Resolved Misunderstandings Strengthen Bonds

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After the events on Strong Heart, the gossip about Taeyang and Yuri had spread throughout Korea and fans were shocked about this revelation. It was the first scandal that either had ever been involved in, and thinking back on it, it was funny to them that their first scandal wasn't even true. 

Yuri was still a regular MC along with Tiffany on Music Core and she had been asked by many people about her current situation with Taeyang. And every time she was asked about him, she would give the same answer. That she was happy that she was able to meet him and start a friendship with a senior that she highly respected. That it was just friendship between the two idols and nothing more. She would be able to avoid these questions soon because she was leaving her post as MC to prepare for SNSD's next project.

Taeyang was also appearing on shows regularly to promote his first official solo album and as expected, he was receiving questions about Yuri. And he gave similar answers as Yuri. A few weeks after the scandal had surfaced, the talk about the two idols was dying down. 

During this period, Taeyang and Taeyeon had kept up constant contact with each other, laughing at the situation that they had found themselves in and the position that they had indirectly put Yuri in. A few days after the incident, Taeyang had sent a gift basket filled with all sorts of sweets to the SNSD dorm to thank Yuri for what she did. 


"So hyung. Aren't you happier after what I did on Strong Heart? Aren't you and Yuri noona closer now?" Seungri asked one day. 

Daesung and T.O.P were laughing quietly to themselves at the face that Taeyang was making when the maknae said that. 

"Are you kidding? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have to answer all these questions about Yuri and she wouldn't have to answer all the questions about me. I had to send a gift basket to her to apologize for your actions," he said, reprimanding him. 

"But aren't you closer to her now? I mean, now you have a reason to talk to her hyung! Maybe you guys can even date for real! And then you can set the rest of us up on dates with the other members too!" she called out excitedly. 

After laughing at the silly notion made by Seungri, Daesung and T.O.P became quiet when they heard this as well. "Yeah hyung! Introduce us to the SNSD members too! We want to meet them!" Daesung said.

"Yah. You're the one that became friends with them, but you don't even talk to them whenever you see them! I remember Yoona said so on Family Outing!" Taeyang said, causing Daesung to quiet down and take his seat again. 

"Youngbae-ah. If you're not going to introduce these two then at least introduce them to me," T.O.P said with a cheeky smile on his face causing cries of protest to come from his two dongseangs. 

"Aish. What are you all talking about? Even I haven't met them yet and you want me to introduce them to you?" Taeyang said reluctantly. 

"Hyung! It's a better way for us to get to know our in-laws!" Seungri cried as Taeyang whacked him over the head. 

The other members had been bugging him lately about introducing them to the SNSD members since they had been saying for a long time that they wanted to get closer with them. Maybe he should ask Taeyeon about potentially setting up something.


"Congratulations to Taeyang-shi on winning this weeks Music Core! While Taeyang-shi gets ready for his encore performance, Tiffany-shi and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for supporting us over the last year. It's been so fun for us to be MC's every week but hopefully we will see you all very soon again with our brand new album!" Yuri addressed the crowd causing some of them to protest and say that they didn't want the two to leave. 

"Ne. It's very sad for us to be leaving Music Core but we will see you all very soon again," Tiffany said as she smiled before introducing Taeyang for his encore performance of 'I Need a Girl".

Greeting some of the other artists on the way to their dressing room, they finally took a seat on the couch and kicked off their heels. Inside their room were some gifts left by fans and staff members, thanking them for their hard work over the last year. 

"Wahh. Look at all these gifts!" Tiffany said as she began opening a box of chocolates. As they were looking at what they had received, they heard a knock on the door. 

"Come in!" Yuri called. "Oh! Annyounghaseyo Taeyang sunbaenim!" she said as both her and Tiffany stood up and bowed to their senior.

Taeyang laughed at their actions. "Annyounghaseyo Yuri-shi. Tiffany-shi. But it's alright if you call me oppa or Youngbae oppa. It'll be more comfortable," he said as he came into the room and closed the door. 

"Oh chinchayo?" Tiffany said with a smile. When she received a smile from him, she gave her eye smile while giggling uncontrollably. "Arraso... oppa," she said before giggling and playfully hitting Yuri's arm. 

Taeyang could only laugh at their cute behaviour. 

"Have a seat oppa!" Yuri directed as they moved some gifts off of it to allow him to sit. Taking a seat, he smiled at the two girls with his eye smile. "So how can we help you oppa?" Yuri asked. 

"Well. I just wanted to stop by and say thank you again for what you did Yuri. It really helped me out. And I'm sure Taeyeon is really grateful for it too," he said genuinely. 

"Oh it's okay oppa! You don't have to go out of your way to thank me. Besides, you sent that gift basket as well. Thanks for that by the way. Sooyoung and Yoona absolutely loved the muffins," Yuri said with a smile. 

