chappie~ 12

It Was You

"Kris. ..I want to talk to you about something." Xie pulled Kris to a corner while everyone is having fun.

"What?" he asked.

"Actually.. .I have a business before I came here and..'s not doing good.. .it's a restaurant just like Fan-Qin."


"I was thinking.. .what if.. .you branch out to Korea?"

"Korea? Why Korea?"

"I. ..I've been leaving there and I know Fan-Qin will be a hit there. I....I can manage it."

"Xie.. ." Kris sighs. "Do I look so easy to fool to you?" he glared at her. "Is this the reason why you came?"

"What!? No! I came for Yi! I was just suggesting it." she denied.

"Oh yeah? Who do you think you're fooling?" Kris said then he walked out.

That night. Tao and Sehun prepared a lot of food. Since Sehun is alone at his condo unit, Kris invited him to spend Christmas with them. Luhan, Yixing, Xiumin, Chen and even Junmyeon or Suho came. Luhan introduced Suho to Sehun. Kris pulled Yixing to a corner and ask him what are they thinking. Yixing said he cannot bring himself to leave Suho in their house alone on Christmas eve so he took him with them. Kris sighs and told him just not try to show off because he might be open about those kind of complicated relationships but the others might not be. Yixing promised that they'll behave.

Kris' mom has a lot of gifts. He explained to her why Xie is there and his mom just ignored everything. She won't even look or talk to his ex-wife. She'll only talk to Yi and the boys. She's happy but she's not when she's seeing Xie. Kris feels bad for Xie. Maybe they're bullying the woman too much. It's Christmas and all the woman receiving is hate. That's sad so. ..Kris pulled his mother and talked to her.

"Mom. ..I think we should forgive her."

"I already did son. But, I just can't bring myself to like her again. I'm sorry to say this on Christmas day but. ..she's a ."

"Mom~~~" Kris whined.

"What!? It's true." She said with a smile.

"Yeah but.. .Yi might hear you." he said.

"Your daughter is in her room. She said she'll prepare her gift for everyone."

"Mm~ I see. .but still ma. .let's try not to ignore her okay? It's Christmas and I don't want anyone to be sad on Christmas." Kris said.

"Idiot son!" his mom scold him. "I'll try my best for you." she said after a sigh. "You're too good to be true YiFan."

"Gege~!!! Come on! We have the presents!!!" Tao called them.

"Let's go inside ma~" Kris smiled.

They went inside the house to see what gifts are prepared for them. Seems like Sehun and Tao managed to buy gifts for everyone when they went out together. They hit the mall after they're done with the movie after all. Suho brings gifts too. Yixing and Luhan said they don't know when the guy bought it and they're sure the guy has no money so they're intrigued where the money he used came from.

Of course they all love Kris' mama's gifts. There's a lot and all of them received, branded presents. Even if Kris' Mom doesn't like Xie like before, she still gave her one of her perfumes. Suho and Sehun was given gift certificates. She said she doesn't know that there's more people so she didn't get them any gifts. But, she promised to buy them one next year. Kris is happy that his Mom is trying her best to not to ignore Xie. She did her best even if it's obviously fake. And of course, Xie smiled even if she knows that what they're showing her is fake. For the sake of Yi's happiness. Even if it's just for that night, they don't want to argue and fight.

"Kris. ...I'll just go to the garden for a while okay?" Xie asked.

"Go ahead." he said.

Kris can sense his ex-wife's loneliness. He's wondering why the woman is still not happy, he's sure everyone did their best to not to ignore her. Even Yixing and LuHan talked to her like old times. He secretly followed the woman but half way his spying spree, Yi called him. He went back to the living room and played with Yi.

Tao and Sehun is busy arranging the gifts under the Christmas Tree. While they're on it, Sehun keeps on telling Tao that Xie is gone. Tao quietly stood up so no one will pay attention to him, not even Yi. He walked around the house as if looking for something when in reality, he's looking for Xie. He saw her on the garden. She's on the phone and she looks like she's about to cry right where she's sitting. He quietly and carefully walked behind the woman and hide on a big bush. He sat behind it even if it's cold. Unlike Xie, he's wearing too little.

