ma feels 4 u

cant you feel my sarang?

'Sigh.. sungyeol is sho hawt wen hes drooling' myusngoo tought wihle they were watching a horror movi. Sugnyeol had faitned on myungso wen he saw a gost in th movie amd fell asleep rite after. 'Wer the only ons in the hous maibe I can confes my sarang now..'

"Yoelliee" sunygeol didt'n even flinch.

"Yeol" myungsoo shook sungyel but he oly grunted.

"YEoLLiE!1!!" Sungyeol woke up adn looked shocked at myunsoo. "Urgh ... yeah??" Myungsoo grabbbed sungyeol hamd and looked into his ayes. "I watn to tell you somthing, for a looobg tiem I actualy saran-"

"OMG A GOSHT AAAAAAAAAH!11!!!1" And he fainte again



Intifinite wokred the whool dai but were free in the evening amd decaided to go to noraebang. Wooyhun started with a skng about cheese and looked at sunggy the whol tim. "I take you in one mouhtful liek cheese~" making haerts with his right hamd to sunggyu.yadong wer discussing if donwoo was tronger than hoya, but hoya was deffinitily winning.

myunsoo was just staring at yeol the whoole tiem and sungyeol was looking amuzed at all the members. And ofc sungjong was singing too. He sung 2ne2s lonely and b1a5s lonely and other lonely songs.

Myungsoo sighed wen sungyeol did't give him attention and out of nowere he got an amzing ideea.

'I should sing sungyeol a song, ohmygeee Im sho genious'

So he went up and sayd:"this song is 4 the sarang of my life, I call it "cant you feel my sarang paboo?"" He sung it and even hinted everything that has to do wih sunyeol in th sung, his chodingness, his dumbniss, his fmear of ghos.

but sungeol was jus claping dumbly along wit the baet.

Myunsoo sighted wen he realaised he failed agean, but then he got a bteter idea to show suyneol his feels.

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Chapter 2: I'm laughing waaaaay too hard lol
strafield #2
Chapter 2: Well actually its cute but unfortunately hard to read