Chapter 10-Thoughts

Undying Love

A/n: This chapter is in third person for the sake of being able to explain Taemin's and Minho's situation.

Warmth filled his chest as he watched the man in front of him sleep peacefully. He was a spirit, therefore sleeping was something he didn't need and couldn't do. Time was something weird in the spirit world. It was different. It was like it didn't have a limit. So watching Minho sleep so quietly seemed to feel like a few minutes rather than a few hours. He couldn't quite put his finger on what was so special about the man. To tell the truth, he had no idea who he was. All he knew was he loved him. He loved him so very dearly and felt hurt seeing that ring on his finger which didn't bind him and his lover together. The idea of it terrified him, but that didn't bother him as much as the thought of his own 'almost death' thing did. He was more scared on finding out how that had happened to him. He wondered about it, and he had found answers. The thing was, apparently it wasn't the right answer.

He had gone to several places to find his answers, and none had done anything good until he had gone to the hospital. In the hospital, he wasn't allowed to touch anything. It was the rule to spirits, they wouldn't be able to touch the things that had nothing to do with them. If they did, a disturbance would occur in their own coma and could be the cause of their death. It would mean they would forever be lost souls wandering around the earth like lifeless zombies who remained unseen. So he was careful, he didn't do much but walk around and wait for nurses to visit his body. He looked constantly everday, and didn't even realize he had left Minho alone for so long. But he wanted to find the answers so badly so he could go back to Minho, which was why he was gone for a while without even realizing it. Like mentioned before, there was no such thing as a limit of time for him in the spirit world.

One day, he had finally found out his answer. The nurses had spoken about him, gossiping about the man who always cried next to him while kissing him so endearingly. He felt warmth in his stomach when they said that during their tidying up time. The thought of Minho caring so much  for him made his chest feel funny, it was something he didn't really understand since he wasn't really supposed to be feeling things like this. "Poor kid..committing suicide." One of them had said. He had blinked frequenly at their words, which was because he didn't understand it. He had a strong feeling that he ended up like this because of attempted suicide, but for some reason that didn't settle quite right. It didn't make him remember anything at all. Just pain. Everything should have been good from there, all the memories and the answers to how and why he ended this way should have came right back into his head. He wondered why nothing happened. He had just heard the answer to his question, yet it didn't do anything. He remained the same, which was when he realized, the answer must have not been accurate.

There was more to it than just an attempted suicide. And that was confirmed when the nurses continued with even more gossip. "Suicide? If he did suicide then those bullets would have killed him." The other had said, staring at his body with pitiful eyes.

The first who had spoken gasped, "A-Aigoo you shouldn't say things like that! You're giving me the creeps."

"It's true. Think about it, wouldn't holding the gun right on his stomach mean that the bullet would have gone straight through?"

The lady stood still for a moment, looking on the floor while thinking hard. Taemin was in disbelief albeit he knew somewhere deep down that it made sense more than this thing to be called just a 'suicide'. "Then that would mean..he didn't commi-"

"No. He did." The two nurses turned instantaneously and saw the doctor who was responsible for Taemin.

Taemin stood appalled, unsure of what to do with himself as more and more of the truth came out. "A-Ah doctor. Mianhae, we were just cleaning up and got too into the conversation.."

The doctor shook his head. "Aniya, I knew you nurses would catch up some time soon."

They looked at each other with eyes filled with fear. Then they looked back at the doctor. "What does that mean then?"

"He really did attempt suicide, I didn't lie to his friends and family about that." He gently pushed his glasses to the bridge of his nose. "It's just that, he had asked someone else to help him."

The nurses' eyes widened to the size of boulders. "Doctor..why would you hide that from them? Especially to his husband?"