"Yang, I'm so sorry~" she finally cries. "I really want to be with you and Jia but. know I can't. ... ...yes. .. .I miss you and my baby too. ... ....Yang, please. I promise I'll make all our sacrifices worth it... ... .I love you Baobei~ . .... ...I promise I'll be home tomorrow. ....kiss me to my Jia. .. ...Merry Christmas Too. I'm really sorry." after that she cuts the call.

Tao is like some real spy on tv. Guess what he did! He just recorded everything on his phone and saved it. He wants to let Kris hear it on the right time. Not that day or the New Year but soon. He doesn't want Xie to make a fool out of Kris more further. Kris is too kind to be true and he doesn't want to witness him get hurt again.

Tao sunk himself more on the bush when Xie starts walking back inside the house. When the sound of her heels faded through the wooden floor of the house he finally breathe a lot. He put both of his hands on his chest and breathe more. He stayed like that for more seconds until he heard Sehun and Yi looking for him. He came out of the bush and ran inside the house. He was welcomed by Sehun who's carrying Yi on his arms. It's refreshing to see them together. Looks like Yi likes Sehun more than him now too. He finally understands Kris, he's jealous to Sehun now for having the little girl's attention.

"As much as I am happy that you guys are getting closer.. ..I think I'm jealous." he admitted as he take Yi out of Sehun's arms.

"I like HunHun oppa~ he's cute!" she said.

"What about me?" Tao did a puppy eyes. "Am I not cute??" he pouts.

"Aweee~~~!!!!" Yi squeals then she hugged Tao. "TaoTao ish so cuuuuttteeeee!!!!" she squeals more. "Can Yi kiss TaoTao????" she asked.

"oh~ go ahead~" Tao said smiling. It surprised him and Sehun when Yi suddenly kissed him, not on the cheeks but on the lips. Damn. Kris saw it. Luhan saw it. Yixing saw it. Chen saw it. Xiumin saw it. Kris' mom saw it. Suho saw it. Even Xie saw it!!!!! Not his fault, he was expecting to receive a kiss on the cheeks not on the lips.

"Oh my~" Kris' mom said. Yi finally let go. Tao looked at Kris who's glaring at him.

"Lu~! Xing! Ma! I don't care who! Take Yi!!" he said as he pull Yi out of Tao. He passed his daughter on the nearest person and pulled Tao to his room. Before the door closes, Tao heard Yi saying, her papa is jealous.

"K. ..Kris gege~ . ..I'm sorry. ...I. ..I didn't know she'll kiss me on the li~~~"

Looks like Tao had it jumbled. He thought Kris is jealous to him for receiving a kiss from Yi but, it looks like Kris is jealous to Yi for having to kiss him. The older pulled him by the waist, pulled his chin and kissed him without any further ado. It's not the same as Yi's kiss!!! NOT THE SAME AT ALL!!! The older just squeezed his that made him moan, gasp in surprise. His mouth slightly opened and Kris took the chance and put his tongue in action. Tao is squirming on Kris' hold.

He was surprised but damn! Kris' lips and the way he kisses him is PURE HEAVEN! He never wants him to let go. When Kris was about to end their kiss, Tao moaned as a protest and while the older is separating their lips, he was unconsciously trying to get their lips back together. It was kind of a turn on to Kris seriously. A needy and aroused Tao is just too cute to be true. He just received the BEST Christmas gift ever.

"I'm possessive. Even if Yi's my daughter I will still get jealous. Don't kiss her ever again! You're mine!" Kris possessively said.

"Bu. ..But. ..I still haven't said. ...yes~" Tao said while blushing.

"Even if!!! You're still mine!!!" Kris said then he hugged the younger. Tao thought it was just a hug, Kris made him think so. It wasn't long until Tao felt pain on his ear. Instead of protesting that it hurts, which what he really felt; he moaned and he grabbed a handful of Kris' white shirt and twist it in pleasure. Kris bit his ear, that's the only thing that's registering on his mind.

