Take a chance on me-Part 2.

Take a chance on me.
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It was clear to Rain that most of the men who came to this night club held a certain assumption of the women they expected to come in contact with.  Yet, Tia held her own and refused any and all advances, including Joon’s.  She was the most interesting person he’d ever met and was absolutely gorgeous.  Rain was glad Joon convinced him to come here.

“Tia,” Siwon said looking over Tia’s shoulder at Rain, “you have an admirer.  He looks like a nice guy.”

“I’m sure he’s planning his pickup lines and will ask me what time I get off work or some other run-of-the-mill idiom designed to tempt me into his bed.  He’s probably just like all the others.”  She tried to sound convincing.

“A little stuck on yourself much?”

“Come on Siwon, you know every guy comes here willing to walk out with anyone willing.  I’m not the only one they use those stupid lines on, I’m just usually the first.  It’s my duty to all humanity to put them down quickly and harshly.”

“Well, your admirer doesn’t fit the bill.  He looks very out of place and uncomfortable and certainly doesn’t act like a muffin.  You should give him a chance, Tia.”

“I don’t give chances anymore, not since—”

“How long has it been, Tia?”

She looked away from Siwon’s concerned glare.  She knew what he was trying to do, what he was suggesting, and she also knew he had an amazing sense of intuition about guys in general.  He wouldn’t push her toward a loser.

“I only want you to be happy, Tia.  Give this guy a chance.”

Give this guy a chance to stomp on my heart, yeah right. Still, she’d been watching the guy in question out of the corner of her eye for the last hour.  She watched as he turned down several girls that had approached him only to have his attentions return to her.  There was an interesting look in his y eyes, one that she couldn’t quite decipher, but it certainly was not like the other men in the club who all seemed to want to eat her up with chocolate sauce.  No, this guy was definitely different, respectful almost.  Maybe Siwon could sense that too.

“Siwon, the fact that he’s here at the female flesh market says a lot.  Don’t forget that.  But if it will get you off my back, I’ll give him the opportunity to make a pass at me, of which I will promptly turn down, and I’ll bet you it will take less than two minutes.”

“I’ll take that bet.  Loser has to close and lock up tonight.”

“Sweet!  I’ll be going home early.”  She winked.

She walked over to his table determined to play fair.  This would be a fun experiment and no doubt he would fail just like every other guy that ever came to the Diamond club.  But what if he wasn’t like every other guy?  Don’t get your hopes up, Tia.  She thought.  This is just to shut Siwon up, nothing else. Now, if she could just get her heart to stop racing.

“Can I get you anything else?”  She asked as she wiped the moisture rings off Rain’s table top.

“No, I’m good.”  He looked at her quickly and then back down at his drink.

“Where’s your friend?”

Rain motioned in Joon’s direction with his chin.

Tia turned her head to look.  Then she looked back at him.  “Why aren’t you out there enjoying the evening?”

“There isn’t anyone that interests me out there.”

Her brows scrunched together in heavy contemplation.  Was that a come-on?  Could be.  It was obvious that he liked her but that wasn’t a true pick-up line, it was more like bait.  She’d have to step it up a notch if she was going to win the bet.

“Do you mind if I

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