

  Why are you so dumb?! Jongin's father screamed while punching him in the face for the umpteenth time. "How are you going to manage our family business when all you can get is an A-?!" He pushed his son on the ground and kicked him 'till blood came out of his mouth. 

"I-i'll do better next time, fa-father." Jongin cried. "You better would!" His dad raged out of the room and threw the door shut.


Jongin's family had run a family business called Sunsong for ages. Jongin was supposed to carry it on when he graduated, but his father found that his grades weren't high enough and wanted him to do better.

But he already did all he could.


Jongin got up and took the disinfectant out of his nightstand where it had always been since his father started hitting him. When he was done treating his wound, he sat down at his desk and started studying... again.

"Is it my fault that i'm dumb?" He thought to himself while staring himself deep into his books.



Jongin ran through the hallways of his highschool hoping that his teacher wouldn't scold him for being late, when suddenly a small-eyeing boy with huge eyes approached him;

"Excuse me, do you maybe know where class 301B is? I'm new here and i don't really know the way yet." The boy asked shyly. "Umm, yeah! I'm actually going there myself, so let's go together!" Jongin said while he started to run again and gestured the boy to follow. "Would he be new?" he thought.  


"Ah, Jongin! You brought him with you!" teacher Do said. Jongin sat down at his usual place in the huge classroom while the teacher told the boy to introduce himself. 

"M-my name is Do Kyungsoo, i'm 17 years old and i moved to Seoul with my family only yesterday." 

"So, Kyungsoo is his name..." Jongin stared at the boy so deeply that he didn't hear his teacher's words. "Jongin, Jongin? Can you show Kyungsoo around the school when classes end?" "Y-yeah, okay."

"You can sit down next to Jongin, Kyungsoo." Teacher Do said. "So, kids, today's class is about inflation in the Korean economics!" 

"Thanks for showing me the way" Kyungsoo whispered. "No problem!"

Kyungsoo smiled and turned his head to follow the lesson. 

Jongin never felt this way before. His heart weakened and he started blushing. There was something special about this boy, something Jongin couldn't quite figure out yet. 



When classes were over Jongin and Kyungsoo explored the school together. "This is the cafetaria. You can eat your home made lunch here or you can buy it, but since the school is saving money for the upcoming trip to China the lunches aren't that good anymore" 

"Trip to China?" Kyungsoo looked happy and surprised. "When?"  "I think in June, but it isn't sure yet." Jongin blushed at Kyungsoo's cute behaviour. He had a thing for cute boys. 


Jongin showed Kyungsoo around the entire school and even gave him his number for when he was lost again, because Jongin remembered being lost the entire time when he himself was new. 

"Well, i have to go now before my father comes home. I guess i'll see you tomorrow then?" 

"Sure! See you!" 


Kyungsoo walked away and Jongin started to run because he knew he was ed if his father noticed that he wasn't home yet. Luckily his home was only a street away from the school. 

Jongin came home and immediately made his homework, although he couldn't focus due to the image of the charming boy that came into his life today that was wandering in his head. Other than the other days, he couldn't care less about his homework. He quickly finished it, dropped himself in his bed, and fell asleep with thoughts of that boy.

He finally had something fun to look foreward too, something, or someone fun, in his life.


And all that because of a boy named Kyungsoo



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