"Gege~" Tao finally finds the courage to protest. ".. .Stop~~.. ..hurts~"

"Tao~ you taste so sweet. Just like Yi~" Kris said then he buried his head on his neck. "Mm~ smells like her too. Strawberries~"

"Ge~!! Ah~~!! No~!" Tao said when he felt Kris' lips and tongue running through the skin on his neck.

That's a HUGE turn on to him. It's and no matter how many times he tried to tell himself to stop Kris. A part of him keeps on protesting and telling him to just let the older do whatever he wants to him. It's like the good side versus the bad side. He can't really chose since his mind is clouded. He didn't feel like that when his uncle tried to force himself on him.

"Tao~, promise me you'll come to love me sooner." Kris groans. "I can't take it anymore. Before I knew it, I already love you so much." First time! That is the first time Tao got confessed. And in a y and touching moment too. Can he just say yes to Kris so all of their sufferings will end? Kris wants him and he wants him too. He doesn't know himself what's stopping them.

"Ge. ...I. ..I'm sorry. ..I. ..just.. ."

"I know Tao. I know~" Kris whispered to his ear. "Don't worry. I'm ready to wait. Just promise that it won't be that long. I don't want my desires to scare you. I'm a man too you know." he said chuckling when Tao gasped after he squeezed his .

"Ge~!! Stop that!!" Tao ordered shyly. Kris' hands are just too big, his finger is grazing on his groin. He would lie to himself if he doesn't admit that he imagined about those long fingers on his body a lot of times already.

"Tao'er~~~" he said his name with so much desire and love. "Tao'er~.. ..ZiTao~.. . .Huang ZiTao.. ." he chanted his name as if the younger would say yes to him if he do that.

"I'm scared." Tao finally said it out loud.

Yes, all of what Kris' doing to him feels good and he never expected it to feel like that. He was happy that the older loves him and he's ready to wait. But of all of the feeling that there is, it was fear that's eating him. The last time he trusted and loved (not in a romantic way, but it's still love) someone, he was betrayed, almost and got beaten to a pulp. He never in his lifetime thought that his uncle has motives and never once crossed his mind that he would do that to him. But still, he did.

Kris pull out from their hug and stared at Tao like he just got a HUGE confession too. He raised one of his eyebrows as a question when he saw Tao's eyes squeezed shut. Instead of hugging the younger again, he laced their fingers together and rub it in an encouraging kind of way.

"What are you scared of?" he asked. Tao slowly opens his eyes and tried, TRIED look at him.

"I. .." he looked somewhere else because Kris' eyes is seeing right through his soul.

"Is it about your Uncle?" Kris guessed. Tao hummed a yes. "You know, while you're bathing Yi~, Sehun and I had a talk." Kris admitted. He pulled the younger on the bed so they can talk comfortably.


"Mm~ about your uncle." Kris scans Tao's reaction. "What he did to you is ual harassment and.. .he beats you up. It's clearly a crime." he takes his hands and played with it to make Tao relax. "After new year, we'll have him arrested."

"What!?" Tao said surprised.

"Sehun knows a cop and he's positive that your uncle will be in jail."

"No. ..but!"

"Truth is, Sehun doesn't want me to tell you because he knows that you won't like it." he comes near the younger and pull him to another loving and caring hug. "He knows you're too kind and no matter what that bastard did to you, you still won't like the idea of him being behind the bars."

"He.. . helped me.. . when my parents.. ."

"Yes, but still. That is not a reason for him to try to force himself on you. You're a guy for God's sake!"

"You're a guy too and you want me." Tao innocently frowns at Kris.

"Yes. .." Kris chuckles. "But my case is different because I'm hopelessly in love with you. Your uncle's not, he just wants your body."

". ..and you don't?" he tilted his head.

"God you're cute!!!" Kris said with a wide grin. "I do. But I don't want just your body. I want your heart too. I want it beating so fast for me while I'm taking your body. It's a package Tao. If I'm never gonna have your heart, then I promise I will never have your body." Kris said seductively. How can he do that.

"You promise?"