Taemin who found himself gawking, unconsciously started floating backwards. He needed something-anything-to lean on after finding out such a tragic truth. It made much more sense, which was why it hadn't felt right when he first found out. "Because his husband would only be filled with rage and would most likely use that as energy to find whoever it was who did it. But we all know that would lead up to no good. Taemin had probably begged this person to do it for him. His husband had told me he had tried to commit suicide but even I knew it wasn't partially true after having a look at his wounds, so I let him believe his own words. Whoever this person was, Taemin made it look like he did it to himself to keep the one he asked out of his husband's sight. He probably planned to never let it be known, but he doesn't know now that he is still alive. Once he does wake up, he'll have a lot of explaining to do to his husband. Or should I say his lover."

"Lover?" The two said simultaneously.

He nodded at acknowledgement towards his own sentence rather to the other two listening to him. "I'm pretty sure he isn't his husband. You've seen the man himself come in here and cry his heart out. Apologizing for not realizing until now for his feelings."

One of the nurses spoke. "Then why did you ask him permission about the surgery? Only his mother should have decided it."

"Well..that's because I could tell this guy was closer than family to the patient. I could see the love in the man's eyes. I could see just how badly he was hurt for thinking it was his fault things went this way. We may not know the stories of how they ended up here, but it's been too many years for me to not be able to tell how they're really feeling inside. We've seen those eyes of the people who try to stay strong when we tell them about the passing of their loved ones, something like a small white lie wouldn't be able to hide itself from me. I still trusted him even though he wasn't legally his family."

" you know who the person is?"

Taemin gulped as he saw the man nod once more. "He had visited here and asked me to keep that information from Minho, because it was Taemin's request to begin with."

"Who was it?"

"It was-"
The doctor and the two nurses had turned abruptly at the sound of a vase falling on the floor. Taemin had fallen through the wall, now aware of how he had forgotten he was a spirit when he tried to lean on something solid. He found himself outside of the hospital, floating at the front of his own window while he saw the nurses and the doctor pick up the shattered vase. He had been upset, because he was this close to going back. He was sure he was going to go back in and try to find out who this person was, but as soon as he was going to pass through the wall he heard those dark thoughts echo loudly in his head. His chest became heavy almost immediately, and he had floated all the way to the ground just to try to breathe properly. He felt something want to leave his eyes, but he disregarded the emotion at the sound of Minho's crying heart.

Instantly, he found himself going at a speed of a vehicle when headed to his old place. And at the second he reached his room, he saw the man hugging a pillow to his chest like it was the person he treasured more than anything in the world.

I thought they were happy.

I messed up eveything.

I did wrong to Taemin.

I love you..

Taemin come back to me.

I'm's my fault.

I hate myself.

His thoughts echoed even more loudly in Taemin's ears since he was closer. He frowned seeing him that way, and approached him as soon as he sat up. With pain filling his chest, he wiped his cheek to take away the tear that was about to fall without even knowing it. However, he was more surprised that he felt so real next to him to focus on his weird action. When he touched anything or anyone else he felt nothing. But with Minho, it felt real. The tear felt warm on his finger, which soon became cold as it dried in the night's cool air. It was truly strange to him, how being with this man whose name he still didn't know felt like home. He never wanted to leave his arms that held him so gently but yet so securely. Not to mention, he was still utterly confused with the kiss he had given him. He really did feel it was second nature when he did it, and the feeling in his gut and cheeks made him want to curl into a ball. Those lips that belonged to this stranger made him feel so strange. But a good strange.

And then, the impossible was done with how the man had kissed his forehead. The little girl said that humans can't touch spirit, yet Taemin wondered, why was it that it felt like this man was holding him and kissing him? Why did his chest feel like it was being wrapped with love? It was truly confusing for him for it only made him want to go back to life even more. He wanted to be with this stranger in real life. He wanted to love him back. However, he knew that when he woke up he would have no knowledge of this. He would hold no memories of being a witness to when Minho broke it off with his own wife, and cried his heart out for the desire of wanting to see him. Taemin would not remember how much Minho had done for would Taemin really still love this man like his own spirit did? Would he want to cry as much as I want to do when seeing this stranger in pain?

