
{별똥별} Shooting Star- Hiatus

Limbs swayed, like the bamboo trees outside as wind passed them. A form- it was there, in the dark room. Clouds parted as though curious, and a soft light was cast inside, illuminating the mirrored room. The person spun in a graceful pirouette. His face faced the open balcony, eyes a deep, melancholic brown. He danced, feet not as light as when he learnt the ancient ritual dance. Still it possessed an ethereal quality, the elegant dance that spoke of prayer and desperation. He went on as the movements repossessed him after ages of dormancy. Scarlet. Gold. Brown leaves were falling to the ground again. Wind blew them in, reaching the far corner that he was in, as if to make the recently acquired cold obvious. It was getting cold again. He didn’t stop. Not even when his tips of his ears were flushed red. He slowed to a stop as the wind died away, as his knowledge, the movement of his body dictated. Two seasons had passed.

Autumn reflected Luhan. Despair it was. The leaves fell, wasting away as they lay robbed of their lively green. Yet, nature seemed to give a last beautiful burst of colour, last surge of strength in those brilliant hues of reds, oranges, yellows and browns before receding to allow white winter to claim the land. As if to signify hope. Amidst this beautiful, cruel world. The feet moved again.

It started slow with a graceful tombe pas de bourree. A sweeping glissade, then the grand jete. Repeat. The turns had to be sharper, movement swifter, leaps higher. Everything was not perfect. Better! It must be better! Repeat. His heart beat frantically, a screaming alarm. His eyelids remained closed, his ears stubbornly unable to hear. The beat in his eardrums rose to a fever pitch. The tempo…he had to keep up with the tempo! Faster…faster…The whispers would not stop. Then his legs gave out. He fell. Got up. Repeat.

She appeared amongst the clouds, that mirage swirling in the sky he reached out for. Clingy fantasy he held on to, that fool. He hadn’t heard news from her. For six months, he had been dealt with fake, pretentious smiles by the staff, especially those who lusted after him. Largely, he had been left to his own devices as he roamed through the hospital. But that was also how he found this place, this abandoned haven where he could keep sane, could lose himself in dance. He wavered as he did, that was how weak the stupid moron was. Because he couldn’t help himself from thinking about her, from missing her touch, from longing for her, like a lovesick idiot. Right now it was alright. Not good. Not bad either. But in-between, on the fine line between both, and sometimes that was better than nothing. No news was better than bad news. Even idiots knew that for a fact.

Luhan stepped out onto the balcony and inhaled the crisp air.

How are you doing?  

Day by day, weeks passed like tiny tributaries flowing into the months that passed. It had been so long since he heard anything. But she was still alive. That tiny piece of information kept his sanity intact. But he didn’t dare to hope for too much, lest those were cruelly crushed. He just went on with his life, detached from the rest of the world. He didn’t care much for the world. For she meant the world to him. For he would give it all up, if only she would be by his side. That was how selfish he was. But it did not matter, as long as she didn’t mind. Once she returned, he would start living well. For now…he was in a transitional state. In limbo. Until she returned to him.

The persistent buzzing of his phone brought him back from his thoughts. Mdm Oh. His breath hitched within his throat. The hospital receptionist he had begged to inform him of any important news. His heart hadn’t been so loud in his ears for months. Hands trembling, he accepted the incoming call.  


“Mr Lu, I am Mdm Oh, the hospital receptionist.”


“You instructed me to inform you of any important news.”


Some scuffling could be heard from over the line. Luhan heard an argument breaking out and made out snatches of the words exchanged. “Don’t-him! It-supposed-confidential!” The hollering went on for a while before the Mdm Oh began talking again.

“Well, the President’s daughter has returned to South Korea.”

Elise...she’s back! She’s back! He could feel the tips of his lips lifting, his vision blurring. The sun wrapped him in a warm caress.

“Thank you and goodbye.” He lifted a finger to end the call, the elation ringing in his voice.

“But wait! There is something else. The President’s daughter……the President’s daughter is in a critical condition!”

The call ended as the phone landed on a moistened spot of ground.  



Author's note: Hi 

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I know I've been gone for very long but I need to start mugging for school. Sorry guys. I'm gonna start updating again next week.


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iamlupecee #1
Chapter 13: Oh snap we're going to heaven land! Elise the Angel maybe? Mmmmmm
Chapter 13: YAY YOU'RE BACK WITH AN UPDATE >.< WE'RE GOING TO HEAVEN LOL why are your updates so short? :( haha anyways, hwaiting! I have a surprise coming up for you btw! :)
iamlupecee #3
Chapter 12: Shes back but she's still sick? Nooooooo i want her to be betterrrrr gaaaah
HuntressNoir #4
Chapter 11: You seem to enjoy hurting Lulu...I'm still throwing rocks.
iamlupecee #5

Say whaaaaaaat
iamlupecee #6
Girlfriend?! Did i miss something? Elise cant die man! OMO what if she dies and comes back as an angel.....
Do you guys prefer white chocolate, milk chocolate, or dark chocolate?
Rachael_exostan #8
Chapter 10: Okay authornim, Elise's status is giving me creeps.... Why oh why authornim.... And Luhan's feelings... Ugh ><
Taelin #9
Chapter 10: i have a feeling that a miracle will happen and that she will recall everything from being an angel and his lover , i really hope so , pls dont end it like that dont be so sadistic , hwaitiing
Chapter 10: Author-nim....why you so sadistic :( is she gonna die or sth? I am praying that she lives .-. and I want her to end up with Kris for some reason.