More on Vicer

[HIATUS] Defle(x)tion

Chapter 9


"Finally! How long are you making me wait?"


"Sorry about that, Han Taeil-ssi. We got caught at the cross-fire and ended up late."


"Who are you? Where are the guys who brought me in?"


"We're Detective Song and Detective Liu from Seoul. We're here to talk about your brother, Han Daewan."


"What of him?" Taeil responded, disgruntled.


"He's found dead yesterday at his house."


"No surprise there. He's always so reckless. Dealing with someone dangerous."




"Yes, dangerous. Accepting high risk business partnership and getting himself in large debt made him turn to loan sharks. I made the right choice by leaving the company."


"There's nothing in the record that said the company's in debt. How'd you know about it?"


"He asked money from me but of course I don't have that large sum of money so I suggested that he inform our father but he lashed out, saying he won't be made president if the news got out. After all, he's the favorite son. Even if I tell on him, father won't believe me so I sold my share of the company and leave Seoul."


"Do you perhaps know who he's dealing with? The loan shark, I mean."


"I don't know that far. You'll have to dig that by yourself."


"If you had the money from selling the share, why did you choose to live where there's gangster cross-fire? You could have bought a house at a safer neighborhood," Amber questioned.


"Ironically enough, it is safer for me to live at such places. If I lived at the high class neighborhood, it would have been very obvious I had the money. Also, I don't want to be a bother for father if people found out I'm a son of a rich businessman."


"So you do care about him," Victoria said under her breath.


"Do you mind if I measure your height, Taeil-ssi?"


"I guess not," he replied, taken aback by the peculiar request.


Amber took a measuring tape from her backpack and told Taeil to take off his shoes and stood straight against the wall. Victoria held the other end of the tape flat on the floor while Amber reached up to the point where his head stopped and took note of the numbers. After they were done, they thanked him for his co-operation and led him out of the room. Outside, a police officer escorted him to a car and drove away.


"Too bad Snoopy's gone. We could've had lunch together and catch up before leaving for Seoul," Amber sighed as she entered the car.


"I know right. I also want to know more of that new friend of his."



D E F L E ( x ) T I O N



"So, hyung! When are you gonna tell me about Detective Liu? It sounded that the two of you are close, even having a pet-name for you."


"Shut it! There's nothing to tell," Henry exclaimed, hiding his slightly flushed face.


"If there's nothing then why are you so sensitive about it?"


"Because you are being indiscreet! What will become of my image if someone misheard you."


"But no one's around!"


Henry ignored him and entered his office. KyuHyun seemed to be undeterred and entered the office as if it was his own, sitting down on the couch. Henry said nothing and booted up his laptop to work but then KyuHyun kept bothering him so he put on his headphone and played some music. It did help in blocking out KyuHyun's truckload of questions but the music reminded him more about the person of interest, Amber Liu. The sound of string against the bow complemented the strumming of the guitar and he had goose bumps listening to their harmony. It was a recording of their small project back when they were jamming together. He had enjoyed those times very much but after Amber graduated from the police Academy, she became too busy and they lost contact for a year and that's when he decided that he would join the force. Although he was allocated in Jeonju, they did meet up a few times on cases or just hanging out during their breaks.


Henry was disturbed from his short reminiscent when his phone vibrated in his chest pocket. He took off his headphone and answered the call.


"What's up? … You're going already? Alright, meet you next time."


"Hyung! Who are you talking to? I can't understand your English."


"Stop being so nosy and go do some paperwork! I won't be responsible if you get scolded by the Chief again."


"Always using the Chief to get rid of me. Hmmph, fine!"


"Looks like I have to treat someone to lunch so I can use his name whenever. I'd better call him before KyuHyun blabbered to everyone in this building."



D E F L E ( x ) T I O N


"Did you tell him that we're leaving?"


"Yes, just now. Are you ready to go?"


"Yup, paid the bill already. Let's go," Victoria replied as she collected her things and headed out.


"I'll take the wheels. You look tired."


"I intend to let you drive anyway."


They both got into the car and fastened their seatbelts before making their way back to Seoul. Earlier it was Amber on the laptop but now it's Victoria. She logged on to the HQ database and input everything she know of the case into a folder named 'Han Daewan' but made sure to include the fact that the information needed to be re-confirmed by the Han company.