Minho stirred in his sleep. His eyes started to open slightly, instantly making eye contact with the spirit who stared right back at him in wonder. “Are you real?” He asked.

The spirit who was deep in thoughts of reminiscing of what happened the night before blinked and smiled slightly to the other. “I am.” He said gently, “Did you not look at the scar on your arm?”

Minho blushed at the idea of waking up to see that sweet smile of Taemin’s. He brought his arm up to show to the other, and tried to deny the warmth filling his cheeks. “I did..but no matter how much I did I still felt insane for missing you this much.”

“It’s not insane.” He traced the scar on the other’s arm with the translucent tip of his finger, “It’s called having feelings.”

“But what if these feelings is the cause of my insanity? What if I’m just imagining you because I just desperately need you this much in my life?”

Taemin softly laughed. “Then keep imagining on. I’d rather be able to comfort you with my spirit than leave you crying in so much pain.”

This time the elder smiled, making the spirit embraced in his arms blush brightly. Being a spirit meant being a little paler than they usually were when they were in their real bodies, so the fact that he was blushing in this state was too obvious for Minho to not take notice. “I thought the same thing.” He said, lifting his hand and caressing the spirit’s bright pink cheek. Again, Taemin was baffled at the sensation he could feel so undoubtedly. How on earth was this man touching him?

Minho was able to see the confusion on his face. “How..How are you touching me?” He asked shyly.

“You could feel it?”

The spirit nodded, his cheeks lighting up even more. It looked almost as if his whole figure was glowing a light shade of pink. “The..the little girl said humans can’t touch us spirits..but with feels too real.”

“’re saying you can even feel this?” Minho leaned down and pecked the spirit’s lips, not feeling much himself but just warm air. It was just like last night when he had given a kiss to his forehead.

Taemin blushed even brighter. “Y-Yes.”

“What does this mean then?”

“I..don’t know.” Minho observed him as he said this. He seemed different. From their first encounter he seemed a lot more impassive and even came off a bit cold. But now, he just seemed like Taemin.

“So you could feel me hugging you like this?” He asked again. With a light squeeze, hugged him just a bit more tighter and kissed his cheek again. He couldn’t help himself. No matter how stupid he felt doing these actions to air, he couldn’t stop. The reactions this spirit gave were identical to Taemin's. And maybe it was because he was him, but it was somehow felt so amusing seeing him like this. Not only that, but it felt good. It felt so close to real.

“Y-Yes I could so please don’t go any further. I don’t want anymore confusing feelings.”

Minho smiled again. “Alright.” The spirit sat up, passing through Minho’s hold like he was nothing. Minho didn’t mind this, and did the same as the other. The spirit remained silent. He seemed like there was something he wanted to find. “Are you okay?”

The spirit looked at Minho. “I should be asking you that. You’ve been crying so much for me.”

The elder’s eyes widened slightly. “S-Sorry..did I disturb you?”

He shook his head. “’s not that. I didn’t mind hearing it. I just felt so guilty for it.”

“No no..don’t feel guilty.” He placed his hand on top of Taemin’s. “It may sound harsh..but I deserve this.”

“No one deserves pain.” He softly said.

Minho paused for a few moments and then sighed. “When you find out why you did what you did to’ll know why I’m like this. You’ll understand and you’ll agree with what I said.”

“Aniya.” Taemin shook his head lightly and looked deep into Minho’s eyes. “Even when I know most of the reason already, I still don’t think you deserve this pain. And I’m pretty sure the me that’s currently in the hospital feels the same way. I may not know what exactly happened before I slipped into a coma, but I know I would never say anyone deserves pain. Most especially you.”

“Thanks..but..I really do deserve this. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself knowing you were the one who had gotten pain from my actions. I want to suffer much more than you ever did, because I deserve to feel the sorrow I gave you along with those I hurt in the way.”

“But would Taemin approve of that?”

