
My Best Friend

My best friend, has a best friend. She's older, popular, and very pretty. When we were in high school they were known as the goddesses of their respective grades, guys and girls alike would stop to stare at them as they walked through the halls in their own little world. Because they were so beautiful whenever I would be following, only a few steps behind, no one would notice me. Not that I'm much to look at anyways.

My best friend lived three houses away from me and ever since we were little; we had sleepovers every Friday to discuss all the gossip in school, watch movies, and play dress up like we had places to go. When we got to high school my best friend became too busy for our sleepovers. I said that I understood since I had things to study for. She asked me to go out with her and her best friend but I always declined feeling I would be the ugly duck of the group. Any guy who got stuck with me at dinner would feel like he had the worst luck.

My best friend, Yoona, is so beautiful that as soon as we arrived at university she was asked to model for the school website and the bookstore appearal. Of course her best friend, Jessica, was also a model at the same university. They're both so pretty that sometimes even I find myself staring at their posters that are posted up throughout the campus.

My best friend and I share a dorm room, something we had agreed to do since we agreed to go to the same university no matter what our first year of high school. She isn't in the room often since she is involved in a lot of campus activities and has a social life. But when she is there I'm usually pretending to study. I'm only pretending because I normally catch her staring at me, when I turn and catch her eye she just smiles and turns to do something else. It makes me nervous.

My best friend's best friend is really nice, and sometimes if I see her on campus she'll take me to lunch. Even when she eats she's pretty and I can't help but stare at her not understanding how someone can look pretty all the time. I don't blame my best friend for always wanting to be around someone so pretty.

"Joohyun-ah," She says bringing me from my daze

"Yes unnie,"

"I'm getting married soon." She said simply catching me by surprise. Married? My face must look funny because she laughs prettily putting her hand up over . "Don't look so shocked! Though I would love to marry Yoona I have a certain guy who I love a little more if that's possible." She stared at a random spot on the table smiling to herself before looking at me again. "You have to take care of her okay? Accept her heart."

"Of course, I'll always take care of her." She gives me a knowing look and nods

"I know you will, but you should confess one day. It's not good to keep your feelings built up." I told Jessica that I liked Yoona one day during high school by accident. It slipped out in a rant about Yoona's boyfriend breaking up with her through a simple one line note. I was so frustrated not understanding how someone could treat a girl with such a great heart that way that I didn't even realize saying I would make her happier if she only felt for me what I felt for her. Jessica didn't seem shocked by the confession and she didn't laugh only smiled, one of her oh so pretty smiles, and said that maybe one day I'd get the courage to tell Yoona how I felt. I'll never know if I never say anything.Though hearing that I only laughed saying if Yoona was to like any girl it'd be Jessica since they're perfect for each other.

My best friend was a bridesmaid in Jessica's wedding standing right behind her sister who was maid of honor. Even though Jessica was beautiful I couldn't stop staring at Yoona; who had been running around our hotel room all morning worrying about how her hair and makeup looked, since she'd be standing in front of so many people. I kept telling her she looked beautiful but she didn't seem to listen until I finally stood up grabbing her shoulders so she had to look at me. I'd be lying if I said my heart didn't stop for a while then start going into overdrive looking at her and having her looking right back at me. It took everything in me not to...kiss her. I looked from her eyes to her hair pushing an unseen strand of hair behind her ear letting my fingers linger slightly. Though I did notice her intake of beath and the shiver that ran through her, I acted like I didn't as I looked back at her.

"You look beautiful, I'll see you downstairs." With that I practically ran from the room.

My best friend was drunk, but so was I. She had been dancing with all the single groomsmen all night and then she walks over to me with this goofy smile and arm out for me to take. I don't hesitate in taking her hand and letting her lead me to the dance floor even though there are nothing but couples out there.

"I'm so happy for her," She mumbled into my hair as she pulls me as close as possible wrapping her arms around my neck, and mine go around her waist naturally.

"Hmm, I'm happy too."

"I'll miss her,"

"I know,"

"I'm glad I have you though, I'd be lost without you."


We're silent for a verse just swaying back and forth depending on each other to stay standing. Her hair smells like vanilla and lavendar which somehow is an intoxicating mix. I don't want to let her go.

"I love you," I mumble

"I love you too,"

"No, really love you, but you always loved her." She stopped swaying for a beat before starting again. The fact that I don't have to look her in the eye is making the words flow easier. "I always felt like you did, the way you look at her...I know this must be hard. You'll meet someone else, another pretty girl...or maybe a guy." I look over at Jessica dancing with her new husband looking like they weren't aware any of the other hundred something people were in the room. I can't help but feel tears in my eyes. "I use to always follow you two around thinking - thinking, if I was as pretty as her...I'd probably be confident that you'd love me back."

We were silent as the song ended, and she didn't let me go or loosen her grip on me. Peach by IU came on and she began to hum the melody  occasionally singing the words to the song softly in my ear. She's never been a confident singer but I always felt like she sounded angelic when she did sing.

"Why don't I get sick of you? When you slightly smile at me, I really go crazy, how can you be so pretty," she places a kiss on my shoulder briefly taking me by surprise "baby?" she continues to hum along leaning back so she can look at me though because she's drunk, and so am I, we lean towards each other allowing our foreheads to meet. "I'm not saying this with a young heart, but I really want to marry you." She rubs her nose against mine getting me to look at her.

"You're the most breathtakingly beautiful girl I know, I know Jessica is pretty but I hardly ever notice because...well you're all I think about silly." I can't believe what I'm hearing.


"It's hard having a crush on your best friend." She said smiling and quickly kissing me on the lips leaving me in more shock but she just finshed singing.

"My heart keeps going to you, I'm really going crazy" She smiled at me before dropping her arms from my neck and moving to head back to our table but I grabbed her hand interlacing our fingers. She looked at me a moment before pulling me close clinging to my arm leaning her head on my shoulder with a content sigh. As we walked past the small table for Jessica and her husband, I caught her eye and she gave a huge smile and raised her wine glass. I guess she was always in on it. 

My best friend, and girlfriend, is the prettiest girl I know, and now that I've finally told her I can't stop reminding her every chance I get.

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Chapter 1: This shot is nice :) got me all giddy lol
Nice shot! ;)
Thanks for writing this.

My yoonhyun feels... ^^ #lovethem
Such a nice idea ! Waiting for it!
ambai90 #4
Chapter 1: my yoonhyun feel... always adore them
thank u for writing this !!