
3 Bears Song

Fluffy WonKyu

Wrote this in a rush, just a few hours before Kyuhyun's songs out! yay! so happy
I hope this will happen in Kyuhyun's tomorrow stage. Please support him with our love :)






It was a hectic night for the members, after the wonderful concert at Hongkong they had to go straight to the airport from the venue, did shower in turns at the concert venue, no time, ready to catch the flight in a few hours.  The situation was different for Kyuhyun, he was scheduled to hold a fans-meeting in Bangkok, and therefore he just needed to take flight tomorrow morning leaving for Thailand. In other words, he had to stay one more night alone in Hongkong; actually he wouldn’t be that lonely since he was left with a manager and a make-up artist, but no Siwon while staying overseas was beyond lonely for him. 

He just finished showering when Siwon’s mother suddenly appeared from behind the wooden door. Kyuhyun immediately bowed politely to the owner of the same smile with his love of life, she was indeed beautiful in person and Kyuhyun always surprised to see the perfect picturesque of her face along with her tall figure, she was literally Siwon in woman shape. They’ve been dating for three years, yet Kyuhyun only had few chances to meet Siwon’s mom.

Kyuhyun couldn’t hide his surprise when she touched his arm and caressed his thumb over the fabric. “You have been suffering so much.” Pressed her lips into a wistful smile, the smile his mom usually plastered when she was worried but pretend that she wasn’t worried.

Kyuhyun bowed again, didn’t know how to say in words his gratitude that Siwon’s mother cared for him. “We will always support you and watch your performances, so please be well and stay healthy son...”

“Yes, mother. You too, stay healthy and take care.” He groggily accepted the hug Siwon’s mom offered him, his heart fluttered when the word son spilled from , let alone the hug. Little did they know, someone was smiling at the sight and started jogging his feet towards them.

“It’s about time.” He said saved the awkward post-hugging moment.

Kyuhyun sighed, again, distance made their complicated relationship got even harder. Pressed his lips into a thin smile, but his eyes emitted a woeful expression. Siwon’s mom knew, she experienced such things a lot too, so she Kyuhyun soothingly then patted her son.

“I will be waiting in the car.” His mom spoke softly before left them into a deep indulging silence.

Siwon stared dotingly at the man before him; hands moved to Kyuhyun’s sides and locked his fingers on his back waist, meanwhile Kyuhyun drawn closer and put the weight on Siwon’s joint hands. They were spent, one and another things crossed their path, they missed staying at home, cuddling, enjoying some alone time; but there were always things between them, schedules, people, society, scrutiny, so many things that there’s only love left to bond them together. Just like that night, togetherness just a figment of life that withered away by seconds, Siwon needed to leave again, sometimes a brief moment of intimacy wasn’t enough; and somehow Siwon couldn’t make up his mind to go yet.

“I don’t want to go.” He whispered slowly while drawing Kyuhyun closer to him till their chest almost touched.

Kyuhyun blew a deep sigh under the older’s chin, clutched his fingers on the black shirt that covered Siwon’s back. “But you have to go hyung...”

“I know.” Tucked the strands behind Kyuhyun’s ear and murmured “Going to miss you” then rested his forehead on Kyuhyun’s.

“Me too.” Leaning on the touch.

It was a mere second before Kyuhyun released himself from the fleeting intimacy with the handsome man. Siwon didn’t let go of his hands, eyes examining Kyuhyun’s face, round eyes, bubbly cheeks, rosy lips, he was sure he would be going to miss this baby doll.

“See you on Tuesday?” he squeezed Kyuhyun’s arms.

“Yep. See you love.” Kyuhyun planted a chaste kiss on Siwon’s lips, a very light touch on the surface. He beamed encouraging the older to go, Siwon dragged his feet lazily away from Kyuhyun but his fingers still lingered on Kyuhyun’s wrist. But in the end, he left while Kyuhyun watching in his position till Siwon’s back disappeared from the hall.



Kyuhyun waved to the staffs while walking to his van, he gotta get back to the hotel and get some sleep. The manager opened the van for him; body got inside the car and jumped in surprise to see someone was sitting there, grinning.


“I will leave tomorrow.” He stated keenly, lips turned into a sheepish smile made Kyuhyun chuckled and hugged him in return.

“I love you so much Siwon.” He mumbled under his breath, clinged his head on the broad chest.