“Somewhere deep down, I know he would.”

”And how would you know?”

“I don’t.”

Taemin frowned. He could hear just how dark Minho’s thoughts were, and it hurt. Did I do this to him? He thought to himself. I need to come back. I need to tell him I don’t want him to hurt himself. I can’t let him hurt himself.. “Do you..want to hurt Taemin?”

Taken aback, Minho’s lips slightly parted, “No why would you say that?”

He smiled, “Then don’t hurt yourself. When you feel this way or when I hear your thoughts of you blaming your own existence it feels painful. It hurts me. Last night I felt like I was being choked when you cried, but it wasn’t the first time. I get hurt when you get hurt. So if you don’t want to see me in pain, then don’t be so hard on yourself.”

Minho could feel the genuine worry he had in his voice. It was heart aching hearing him say he had gotten hurt as well. He didn’t want that, but he didn’t want to feel happy when he didn’t deserve it yet. “But..”

“I don’t care if you don’t deserve to be happy. I want you to be happy, despite what the world thinks you’re supposed to have.” He said bluntly. “I’m going to come back soon. I’ve found out most of what I had to, there is just one small detail that will change everything and have me conscious again. Until then, just hold on.”

With pure determination filled in the eyes of this creature in front of him, he couldn’t help but believe him. His words held so much meaning he couldn’t even explain just how genuinely happy it made him feel. It made him feel as if he was significant. For once, in all the days that have passed this was the first time he had ever felt good about himself ever since Taemin’s admission to the hospital. “Thank you..” He whispered before pecking the other’s forehead like before.

Taemin blushed at his action, but he couldn’t keep himself from glowing even more when he had heard the other’s thought which seemed to be the loudest he had ever heard from before. It was too clear for him, and he could only bashfully look away. I love you so much It had said when it echoed. Again and again, the thought played repeatedly. He was sure this man knew he could hear what he was thinking. He thought maybe that it was intentional for him to hear it, and that maybe him thinking it was the best way he could let him know rather than saying it aloud. Taemin didn’t mind that, in fact he himself found the words slipping out of him. Since he couldn’t let the other hear his thoughts, he could only say it and he didn't mind that one bit. “I love you too.” He whispered.

And that seemed to echo forever in Minho’s head.


Taemin floated quietly around Minho while he was cooking. He was curious as to what the other was doing, it was quite interesting. "So what is this?" He asked with a tilt of his head.

"It's kimchi fried rice." Minho said with a chuckle. "You seem really interested in it."

"Well yeah, I'm a spirit. For some reason everything feels new. It's interesting."

He smiled. "I don't think it has to do with you being a spirit, I think it's he fact that it's my first time cooking it."


Minho lowered the fire as he continued to stirr the frying rice. "Before everything happened, you would always cook this for me. For some reason I just never got tired of it. Or maybe it was really because it only tasted delicious when you made it for me. You always nagged me about cooking you this someday, and I never did it because for me it meant you wouldn't cook this meal for me anymore once I learned it and that you would no longer nag me about it. I loved when you complained to me. I felt special whenever you'd get all pouty over a dish I was too stubborn to make." A small laugh had left his lips, "I really was weird. I'd get happy over the simplest things with you."

Taemin blushed and fiddled with his thumbs. "I-I see. That's why I felt the need for observing you so carefully."

"Mm. I don't know if you remember it, but we would always make meals together. I'd make you your's, and you'd make me my food. We were such cheesy guys with one another."

He watched Minho's hands gently hold the end of the spatula, suddenly having to blink frequently as something played in his head. He saw images of him and Minho in the kitchen, placing ingredients that would make a sandwich once finished. Soon enough, they were sitting together on the kitchen table, eating slowly with smiles on their faces.

"Why'd you puch your name on my sammich?"

The stranger in his head laughed, "Yah, don't speak with your mouth full."

He saw himself giggle as he swallowed the piece of food in his mouth, "Why'd you put your name on my sandwich?" He repeated.

