
Wrinkles (A Peniel and You fanfic)

You breathed in the smell. It was clean yet it upsetted you. You looked around you, noticing that someone or something was missing. Your heart began to race. You sat up and felt a small jerk. You looked down at your wrist and saw an IV injected within you. You then realized that you were in a hospital. "Peniel?" you called out softly. No reply. 

You stood up and gently pulled out the IV. Your heart monitor still beeped on and on. You looked down at the ground. "Where am I?" you softly asked to yourself.

You walked around and around, getting lost in the hallways and vast rooms. You suddenly saw a blue door at the end of the hallway. You ran to it and opened it. A bright light flashed before you. There, you saw yourself, waiting at the bus stop. You froze, watching the scene play...


"Is that you?" someone asked softly.

You turned and felt your breath hitched. Peniel smiled and hugged you close. "It's been so long, jagi," he laughed. You breathed in his familiar scent. 

"It's been too long," you agreed. You looked at his worn face. There were new features that weren't there before. You wove your hands into his hair, feeling the shortness. "This looks funny," you said, scrunching your nose. 

"Well baby, you know why," he pointed out. He traced your face. "You're so beautiful."

"Well, I'm actually growing wrinkles," you laughed. He held you tighter. 

"I don't know what to say to you anymore. I ran out of words..." he whispered. 

"Me too," you said. 

Peniel's uniform scracthed your face. He's been gone for 2 years in the Army with his hyungs and dongsaengs. You were working hard, waiting for his return. Now he's home and your's forever. You both planned to get married after he returns. Your parents have already talked and they loved him. You smiled and sighed. 

You felt tears on your face. You wiped them away and continued. You saw floating pictures, memories, rotating around you. Your wedding day, your honeymoon..your first child.

You cried..tears of happiness, sadness, and thankfulness. You stood up straight and continued, going towards the last door....



You opened your eyes and turned your head. There was a boy, a tall boy. His eyes were wide and tears began to spill from them. "Do..Don't cry," you whispered hoarsly. 

"Thank goodness you're okay," he laughed. He held your hands. You looked down at them. Wrinkled and bony. Your heart stopped. 

"Where am I?" you asked. 

"At the hospital. You collapsed. They said it was because...." the boy began.

"Shh..it's not the right time. Go on and..say your last words," a woman said. 

"I love you..I hope you know that," he said, biting his lips. 

You reached out and traced his face. "I love..you too...Peniel," you said. Then your life seemed to pause just then.

Thank you heaven..for such a beautiful life. I will hope to see you again..in my next life...


The boy watched you die in front of him. He cried, holding onto your hand. "No! It can't be!" he sobbed. 

"Don't worry...she's in a good place now," the woman said softly. 

He wiped his face and kissed your forehead. "Good bye Mom...I hope you and Grandpa see each other once more in heaven..."


As we age, we begin to have wrinkles. They are just the marks of our life and the reminders that you are alive. They are precious for wrinkles represent time...and we don't have much time...so enjoy what you have now. Live life to the fullest. 

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