Chapter 12-Starting Anew

Undying Love

Jonghyun's car pulled up in my driveway. I silently stepped out of the car, watching the others as they made their way out as well. Jonghyun locked the car, and before we could go inside Kibum had stopped me. "Hey..are you sure about this? You're just gonna leave her?" He asked me.

I smiled softly. "I'm letting her have the house and everything, it's not like I'm never gonna talk to her again. If anything, she's the one who'll cut all contacts with me. All I'm going to do is divorce her and take what's important to me is all. I told her myself I didn't want to lose her as a friend, but she told me she couldn't bear being friends with me. "

Kibum frowned a little. "She was never a bad person.."

"I know..but I can't continue to lie to her about my feelings."


With that, I patted his shoulder with hope of assuring him that everything would be alright. "It's time I don't hold her down to someone as horrible as me. She deserves much more."

I was content to see that Kibum was happy with my words. His opinion mattered just as much as the others who I cared for. Once we had finished I approached our door and unlocked it with my keys. To my surprise, the place was emptier than before. We made our way to my kitchen and at the table Yuri sat alone. She was drinking her cup of water quietly, her eyes landing on us once she put the item down. To her side I could see a pile of papers which I assume was our divorce papers. "Hey Yuri."

She simply eyed me before grabbing a pen and opening the cap. Silently she placed he pen on top of the papers, patting the chair next to her. She seemed prepared for our arrival. I'm guessing Jonghyun or Jinki had informed her about me. When I sat down she looked at the others and said, "His luggage is in the room." And just like that, the others nodded. They made their way to our bedroom upstairs, leaving me alone with Yuri.

"How are you feeling?" I asked. I was genuinely worried.

"I don't want small talk with you. Just sign the papers and get out. I want this to be as quick as possible."

I frowned. "Please don't hate me. I really don't want to lose you. You mean the world to me, you were like a sister I never ha-"

"Don't call me that." She cut me off. "That's exacly the reason as to why I can't stay in your life any longer. You only see me as a sister, where I have always looked at you as a lover and a husband. But clearly, that's not going to happen anytime soon."

"Look, I'm really sorry. I can't help that I love Taemin." I reasoned.

She rolled her eyes at me, "I'm not saying that I'm angry at you because you love Taemin. And I can't exactly hate you either even if I wanted to. Of course I'm angry, but that was because I wasted my love on someone who never loved me back. I'm glad that you love Taemin, in fact I should have known there was something wrong from the moment you introduced me to Taemin. I could see it in the both of your eyes that you two clearly saw each other as more than friends. But I started liking you more and that obviously didn't end well for me. Yeah, I'm pissed that you gave me false hope of a happily ever after, but I'm not pissed that you are in love with someone else. I just wished we hadn't gone as far as marriage with one another. Everything would have hurt much less than this."

My lips dragged down. Even through this, she was still accepting. She really was like a sister I never had, although angered she didn't fail to still be happy for me. I couldn't ask for anyone else as a close friend than her. I wouldn't really know if there were others like her, but I'm sure if it was someone else in her shoes, they wouldn't be this kind. "But it's not fair. You should be mad at how I've betrayed you already so soon."

"I am mad at you, I'm just not mad that you're in love. How could I be mad at someone who finally found that someone they want to spend eternity with? I'd be heartless to try to break that or even hold a grudge against it. I was never that type of person to begin with, you know that yourself. I just don't like how things ended. I don't know exactly how long it'll take for me to be over something like this, but I'm sure it happened for a reason. I don't want to be happy with you when you're unhappy with me. So just sign the papers and let's get this over with. I'm the reason why you've been held back from Taemin for so long." She pushed the papers even closer to me, and me being the dumbfounded man I was, quietly signed the sheets. I was completely speechless to what she told me. I didn't exactly know how to react to it.

Thankfully, before the tension could get any worse between us, the others came back downstairs with my luggage. "There, I'll handle the rest. Now leave."

I turned back to face her, "Please tell me we can still be friends."

She sighed while the quiet took over. Her eyes seemed glued to the floor, and I was afraid to what she was going to answer. But she looked up at me, saying the words that still seemed too kind after all the things I had done to her. "No promises."

I could only smile softly. "Thank you..that's more than enough."