"I promise. I love you more than you know Tao. ..just that.. .my little dragon down there won't be able to hold out any longer. I would really appreciate it if you try not to look cute all the time. If you'll stop bending over coz believe it or not, it's ing y. Also, please stop trying to make me jealous." Kris sighed. "I'm so childish. I can't believe I got jealous to my own daughter." Tao chuckled.

"Don't worry. It's actually kind of cute gege~" Tao said then he pat Kris' head like a puppy.

"I'm your puppy now?" Kris asked then took Tao's hand and kissed it. Tao blushed HARDER! "Let's go outside and open the presents. We'll talk about your uncle later okay?"

"O.. .okay~"

When they opened the door, Yixing, LuHan, Chen, Xiumin, Suho and Sehun falls. Looks like they're trying to listen to them. Genius with that glass of water against the door. Yixing ran away first, he took Suho with him. Then, LuHan, he pulled Sehun with him. Xiumin and Chen ran, hand on hand. Kris and Tao laughed, no matter how you look at it, it's idiotically cute. When they enter the living room, the six guys are innocently drinking their hot chocolate. Looks like Xie made it. It's kind of obvious since she's the one holding the tray and giving it out. She smiles to them and gave them a cup each.

"Kris.. .Can we talk?" Xie said. Or more like, begged. Tao escapes and played with Yi. He said sorry to the little girl for leaving her earlier, but Yi said it was okay because Sehun played with her. Kris and Xie went to the garden.

"So?" Kris asked.

"I just want to thank you." Xie said with a blush. "You told mama not to ignore me right? Yixing and Luhan too."

"I don't want to make anyone sad on Christmas." Kris said.

"I know it's too late YiFan ... ."


"Kris.. .I know it's too late but.. .I still want to say sorry." she said. "I know what I did was wrong. I've never once thought too that I would love someone more than I loved you. You're not coming home and I'm tired of taking care of Yi alone, and.. ." she's crying. Kris sighs.

"Don't cry. I should be the one crying." he gave her a handkerchief that he fished out of his back pocket. "and. don't have to say sorry anymore. It's all good now. You know, I just realized this too. If I really don't want you to go, I could've followed you and beg you not to leave. But, I didn't. I didn't even look anywhere you could go, I just stayed at home and hate myself for not taking care and loving you enough." Kris admitted.

"Still, I'm so sorry." she wipes her tears that's falling non stop.

"It's all good now. Maybe we're really not meant for each other. I want to thank you tho~"

"Thank me? What for?"

"For Yi. For giving her to me. She's the best thing that ever happened to me." Kris said. "Go home to Jang." Xie looked surprised.

"I. ..I already said I. .."

"Don't lie on Christmas. It's bad." Kris said with a friendly tone. "I'm not that much of an idiot Xie. I had you investigated. The investigator called me earlier and told me everything."

"Kris.. .I. .." she looks terrified.

"Don't worry. I'm not angry. It's okay." Kris said, again, in a friendly tone. "I'll branch out to Korea just like what you want. You have a child of your own now and I'm doing this for her. You don't have to lie to me anymore or to Yi."

"I'm so sorry." she tears out again.

"Stop saying sorry when we both know you don't mean it." he sighs. "Jia right?" Xie nods. "You have her. I'll branch out to Korea but you have to promise me that you'll still come to see Yi once in a while. She needs you, she needs a mom she can confide to when I'm too over protective to understand. Also, when she's on the right age, I want her to meet Jia. They're still sisters right?" Xie nods again. Her tears won't stop. "And.. .lastly. I'll have the divorce papers sent to your house so you and Jang can finally be legal." Kris pats her shoulders. "No more strings attached to us. You're free now. So am I."

"You're too kind YiFan and now you're making me feel like I'm the worst person there is." she said sobbing.

"Hey~! Stop crying~" he pats her back. "You're not the worst person. You're nothing but a mother who wants the best for her daughter. I'll admit that I'm angry at you at first but. ..come on! It's Christmas! It's the season for forgiving. Maybe God made it like this so I would forgive you. Let's just forget about the past and move on."

