❝teaser 01

❝Everlasting Ties
❝teaser 01 ©

Nov 27, 2014; 02:51PM


The techno music bounced off the heated practice room's walls. The dance trainer clicked one of the stereo's buttons and paused the music.

"Jung, you need to work on your timing. You're behind the rest by 4 counts!" he scolded the young boy, who was drenched in sweat. He nodded his head weakly, mentally noting to practice overnight that day.

"Let's take it from Ahn's part," he said and rewinded the music.

The young girl's legs were shaking a bit from exhaustion. They have been training for two hours with only a five minute break in-between. If the trainees could get another break, and maybe use the five minutes for a power snooze, then perhaps they would be able to do better. Nevertheless, the young girl took her position and instinctively reacted to the music the second it sounded across the suffocating room.

After another retake, the dance trainer finally ceased the music and dismissed the practice session. All the trainees collapsed to the floor, huffing and panting, reaching for their water bottles and towels. 

"Have you heard?" a voice spoke.

"Heard what?" one of the trainees replied.

"The company is going to debut a new group," the trainee answered.

"I did, but I don't know what kind," another spoke up.

"I heard there will be six members," Jung said before one-shotting his water bottle.

"Who told you guys this?" a female trainee asked, frowning in suspicion.

One of the girls giggled. "Oh please, it's all what the staff is talking about! Why do you think our training sessions suddenly became a hell-hole?"

"Well, Joohyun-ah, I don't eavesdrop on them, so how should I know? I'm not a gossiper like you guys," the female retorted.

Joohyun narrowed her eyes while wiping sweat off her bare forehead. "Chill Minah, I wasn't eavesdropping. One of the trainers barged into one of my vocal lessons and discussed it with my vocal trainer for a few minutes before leaving. I can't help but listen if they're going to talk about it right in front of my face," she defended herself and stood up.

"Now if you may excuse me, I have a vocal lesson to attend." With that, Joohyun left, leaving Minah rolling her eyes in annoyance.

The other trainers ignored the little event that occured in front of them and just went back to their own conversations. Several trainees exited the practice room to their next lessons while others stayed and practiced a little longer.

❝author's note
Anyone spot my character? Hehe, yes I put Ahn in here. I hope you all enjoyed this teaser! And no, the characters in here besides mine are not trainees, lol.
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holy i updated


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swedenlaundry #1
update ;_;

i absolutely adored this chapter!! i feel like the spy academy is such a unique idea but i think it might just be a prank show because of what happened during the concert lol im looking forward to how the girls will initiate their plan

also that yura scene
omg i think i might have acted the same way with j.ae but like

and i cri bc when soul imagined saera in a throne with them fancy stuff i imagine saera in cl's outfit in baddest female lol (im pretty sure she had a lot and i might have mixed them up-- )

i think what soul needs is more biting words but like im pretty sure she does that more in her inner monologues

##tmi ahah hah i bet danny does i mean how can he be so good with a rope (im so sorry this was supposed to be said in an ironic way but typing is it cutting it off)

ok so i really enjoyed reading this chapter but i hoped to see more of kaye since i dont really get any vibe off of him right now he's like *whispers* ...invisible //ok not rly but hes the character that i know /least/ about atm

thank you for the chapter btw!! ill go work on soul's trivias soon (ill certainly give her more skills that will enable her to not sound dumb /yes..)
kpopfantastic #3
Chapter 9: Thissss chapter was such an interesting read! To be honest, I'd love to see more of Kaye/Ariel (ships them so hard) seriously. Like omfg this pair amuses me to no end. The sassy and shy.

The mission and the variiety show idea is amazing. It's so cute and tbh I'd totally watch that if that was areal show. It's right up the alley of hilarious and physical comedy. Look at Danny taking all the charge! He's one of my favorite character aside from J.AE. The girls amuse me as well since they refuse to take the mission from the boys so easily.

I love seeing Danny's personality and the girls, particularly Ariel and Soul's personality. I'd love to see more of Kaye's personality, since I don't really know a lot about him.

Lastly: Jaehyun and Yura. Dear god. So much second hand embaressment for this noob. He's so lovestruck at first sight that it's so amusing since he's not exactly smooth with the ladies. Tbh I love how you made him. He's fabulously a noob. Favorite part is his thoughts after he said his first line to Yura. I cringed so hard at that. Thank you for the second hand embaressment. I truly love you.

Overall: Chapter was daebak.
Chapter 10: oh.m.geeee >.<
i thought this was even cuter then the first chapter
i liked the little mission they received
was that a real variety show? or did you make it up?

anyway is anyone else shipping kaye and ariel right now?no? just me? okay.
look at J.AE crushing, he's adorbs (my inner noona is coming out) -cue le creepy smile-
i hope to see more of him though cause i feel like a don't know much about his personality really
i got the gist of ariel's , who seems likes a quirky character and is actually pretty funny
hehe, walk on ceilings

now on to my danny, i loved how you portrayed him so far
he's a little bit softer than i imagined but you still did good
oh and his unexpected badassary skills in tying people up.

anyway i lurved it, thank you for updating
Chapter 10: Hey, when will you update? It's been a while already :(
Chapter 10: Update soon please!
And that poster is just amazing XD
im almost tempted to make a poster but im too busy otl
it's horrific in the best way possible
it's like one of those things you send to graphic designers as a birthday card
just so they squirm uncomfortably
all it has to do is use comic sans
Chapter 10: First, yes I did think this was update and I was sad when it wasn't.
but the poster above(even though it's a poorly edit, haha but I still love it) made me laugh so in the end I was quite satisfied.
I would totally want her to do individuals just to see what she'd put for each one(i bet something funny)
soooooooooo in alllllllllll i LOVED the poster, nice job swedenlaundry :)))))))))))))))
swedenlaundry #10
Chapter 10: Ewwww that edit though~~what was the maker thinking? omfg it so badly