Chapter 1

Can I Sleep With You? - WonTaek

A tired Wonshik sat against the wall, eyes glued to the floor. The faint sounds of why he was stuck outside his room at two in the morning against his back. Sighing for the n-th time and decided he may as well try to sleep a bit before he had to get up for class. He grabbed the blanket he'd managed to grab and headed off to the closest place he could think of to sleep; The library. Once there, he found a comfy seat in the corner and dozed off.



Taekwoon looked at the clock on the wall and groaned, rubbing his eyes and looking around. He was the only student within eye-site still in the library, working on a paper. It was currently 2:30 in the morning,and he was just about burnt out. He decided to give it another half hour before heading to his dorm.

As he worked on his paper, something pink caught his eyes, and he turned his head to see who'd walked past. What awaited him was a site to lift his spirits. There, sleeping on one of the library lounge chairs was none other than the object of his affection, Kim Wonshik, curling up under a Hello Kitty blanket. Where he got it, Taekwoon would never know, but he couldn't help cracking a smile briefly before turning back to his work. 

After about half an hour of work, Taekwoon was sure he couldn't get anything else finished and decided to just go home. He packed his bags and pulled out his phone, pausing to snap a picture of the man on the couch before walking over and shaking the boy awake. 



Looking up, Wonshik's gaze locked onto a guy he identified as the one who lived across from him. "I-I'm sorry, did I snore? Was I bothering you?" he asked, his voice heavy with sleep. "No.. It's okay.. I just saw you sleeping here and wanted to check on you" the guy replied slowly. 

"Ah, I'm okay" Wonshik said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "My roommate's just having a friend over, and I got kicked out" he added, hoping that the cute boy in the oversized sweater could read between the lines. Taekwoon understood the situation, having been in the same boat before, and decided to invite Wonshik to his own dorm for the night. "My roommate's probably out anyways, he talked about visiting his boyfriend or something" he added, winking as he grabbed the Hello Kitty blanket and slung it over his own shoulders like a cape.

Wonshik thought about refusing, and normally he would have, but his neck was stiff from sleeping on the small couch, and the guy across from him seemed harmless enough. They'd met before, but never had a conversation apart from mutual hellos, and now he wondered why they hadn't. It was probably because the other was somewhat intimidating, but the pride in him wouldn't admit it.

"You don't mind?" he reaffirmed, standing up and stretching his limbs. A sliver of his stomach shone as he did so, and the other man couldn't help but steal a look. His attention was diverted when Wonshik introduced himself belatedly, outstretching a hand somewhat awkwardly. Taekwoon replied with his own name, omitting the fact that he had known Wonshik's name for longer than he cared to admit, shaking his hand and ushering the other out of the library and towards his room. 

"My roommate is out, so you can take his bed if you'd like" Taekwoon said, smiling slightly as he pointed to the bed on the left when they walked in the door. Wonshik nodded and made his way over, as Taekwoon left the room after grabing some clothes, going to shower. Wonshik sat silently on the bed, looking around the room. It was tidy, but you could obviously tell the two roommates had different styles. The desk on his side was covered in anime characters, the wall behind him holding a couple posters. The bed across from him was covered in neutral colors, the only thing identifying it as occupied being the desk lamp and laptop. He shoved the urge to snoop around down, and occupied himself on his phone for the next 10 minutes. 



Taekwoon left the room and sighed heavily. He didn't know why he'd offered his room to the boy, and he didn't know how he was going to survive the night without making a fool of himself. He'd rushed out under the guise of a shower, which he did need, but his mind kept going back to the boy sitting in his room. He quickly finished, dressed, and made his way down the hall. An idea came to him while he was walking, and he grinned ominously as he reached the room. 



He looked up as the door handle turned and almost gasped when Taekwoon came back in. He was dressed in loose sweat pants and a black tank-top, running a towel across his black hair. Wonshik stared at a lone water drop running down his neck, mesmerized by the older man's body. "Do you want some clothes to sleep in? We're about the same size" the elder spoke quietly, shaking an embarrassed Wonshik out of his trance. 

Wonshik nodded and Taekwoon grabbed a tshirt and another pair of sweats out of his drawer, passing them to him. The boy mumbled a thanks and started stripping to change. Taekwoon choked on his spit for a moment, mentioning to a surprised Wonshik that he was okay, before turning around and staring a whole into the wall. Once he got the affirmative that Wonshik was fully clothed again, he sat on his bed and the TV.

"I'm putting on a movie, do you want to watch?" Taekwoon asked, pointing to the menu screen on the TV. Wonshik looked and gulped as he realized what genre the movie was. Surely Taekwoon didn't know he was easily scared. He chuckled nervously and declined, turning over onto his stomach and focusing back on his phone. Taekwoon shrugged and smiled in his head, turning the volume up a bit and puching play. 

Wonshik lasted about half an hour before he caved and decided to watch the movie. It was scarier not knowing what was going on, and only hearing the screams behind him. He clutched a chopper plushie to his chest and focused on keeping his breathing calm. 

Once the movie was over, Taekwoon glanced at Wonshik and rethought his idea. The boy looked terrified and he wondered if it was a bad idea to put on a horror movie that night. "Are you okay?" he asked, making Wonshik jump as he nodded shakilly. "I'll.. just go to bed now" he mumbled, up his urge to ask if he could keep the light on. Taekwoon nodded and flipped off his desk lamp, turning to his side and falling asleep.

Around an hour later, he awoke to Wonshik tapping his shoulder. "Hyung.. Can I- Uh.. Can I sleep in your bed?" he asked sheepishly, eyes wide. It was obvious he'd had a nightmare, and Taekwoon nodded encouragingly. He patted the space beside him, lifting the covers for Wonshik to climb under. Taekwoon bid the boy goodnight again and started to hum one of his favorite songs. The humming lulled Wonshik to sleep, and Taekwoon gently wrapped his arms around the boy's middle, falling asleep contently. 



Wonshik stirred in the middle of the night, feeling warm and secure in the arms of Taekwoon. He smiled unconsciously and wrapped his own arms around the other boy, the Chopper plush he'd stole from Taekwoon's roommate long since discarded on the floor. 

Taekwoon woke up to this sight in the morning and grinned, feeling a bit less guilty about turning on a Horror movie when he knew of Wonshik was terrified of them. He smilled and snuggled deeper into Wonshik's chest, forgetting but not caring that he had an early class that morning.


Okay, that's it.. I posted it, see?? heh
I didn't read this over, so if you see mistakes, that's why ><"

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Chapter 1: It's sweet and cute! But, we'll be wonderin' what's next?! :)
Blue82 #2
Chapter 1: So cute. I wonder if the two roommates are hooking up.
Chapter 1: Aww I love it!
Chapter 1: CUTE I LIKE
_-Maimai-_ #5
Soo sweet :3
Chapter 1: this is awesome
weerainbow #7
Chapter 1: This is a really cute story! I loved it :)
Kokechan #8
Chapter 1: So sweet ! Thank you!
KpopWednesdayite #9
Chapter 1: so so cute ^^ <33
kpopluver4 #10
Chapter 1: cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!