"I don't want Jia to be poor. You know what I've been through Kris and I am so sorry for everything. For coming back to hurt you and Yi again. I'll do anything so you'll forgive me YiFan. .."

"As I said. You're forgiven. Just make Fan-Qin grow in Korea and take better care of your new family. Of your Jia. This is all I could do for that little girl. Stop crying already~" he playfully pat her back a little too hard.

"That one hurts. Is that revenge?" she asked with a smile and tears all over her face.

"Maybe. You look ugly right now." he joked around to make the woman smile again. "We're still friends Xie. Let's forget what you did and let's all reconcile. I'm sure Yixing, LuHan and Mom would be willing to forgive you too if you SINCERELY say sorry to them. Stop lying anymore."

"I know this is too much but. .." she sniffs. ". ..can you stay by my side while I'm SINCERELY saying sorry to them?" she asked. Finally! She stopped crying. She's just sniffing now.

"Sure. I don't want them to kill you on the spot." he smirks on her.

Xie looks like a mess. Kris didn't leave her side while she's saying sorry to everyone, one by one. She starts with Kris' mom who cried after thinking about what her son went through after the woman left. She forgave her, TRULY this time. She said she better be a good girl and take care of her new family. Xie promised that she will. She said sorry to Yixing and Luhan next. They're all friends before it all happened. Kris, Yixing and Luhan knows the story of her life and everything she's been through.

Yixing forgave her first, Luhan is a little resistant but when the woman attempted to kneel in front of him, he immediately catch her arms and told her she's forgiven and she better stop ing out again or he'll seriously make her bald. Xie was forgiven by everyone.

She even said sorry to Yi and she shed tears again when she said to the little girl that she won't be there for her for long again because she needs to leave. Of course the little girl asked why and even if she's not close to her mom, she still cried when Xie said she needs to go somewhere. Tao did his best to make Yi stop crying that night. The little girl only stopped when he wore the Mr. Panda jumpsuit and starts doing crazy things in front of everyone. It's embarrassing of course but, Tao just wants to see Yi smiling again. The little girl that he came to love so much.

"YiFan. ..Tao~, I can see that he loves Yi so much." Xie said while looking at Tao who's now singing in front of Yi and Sehun.

"Mm~ he loves her so much." Kris said.

"You're really in love with him?" Xie asked with a teasing smile.

"We're friends now so you're looking at me like that?" Kris said while laughing a little. "I do love him. But. ..he has issues. I'm still waiting." Xie looked at him waiting for more. "His uncle tried to him and when he refused he beats the hell out of him."

"Oh my God!" she put her hands on .

"That's why I'm waiting. He has trust issues but. ..I know he's in love with me too."

"You're not hard to fall in love with." she said smiling.

"Don't you dare fall in love with me again woman!" he joked.

"I. ..I won't! I love Yang." she said with head down.

"That won't hurt me you know. You don't have to look down while saying it." Kris assures her.


"What?" Kris asked.

"I want to say sorry to him."

"Why? Did you do something to him?" she avoids his eyes. "Xie~! Did you do something to Tao?" he repeated the question.

I thought I won't be able to get close to you and Yi so I kind of. know!" she looked hopefully at Kris hoping the other would understand. Kris sighs.

"You have it all planned. You even make him sad and make him feel unwanted. Don't tell me you rolled your eyes on him?"

"I. .kind of . ..did." she said. Kris sighs again.

"I really want to choke you right now." Kris said. "Apologize to him before you go or I'll take back everything I gave you."

"That's what I'm saying earlier. I want to say sorry to him." she pouts. "Can you stay by my side again?"

"No. I don't want him to think I forced you into it. Say sorry to him on your own. I'll take care of Yi." Kris said.

He casually walked to Tao and Yi. He teased Tao first before he asked Yi if she wants to get some ice cream and play with his uncle Xiumin and Chen. The little girl leaps to her papa and asked him to carry her to the kitchen where the others are. When Kris and Yi is gone, leaving Tao alone at the couch. Xie took the chance. She walked to the younger guy and stands in front of him. She cannot explain the look on Tao's face, but all and all he looks angry. Well, after everything she has done to him, that's not a surprise anymore right.

