
This big world

The last time she was there, was about 5 years ago. The farm was quiet and tranquil, the cold wind whipping the trees marked the beginning of the winter. The car approched the house slowly and stopped a few steps from the porche. They got off the car.

"Wow... it's been a long time"- she sighed. They took the bags off the car and went in the house.

"Hannie!"- Hongbin's grandmother had always treated her like another grandchild. She hugged her tightly- "When Binnie called us we were surprised to know you are going to go traveling..."

"Oh granmother. I'm going to see the world. I promise I'll bring gifts for grandfather and you"- Grandma kept on strucking her cheeks.

"Ohh Jiae too!! Binnie you have too many girls in this house...It's good to have so many people in Christmas"- Grandmother also went to hug Jiae. She tagged along just because she got in fight with his brother again.  Hanna had forgotten. With all the rush that happened that week she forgot that it was indeed Christmas. They settled in the rooms.

When Hanna returned from the caffe after meeting Taekwoon she found her bags packed. Hongbin had decided that they'll spend the night on his granparents farm. Hongbin said it would be better if they stood together and she could be comfortable and eat good korean meal for at least a day. They were going to take pictures anyway so there was no reason to spend the night driving home again. She knew it was excuse to make her go out the apartment and be surrounded by people and a different environment, but she was happy he thought that far for her.

It was past noon so the sun was up in the sky. Hanna and Jiae went to the garden to farm some veggies from the greenhouse for lunch.

"... Hanna, I'm sorry"- she heard from Jiae who was walking a few step back from her. She hadn't seen her since that night at the restaurant- "All this things happening to you, so sudden and... Your life changing completely just because..."- she was frustrated. The tone of her voice was desperate- "He is my brother... I love him but sometimes I just want to kill him...He is so stubborn"- Hanna stopped walking suddenly making Jiae trip over her, she faced Jiae that had tears trapped in her eyes.

"Don't hate him. It's not his fault, it's not your faul, I't no one's fault"- she had made peace with the situation after last nigh. Hanna had understood that she could only go along with the situation and try not to be to deeply hurt by what will happen in the future- "Can I ask a favor from you? Just try to make him return from your wedding... I really want to be here"- Jiae left the tears run silently while nodding. Hanna could do nothing but smile at her- "Everything is going to be ok. We'll figure it out"

After that, they returned home and helped cook lunch. They ate in a happy mood. Hongbin's grandparents felt as Hanna's own. She knew it would be long untill being able to enjoy such a festive environment. She was very young  when her parents died so she dind't have much memories about them, but she had memories of Hongbin's family. She dreamed of having a family just like them, but now that possibility seemed so remote.

Hanna and Hongbin went out to take the pictures for her last assignment. Hongbin was very active, almost like a kid running around her. They used to come every winter to the farm, when they were in highschool, there was a time when they even slept in the deep forest almost frozing to death but having fun like two little kids.

The weather was nice for the first days of winter and the light dimmed perfectly against the forest. She took all the pictures she could and then returned home before the sunset. She went up to her room to edit the picture in her laptop, she had to send them before midnight. After finishing she took a deep breath and laid flat in her bed. The light of the bulb made her eyes ache, so she blocked it with her forearm. Millions of thoughts invaded her.

Tomorrow she'll be in another country, so far away from everything she had known, of the people that cared about her. No more homeworks, no more part time jobs. No need to clean her house or to shop for supplies. No more walking throught the tigh alley to get to her apartment building. Would she be able to come back? Tomorrow she'll be behind him, looking at his back again. She could picture him, in detail. She had draw him at least a docen times since the day at the restaurant. His slender fingers, broad shoulders, large legs and slim figure. Every feature of his face. Would she be able to see more of him?

"Hanna!"- she heared from downstairs- "dinner's ready!"

"Coming!"- she answered.

The Christmas dinner was delicious. They sang carols and saw the comedy broadcast. They laughed as loud as they could. She grabbed her camera and started taking pictures of them. She wanted to remember that moment as it was, she had the feeling she would need it in the future.

That night she submerged in the calm sound of the owls and the wind whipping the trees. No more thinking, just sleeping.

The next day was very agitated. Breakfast was served early as they had to return to Seoul by noon. Hanna hadn't packed anything for the travel, and she had to clean her aunt's apartment before leaving. Hanna's aunt was delighted by the surprise of the opportunity for traveling her niece had ahead. Once again, she hid the important part of Taekwoon being her soulmate, because she knew her aunt would flip crazy and return from Japan just to kick Taekwoon's . 

Hongbin's grandparents waved goodbye to the three of them from outside the house and Hanna kept waving till she couldn't see them anymore. She was very gratefull. The ride to Seoul lasted two hours, the traffic was horrible as always but they managed to get home a little after noon. 