The man smiled and swiped his thumb at the corner of Taemin's lips before he off the ketchup on his fingers.

"You’re like a little baby." He heard the man say.

"You didn't answer my question." He could see it, the slight seriousness held in his own figure in this memory.

The man chuckled and squeezed his cheek, "Well isn't it obvious?" he asked.

"If you really want me to explain it's really just because I'm yours." He felt that funny thing again in his chest at the words. This all seemed familiar. Was this what the man was telling him about?

"Eh?" The Taemin in his head took a bite of his sandwich and swallowed.

 "I'm yours and your mine, Best friends for life right?" The guy continued.

" friends.." He saw himself chuckle weakly. Unconsciously, a frown stamped on his lips when he saw himself stop eating and place his sandwich on his plate. His facial expression seemed to change completely.

"Did I say something wrong?" The man asked. In response to his question, he saw him promptly shake his head.

It was clear that the response wasn't enough. Which made the man get up from his seat and sit next to his identical figure, slinging his arm gently around his shoulders as he spoke with a concerned voice, "Taemin-ah, Is there something you want to tell me?"

"No, I'm just..thinking." 
He replied. But Taemin knew there was more to it than that. There was something burdening the him in this memory.

"About what?" He asked. 

"Just what I should do on your wedding. I mean, whose planning it? Who are you inviting? When's the bachelor party?" He said. It was obvious he had used that as an excuse, but it seemed the other didn't notice since he laughed it off after kissing his cheek.

"Well, those are things for me to worry, not for you okay?" He stated gently. The Taemin in his head smiled and ate the rest of his sandwich as the other did the same. They washed their dishes together, one soaping, while the other rinsed.

Taemin watched intently, suddenly feeling baffled when a word that came out of his own lips in this thought was sort of blocked out. He didn't understand what he had said to the other, but whatever it was it had caught the elder's attention.

The man turned his head to face Taemin, "Yeah?"

"Do you love me?"


" Do you love me?"

Silence filled the void in their conversation for a few seconds.

 "Do you?" His ownself asked again, getting impatient. The man had averted his eyes to the sink and stayed like that for a few minutes before coming back to reality. The Taemin in his head looked like he was going to ask again, but seemed to be silenced when the man kissed his cheek and went somewhere else. The moment this stranger left, he was able to see himself cry silently.

Again he was confused when the words that his own figure said was silenced. He wondered deeply what it was that came out of his own lips in this memory but knew somehow it was probably the information he was looking for.


He was taken out of his train of thoughts with the look of slight concern from the man who he dearly loved. "Sorry..I just..I remember."

Minho had turned of the fire and put in it his bowl. "You remember?"

" when we made our sandwiches here."

Almost instantly, Minho's eyes widened slightly. He remembered that situation. It was when Taemin had asked him a question he couldn't bring himself to answer. It was the one thing that triggered all his true feelings which wwere buried deep into the illusion he created for himself. "O-Oh..which part..did you remember about that day?"

"Basically that specific conversation." Taemin smiled softly. "I had asked you if you loved me, right?"

Minho bit his lip in guilt and nodded. " know..I-"

"I know. You couldn't say it right?"

He nodded his head. "I..I was scared then. But now, I'm nowhere near afraid of admitting my love to you." Minho grabbed Taemin's hand, surprised at his own self since he swore he felt someting solid for a few seconds. "I love you Taemin. I always did, and I always will."

He couldn't keep calm at this. There was something going on here. How was it that he was even able to grab him like this? "I-I know. Please don't touch me too much, I'm already too warm." He said as he glowed pink.

"I know you are..I felt you." Minho walked closer, pulling the other so he could wrap his arms around the spirit's slightly translucent waist. He watched as the distance between his solid lips and those fairly visible ones decreased. He felt as if he was going to go absolutely nuts.