He smiled hearing this. He shifted in his seat nervously.

"Are you okay oppa? You seem to be a little nervous around us," they laughed at his behaviour. Normally when he saw them, he was quite comfortable, but today it seemed like there was something on his mind. 

"Ne. I'm okay. Well. Actually, there is something that I wanted to ask of you," he said as he played with his fingers, unable to meet the eyes of the two girls.

"What is it oppa?" Tiffany asked.

"Well, after the whole scandal thing played out, the guys have been bugging me constantly to introduce them to you and your members. They said we should have a, and I quote, "Soshibang Date"" he said as he lifted his hands and gestured with quotation marks. 

Hearing this, the girls couldn't help but giggle at the name that they had given it. "Soshibang date? Who came up with that? I bet it was Seungri wasn't it? Only he would think of something that cheesy," Yuri said, unable to hide her laughter. 

"Aniya! It was probably Daesung! He always makes those cheesy remarks," Tiffany retorted, wiping the tears of laughter out of her eyes. 

Taeyang coughed slightly, waiting to tell them the truth. "Um... Actually, it was T.O.P hyung that came up with that," he said scratching the back of his neck nervously.

The girls, who had just composed themselves, burst into fresh laughter when they discovered that the ever serious and composed rapper of BIGBANG came up with the hilarious name. Taeyang laughed along with them. He realised that not many people outside of YG knew that T.O.P was a bit of a goof. 

After a while, they had all composed themselves. "I know you guys are going to busy and all with your upcoming promotions and everything, and I'm sure you won't have much time to spare but if you do, let me know and we can set something up. I'm sure the guys would love to meet you all in a non-formal setting."

"Ne. We would like that as well oppa. I know some of the members would be happier than others," Yuri said causing both girls to giggle at their little inside joke. Taeyang not knowing what they were laughing about could only smile at their innocent behaviour. Sometimes he would forget that they were just celebrities, but also young girls as well. 

"Oh. I also have a present for you guys. Wait here. I'll be back in a moment," he said as he left the room. 

"Bwoh? I wonder what it is?" 

A few minutes later, he came strolling back into the room with his hands behind his back. "Here," he said as he placed tickets on the table. 

"Omo! Are these for your concert oppa?!"

"Ne. It'll be my first full length concert and I wanted to thank all you girls."

"Omo. When we show Taeyeon this, she's going to scream with joy," Tiffany teased. Taeyang laughed at the playfulness of the girls. After talking for a short while more, they concluded their conversation and moved onto their next schedules. 


It was moving into September and both Taeyang and Taeyeon were busy. SNSD was preparing for their upcoming album release which included their title track 'Hoot', whilst Taeyang was preparing for his first full length solo concert coming up in a few days. When he had discussed about the concept of the concert with his president, YG had suggested that during the performance of 'I Need a Girl', he should bring a female audience member up on stage with him and serenade her. 

He quickly dispelled this notion, stating that he didn't want to come across as a womanizer. YG had also suggested that they have IU come as a special guest and the two could do a duet together, as a type of fan service for those that shipped them together. 

However, Taeyang had also shot down this idea as well. After the episode of Heroes that he appeared in, he had been asked by many people about his interactions with IU and how she was fangirling over him. He remembered what happened the day the episode aired on tv.

Flashback Starts:

His promotions for his album were finished and now he was preparing for his concert which was still awhile away. But he still practiced everyday, whether it was with back up dancers or just by himself. BIGBANG had also released two Japanese songs which had incredibly enough both reached number one on the Korean charts. 

He was currently in one of the practice rooms, working through each individual songs chereography. He had been there for a good 3 hours so far and it didn't seem like he would be finishing any time soon. It was currently 9pm but he would stay late into the night knowing that he didn't have any schedules that he needed to attend tomorrow. 

While going through the chereography for 'Break Down' for the third time, he heard his phone emit its message tone. He waited until he was satisfied that his chereography was solid before walking over to his bag. Taking a seat against the wall, he grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat from his face and body before drinking half a bottle of water. Grabbing

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IamTheMarsian #1
I don't know why I'm commenting here but
lannasong #2
Chapter 1: I loved it! Can't wait for the next chapter!
taeyangtiffany123 #3
Chapter 14: Please update lots on your taeyang-chorong fic too !!
tomahh #4
Chapter 12: please update!!!! :D
Chapter 12: next chap pls :D
Checkmate92 #6
Chapter 12: update update update =) please
minhnam #7
plz update soon :D
Bumella #8
Chapter 12: thx for the update... ahh so sweet of them.. haha the memebrs are funny
hailey7349 #9
Chapter 12: Yay an update. Thank you
Checkmate92 #10
Chapter 11: Thx for the update XD