“Me too.” Siwon petted the baby on his arms, caressing his back dotingly, totally made the driver and manager invisible.



Reached the hotel, they got their late take-out lying on the bed; mostly cuddling with lots of touching.

“I’m hungry.” Kyuhyun nuzzled closer to Siwon’s sturdy neck

“The food is in front of us baby.”

“Uhm...too lazy.”

“You want me to feed you?”

He nodded cutely and of course Siwon would do anything to please his baby muffle. He sat up and dragged the food near to their bed and started picking up something to get into Kyuhyun’s mouth.

“It feels like I am a mother bird.”

“Mommy, please give me more foods...” Kyuhyun curled up his hands and made such cute sounds with his pouty lips. Siwon gave another small piece with his fingers, remotely touched Kyuhyun’s lips while he accepted happily then purposedly Siwon’s fingers thoroughly

“Oh God. Tease!” Siwon hissed then put the plate back to the table and immediately cupped Kyuhyun’s face, kissed him square on the lips. Kyuhyun jolted awake, surprised by the sudden action, but giggled happily. Siwon his lips hard before pulling away.

Kyuhyun hit his arm lightly “You are gross! I still have something in my mouth.”

“I don’t care. You are just too cute. Don’t test my self control Kyuhyun!”

“I am not.” He pressed his lips into a petty smirk.

“Well...then I sorted of enjoying it though, so....” He pressed his lips again on Kyuhyun’s “You have to prepare yourself” nibbling his lower lip “Because I might not stop at all.” flopped Kyuhyun to the bed and already hovering him in a split second.

Kyuhyun blinked his eyes. “We can’t!” stuttered

“I’m not going that far. Just this” Muffling Kyuhyun’s fair neck skin with his breath.

“No. It caused talk between fans; we can’t be reckless like that time in Tokyo.”

“Said someone who actually made a not so conspicuous mark on my lip, eager!” squinted his eyes while shaking his head.

“I didn’t, it happened because I was surprised you suddenly spanked my -”

“Can’t you two restrain yourselves with that until I finished packing your stuffs?” the new manager that was busy stuffing Kyuhyun’s things for Bangkok schedule rampaged. The two love birds just giggled remained in the same position.

“It’s not dirty. It’s adult talk. Oh oops, you are still 24?” Siwon stated shamelessly, earned a pinch from Kyuhyun. The manager looked at them, resigned and left the room.

“You!” Kyuhyun smacked his shoulder.

“Sorry.” dropping his head to Kyuhyun’s side “Shall we start again?” then bit Kyuhyun’s earlobe teasingly.

“Hnn...” the only word blared out from Kyuhyun’s mouth



Nov 13th

He was too busy checking all the preparation for his solo debut, make-up, songs, and properties needed, everything was ready. He just needed to go on stage and done the recording. Some of his hyungs were there and there were friends from SM too, encouraging him to show his best self of his solo debut performance and he believed there was nothing he could ask more besides love from everyone. Despite all the supports, he seek for something that wasn’t there, more precise, someone, man of his life. He has been calling him but the calls were sent to the voice mail, he was upset, Siwon promised him.

“He promised you, he will definitely come.” Kangin said petting his already styled hairs.

He tried to smile but it turned out to be an awkward grimace. He felt like crying, this album was important, it wasn’t only about his solo debut, it was revelation, one confession how much two years ago meant for him. The autumn two years ago marked as the cause why they are together now, happy and happier.

They gathered to pray, a drop of tears hanging between the slit of his eyelashes, it fell when he whispered amen; the feeling just too much for him to deal.

He went to the stage and cheered by the loud screams from fans, love. He smiled sincerely, the feel of standing alone without members, brought his own name, his own style and his own song in front of fans made him shivered, and fans started yelled ‘Kyuhyun fighting!’ Kyuhyun smiled again and took the microphone swiftly.

“I....” he exhaled and about to spill another word but his eyes inadvertently fixed to the back seat, three bears standing on the back  wobbled their hips while swaying their placards. The first bear holding a placard said “Kyuhyun hwaiting!” the second one: “You can do it” and the last was: “I love you #RisingStarChoKyuhyun” he gasped, he knew who was disguising as the third teddy bear. The third teddy bear was wearing a scarf he bought from Jeju two months ago as a gift for Siwon.

Somewhat something ringed on his head. He recalled there was the same event on his first musical The Days performance last week, there were three big teddy bears sitting on the front seats.

