chapter 12

My dreams and heart

Some days had passed and Beast's comeback was so near, actually only two days away and the anticipating was high. 
in Cube building there was filled with rush, you just finished the customs and wanted to surprise the boys today when they got a break from rehearsing. 
You decided to go in and watch them rehearse and give some of your support, they all were into dancing when you came in and Junhyung sent you a wink through the mirror, your face just got three tones darker in a red colour, the other did know about your relationship and Kikwang had stopped talking to you, which made you very sad, but for now you couldn't control everything and you knew that very well, so you tried to ignore it. 
they danced to the song two times more when they decided to take a break Junhyung came over and gave you a quick peck on the lips "hey babe~" 
"whooooooo~~!" they yelled at the same time, you blushed again, "ayh guys you're making my girl shy" he winked at you, you slapped his arm "yah, don't make it obvious" you both laughed, "guys, I want to show you something, could you come to the changingroom?" you asked, they looked suspicious at you
"sure!" Yoseob said and took your hand, Junhyung hurried taking your hand from him "yah, you can't show you're a couple" Yoseob said and pouted, "then can you hold her hand!?" Junhyung answered back. he didn't say anything and just held your shoulder "___-ah what are you going to show us?" Yoseob asked excited, you laughed at the 5 year old next to you. "secret~" 
You all arrived at the changing room, "just two seconds y'all!" they laughed at your sudden slang, but waited with excitement. 
You came out with the five customs and gave the one to each, "now try it on!" - "was that what you used all your nights on?" Junhyung asked, while the other 5 asked "you made that for us!?" even Kikwang couldn't hide his excitement. 
"Yes I did, I wanted to give you something in order to show you how thankful I am!" 
They came out looking perfect and flawless, you felt proud about your clothes + the fact that you made your friends and boyfriend really happy. Junhyung came over and hugged you tightly "thanks yeobo" he kissed you, you closed your eyes, were about to melt into his kiss when you came to think about the other 5 standing looking at you. You pushed Junhyung away softly. Yoseob came over hugging you "group huuug!" and the others came too, Kikwang had decided that for now he wouldn't be mean, even though it hurt to see you and Junhyung together.. 

A little while after they have changed back to their training clothes Hyunseung came with his phone "yah guys, have u heard this?!" he began playing a new song, and you immediately stiffened, the other boys began bouncing to the catchy tunes, but you, you froze, in any other case you would have bounced together with the boys but not to this one, not with his voice in it. You felt yourself die a little bit inside no, you're not a good boy was all you could think before you ran out on the toilet.
"___-ah? you okay?" 
"ne ne, i'm fine" you lied, you couldn't let them see you in this state, why should he come with a song now? you had been so lucky being hiding from him and not hearing anything about him since last year, yes a year had gone and you were about to get over it, but then now. "I am a good boy" kept repeating in your head together with catchy tunes but you could only cry. 
Junhyung kept knocking on the door, but you told him to please leave, he got the message and went away. 
what's going on with her? Hyunseung just showed us the song and then she ran away, I don't understand a thing. Worst part, she seems to be crying, I can't cope with her crying, I want to hold her. 
He went back to your door, no sobbing was heard, but he could see your shoes, he knocked on the door again and you openeed the door and walked right into his embrace "sorry oppa" was the only thing you could say "shhh.. I don't know whats going on, but don't worry, I'll stay by your site and wait for you being ready" 
you nodded and decided to go home, there wasn't much for you to do anymore anyways, you had some small touches to do with the clothes tomorrow but if you just hurried yourself tomorrow that would be ok.

You arrived home but dropped everything in your hands when you stood in front of your door. You didn't know what to do, "what... ottoke.."
Immediately you called Yoseob, you didn't want to get Junhyung involved "Y..Yoseob-oppa, could you please I..I..dont know what to do" Yoseob didn't get what was going on but hurried home to you before any of the boys noticed his abscene.
He arrived, ran up and saw you kneeling with your head in your hands, but when he looked up he got just as shocked as you. 
"Go die, leave our oppas! You're ugly!" etc was written on your door with red paint, Yoseob took you up and hugged you tightly "h-how oppa? .. how did they find me?" 
"I don't know ___-ah" 
"we can't let the others know, including Junhyung, they'll get so worried, I only dared to tell you because you're.." he stopped you and kissed your forehead, "shh, don't say more ___-ah, I understand, let's get this away first" you went inside and got some cleaning stuff and Yoseob washed everything away while you sat in your couch inside thinking. first that song and now this.. is it halloween today?


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Chapter 13: Whooaa...that's GD and Taeyang' newest song, isn't it?
I'm curious what's she had with GD at the past :3
Chapter 10: Aw...dilemma :/