She simply nodded, waiting for us as we made our way to leave the house. She was always one step ahead. She was able to predict what I was going to do once I had come back here, and to make it worse she knew the divorce was the inevitable. She knew my heart was with Taemin and hadn't done anything about it back then. She didn't deserve to be led on for so long by some merciless fool. She didn't deserve any of this. "I'm..sorry." I said once more, hugging her tightly into my arms. She didn't hug me back, and I don't blame her. So I just continued to hold her until I knew I had to let go. "You'll find someone. Much much better than me, I guarantee that."

She could only force a small smile at me, so I accepted it. I took all of what I deserved and bowed as the others and I departed from my house. As soon as the door shut, I realized that I had done it. I had finished what I shouldn't have started. It was now that I felt somewhat accomplished, that I did something right. You could say it was a sense of freedom that played into my heart, but whatever it was, I knew it was okay for me to go to Taemin. I wouldn't have to hide my face from him because of the faults I still hadn't been able to fix back then. Now I could truly show myself to him.

This was my new beginning, and this time Taemin was going to be in it. He was going to be the main focus of this beginning.

"You ready Minho?"

I turned at the sound of Jinki's voice. "I think so." I said, walking into the vehicle that would bring me to my lover.


We sat patiently in our seats, my leg repeatedly bouncing up and down for how nervous I was. The doctor and the nurses were ecstatic when they saw me, they told me the news that I had been waiting for. He was no longer in a coma, for now he was simply sleeping. And since we were all just as scared as to how he was going to react, we decided to let him sleep until he woke up on his own will. It's been about three hours since we got here, but that only felt like minutes to us all. I called Taemin's mother earlier to give her the great news, and she said she would head here as soon as she could, which would probably be in a day or two. So for now, she left his care to me. "I'm scared.." I blurted all of a sudden. And it was true. The spirit of Taemin had told me he wouldn't remember anything of what happened between us, so what I was so afraid of is if he would be okay with waking up again. What if he really wanted to die so he could get away from me? What if he was disappointed when he woke up? "I don't want him to be upset at the fact that he's alive when he intended to  leave in the first place."

Almost instantly, Kibum had hugged me. I was surprised with this, but I hugged him back and let my tears escape me as I sniffled onto his shoulder. He was like a  big brother to me, he always was ever since all of these things happened to all of us. "Minho, I guarantee you..he didn't intend to leave because he wanted to never see you again. I know for a fact he told me to point that gun at his chest and to fire not because of that, but because the pain of not being able to be with you was just unbearable. The pain of not being to love you like he wished and to be loved by you in that way must have been so painful that suicide was the only thing he could resort to. So it's okay to be scared, but don't blame yourself right now. At this time, Taemin will need you more than anything, and in order to be able to help him, you yourself have to stay strong."

I felt him hug me tighter into his hold. I was thankful for his words, they reassured me greatly, but I was still afraid. Who knew just how Taemin would react, the worst would have to be that he would instantly shun me. "Thank you.." I sniffled. And just before I could continue, we were interupted at the sound of the doctor's voice.

"Minho?" I wiped my tears and swallowed my cries.

"Neh?" I croaked.

The doctor smiled softly at me, lifting his glasses to the bridge of his nose. "I have a request."

We all stood up. "What would it be Doctor?"

"I want Minho to be the only one to come with me first, if it's okay with you guys."

The others seemed to nod, and I was shocked to find that they did so. "W-Why just me?"

"Just because." He said, and to have to hear that come from a usually serious doctor's mouth was truly new.

"O-Okay.." We all bowed to him. I made my way to him, trailing behind him while I watched the back of his uniform fold softly at every step he took. I could feel my breath draw back little by little. It was truly terrifying having to watch that door come closer, but I braced myself. I knew I would have to go to him sooner or later.

"Minho." I heard him say my name, making me look up at the back of his head. We had reached to a stop, and it was right in front of the room where Taemin lay awake. "Make sure I don't have to see you coming back here again."


He turned to face me. "I don't want to have to see you like this ever again. Please, take care of Taemin and yourself as well."

Once I had realized what he meant I felt a little touched, albeit the expression wasn't clear enough on my face. Despite that, he sighed to me in what seemed like content and opened the door. I gulped, able to feel my heart stop beating while I had walked in. There on the bed to which I remembered he had always remained on his back, was the one and only Taemin sitting up as he fiddled with his thumbs. His head bobbed up gently and without even warning me, he had smiled softly, filling my whole body with the life I had lost the second he had left me. "T-Taemin.."

