141116 [Jiney] 1

Destiny or Fate?

You check your phone to see what time it is. It's 5am. Unable to fall asleep, you go to the restroom to shower. Thinking of only one thing, your crush. Kim Jinwoo, whom only transferred to your school about a week ago, and is your roommate. All of a sudden you hear your alarm for class. "It's already 8!?" you said as you rushed to dry yourself. In only 5 minutes you were ready for class. Jinwoo was already out and gone.
Jinwoo texts you hey are you still getting ready? Let's meet up at the cafe. In reply you say for what reason, did something come up?
You made your way to the cafe, waiting for you was Jinwoo. "What happen? Do you still need help with directions?" you ask him right away. "No,no,no I've got news for us!!" he replied with excitement. "Us!?" you replied. "Yes! I'm transferring to your classes, so yeah I do need help with directions." he says smiling to you. "Ahh.. I see, let me have a look at your schedule" laying your hand out to him. He reaches into his bag and hands it to you. "Let's start by going to our homeroom, do you want to sit next to me? I can ask our teacher" you say smiling. "Of course" he says as he stares at the ground. 
You lead the way to the classroom, Jinwoo still following you like a lost puppy sees a icecream stand and calls you over. "I didn't bring my wallet so you can just get some haha" you say with regret. "Oh no it's fine I'll buy you a cone too, what flavour do you like?" he says smiling to you. Blushing you replied "Oh no it's fine!!" He pouted "Why not, don't you love me?" 
Your heart stopped. Thousands of thoughts flooded into your mind. Does he know? How does he know? What does he know? Or is he just teasing me? 
Replying to him "Of course I love you, but you don't need to buy me a cone" He smiled at you "Since I love you too, I'll buy you the same thing as me." 
More thoughts flooded. He loves me? Only as a friend? More than a friend? He must be teasing.
"If you say so, but I won't be paying you back!!" you said as you laughed. "Since I'm a man that's okay with me" he says has he hands you a cone. "Thank you" you blew him a friendly kiss. He blushed.
All of a sudden you both get an email. 
"Class is canceled for today!!" he screams. "Do you still want me to still show you around?" you say. "If you want or we can just go to the carnival" he says as he his icecream. "A carnival sounds nice." you said with hidden smile. "I'll go like this do you need to change?" he asks you. "Yeah I think I'll go to our dorm and change." you said as you finished your cone. "Okay let's go" he says as he starts walking. You both start walking.
"Aish, why is our dorm so far from the north-wing" you said as you slowed down. "You look tired.. Want to just stay on campus and not go?" he said with worry in his tone. "Oh no I really want to go ride the Ferris wheel" you said as you stared at it in the far distances. He looked at you. He then went behind you and picked you up. "Hey!! What are you trying to do?!" you said as you struggled to get out of his grip. "I'm going to carry you to the dorm so you don't waste your energy" he says giggling. "Aren't I heavy ..?" you said embarrassed. "No your weight is a like a feather." he starts to run faster. 
Thoughts flooded throughout your mind. Why is he doing this? I'm practically 1,000 pounds. I've never thought he'd be so strong. Should I ask him to ride the Ferris wheel with me? He'll probably say no. Let's hope my birthday isn't lonely this year again.


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