"Tao~" she called out his name. "you're obviously angry. I want to say sorry to you."

"I don't have the right to get angry but.. .I'm angry for Yi. She's too young to understand." Tao said.

"I know. But. ..I'm not worried about her anymore." Tao frowns. "She has you and Kris, and Mama. Yixing, Luhan, Xiumin, Chen, Sehun and Suho too. But my Jia. I did this for her. I.. ."

"Miss Xie. You have nothing to say sorry to me as long as you won't hurt Yi." Tao cuts him off. "I understand everything you said to everyone clearly.. .I'm not part of this family. I'm basically an outsider. It's just that. .." Tao looks frustrated. "Please just don't make Yi cry like that again. That was the worst I've ever seen so far." Tao sighs.

"I can't promise that she won't cry like that anymore Tao. But. ..I can promise that I won't lie to her and YiFan anymore. They're kind enough to trust me and take me in again, I don't have the heart to betray their trust anymore." Xie sat beside him. "Sorry for lashing out to you. I'm frustrated you see. When you know to yourself that you're doing something bad, you'll always be frustrated."

"Kris gege and everyone forgave you right?" Xie hums a yes. "Then~ there's no reason for me not to right?" he sighs.

"Thanks Tao~!!" Xie said then she suddenly hugged him. He's surprised too but since it's Christmas he's good with everything. All his spying was all for anything in the end. But, it's good that he doesn't have to be the one who spilled the beans. It'll be harder that way after all.

"YAH!" Kris pulled Xie. "He's mine!" he pouts.

"Possessive~" Xie teased then she stood up.

"Go home!" Kris said with a smile. "Spend Christmas with your new family." he turned around and called Yi that was patiently waiting behind him. "Yi grabbed her gift for you and ...for her baby sister."

"You told her?" Xie asked surprised.

"Better now than later." Kris said proudly. "Don't worry. She's a smart kid. She gets it."

"Mama~" Yi shyly called out then she handed out a card and one of her Panda Stuff Toys. "The card is for you and Mr. Panda #24 is for Jia." she said cutely.

Xie accepts the gift and gave Yi a kiss. She said thank you amd promised that one day, she will bring Jia with her so she can see her. Yi likes the idea and asked her dad if he's okay with it. Kris said it's okay, he even suggested to Xie that she better bring Jang too so they can give him a GREETING. If you know what he means.

When Xie is gone, Luhan and Yixing asked Kris if he's really okay with everything and if he really accepted it all. He said it's okay and he let it all go now because he doesn't think he will be able to do it if it's not Christmas. Of course he was still kind of angry after getting lied to. His daughter had false hopes that her mom would be staying with them a little longer after all. Also, that ulterior motive, about branching out Fan-Qin to Korea. At first, Kris has no intention of giving her what she wants but, he thinks about his ex-wife's little girl. Jia, even if they turn the whole world up side down, the fact that she's Yi's half sister won't change. He doesn't have the heart to think that the little girl will suffer all her life just because he didn't agree to branching out.

Kris told himself that if he really wants to start anew with Tao, then he needs to end everything in the past first. That was his first step. Forgiving Xie and giving her what she needs is the first and best thing to do. It's a season of forgiving and giving, he felt wonderful after ending everything that night.

Now, what he's worried about are the coming trials for the next year. First, after new year, he and Sehun will help Tao to sue his uncle. Then, he needs to arrange everything for the divorce papers. Also, he will be the one who will be working hard for the branch of Fan-Qin in Korea. He needs to make sure that he and Xie will have 30-70 shares in Fan-Qin. There's also, Yi's birthday. It's on January and even if he doesn't like big events, everything will still be based on what the little girl wants.

There will be a lot to do but he promised to himself that no matter how busy he will be, he will never be too busy for his daughter and for Tao too. He still in pursue for his heart after all. Kris' mama announced the time. 10 minutes before Christmas. They decided to open the gifts. They received Kris' mama's gifts earlier, then now it was Kris' turn.

