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"Hyunji-ah,I gotta go, Jinri's waiting," I nodded,not looking up from my book and Jimin left,almost running. I sighed and put my book down, ever since he had a girlfriend he doesn't have any time for his bestfriend. I know I'm just his bestfriend but.. I'm also a girl, who has a crush, a crush on my bestfriend. It's even funny how in one day,everything could change. He forgot about me, the person who made his homeworks,the person who took care of him when he was sick,the person who took blames for him,the person who always stood beside him, and the person who loves him, just because of one girl he met last month. She accepted his outburst of love 2 weeks ago and they've been going out nonstop,they almost spent the while day together. Every time Jimin walks out on me to go to her, my heart aches and my mood goes down. I mean, who wouldn't? I don't even known if that so-called love of his life even loves him, maybe she just likes his face, or even his abs! Oh wait, I was the only one who saw his abs hahaha. Okay,back to my rants. Who falls in love in just a month anyway? He chooses her over me who loved him almost all my life!? He should just make sure that when she dumps him,he won't run to me. 


I fixed my stuffs and stood up to leave the library. I was passing by the librarian but she called my name so I turned my heels to walk to her table. "Yes Ma'am?" she motioned me to sit down. "You know,seeing your face isn't a rare thing for me,"she put her pen down to speak to me. "You always come here with a boy," I nodded."You were usually loud and I always had to shut the both of you up but these days, is there something wrong." she asked. I shook my head and sighed,"He got a girlfriend," I answered and she sighed. "Well,boys are blind," I smiled to myself and stood up,"I better get going," she nodded and I walked out of the room."Even the librarian noticed the changes," I thought, walking to the hallway. I usually,I mean, we usually go home at 4PM but it's just 3:10PM, and we entered the library at 3PM.. I wonder what they're doing now... kissing?hugging?holding hands? Imaginations ran on my mind. I rarely get texts and calls from Jimin too,unlike back then. I wonder if Jimin would also feel like this if I was the one who was enjoying with my boyfriend. I continued walking to the end of the hall and exited our school, Jimin promised to walk me home today but even that was broken. I understand if his girlfriend gets jealous but seriously,I met him first,maybe even before she said her first words. I looked around the street in case he was there but no. I just clenched my shoulder strap and turned to my right,walking home... which was on the left road,I got confused sorry.I turned around and finally faced the right pathway,walking home. 


I arrived home physically safely but mentally tortured. I dropped my bag on the floor and jumped on the couch. "Tomorrow even has to be Valentine's Day," I hung my head back. Could things get any worse? "Oh! You're home~" my little brother sang and ran to the kitchen to get me a cup of water. "Where's Jimin hyung?" he asked,coming back from the kitchen. "On a date," I took the cup and took a sip of the water. "Date?"I nodded and he sat beside me. "Yes Jungkook-ah. A date. As in, D-A-T-E date, on a date," I put the cup down on the coffee table and he pursed his lips. "You didn't tell him didn't you?" he asked and I shook my head. I didn't even have tell Jungkook that I like Jimin but he found out himself,he said that it was too obvious that even a stranger would know. "Well, things got a bit out of place," I played with my fingers and he smacked my arm. "You scaredy-cat," he marched back to his room. You see, Jungkook and Jimin are also bestfriends,only Jimin was older but my brother's taller haha. He kept pushing Jimin to me, he said that Jimin will 'fall' for me soon, and that was 2 years ago. Just as I thought that things couldn't get even more crunched up, I received a text from the one who stole my corny heart. "Hyunji-ah! Sorry,something came up. I wouldn't be able to go to school with you tomorrow,I'm sick," sick? Did that girl have a virus? Did that girl make him sick? Hahaha I hope so. Oh well,I should just go to his house before I go to school and give him the cake I made for him and kept in the refrigerator. 


I entered my room and turned the lights on. I changed into my regular clothes and sat on my bed with my laptop. First thing that appeared on my Facebook account wasn't even pleasing, 'Kang Junhee invited you to like her new page ANTI-BULLETPROOF BOYS' I clicked on her page and my blood boiled because of her posts. "YAH YOU FREAKING @-$*@&-$-(@*#@$!!" I posted on her page,the heck with her. I stretched my arms and took a deep breath. "Ready,set," I smirked."Go!" Battle is on! "You ugly piece of trash!" I entered post. "Your breath stinks!" I posted another one. "You look like an otter!" click."You dress like a beggar!" click."You're a little @$##%#!" click. Click here,click there,post here,post there. Who cares if my fingers felt numb? For my husbands,I'll do anything! I don't even care if the keyboard gets broken. Just think of it as my way of forgetting about Jimin,even just for a while... or until this girl decided to delete this page. I was posting hundreds of mean posts to the page page but me notification made me stop. "Park Jimin is now in a relationship with Lee Jinri." And when someone changes their status into this publicly, they are mostly dead serious about their relationship. Oh my G. "Hyunji,let's take this rationally and just ignore it." I told myself.


But after 5 minutes of acting rational..


The @#$%& with being rational,I rolled around my bed while kicking my feet in the air. "Why that Park Jimin!!!" I shouted¹ and stood up, kicking my bed. "And, that, redhead girl who looks like a bulldog!" I continued,my ears getting red because of anger. I picked up my pillow and slammed it on the bed repeatedly. "You break your promises," I spotted my big teddy bear in a corner and I dragged it in front of me. "You walk out on me," I kicked the bear's stomach. "You make me upset," I took the pillow again and slapped it to the bear's cheeks. "Park Jimin!!" I knelt down to punch the bear's face a lot of times. Even his name angers me now. "You forgot about me?" I kicked the bear to the wall, pulling it's arm off."I hate you right now," I kept tugging on it that the stitches were removed. "You and that girl," I ripped out it's arm and threw it behind me. "YOU JUST MET HER AND NOW YOU CHANGE YOUR RELATIONSHIP STATUS!?" I threw the bear somewhere around my room. "Woah woah woah," I turned 

around,seeing Jungkook. "You fight with toys now?" he asked,pointing at the one-armed bear. "It's Jimin," I told him and lied down on my bed."If you say so," he said and went out of my room. Am I still gonna give him the cake or shove his face in it? "That depends on my mood tomorrow."


"Noona!" Jungkook yelled from outside. "Yeah?" I answered,still working on my supposed project with Jimin. "Jimin hyung's outside! Waiting for you!" I stopped typing on my laptop and looked up. "Should I?" I thought, tapping my finger on the desk. Wah,it's too confusing! I ruined my hair and stood up,walking to the door. I twisted the doorknob and peeked my head at door. Jungkook was waiting for my answer. "Tell him to get lost!" I slammed the door shut again and ran near the window,looking at the waiting Jimin. The door of the house opened and Jungkook walked up to Jimin. "Hyung,noona's not feeling well right now," he lied and Jimin sighed. "Ah really?" he scratched the back of his neck. "Then I'll just come back later," Jungkook nodded and went back inside the house with a guilty face. I watched Jimin walk out of our porch and looked at the window, "Shoot!" I quickly closed the curtains and walked away from the window. "Did he see me?" I went back to the desk. I shook my head and took a deep breath," Let's ju

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Chapter 1: sweet ...but why do i keep crying :')
I love this fic damn much :)
Sha_Razhan #2
so sweet. i tottaly love it. keep writing author :)
Sha_Razhan #3
daebak :) love it
smartrat #4
Chapter 1: *le dies* of fluffiness
C3cilia #5
Chapter 1: So cute~!!! I really like it.