daily routine .

All You Need To Say Is "I Love You"

[ jiya's p.o.v. ]

*BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!*  My alarm rang.

I hit the snooze button and continued to sleep.

I couldn't take another day at school.


Because senior year is almost over and my best friend, who's a guy, doesn't know I love him.

L.Joe...when will you ever find out that I love you? I thought in my head.

Of course, it's impossible that he'll ever love me back.

He probably just sees me and friend, a sister maybe.

After ten minutes I got up and got ready for school.

Should I confess to him today? 

No. It wouldn't be good. I would just cause a big mess.

"Umma! I'm going now!" I said as I got myself a piece of bread.

"Okay. Stay safe Jiya~!" my mother shouted back.

Then I was headed out the door.

I became nervous right after I left.

My heart pounded extra fast as I walked down the street.

That's right, I always walk with L.Joe to school in the morning.

As I arrived in front of his door I heard a loud noise coming from the back of his house.

"I told you to get out of my house! You have no respect! Get out!" I heard his mother shout.

"L.Joe..." I let out a whisper.

His mother had always acted this way ever since his father had left them last year.

L.Joe's mother had always blamed him for his father's depart.

Since then, she'd hated L.Joe because he was his father's child.

L.Joe came out from the back, panting.

He had a cut on his face and blood flowed down from it like a small stream.

I ran towards him.

"L.Joe! L.Joe, what happened?" I cupped his face as he kneeled down.

"M-mom..." he responded.

I took out my handkerchief and wiped his face.

"L.Joe..." I said softly. "Please, don't go back in there. You'll get harmed even more. Please..."

I looked at him. "Okay..." he said. His eyes became calm and he stopped trembling.

He got up. "Jiya," he said.

I got up and turned to him. "Yeah?"

"Honestly, I don't think I can live another day without you. Thank you."

He gave me his cute, crooked smile. I smiled back at him.

"You're welcome. I'd...do anything for you L.Joe," I told him. My smile turned into a frown.

Ugh, I shouldn't have said that. I made the atmoshphere awkward.

Watch your words Jiya! I feel so stupid.

"I would too," he responded.

We started walking to school.

I didn't know what to do.

He said that he would do anything for me too.

What does that mean?

What if he loves me too?

What's gonna happen?



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