 AJL and VS talked to Han Taeil, victim's brother, regarding the victim

 He was sure that the company is in huge debt and the victim turned to loan sharks for some money

 Possibility that he was murdered by them, but the crime scene was too neat so it might not  be them

 Victim was favorite son; good relationship and no issues of mistrust

 Han Taeil didn't seem to be saddened by his death: check out his alibi, potential suspect

 From what was told, it would appear that the victim wanted the president position in the  company

 Investigate into victim's mother's death, maybe there's a connection

 Find out more on the contract with the Vicer company



"Although he might be our suspect for the murder, he's definitely not the one who broke in to the victim's office. He's shorter than the victim by an inch."


"But he took off his shoes. Or did you calculate that in too?"


"Yup, not him. We'll find out more on the break in if we ask around. Even if he didn't report to the police, I'll bet he asked the security guard to let him see the tape or even record something in his laptop."


"I'll get the tech team to get his phone records and any money transactions to or from his account."


"By the way, how much do we know about this Vicer Company anyway?"

Victoria connected the laptop to a broadband for internet connection and typed Vicer Company onto the search engine. On the first page, an article came up and she clicked on the link to read further.


The Rising Sun of Business World - Vicer Company:


Established in 2003, ten years ago, Vicer Company had made itself known to the world as the most successful company just within five years of operation. The Vicer had made deals with several companies both local and foreign and achieved great success with more renown company signing contracts with them. The Vicer had a wide range of global partnership and South Korea is no exception.


A few weeks ago, the CEO, Kim JaeJoong, arrived in South Korea in talks of dealing with the Han Company for a 6-digits contract. The press conference was held in Réussite hotel and witnessed by employees of both parties. In an interview, Kim JaeJoong was asked about his thoughts on the partnership to which he responded; "Although I created my company on an English soil, I am still a man from South Korea. It is my pleasure to work with a fellow Korean not to mention that the Han is a distant relative of mine. If by having this contract can help to create more successful individuals, then there's no harm done. I will also bring in a team from my company to help supervise the project."


His secretary, William Harris, was also present during the press conference and act as a consultant to make sure nothing will go wrong throughout the project progression. He was working for Kim JaeJoong since the Vicer was established and one of the few that the CEO trusted. According to him, Kim JaeJoong was the reason why the Vicer became successful. He never took a leave, always caring of his employees and resolved problems peacefully.


Kim JaeJoong and the rest of his staff will be staying in South Korea for a month to monitor the progress of the project before returning back to the Headquarters back in New York.



"Basically the CEO is a businessman celebrity. Now that's some big company. He must be filthy rich along with the shareholders."


"He is. With a company that big, he must have made billions annually. Too bad for him, the victim's father must be mourning so the project might be halted."


"Wait look, a news just popped up. He just sent his condolences to the Han family privately. He was seen to be exiting the Han residence with solemn look."


"That's a sincere man. Vic-unnie, you should marry a guy like that. Rich, caring and honest."


"How do you go from the CEO to me getting married? What's wrong with you lately? Found a boyfriend?"


"No! Of course not. It's just so sad that you're getting older each day and you still haven't found the one. I mean, you're gorgeous!"


"I will ignore that age comment since you complimented me."


"Okay, I'll stop. I must have caught the sentimental bug."


"After this stop, turn to the left fork. It's a shortcut."


"Actually do you mind if we take a short trip to the store? I'm craving for some ice-cream, especially from this area."


"Amber! What are you talking about?!"


"You can't blame me. It's good! Don't deny it. It's your favorite."


Victoria hesitated but she turned away from Amber, blushing.


"Alright but you are paying."

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NOTICE: Hello.Bet you guys thought I'm abandoning this story... No, that's not true. I'll be updating after my exams so please continue to wait for it. Thanks!


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Chapter 26: Sequel sequel sequel pleaseeeee....
Chapter 25: Please update soon :)
It's getting more interesting ^^
Great story! Hope you'll make the sequel of this
Chapter 24: It's okay authornim.. just take as much time as you need
BubibuBibuBa #5
It's okay man take your time
Chapter 22: Update soon.... ^^
Chapter 21: poor Amber the repressed guilt is coming back
Chapter 19: Your story is very nice so far. Good luck with your interview(s)! ^^