"N-No don't." Taemin felt like his chest was going to burst. There was no word he could use to properly describe this feeling. It was too much, but he didn't not want it to happen. Which was why he felt like he shouldn't let it happen. This all felt too real.

His thoughts were wiped clean at the touch of their lips and unintentionally, his eyes closed on their own while he couldn't help but lean into the kiss even more. It felt surreal, and he didn't want it to stop one bit. He wished it could have gone on forever because he felt alive. He felt like he was connected with this man. It was almost as if they were meant to stay like this, simply close and together. Time seemed to no longer exist just being like this with him.

"Yah!" The two were suddenly startled, causing them to break the kiss while still holding one another. "What are you doing?"

"I..I don't know. It just happened." Taemin bit his lip this time in guilt. Seeing that little girl look slightly angry at them was not what felt embarrassing, it was more like the shape she took. The thought of having been spotted by a child felt slightly humiliating.

She sighed in disappointment. "You two..You two really need to get back. Taemin, you should be looking for your answers so you could be able to do this with him in real life. And you, you're..strange."

Minho furrowed his brows. "How so?"

She remained silent, lifting her hand to rub her chin. "You could touch Taemin. How do you do that? No human has ever done that. Well at least they tried but never succeeded."

"I don't know.." He said truthfully.

"You're a strange one." She mumbled. "It is possible to touch a spirit..but that hasn't been done for centuries."

"But you said it wasn't possible." Taemin interupted.

"Well I thought it wasn't, so I just said what I truly felt. Umma told me it has happened but that was long ago, and usually only animals are able to make the most contact with spirits because of how strong their love is towards the ones they've lost. Not to mention they can see us and acknowledge our presence if they plead because of their purity."

Taemin and Minho blushed at her words, sparing a glance at one another that only caused them to look away in embarrassment.  "S-So what's that supposed to mean?" Taemin asked.

"I'm not sure. I know it's not really a bad thing..but it's very rare which was why I thought it would never happen. In all the years I've served in doing this I haven't seen one human do this. Then again I've only been doing this for six centuries."

"S-Six centuries?" Minho said with a crack in his voice. He blushed even more seeing how Taemin smiled shyly.

"I'm pretty young for a spirit." The little girl started playing with the piece of silk tied on her wrist. Minho had almost forgotten about that. He always thought why her's was different to Taemin's, but realized it was probably since this girl was some sort of 'servant'. " you think you can touch him for me?"

"E-Eh?" The couple said simultaneously.

"Yeah, just touch his cheek or something. Maybe even kiss him." Minho gulped. For some reason he felt even more shy doing this in front of a little girl, but despite that he obeyed. He first had them face one another. Once he did that he nervously reached his finger up to Taemin's face and caressed his cheek. He saw the cheek glow pink again which in turn made him kiss his cheek out of habit. He had totally forgotten about his shyness once he saw that cheek blush. "Huh. Interesting."

"Can you leave now?" Minho asked impatiently, still trying to regain the manliness he felt he had lost.

"Alright alright. I really shouldn't be enjoying this." She mumbled to herself. "Taemin, be careful okay? You have to search for your answers carefully and remain calm when finding them. The other night you had almost caused a disturbance to your coma. And you..well..just keep doing what you're doing. I'm sure soon enough you'll have Taemin back in your arms like old times." In a second she poofed out of the room, leaving the two to blush.

That was quite the embarrassment. They were technically being lectured by a kid, but what was more was having to be ordered to do such affectionate actions in front of her. Although they didn't mind doing it, the beating of their hearts became too fast for them to be able to stand it. "That was strange.." Minho said softly, slipping his hand into Taemin's.

The spirit bashfully nodded. " was a good strange."

"How so?"

He smiled. "Because..this basically means you love me..a lot."

Minho couldn't help returning the gesture. Without a second thought he pulled Taemin close again. All the nervousness from before washed away, now all he wanted was to kiss this creature, which he had done. Only this time, he felt as if there were actual lips gently pressing on his own.