"Grab some boxes and bring them to my room"- he said to Hongbin who oveyed- "Jiae can you help me with the kitchen? Just pack everything that can gather dust and drop it in the boxes"- she noded.

Her room was full of drawings and paintings. She was messy, after all she was an artist. The canvas layed on the wall.

"Do you think you can come to clean the dust?"- she asked while pilling some sketches on a box- "The dust is going to mess the colors of the oils..."

"I'll come every week"- he said. After an hour most of the stuff was packed and they were preparing for the deep cleaning.

"Can we listen to some music?"- Jiae asked-"I'm going crazy with the silence"- Hanna and Hongbin were very used to be quiet. They were never the kind of people that needed to listen to something while drawing either, so they were really out of tone with music trends.

"It's ok"- Hanna said-" I haven't packed my laptop so just put something you want"- while she went looking for the laptop Hongbin and Hanna started cleaning the floors. Out of the blue, a sweet melody started playing. The voice of the person who sang mad her stop cleaning. She felt Jiae coming closer with the laptop.

"I thought you never heard him singing so... I thought it would be a good idea"- that sweet voice, so pure and clear. Hanna could only sat in the coach and hear it thoughtfully. It was true, in that week it never ocurred to her that she could google him or listen to his songs. She was satisfaid with the 9 a.m encounter. But now she understood, fully. He was also in love with what he did. He loved singing, he loved it so much, she could hear it in that song. Her heart was a mess, it pulsed so unevenly in her chest that it hurted. His voice, the expressions and the melodies suited so well. She needed a few minutes to settle her heart back to normal. But she couldn't stop, she wanted to see every single video he had made.  Jiae showed her. In every note, Hanna could feel it, hear it: Taekwoon's heart. He was sensitive, and caring. So warm... not that stone made person she had met on the restaurant. That kind of heartless person could not have that kind of warm voice, that expression in the videos... She couldn't stop watching them.

"Hanna... I'll clean later. It's hour, we have to go to the airport now"- Hongbin's voice shook her, it had been hours looking to the videos. She looked at her apartment, most of it desolated. No brushes or pencils spread throught the dinner table, no sketchbooks on the drawers, not a single hint of her on it. She felt a sense of emptiness and just stared at Hongbin. The music still played in the background.

"I'm really going Binnie..."

"Yes"- Hongbin stood and brought the bags she had packed. Jiae stoped the music and stood too. The two of them went downstairs to the car. Hanna took the last mind picture while closing the door behind her.


I'm sorry this chapter is just about Hanna's last day in Korea. She needed a change of pace before the start of the storm. From here on, it's all going to be about Taekwoon :D. Full angst from now on.

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Maan2442 #1
I love this story so much that I've read it every year since joining
Sakura96 #2
I really like this story, it was so moving.
hmkeeler #3
Chapter 25: This story was absolutely astonishing and made me bawl my eyes out on several occasions. I just now finished the story and I am still in tears. Partly because of the story and partly because I didn't want it to end. Thank you so much for this amazing story and I would really love to hear more from this world in the future. Gamsahabnida!
Chapter 25: Just finished reading and I... What can I say? I'm speechless. I almost cried. The plot. The characters.... Everything was perfect. I usually don't read fics like these (I prefer fics about VIXX pairings without OCs) But I'M SO GLAD I ran across this! This is such a great story and the plot wow! How did you think about it?! Even though there was some mistakes, your way of writing is amazing. I loved every single bit of this story. Please continue to write. Also, PLEASE PLEASE Do another story (vixx juseyo eheh) in this world please? Because this plot is AMAZING!

Once again thanks I had a great time reading this!
Mistymiso #5
Chapter 25: I really liked the way the story ended! Thank you for writing and updating! :)
Chapter 25: Absolutely loved it! Of course, the spelling and grammar was a bit off as you mentioned in the beginning, but that surprisingly didn't bother me one bit. The story was just too good! I was getting a bit angry during the Hakyeon and Hanna scenes, because I never shipped them AT ALL. I was hardcore Taekwoon and Hanna xD so this ending was just perfect for me! Really, really great story, I loved it so much. Keep doing what you're doing because whatever it isn't, it's working ;) this story was just perfect!
Chapter 25: Wow it ended so fast T_T but I love it! She got to stay with Hakyeon make sure he's happy. Finally ended up with Taekwoon<3. This was a really interesting story with an interesting plot/idea. I can't wait to read what comes next Because you picked my favorite groups To wrote about. So exciting!!!! Thank you for this story. ❤
Empty_DASP #8
Chapter 25: Fighting giving this story a lot of support. The drawings seems a little creepy, I just imagine Taekwoon real life reaction to it jajaja XD . BTS !!!!! I'm now wondering what kind of story are you planning, please give a lot of love to JungKook.
Chapter 25: The story was great! Thank you for writing it :)