Unconsciously Fallen

Say Something

Very short, but I wanted to update now, because I'll be going on a school trip to Italy for a week from tomorrow on.

Aaaaaand I just saw that this story has 100 subscribers now!!! >///< I'm so happy and thankful! Please keep the faith in me!



I was perplexed by his words. They were echoing in my head trying to make me understand their meaning. It took me a while to answer.

“So what now? Are we going back to how it was before? The hyung that teases his dongsaeng? The two persons that have nothing to do with each other except for the fact that they’re in the same group? Can you do that?....I can’t! I can’t forget this!”

Jimin looked flustered.

“I’m not asking you to forget it…just…”

He took a short glance at me.

“Don’t make it that hard for me, Yoongi.”

He turned to go and was out of the door before I could stop him. After a few seconds I followed him back to the others to continue to eat. I felt the members’ eyes on us and silently hoped they’d let us go.

“Didn’t you want to tell us something?” Namjoon asked. I looked up and tried my best to look and sound normal.

“Oh, nothing important. Forget it.”

“Didn’t sound like that.” he mumbled and I felt really uncomfortable. I got up and put my tableware away.

“I’m done eating.” I said and went into my room.



My appetite was gone. I had wanted to do it, I had to do it….but it didn’t really feel right.

“Jimin…what’s going on with Yoongi and you?” Jungkook spoke up. I looked up and everyone was looking at me with curious eyes.

“Nothing, really.”

“Jimin, could you please be honest! Yesterday you fought in the middle of the night and now you left the room and act like there’s nothing going on. Jimin we’re worried. Talk to us!” Jin said and I felt bad.

“I’m sorry….but I can’t talk about it. But please don’t worry anymore. Yoongi and I already cleared the thing.”

They didn’t look fully convinced, but didn’t ask anymore.



I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling, when the door opened and Hoseok entered my room. I just gave him a short glance and then stared back at the ceiling. He closed the door and came over.

“Make some space.” he said and lay down next to me. For a few minutes we just both stared at the ceiling without saying a word. I then let out a sigh.

“He said it’s over.” I finally said.

“What is over?”

“I don’t know. The whole thing between us, I guess.”

“Really? When we were texting earlier it didn’t sound like he’d want that.”

“I don’t understand it, too. Yesterday when we fought he was desperately against all my arguments and just now he said I was right.” I sighed.

“What were your arguments?”

“When I think of it now, it was all nonsense, because it would all not matter at all…if I could just be with Jimin. I think I just said that, because I’m actually afraid that he won’t stay with me, that he’ll leave me.”

I could see Hoseok smile in the corner of my eyes.

“You really fell in love with him, didn’t you?”

“Like I never did before.”

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Hey Guys, I belatedly rated some chapters [M]. I mean it's not like I wrote some hardcore there. I didn't rate the chapters that were just kissing/making out/or a little more and only rated the ones that actually got a little further. What do you think? I'm not sure how it's accurate.


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Chapter 32: This was the cutest date ever.
Chapter 30: I'm so happy your back and that Kookie is okay with everything
AlexPurple13 #3
Chapter 29: It’s nice to hear from you again :)
Please update this story. I miss it so much
Chimslunatic #5
Chapter 29: ur story is great! is kookie jealous???
bambamiu #6
Chapter 29: Wow that story really got me. Thank you for that. What I would like to read now would be a jikook story. That's maybe bad for yoongi but what about kookie is in love with jiminie *.* OK never mind xD just leave it like that.
KimFcknJongin #7
Chapter 29: Aah I love this story! I don't really care if Vhope or Vkook bc I like both haha
Hope you update soon
mak_ara #8
Chapter 29: AH YEEES I WANTED SOME VKOOK, ITS LIKE MY ULMTIMATE SHIP.. Next to Yoonmin heh, thank you ♥♥
K-Otakusama #9
Chapter 28: Thank you thank you so much!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