When he had heard me say his name his eyes looked like they watered. "Min-" Before he could finish, I ran to him and instantly embraced him so tight in my arms I felt as if I was going to crush him. Right then and there, I had broke down. I became a complete mess and left my lover baffled to no extent as he could do nothing but pat my back. "Minho.." I heard him say softly. I shouldn't have missed his voice so much, but now that I was able to hear his voice so crisp and clear, everything just hit me. He was finally back. He was really in my arms. My Taemin was alive and I was really holding him right now, this wasn't a dream or just some hallucination.

It was all really happening.

"Taemin-g-god-Taemin-" I sobbed uncontrollably.

I pulled myself away from him to get a good look and saw that he too was crying now, only he was smiling a bit. "Y-You l-look absolutely ridiculous." He giggled through his soft cries.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his ridiculously cute remark about me. "I-Is that seriously the first thing you say to me?" I hiccupped with a chuckle.

He nodded to me as  if he hadn't just made fun of how I looked when I cried, but then his smile disappeared into a bite of his bottom lip. "M-Mianhae Minho.." He said quietly. He looked as if he was guilty, but that wasn't right. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, because it was me who was supposed to utter those words to him.

"No..No Taemin, I'm sorry. Don't apologize.." I cupped his slightly plump cheeks in my palms and kissed his forehead before wiping away his tears with my thumbs. "If it wasn't for my stupid mistake none of this would have happened." I was happy, because Taemin hadn't shunned me. He didn't look away or reject me. In fact, he had accepted me. All of me was still accepted even after all the misery I had shoved down his shoulders. "I love you. I love you so much, there's no one who could replace you. When you were gone the only thing I felt was pain of you being absent in my life, the same pain you had to go through, so don't say sorry. I deserved all of that for what I had done to you."

Taemin's eyes widened at my words. "S-So it wasn't a d-dream?..You said you loved me when I came to your house.."

I nodded, leaning in for a kiss. "I love you more than anything Taemin."

He looked almost intoxicated when he looked into my eyes, however as soon as soon as our lips simply grazed he pushed me away instantly. "N-No wait you have two are-"

I knew what he was going to say, so I interupted his sentence with the connection of my lips to his for a deep kiss. I didn't want to hear it, I didn't want to hear anymore words that would only hold us back because I myself knew there was no more boundaries left to keep us from one another anymore. His slightly dry lips molded with mine, and I loved it. I loved every second and every sensation I was able to feel at just the touch of our lips. It had been so long. So long since we had actually kissed on the lips like this. How many days? How many weeks? Months? Years? A kiss where the both of us were more than alive and happy. A kiss where there was no longer any sorrow, where it was pouring with genuine happiness. I felt myself push onto him more as his frail hands held onto my shouders tightly. I had broken the kiss, seeing as to how the both of us ran out of breath being indulged in one another's lips. "Yuri and I..there's nothing tying us together besides friendship. She told me that she was happy I found someone I truly love.."

Tears trailed down his beautiful cheeks to the tip of his chin at my sentence. "Y-You divorced? And s-she didn't..kill you?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at the way he phrased it. This was my Taemin alright. "Yes she didn't kill me, hence the fact that I'm here with you right now."

He bit his bottom lip to hold in that angelic laugh of his. "I would've killed you.." He joked.

I caressed his cheek. "I know. I think you're going to kill me now if I ask this too."

He raised a brow and looked at me as I kneeled down on one knee and held his hand in my own. "Would you.."

He covered his lips with his available hand, holding in the obvious excitement he had at my position. However, he didn't know I had other intentions. "Minho.."

"Be my boyfriend?"

His eyes were filled with disappointed at my words. He instantly let his hand fall as he gave me a death glare. "Yah Choi Minho, how could you do that to me."

I chuckled softly, but let my smile fall to be replaced by a serious expression. I took a soft breath and kissed his ring finger, standing up and kissing his cheek before placing a long peck on his lips. "I'll ask you to marry me. One day, I promise I will..but now I need time to earn back your's and your mother's trust, not to mention everyone else who still feel betrayed at my actions. I want to start all over from scratch. I know you want to get married, I do too. You have no idea how badly I want to walk down that aisle hand in hand before running off together to our honeymoon. But I just need time now to make everything right, and to start that off, I want you to be my boyfriend."

It was true. There really was nothing more that I wanted than to ask his hand for marriage. The sooner I asked his hand for marriage, the less chances there were in losing him to some other girl or guy who had their eye set on him. I don't want anyone taking Taemin away from me, and that wouldn't happen until we were married. For now, I just want to start off like this. I want to take baby steps until it's finally okay for me to claim him as my own husband. I stood up to turn around and held Taemin's hand in mine after seeing the smile of approval to my request. "Mianhae Doctor." I said with a bow, "I lied to you and said he was my husband when I had no right to do so. Please forgive me."