He gave Luhan and Yixing a couple pajamas, which they loves a lot because it's cute. For Sehun and Suho since he doesn't know they'll be with them, he gave them discount coupon to Fan-Qin. Sehun said he'll be there more frequently. For his mama, he gave her a gold bracelet which she loves so much and promised that she will put it on her vault just like the other jewelries that she received from her son, Kris wants her to wear it tho. For Xiumin and Sehun he gave them rubber shoes with the same design but in different colors. For Yi, he gave her a cellphone in a panda case, it was supposed to be given and bought sooner but, a lot happened and he just remembered it now. For Tao, well, he gave him a bracelet too. It's a couple, he's wearing the other one.

Luhan's gifts are pretty unique or maybe weird. He gave Xiumin and Chen a box full of Chinese movies + a very heavy and big Chinese dictionary. For Kris' Mama a hand cream, to make her hands smooth. For Kris, it's mysterious, no one gets to see it except Kris because he immediately closed the box when he had a glimpse of what's inside, only him and Luhan knows what's inside. For Tao, he said he made it himself, a self printed and self arranged cookbook, it's kind if cute, like a girl's scrapbook. For Yi, he said he couldn't think of anything else so he gave her a cute punky black dress. It's so cute. Lastly, for his dear lovers (with 'S' now), Yixing, Suho and Sehun, he gave them a YES/YES pillow. It was supposed to be a YES/NO pillow but both side says YES. Cheeky.

Yixing's gifts are the wanted ones, it's what everyone was wishing to get that night. He bought exactly what they said they want. For Kris, food supplements. A dress for Kris' mom. A polaroid camera for Yi. Barista equipments for Xiumin. Baking tools for Chen. A cellphone chain for Sehun. A wallet with money for Suho. An MCM bag for Tao. And lastly, he strips and told LuHan he can take him home. He puts a ribbon on his neck. He's the gift. .

Xiumin & Chen's gift are joined. They said they're just employees and not as rich as everyone. Tao said the same. Kris said it was the thought that counts, not the price of the gift. They gave Luhan, Yixing & Suho the same designs in different colors shirts. They look like they're going to dance. Sehun is unexpected to they said they'll give him one later, Sehun assured them that it's okay. For Kris' mom, they baked him a sugarfree cake, she liked it so much and said she's not going to share it. For Kris, a HUGE angry bird stuff toy, they said it reminds them of him. Yi received SpongeBob stuff toy too, seems like Chen promised to buy it to her. For Tao, a snack that he likes, it's from Korea. And for each other, they hugged and said they'll give their gifts to each other at their shared apartment. SECRETIVE!!

Sehun bought everyone a shirt from Chrome Hearts. The only different ones are the gifts for the two girls. He bought them accessories, from Chrome Hearts too. QUICK & EASY. Suho gave each of them Vitamins. Looks like he has Health issues.

Tao's turn. For Yixing, a unicorn shaped ring. For Luhan, a deer shaped ring. For Suho a wallet with Skull design. For Sehun a shirt that say's, IDIOT in front. For Kris' mama, silver earrings. For Xiumin a fluffy Baozi Stuff toy. For Chen a beanie. For Kris, a Chrome Hearts shirt, that was the second expensive gift he bought. Of course, Yi's gift is the most expensive one. It's an action figure of all the characters on Kung Fu Panda. It's a collector's items. Yi is so happy that she attempted to kiss Tao again but her own papa stopped her.

Last one, Yi's gifts. She gave everyone a written coupon. Kiss Yi. Hug Yi. Play with Yi. Chat with Yi. Go to the mall with Yi (+TaoTao). Shopping with Yi. Baking with Yi. And a while lot more activities with Yi. Kris wants to have all the coupons but Yi said he needs to share it with everyone. Also, she gave them a kiss on the cheeks and a hug while giving out the coupons one by one. They all agreed that Yi's presents are the best ones. CUTEST EVER!

