The Calm before the Storm

SM OPERATION: Juniors Escape



“Siwon-hyung, have you asked?” Ryeowook said. Siwon just received information that there was a secluded resort his cousin owns and that they can stay for the day tomorrow. “Yeah, I’m just reserving a villa right now. How many are we again?”


“Twenty-five. Twenty-eight if Boa-noona, Kangta-hyung and Chairman Lee would join us,” Ryeowook replies. “Then we’re needing their biggest villa,” Siwon says. 


“Wah, you’re so cool, Siwon-ah,” Heechul praises.






Amber returns to her seat and hands out their coffee. “We’ve already settled the teams, you three unfortunately are in Key’s team.” All three of them grumble and start bombarding Amber with question. “You guys decided to put all the girls in the crew under Key’s team?”


“We had no choice and Key told us he had a good reason. Besides, we can trade members sometimes everytime we meet up during the scheme,” Amber explains. “The initial plan is to separate us into groups so we can be organized and effectively execute the plan.” With no choice but to oblige, the younger three nod.


Key, Taemin and Minho were informing their juniors as well on which team they’ll be with. They seem to be comfortable with the groupings since they all are joyous about it. 


“Alright idols, go back to your destined practice rooms. Chairman Lee, Kangta and I will go visit your rooms one by one to evaluate your performaces. Go,” the CEO announced and the people in the room slowly moved out one by one.


Meanwhile, Boa, Yunho and Changmin stayed beside Lee Soo-man and spoke with him in a low voice. “Abeoji, will you really let us all have a free time tomorrow?” Lee Soo-man looks at them and nods with his usual fatherly smile. “Thank you, abeoji.”






In Super Junior’s practice room…



“The villa’s set. I booked in at 10:00. Thank goodness my cousin’s kind enough to be personally checking us in,” Siwon announces. “Tell the others about it. Make sure to tell them to immediately delete it before their managers check their phones.”



In SNSD’s practice room…



“I received information from Leeteuk-oppa.” The girls stop stretching for a moment gather around Taeyeon. “It looks like the plan is going well so far.”


“We need to bring laptops or maps to detect where they’re going. Some shortcuts and nearby underground subways might be of help when they try to escape,” Jessica suggests. They all nod in agreement and take note of what is needed.



In SHINee and f(x)’s practice room…



“Let’s make sure we have each and everyone’s contact number. Team leaders and at least one member should be on speed dial. We’ll meet every now and then for probably some emergency meeting and eat out. We need to visit the villa once in a while, too,” Minho says seriously.


“I’m really worried for the operation team and the maknaes though. I mean we’re used to running around but being stuck on one villa is… dangerous,” Luna worries. 



In EXO’s practice room…



The members are dancing to History while being watched and recorded by the SM staff and production team. There are mistakes here and there but it is inevitable. Lee Soo Man is proud of his children nonetheless. 


“Abeoji,” Boa whispers. “Have you received Leeteuk-oppa’s message?” Boa shows their chairman the message secretly and the latter nods.


“I’ll keep you hidden from them. If anything they cannot shout at me,” Lee Soo Man utters with a tone of authority. “Thank you, Chairman Lee.”


The boys finish dancing until MAMA and receive praises and applause from their teacher. 






Not before long, the day ends with sweat and fatigue seeping from their bodies. They bid their farewells to each other, their eyes hinting a mischievous scheme in their glints. Their vans, cars and some motorcycles move towards their respective dorms. As if they're being followed, the production crew even set up cameras in their cars. It was already 11:00, an unusually early time for them to finish their practice.


Key was typing in his phone when Taemin leaned over. "What are you typing?"

"Just some last minute reminders for tomorrow," he whispers low enough so the cameras won't be able to hear and record it. "And, send."


Almost simultaneously in each car, their phones go off and some vibrate. 


Key: Main leader Key here. Everyone charge your phones to the fullest and bring money and credit cards. Rest well and have a beauty sleep because tomorrow is going to one crazy adventure. Fighting my fellow juniors. Operation team fighting! Goodnight! Meet up outside SM’s backgate tomorrow at 8:30.

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Alex_ander #1
Ah, I was about to write a story based on this concept, but I can see it has been taken ^^ It would have been titled "Escape from SM".