A/n: You like? Ehe. I updated! I'm happy it didn't take long (: And I'm content with the length of this chapter. I haven't written one this long for who knows how long. Thank you for the subs I've been given and the wonderful comments. You guys are really the reason of my happiness. I hope you can continue to shower me with that love in this chapter and the future chapters. Please comment and let me know how you feel about the story so far. I acutally wouldn't even mind if you told me how your day was, as long as you comment and let me know you're there ^.^ An author feels ten times happier seeing feedback from the ones they love. Happy reading guys. And know this was in one go so excuse any errors. Annyeong~


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joohyun007 #1
Chapter 13: It's crazy this story made in 2015 now is almost 2020 hahah
joohyun007 #2
Chapter 13: Thank u authornim :)))) makes me happy to read this
Chapter 12: I’m not crying it’s fine.
Leetaemin2233 #4
Chapter 13: I was so sad when key was crying T.T he just did what taemin wanted TTTTTT but the ending is so sweet and i got really mad at minho in this fic but i still love him~~ thank you for such a great fic
Chapter 12: Hello dear writer.
Your fic... this fic is so good.I dont know how explain it cause eng is not my mother language. but I loved every part of it. specially the part that taemin was a ghost.... I was so sad for him...
Again.... thank you. I love 2min and your story is great ... perfect.
KPOPMonstahh #6
Chapter 13: i read this the whole morning lol

It's beautiful! i love how you write how regretful Minho is with what he has done and all those love Taemin has omgg IT GOT ME IN THE FEELS!

When i read that Tae got 'help' from someone, i instantly thought it was Key. I mean let's face it i'm a hardcore Jongkey shipper and i read Jongkey most of the time (that means an awful lot of time lol) and i never seen Key being that quiet <3

Perfect ending with Yoogeun too! :)
Great piecee <3

p.s. I'll be reading your Jongkey fic now :)
thanks a lot!
ChoiYoungie #7
So, I just finished reading your fiction and I'm sorry for not always taking time to comment because I know commenting is really important, so I'll try to make you forgive me.
First, I'd thank you because it was amazing, and really different from other fictions I've read. The ghost thing made me skeptical at first but in the end it happened to be interesting and it had a so powerful meaning that it came out great. Plus, I gotta say that you improved your way of writing so much. This fiction shows how hard you've worked, so the story already being awesome, your writing made it even more pleasurable.
I totally melted while reading the last chapter. I didn't cry but I felt so overwhelmed with emotions, happy emotions. Minho finds his Taemin back and we can see how guilty he feels but also how in love he truly is. I liked the fact that Taemin remembers what happened when he was a ghost as well, it made it even more beautiful I guess. I'm not a huge fan of ellipse, especially when they're a few years long, because I don't know it makes me realise that they age and that their love may not be eternal, but that's okay. I mean, Taemin and Minho adopting Yoogeun, what more could I ask for ? WELL NOTHING. They're happy and even though I hate happy endings, this one was needed, they went through too much to end this fiction sadly, I would've cried an ocean if you did, I think.
I don't know what else to say, except that once again I loved reading your fiction and that I'm sorry I'm commenting so late......... It was great to read a sequel of another fiction you wrote and that I love. So, thank you very muuuuuuuch and bravo ~ ♥
Chapter 12: love the ending.. <3
thank you so much for this story authornim..
can't believe it's over.. :(
hope to see you soon on your next 2min stories authornim ^^
Chapter 12: This story is truly amazing and the ending is so heartwarming! I am sure I will get back to this story more than once in the future! I loved the way you expressed their feelings and fears, they really acted like humans, not robots, and it was great. Thank you a lot for writing and sharing this story with us! Congratulations on passing your exams, have a great free time, you deserve it! *squishes you* *u*
Chapter 12: This has gotta be one of the best Ending I've read. I swear Author-nim, ITS TOO GOOD. I Love the Story. I really do. ♥