The Doctor, who I had totally forgotten was there not a while ago, smiled at me. "I know Minho, I was never mad in the first place."

I blinked frequently. "How?"

"Taemin had no ring, even until now." He pointed out. "Pretty simple huh?"

Warmth filled my cheeks in embarrassment. "W-When did you find out?"

"Probably the day after you lied about it, but I didn't mind. You two seemed like husbands to me to begin with."

"Oh..well, thank you."

"No problem. Anyways, we are just getting a few more paper works done, and after that Taemin should be able to get discharged."

I unconsciously squeezed Taemin's hand tighter. "Jongmal?"

"Jongmalyo." He said firmly, and left the room to call the others.

Happiness slowly became familiar again.

It continued to gradually grow inside of my scarred heart. Everything was finally okay. He was really here next to me. He was really alive. "Minho.." I heard my name come out of his beautiful lips. "I love you.."

I couldn't help but get teary eyed at his words. How long have we waited to be able to say those words to each other freely without the fear of being rejected by one another? Just how long has it been since him and I had felt this happy? "I love you too." I whispered, leaning down to place a sweet kiss on his lips. My Taemin was here again, and now we could start anew. 


8 years later

"So what do you think? Is it all overdone? Anything I need to take off or put away?" Minho asked as he placed stuffed animals onto the the couch.

Taemin chewed his bottom lip, this being a habit he had picked up ever since the fated day he had woken up. "I don't you think he'll be comfortable with us?"

The elder of the two smiled softly at his husband's words. "I don't know about me, but he will absolutely love you. Who wouldn't?"

The black-haired boy blushed and rolled his eyes. "You're only saying that because you're my husband. And if anything, he'll love you! You two even happen to look alike."

"Well if he manages to love a fool like me, I'm sure he will love you just as much. He'll be completely stuck on you, I guarantee he will probably always be seeking your attention."


Minho sighed, approaching his lover before wrapping his arms around the other's torso. "Look, Taemin we decided to do this together okay? I know more than anything he will love you, or at least like you very much. And I wouldn't be surprised, you're just this loveable person everyone would want to have. And I of all the people was lucky enough to have you. I was the one who was given the gift I could never compare to anything or anyone else. But we're together now and we've accomplished so much that we are getting a gift as well. I'm more than happy to work things through even if he doesn't like us, which I doubt. If he's uncomfortable at first, then so be it. Anyone would be knowing they will have to spend the rest of their life with two complete strangers, but I know he will warm up to us, most especially to you. You're loving, kind and you're filled with such warmth that no one would be able to resist liking you. So don't be so worried about this..he was the one who gave an okay to wanting to go with us as well."

Taemin sighed. "I-I know..I just..I'm so worried. I want him to like us more than anything."

"And he will, in fact he will love us."

"How can you be so sure?"

He smiled and placed a tender kiss on his lips. "Because you managed to turn me onto you didn't you? You have to admit I was always a hard to get."

He scoffed at the elder. "As if, you'd bow down to me if I just pouted."

Minho chuckled in defeat. "That's because it's you who's pouting, not someone else. If it had been another person, I would never do anything."

"So you're saying it's because of me that you turned gay?"

"You could say that, but guy or girl, as long as it was you I could care less what label it puts on me."

Taemin smiled that beautiful smile of his, making Minho fall for him all over again. "You're so gorgeous." He whispered under his breath before pressing their lips together for yet another small kiss.

They seperated from one another as soon as a knock on the door was heard. This was it, it was the arrival of their new child who they were adopting. The owner of the orphanage was dropping off the child Minho and Taemin had had a brief meeting with. The second they laid their eyes on him, they found themselves in love. They not only wanted him to be a part of their family, but they yearned to have him there. They truly felt complete just seeing him smile softly at them when they had introduced themselves the first time they met. It was truly nervewrecking for the two to see just how the child would react.

They heard the door creak open soflty, able to spot the short figure who popped his head into the room. Taemin bit his lip in nervousness, twiddling his thumbs while Minho went to the door and welcomed the two people. "Annyonghasaeyo." The person who had been assigned to bring their child called.

"Neh, Taemin is over here."  Minho said, leading the two to where Taemin stood nervously.

"Oh-Minho, Nice to see you."

