Who is He?

In the Shadows {Sequel to The Innocent Girl}

B-Joo's POV

We followed the group out and were surprised to see that they were already gone. How? I wondered. We only let them get a second of a head start... "Guys, I'm wondering... Who is he?"

"Your guardian angel, you mean?" Kidoh asks. I nod. "He said we all have a piece of the puzzle to figure out who he is."

"And he did save us, so I guess we can trust him." Jin adds, looking at me. "And, it looks like your boss is really trying to get you out of the picture."

"The big picture. As in your life." P-Goon adds.

"Geez... Thanks, hyung. I totally did not know that!" I say sarcastically. "Lets go somewhere and think about this, okay?" They nod.

We went over to a community park and sat under a tree so we wouldn't get hit by the bright sun-rays of the day. "So, he said to figure him out, it was a puzzle. What pieces do we have so far?" I ask.

"We know that he will help you no matter what." Xero points out.

"Me? Or... All of us?" I ask. "Maybe he'll help all of us."

"Well, we don't know that for sure..."

"I guess we have to test that out..." I smirk, looking at all of them. They all give me a nervous look in return.

"What are you thinking?" They ask. I shake my head before realizing something.

"You guys, here's another thing we all know!" I beam. "The guardian angel loves games."

"What?" They ask.

"Think about it..." I start. "He said it was a puzzle, right? He's purposely making it like that! He could have told us who he was, he definitely had a few chances to! He's playing with us because he loves games!" As soon as that was said, my phone buzzed. Looking at the message, I saw that it was from an unknown number.

Good job, B-Joo. You figured out one of the clues that I left you.

Your Guardian Angel

I look around before realizing that the others are looking at me oddly. I show them the text and they look a little scared, looking around our surroundings as well. "How many more pieces of this puzzle are there, then?" Another text message came to me after Seogoong had asked that question.

There are a few, but do you guys want the biggest hint to figure out who I am? Well, the hint is with you, B-Joo. Unless... You threw it away

Your Guardian Angel

The guys all look at me after reading the message from my phone. "The biggest hint is with you?" P-Goon asks, making me shrug with confusion.

"He said it, so it's an inanimate object." Rap Monster points out. We look at the text again and realize that he's right. The biggest hint was indeed an inanimate object. But what could it be? Who really is my guardian angel? I think to myself.

A/N: Well, there's a hint for any of you who don't have a clue who it is. If you do have a clue, there are two hints for you that will help you to know our mysterious hero as well. I'll make a poll on it on Christmas Eve and I'll give you three options to choose from. Lets see if you guys know who the mysterious hero is by then~

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Chapter 30: I WELL WRITTEN STORYYY!!!!!!! I REALLY LOVE IT!!!! MY FIRST HANJOO + XENISSI STORY I LOVE YOU REALLY MUCH!!!!! can you do xenissi story pweaseee...i hope you will fo it in the future
YayaYeollie #2
Chapter 30: I've followed this story since the 1st story published . Well, I love the guardian angel part
Chapter 25: Damn cliffhangers
Chapter 20: I think I know who it is but I'm not sure.
K-Otakusama #5
Chapter 13: Kinda feels rushed, but still pretty good sequel so far! Thank you for writing such a good story!
arisong #6
Chapter 13: Like the way you describe the brief meeting of bjoo and hansol
vinseop_the_best #7
Chapter 9: 'Jessica, you have to do a lot better to catch them and me.'who ever said that he or she is bjoo guardian I think
arisong #8
Chapter 9: Ohhh what a twist to the story
arisong #9
Chapter 7: I like the way you are writing this story
Trying to guess who the mystery person is
Keeps me waiting for each update
Will be waiting for the next update
immolate #10
Chapter 3: I'm excited for the next chapter! ♥