the disaster maker

Between Us -YeWook time-

Lately, I feel someone's stalking me wherever I go. Not only at college, but also on my way back home. I want to tell Yesung about it, but now he's busy with his training. He's going to recording his own album soon.

And today, I come home alone. Kyu is now having part time job, so he can earn some money to visit Sungmin.

Hyukjae is going somewhere with Donghae like usual.

And Yesung out of town for few days....Hhhh~ I miss him so bad, now.

I go to the convinience store, buy some stuff. I feel that someone's following me. I look around but no one's look suspicious.

When I finish shoping, the rain is falling down. Since I didn't bring umbrella, I run to the dorm.

After arrange all the things I bought, I hear the bell ring

"Who's that?" I open the door, and guess who I see?


She's all wet. I let her in and lend her towel. I make a glass of tea to warm her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm just walking around, then the rain falling. I don't know where to go,but then I see you coming, so I'm following you...Sorry, oppa"

She looks so terrible, pale and shaking

"Here, drink this. You look terrible. Why don't you just go home after class?"

She's not answering me

"You want to change? I still have new shirts, if you want to" I can't stand to see her like this

"Really oppa? You're so kind"

I bring the shirt and let her use the bathroom, and I back to my room.

"Oppa, I'm done" she suddenly appear on my room

"Oh, okay. Please wait on living room, I'll be there soon" I  told her, but she enter my room

"What are you doing?"

"Just want to see your room, oppa. Wow, so clean. You must be so neat. I love it" She walking toward my bed

"Kyaa~ this is so cute" She took one of my heart shaped pillow

"Put it down, Seo"

"I don't know that you like something like this too, oppa"

"Well, that's enough. Let's get out of here" I drag her to the door, and open it. But when I open my door, Yesung is there

"Hyung! How...When did you come? I didn't hear the bell"

"Well, It's surprise for you! I...." He didn't finish his line when he saw Seo standing beside me, still holding the love pillow

"What is she doing there? Inside your room? and wearing your shirt? and holding your pillow? and...."

"No, hyung, let me explain to you! We're just..."

"We're not doing anything, yet, oppa" Seo cuts me, and smirk, huging the pillow

"What do you mean by yet?" He get irritated by her answer

"Well...." she

"No, hyung, listen to me..."

"Sorry, wookie, I'm tired. I'll leave now. No...don't say it again. I don't want to hear anything. Not even want to see her holding my gift for you!" He just walk away and slam the door

I turn to Seo, grab my pillow, my precious pillow.

"You....what are you doing? Why don't you just tell him that there's nothing happen!" I yelled at her

"I've told you, oppa. I won't give up that easy"

"You....really...Aish!" I leave her, running to find Yesung, hope that he's not far.

It's still raining outside, and I didn't bring umbrella. I can see his car, starting to move

"Yesung hyung! Wait for me! Hyung!" I run to his car, forget about the rain. I don't care. But it keeps on moving

"Hyung! Wait!"

But it won't stop. Tears and rain falling down on my face.

"Ryeowoook! What are you doing?" I hear a voice, when I turn around I see Jungsoo with his umbrella covering me from the rain

"Are you out of your mind? What are you doing? Let's go"

"But,,,but,,,Sungie Hyung..."

"Just get in now!"

I just following him

~To be continue~

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HelloImVivi #1
aww what a sweet end ^^<br />
thanks 4 your upload :)
So Sad Poor Wookie...Poor Sungie T.T<br />
<br />
Seems Good...I Love Yesung...Upload Soon =D