The couple gave him a smile, their eyes glued to the child looking at them with his big brown eyes. "Same to you, how is he feeling?"

"He was quite excited to see you guys actually." He crouched down to carry the toddler, smiling at how a giggle was elicited out of the child's lips once he lifted him up. "Keuchii, Yoogeun-ah?"

"Mm." He hummed, playing with the elder's hoodie.

"Annyong Yoogeun-ah." Minho cooed, grabbing Taemin's hand and dragging him along with him so he would be right besides him when they were greeting Yoogeun.

"Annong." He said with a cute child-like accent, misprouncing the word, but still able to be understandable to the couple about to fully adopt them.

Taemin blushed seeing his cute smile and couldn't help but respond. "Annyong Yoogeun.."

The child stopped smiling, almost as if he was completely fascinated with the black-haired boy standing in front of him. Taemin could only blink at the kind of stare coming from the child. "Hyung..are these my parents?" Yoogeun asked while he turned to face the elder carrying him.

"Mm, this is Taemin Appa, and Minho Appa. They're going to take good care of you."

Yoogeun looked back at Taemin again, this time suddenly spreading both arms out while reaching for him. He seemed to want to be carried by the other.
"Y-You want me to hold you?" He asked.

The little one nodded eagerly, a big smile now starting to grow upon his baby lips. As soon as the child was embraced into the other's arms, he hugged him tightly, burying his face on his neck. "Nice to meet you Taemin Appa." He said cheerfully.

No matter how stupid it was, Taemin felt like crying like a baby. The enthusiasm and genuine happiness coming from the child made him feel more than good  about himself. "Nice to meet you too Yoogeun.." It felt blissful to know the child didn't dislike him.

"Yoogeun-ah?" Minho called from behind, waving slightly. "Can Minho Appa have a hug too?"

The couple couldn't keep from smiling when they heard the child giggle, "Neh." At this, Taemin had carried Yoogeun and gently gave him to Minho who instantly hugged him. Their new child didn't hesitate to give him just as big the hug Minho gave. "Nice to Meet you Minho Appa."

Minho was bold enough to place a peck on his forehead, to which made the child blush and smile a toothy smile. "Nice to meet you too, welcome to our family Yoogeun."

"He seems to love you two already."

"Neh Sungyeol..thank you for introducing us to him."

"My pleasure, I'll be here next month to check up on how you guys are doing arasso?"

The couple nodded in sync, not able to remove the permanent smiles on their lips because of how truly happy they were with Yoogeun. After the owner had left their house the child wiggled out of Minho's arms. Minho slowly crouched down to let the child go, and saw how the little one was curious to look around the house. And so, while the child explored and the couple trailed behind him, Minho poked Taemin's side. "I told you."

Taemin couldn't help but bite his lip again to contain the smile that wouldn't go away after seeing Yoogeun so happy. "I know.."

"Hey Taemin-ah, can I tell you something?"

He nodded, giving his full attention to his lover. "What is it?"

"I think my life is complete now. I have you, and my perfect child, along with the house we dreamed of getting ever since the day you woke up. All my dreams have come true, including my most precious one of having you as my husband." Minho looked to see if Yoogeun was not paying attention to them, and took this opportunity to place yet another kiss on those plump lips he was completely addicted to. "I'm so happy Taemin, and I've never ever been more happier in my life."

Taemin blushed a deep red. Hearing Minho whisper those words while their lips connected made his heart want to jump out of is chest. At the seperation of their lips, he could only continue to feel abashed with such kind words that came from the person he loved dearly. "You have no idea what you're doing to me need to stop saying those kind of things." He said softly, "I don't know how much more I could possily fall in love with you."

"I don't know how much more I could love you as well. You drive me nuts Taemin. But now that we our own family, we have another person we can shower with love." They both looked at their child. This little human being was their future now, everything else that they had planned before came true. Now it was time to continue playing out this plan of raising a child. The future that lay ahead of them seemed to burn brighter than ever before, so bright that it felt too good to be true. This was truly what they wanted once they were married, everything went according to plan, maybe even better. Because what they didn't plan was of how genuinely amazing it would all turn out to be. 

To be with the one you have loved for so long, to be loved by the one only you care for the most, and to now have a family with them. Everything before seemed dark, but now light was here. The bright future they never knew they would have had after going through such dark times was something they oh so treasured. All it took was the undying love they had for one another.

"I love you Taemin."

"I love you too Minho." And once again, they shared a kiss.

