
The Red Shoes

    Time pass day and night, people simply going by with their usual routine left unaware of the curse walking among them. When the sun rises, steps quicken easily matching those of the locals. As night began to fall, they slowed, each one silenced under the midnight sky. Not once did they stop neither to ponder nor to tell.

  "If they never stopped to tell the story, how would you know about it?" asked a blonde boy, a skeptic at heart.

  "It's his story, of course he would know it," a younger girl retorted. "He simply made it up."

  He smiled fondly at the two kids, "I wasn't finished yet."

  "Can't you just tell us about the curse," the young blonde asked, flicking away at the pillow.

  "I'm getting to it," he said.

  The steps may be silenced but no one could miss the pale brunette causing them. The bright smile she gave to anyone who made eye contact with her. Her soothing voice as she hummed, or sometimes sung to herself. She was a walking beauty, one that never had time to stop. The older ones loved her due to her being well mannered and very polite.

  But while she was friendly to many, there are still those who questioned her presence, her reason to be in their village, their home land. She never stopped for food or to buy anything, only going through the market. She never stopped by anyone's house, only passing by with keen interest. Nobody seemed to know her, yet she managed to charm most of the population. The only thing they ever saw her do was walk, and walk she did.

  She smiled and laughed, but her name was never told. They only knew her as the girl with the red shoes.



I sort of got bored, and decided to write a crappy prologue. First chapter will be up soon. Do any of you know some really good shows featuring High4? It's hard to find out more about them due to the lack of it.

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Oh yeah ^^! High4+ IU~
Waiting for that chapter ;)
Hmm... I do know that NAP Entertainment have an official youtube channel at least c:
miyurihatsune #2
Finally! Glad to see a High4 fic ^^ Looking forward to this story