Siwon admitted on the backstage.

“I’ll be in the front seat.”

“What? No you can’t!”

“I can.” Dragging Kyuhyun to the theatre hall and pointed the front seat bellow.

“B-bears?” he said reluctantly “Wait....did you put-?”

“In the eyes, yes.” He nodded proudly

“Oh my God, you are freaky genius!”

“Of course!”

“But isn’t one bear enough?”

“To lessen the suspicious babe.... Besides....

gom sema-ri-ga
han chi-be-yi-so
appa gom
omma gom
ae-gi gom
appa gommun tung-tung-hae
omma gommun nal-shin-hae
ae-gi gommun na bul-gwi-yo-wo
hishuk hishuk cha-rhan-da”

Siwon was singing the entire lines along with the pose that supposedly to be cute, but turned out the hunky horse was bad at making those sorts of stuffs; it made Kyuhyun burst into laughter, having secondhand embarassment because the crews inside the hall started laughed at them, but Siwon too zeal to please the baby, he sang keenly, that Kyuhyun had to hug Siwon to stop him from doing more stupid poses.

“Enough...enough...I love you okay...stop...just stop” holding his giggles

Started from that, his hyungs nonstop with the 3 Bears song and succeed to make Kyuhyun’s bubbly cheeks all pink.


At the back of the venue the bears posed all cute for him and just like that all the burdens inside his heart lifted up, but he tried not to react excessively.

“Thank you for coming to support me, my heart is pulsating insanely right now. I will try my best.” He beamed, it was about time to sing, the three bears swaying their hands following the music hollowing the venue, and then Kyuhyun started his first performance. The fans loved it, they broke into tears watching him singing, pouring his heart into the song, his song.

Time went so fast, he didn’t even realize that he had ended his second performance for his solo debut, the nervousness slowly ebbed away and he became at ease, he was given few minutes to speak. “I feel really grateful for all your loves, I try my best to return all your loves through this album, and I hope to present the better of me in the future. I love you.”

“I love you too!” The third bear yelled unabashedly, gained attention from the fans. The bear covered his mouth wondering if the fans recognized his voice or not, meanwhile Kyuhyun just blinked innocently. Kyuhyun then waved and excused himself to the backstage. Once the bears walked out the venue, fans followed them and mostly chased the bear with scarf; it stirred the calm atmosphere just now. The third bear took of his scarf and fastened his pace with the other bears to the crew’s room; fortunately the fans were stopped by the securities.

Siwon jogged breathless to the performance room. He crouched down in the middle of the hall, painting.

“Hyung...” Kyuhyun rushed to him “Are you okay?”

“So... hot in here, hot...” trying to take off the bear’s head.

“No wait. Let’s take a picture first.”

Kyuhyun dipped his pocket and took out his phone. He draped his arm on the bear’s shoulder; clicked a few times until their photo appeared on the screen.

“Okay, now you can take it off.” He helped Siwon with the head.

Inside, Siwon was drenched with sweats, his hair stick out in disarray, but he smiled. “Congratz for the solo debut, babe!” he hugged Kyuhyun

“You look so hot like this” Kyuhyun spoke sheepishly. “Let’s take another shot.” Circling his arm on Siwon’s neck tightly.

“One more.” Kyuhyun said, finger ready on the capture button, before he clicked, he called “Hyung” made Siwon turned his head to Kyuhyun, automatically joined their lips together, and followed by a click sound.


A kissing selca.





It has been a week after Kyuhyun posted a selca of him and the bear with the caption “My Bear <3” becomes the trend worldwide on twitter followed by another trended hash tags: #WhoIsInsideThatBear #RisingStarChoKyuhyun and #WonkyuIsReal








Serena H_

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Chapter 1: hahhahaha siwon reaction is didn't expected other. Happy wonkyu just i want.....
U got me googling kyuhyun+thedays+bears hahaaa lol
Chapter 1: Lovely.....XD
Angela17 #4
Chapter 1: Lovely... Kind a lessen my curiousity in why that Horse hasn't tweet anything til now...
I just love seeing WonKyu moments like i always enjoy EunHae...
ThanKyu for this fic...
Chapter 1: Omg so cute and fluffy and wonkyu is indeed real wishing kyu all the best, and tnx for this Authornim.
Beniikyuwon #6
Chapter 1: Perfect <3 ;3; hope this happens to our baby Kyu >< <3