"Appa!" Yoogeun called, breaking their sappy moment. "I want a kiss too!"

They both blushed in embarrassment at the realization of being caught, but in the end they found themselves laughing.

What was the difference of the I love you's from back then and now?

This time, there were no tears shed.

Instead, it was happiness that engraved within them when they said it to one another, not grief.

A/n: And this is the last chapter. It became over so fast ): Sorry if it , this story was only supposed to be a small sequel for the one-shot, so I hope you all didn't expect this to go into forty chapters and all that. And sorry for taking a whole month before giving you the last chapter! I'm really sorry. It was finals, including tests that I had to study for like AP's, (Advanced Placement). So mianhae! I'm crossing my fingers you all enjoyed this small sequel. I will start my JongKey stories soon :3 And now that vacation is here, nothing will be able to keep me away for so long. And if you didn't now, my leg is healed now. I no longer have a cast, phew. It was truly depressing to have a cast.

Anyways, thank you so much for the love and support I've been given. I'm sad to end it here, but it was bound to happen somehow ): I love you all so much, thank you for the support and the bs you had to put up with me. Saranghae~ Here's some 2min for y'all <3


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joohyun007 #1
Chapter 13: It's crazy this story made in 2015 now is almost 2020 hahah
joohyun007 #2
Chapter 13: Thank u authornim :)))) makes me happy to read this
Chapter 12: I’m not crying it’s fine.
Leetaemin2233 #4
Chapter 13: I was so sad when key was crying T.T he just did what taemin wanted TTTTTT but the ending is so sweet and i got really mad at minho in this fic but i still love him~~ thank you for such a great fic
Chapter 12: Hello dear writer.
Your fic... this fic is so good.I dont know how explain it cause eng is not my mother language. but I loved every part of it. specially the part that taemin was a ghost.... I was so sad for him...
Again.... thank you. I love 2min and your story is great ... perfect.
KPOPMonstahh #6
Chapter 13: i read this the whole morning lol

It's beautiful! i love how you write how regretful Minho is with what he has done and all those love Taemin has omgg IT GOT ME IN THE FEELS!

When i read that Tae got 'help' from someone, i instantly thought it was Key. I mean let's face it i'm a hardcore Jongkey shipper and i read Jongkey most of the time (that means an awful lot of time lol) and i never seen Key being that quiet <3

Perfect ending with Yoogeun too! :)
Great piecee <3

p.s. I'll be reading your Jongkey fic now :)
thanks a lot!
ChoiYoungie #7
So, I just finished reading your fiction and I'm sorry for not always taking time to comment because I know commenting is really important, so I'll try to make you forgive me.
First, I'd thank you because it was amazing, and really different from other fictions I've read. The ghost thing made me skeptical at first but in the end it happened to be interesting and it had a so powerful meaning that it came out great. Plus, I gotta say that you improved your way of writing so much. This fiction shows how hard you've worked, so the story already being awesome, your writing made it even more pleasurable.
I totally melted while reading the last chapter. I didn't cry but I felt so overwhelmed with emotions, happy emotions. Minho finds his Taemin back and we can see how guilty he feels but also how in love he truly is. I liked the fact that Taemin remembers what happened when he was a ghost as well, it made it even more beautiful I guess. I'm not a huge fan of ellipse, especially when they're a few years long, because I don't know it makes me realise that they age and that their love may not be eternal, but that's okay. I mean, Taemin and Minho adopting Yoogeun, what more could I ask for ? WELL NOTHING. They're happy and even though I hate happy endings, this one was needed, they went through too much to end this fiction sadly, I would've cried an ocean if you did, I think.
I don't know what else to say, except that once again I loved reading your fiction and that I'm sorry I'm commenting so late......... It was great to read a sequel of another fiction you wrote and that I love. So, thank you very muuuuuuuch and bravo ~ ♥
Chapter 12: love the ending.. <3
thank you so much for this story authornim..
can't believe it's over.. :(
hope to see you soon on your next 2min stories authornim ^^
Chapter 12: This story is truly amazing and the ending is so heartwarming! I am sure I will get back to this story more than once in the future! I loved the way you expressed their feelings and fears, they really acted like humans, not robots, and it was great. Thank you a lot for writing and sharing this story with us! Congratulations on passing your exams, have a great free time, you deserve it! *squishes you* *u*
Chapter 12: This has gotta be one of the best Ending I've read. I swear Author-nim, ITS TOO GOOD. I Love the Story. I really do. ♥