Christmas passed so soon that night. After the presents, they all feel tired and decided to continue celebrating in the morning. Xiumin & Chen went home first. Followed by Yixing, Luhan, Suho and Sehun. They convinced Sehun to stay the night at their house, you know why. Yi fell asleep as soon as everyone's gone. Kris and his mom put her to bed and made sure she's comfortable. Kris' mom sleeps beside Yi saying she's too tired too. When the two girls are completely asleep, Kris went downstairs only to see Tao cleaning up the mess that they created earlier.

"Tao~ do that tomorrow morning. Let's sleep now." he called out to the younger who jumped a little when he suddenly talks.

"It's okay Gege~. I'm not that tired. You go to bed. I'll just finish cleaning the living room then I'll go to bed too." he said with a smile.

"Are you sure?" Kris asked with so much care. Like, he's talking to Yi.

"Yes." he answered with a blush.

"Okay then. Just the living room okay? I won't sleep until you enter the room." he teased then he walked out with a grin after he get a satisfactory reaction from the younger.

Tao blushed more. First because of what Kris just said and second, he actually prepared another present for Kris. It's on the top of the bed they're sharing. He doesn't want to think about it and he's just as tired as the older but, he cannot bring himself to see the reaction on Kris' face if he see the 2nd gift.

He distracted himself by cleaning the living room. There's a lot to clean because of the presents. While he's on it, he saw Kris' present that Luhan gave. He doesn't have any single intention to open it, he just wants to put it aside. But, when he lift it up, it slips on his hands and falls. The box is open and the most embarrassing contents of a gift is revealed.

"Tao~! I saw your.. ." Kris enters the living room excited but, when he saw the contents of Luhan's gift on the floor and Tao's shocked expression the look on his face immediately changed.

"Oh my God!!" Tao said as he turns around so he won't see the things and Kris. "gege~!! See. ..things. ..I didn't. ..!!!" he said in panic. "I was cleaning. falls suddenly.. .."

Kris is speechless. He doesn't know what to tell Tao. LuHan! This is all his fault! He should've taken the box and hid it somewhere in his room where Tao won't be able to see. Now he's in trouble and he doesn't know how it get out of it.

"Tao. .."

"Promise I won't tell a soul gege. ..I didn't see anything." Tao said then he escapes to the kitchen with a crimson red cheeks, ears and neck.

" YOU LUHAN! OF ALL THE THINGS! WHY DID YOU GAVE ME ADULT TOYS!!" Kris curses his friend before he followed Tao on the kitchen.



a/n: guys!!! If there are typos~ please ignore it XD I'm writing it on MSWord on my Lumia 510 and the autocorrect is killing me~ XD. I am so sorry~ ╥﹏╥ too lazy to edit XD bye~ OH AND! 2 last chapters and we'll have to say bye bye to FanFan, TaoTao and Yi~ ╥﹏╥ 

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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 14: I love this story
Chapter 15: --literally Baekhyun rn
--trying not to cry
--cannot get over this
Chapter 5: Oh My Gadddddddddd!!!!!!!!! XD this is the most cheesiest and sweeettessttt story I've ever read!!!!! >< I keep squealing and jumping each part cause it's so cute that It make me blush so hardddd >////< and I'm only read half of the chapter but I can't expressed how I feeeelllllzzzz <3
Greyson #4
Chapter 15: I HATE ENDINGS!!! TT_TT but I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH!!!! Taoris Feels~ i cant-,, ugh! This story is so CUTE just like Tao and Yi!! I want a sequel!!! pls...pls..pls...
Greyson #5
Chapter 12: Possessive Kris is so HOT!!!!!!!!!~~ And the last part is pretty embarrassing.. haha Crimson Tao wahaha
Greyson #6
Chapter 4: "What did I just do? What is it? Why did I kiss him? Wwwhhhyyyyy~~?????" Seriously? Kris?! AHAHAHA ur drunk, man.
b2uty95 #7
Chapter 15: It's such a cute story. I couldn't stop reading it,and now it's over...TOT
(+Love that it's a long story)
Chapter 15: This was so cute thank you!! I absolutely loved it!!
blacksea04 #9
this story is cute.
mesonwune #10
Chapter 15: i won't lie... i was crossing my fingers for a ty scene but i still loved it!!!!!