wider and walked away to his bedroom, he missed his precious computer so much those past days


Yoochun entered the office soaking wet and holding the box in his hands, he looked at kibum and pushed it to him:' you'll work extra hours today to pay for it'

Kibum blinked, he opened the box and blinked again, why did yoochun buy him a chair? Not that he complained, his old wooden chair was too uncomfortable for him

Kibum wanted to ask, he was about to ask when yoochun opened the door and walked out of the office again:' I'm going to change'

Kibum shrugged and smiled, he began to gather the happily while yoochun walked out and to his royal suite, his eyebrows knotted together, he still couldn't understand why there were so much blanks in his memories and why they all had to do with that boy, why always with that jerk?

Yoochun changed quickly and decided to go back to the states; he would go to his doctor there and do some checkups, try and know why he was having those blanks in his memories. Yoochun decided on that and walked back to his office, he was in the worst mood ever now, he was angry yet something in him was happy, as if he just had a really good or something, this feeling only confused him more and more

Yoochun entered his office and sat down, kibum had finished gathering his chair and was sitting on it happily, enjoying it endlessly and working harder than ever, wanting to show yoochun he deserves that chair

Yoochun looked around, he tried to remember what happened after he finished his coffee, he tried to think and remember how he ended laying on that bed in the jerk's store, everything he could remember was a white fig and a really nice, happy feeling in his heart, it was pure happiness for sure

Angrier now than before yoochun decided to walk out of his office, to go to the hotel's spa and relax, it was useless to work now when he was this angry and distracted, and so he did


Jaejoong grinned and sat in the kitchen watching the fishcakes being fried slowly in the pan, he remembered more about how he met yunho, how they fought all the time, he could never forget that

Jaejoong remembered,

It was about a week later or so, jaejoong had paid the fee and was walking to newly opened, super cute Mochi _Japanese sweet rice cake_ store happily. All anger about the jerk was pushed to the back of his mind already

Jaejoong bought his favorite, big, pink Mochi and smiled, it tasted different here, something silver glittered on top of it and it gave the sweet Mochi a really weird, tasty, long lasting taste that jaejoong loved

As jaejoong bought his pink sweet and began eating he looked at the side, another man was eating a big, blue Mochi

Jaejoong widened his eyes:' YOU JERK!! YOU FLOWER KILLER!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!'

The man turned to look and his eyes too widened seeing jaejoong, he wanted to apologize for the man, he left quickly because he was late for a meeting but he didn't mean to make everyone think of him as the culprit

'YOU IDIOT!! I'LL KILL YOU!!' jaejoong launched toward yunho whose eyes widened and at once he dodged the attack but while at it he, without meaning to, caused jaejoong to trip by his leg and fall on the ground, the pink sweet smashed against his shirt staining it

Yunho widened his eyes, he didn't mean for that to happen, he didn't mean to trip the boy, he reached his hand to help the boy out, he felt ashamed of himself now

'I'm so…' yunho began

'YOU JERK!! YOU !! I'LL KILL YOU!! I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!!' Jaejoong yelled again and again

'Here you go, have those and enjoy' the owner, a young man, handsome a pretty smile, walked out of the shop and handed jaejoong a pink Mochi and yunho a blue Mochi, the silver glittering thingy on top of the sweets were a lot more now, they covered the top side of it

Jaejoong, still frowning, took the sweet and bit on it, big time, yunho did the same and they both ate, jaejoong was still shivering with anger as he ate, but as he swallowed the first bite he looked up to see yunho, a soft grin spread on his lips now as he saw yunho grinning back at him

Yunho reached out a hand and pulled jaejoong to him, jaejoong blushed pink yet didn't object, he allowed yunho to wrap his hands around him now and kiss him at once, he kissed back, he couldn't think he would ever be able to stop, he relaxed against yunho's chest staining his shirt with pink Mochi as well, but no one cared, they were both too busy groping and touching each other while kissing, trying to have , as it seemed, on the spot, in public

The store owner coughed a little; when it didn't work he coughed again and again till the two blinked and pulled away suddenly, both of them were looking dizzy and their lips were swollen, they looked at each other and jaejoong frowned again, he looked so angry now as he pushed yunho away from him

'YOU JERK!! HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME TRIP DOWN?' he yelled as if he couldn't remember anything

Jaejoong was once again snapped out of his thoughts by the feeling of yunho's hands around his waist

'Careful baby or you'll burn the food' yunho warned and jaejoong rushed to turn off the fire under the frying pan

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Chapter 46: And Yunho, why so mean to my poor Minnie? *pouts* At least there is Jae umma to help him. Evil Yunho. :(
Chapter 46: I looooooooove it!!!!!!!
YooSu couple so cute.
YunJae ... Haha, Jae is the wife who cooks cookies, *giggles*
KiMin ... Wow. Minnie O_o
Naughty boy Minnie (but still too cute, kekeke)
this is so entertaining, just like your other fics, well done!!!!!!
Chapter 46: I looooooooove it!!!!!!!
YooSu couple so cute.
YunJae ... Haha, Jae is the wife who cooks cookies, *giggles*
KiMin ... Wow. Minnie O_o
Naughty boy Minnie (but still too cute, kekeke)
this is so entertaining, just like your other fics, well done!!!!!!
Lia00027 #4
I always like ur story of yoosu couple this one is not an exception.
Chapter 44: YUNHO now it look like you just want jae alone with ya LOL
Chapter 14: Hahahaha im with you all the way yunho....<3
Chapter 7: Damn yunjae are strict parents thats really jung yunho <3
Chapter 6: oh my God hilarious chapter yunho still feel jealous over his son for his wifey LOL changmin your a troll LOL
Yoosu always fight its new yoochun act like that LOL
Chapter 3: Aw sweet yoochun...damn i wonder why changmin acts like that and im so proud of yunho staying calm all the time wow <3
Chapter 2: Ahahaha yoochun was fast eh...aw changmin i, a rebellious stage eh...can't blame it though...damn i wish that cafe really exist with yunjae because i'll go there everday :-)