Typical Weekend

Twelve Faced
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"Let me give you one tip of advice, learn to love yourself before you get to my age." 

With a flick of your hair and an already confident smile growing, you replied, "How enlightening, don't forget you're only two years older than me, Baek." It was a chilly winter evening on the streets of an illuminated city, the sky was almost completely darkened by the arrival of the night, faint stars were becoming visible if you managed to stare long enough. Stars are one of the many wonders of life that you have grown to love, how they shine from so far away but yet are shining bright enough for people down on earth to see. They were truly magnificent and fascinating to you.

Today was a special day, no it wasn't your birthday, it's not Christmas either, today was the day you and your so-called partner in crime, Baekhyun, were going to head back out to your favorite night club that you hadn't visited in two weeks. Normal people would consider two weeks away from a night club as a short amount of time but to you, it really wasn't. Time could pass as slowly or as quickly as one desired. 

Being in clubs could bring out the best and worst out in a person, the adrenaline gets you on a new high, feeling the beat of the music playing in the background surging through the veins of your body is just exhilarating. It could turn you into someone new, no one knows who you are once you get going. However, let's be honest here, your strong attachment to clubs weren't always as big as they were today but something - or should you say someone - just keeps pulling you back there, practically scraping for more time in there. That's a story for another time though.

"Two years is actually considered quite some time, think of the amount of things you could get done in two years if you weren't as lazy as me." Here we go, a typical beginning of one of his many daily rants. 

To avoid the long break you'd need to take to reassure Baekhyun about one of his multiple personal issues, you decided to release a hum in response. Despite attempting to show the fact that you weren't interested right now, he continued, "I've got three words for you Daeha, life is boring." 

A slight scoff fell from your lips accompanied with a small smile, "How cliché." He began nodding his head to a somewhat audible rhythm in the distance, "True, very true, but have you ever thought abo-." His sentence was put to an abrupt halt as you clasped your hand over his mouth, "Shut up for a minute."

Baekhyun clearly got the message after realizing what you had been eyeing up. There in front of you was your domain, bright lights, music pumping, the chives of people just enjoying life were literally oozing from that one building. 

Waiting in line had become old school for you and Baekhyun by now, the bouncer had grown to favor you two after a few sly winks from the one and only. Well that, and the fact he's friend with Baekhyun also kind of played a part in that but a half of you would just prefer to ignore that little detail. It would boost your confidence a lot more if you believed it was thanks to you.

"Nice to see you two again tonight, don't stay up too long, we all know how that ended last time." The bouncer threw Baekhyun a cocky grin, but of course with his oblivious attitude after being intoxicated, Baekhyun didn't have the slightest idea to what he was referring to and quite frankly you didn't want to recall it either. 

After having your entrance to the club opened up you could immediately feel your excitement begin to grow even more as if that wasn't even possible. Will he be here tonight? No point thinking about it now, if he's not, he could show up at any minute, like he always seems to do. Does he get a thrill from doing that, you wondered. You may never know. You and Baekhyun made your way into the iridescent building, accompanie

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