
Fool Me

Part 1 of 2

This one-shot ended up becoming longer than I intended -_-' 
I'll try to have the next part up as soon as possible; for now, enjoy! :) 

P.S. Is there anyone who can/wants to make a poster for this mini story?

“Go out with me.” Chanyeol chokes on his coffee, coughing repeatedly to dislodge the liquid that managed to get into his air pipe.


“Excuse me?” he whispers incredulously. “You want me to what?”

“Go out with me,” the stranger repeats even more strongly.

What. The. ?

“I heard you the first time…! I just… what?” An amused expression crosses the stranger’s face briefly before a serious mask replaces it. Chanyeol pinches his lips together in thought. “Why?”

The stranger frowns momentarily. “What do you mean why? You have to have a reason to ask someone out on a date?” He ruffled his hair in frustration.

“Look, it’s not everyday that a stranger walks up to me and asks me on a date. There has to be a logically perfect reason.” The man sighs, as if reluctant to answer him.

“The last time I checked, asking someone on a date means that you’re interested. But if you must know, I find you attractive. Is that a good reason for you?” The brunette hesitates, turning pink slightly at the compliment, before scrutinizing his surroundings.

There are neither cameras nor suspicious looking people watching his every move; that rules out the prank explanation.  Chanyeol proceeds to pinch himself; nope, not dreaming either.

That must mean that this stunning man did ask him on a date… Never in a million years did Chanyeol ever imagine that a handsome stranger would ask him out on a date.

“I…” Chanyeol stammers, trailing off. His eyes wander, and he finally observes the man in front of him. He’s a very good-looking man, no doubt. Dirty blond hair framed his handsome face perfectly, complementing his pale complexion. His piercing dark brown eyes and thick eyebrows give an impression that he is angry, when in reality, Chanyeol could tell that the man smiled often. In addition, the man had a sharp, straight nose and small attractive lips that made him look more and more godlike. Aside from his facial features, there was no doubt that he was tall; his arms and legs were lean and stretched endlessly, giving Chanyeol the feeling that the stranger could well enough tower himself, who was already over six feet tall.

“Will you go on a date with me, please?” Chanyeol hesitates. That dreaded question again.

“I don’t even know you. Hell, I don’t even know your name. How can I even go on a date with you?”

“Wu Yifan.” Chanyeol blinked.


“My name is Wu Yifan. But please call me by my English name, Kris.” Oh. He contemplates momentarily before introducing himself.

“Hi, Kris. I’m Park Chanyeol. Nice to meet you.”  The stranger gives him a small smile and Chanyeol finds himself sending the man a small smile as well.

“So how about that date?” Chanyeol eyes wander around the café once more. He half-expected for someone to jump out and exclaim that he was being fooled.

“I don’t know you honestly… Who knows if you’re some serial killer intent on stabbing me repeatedly when I least expect it! Or… or some !” Kris blinks. And then he suddenly guffaws, his melodious laughter echoing inside the nearly empty coffee shop while flashing his gums, and Chanyeol finds himself wanting to see more of this side of Kris.   

“I’m not a or a serial killer, I assure you. I just want to go on a date with you.”

“I have nothing against you Kris, but I’m going to have to decline this time.” He looked surprised.


“I don’t date.”

“Can I ask why?”

“I don’t believe in love.“ A surprised look crosses Kris’ face. “I mean, marriages often lead to divorces these days. I’ve known many people who claimed to be in love, only to cheat on his or her significant other. And love at first sight? What a ing joke! It’s just a myth that foolish people conjure. There’s no reason to date if I don’t believe in love.” An expression crosses Kris’ face—Guilt? Frustration? Hesitation?

“I know that there’s no reason for you to agree, but give me a chance, Chanyeol. Please.” The pleading expression on Kris’ face finally makes him cave.

“Okay. But don’t expect me to fall for you.”



“Where are you taking me?” Kris shoots Chanyeol a brief smile.

“Surprise.” The brunette scrunches his nose. He hated surprises; he was the type of person who would be in on a secret, not the other way around.

“Can I at least get a hint?” Kris pauses. He turns around and suddenly leans in. Chanyeol’s heart stops momentarily when the blond’s face is too close to his, close enough that Chanyeol could smell his enticing cologne.

“Nope.” Kris grins, teasingly, as if he knew what effect he had on Chanyeol and leans back, eyes twinkling brightly. “C’mon. We’re going to be late.” Chanyeol, who is still in a daze, doesn’t dare to argue anymore and allows the other to lead him along like a puppy.

As they continue to walk along, the weather becomes colder and Chanyeol begins to shiver.

Damn it.

He forgot to bring a jacket again; he’s going to end up sick at this rate.

Suddenly, a warm jacket is placed over his shoulders and Chanyeol’s eyes widen in realization.

“Kris?” The blond sends him a half-grin.

“Use my jacket. It’s getting colder now.” The brunette cracks a smile.

It was warm.


“Reservation under the name Kris Wu.” The waitress nods and proceeds to lead the two to their reserved table. As they sat down, Chanyeol observes the restaurant; it was a large Chinese restaurant that was extremely fancy, something he usually could not afford because of his growing college debt. It was the first time, and probably the last, he stepped in such high-class place.

Kris holds the menu, eyes scanning the pages. “What do you want to eat, Chanyeol?”

He blinks, staring at Kris. “I’ve never been in a restaurant like this… You should order for me; I’m not very picky.” The blond nods absentmindedly.

“Do you want any beer or wine with your dinner?” He rubs the back of his head shyly.

“I’m not much of a drinker.”

“Really? You strike me as a type of person who knows how to hold his liquor.” Chanyeol squints his eyes teasingly.

“Are you trying to get me drunk so that you could have your wicked way with me?” Kris smirks, eyes bright.

“Is that what you think? Maybe it is.” They continue to joke around and Chanyeol finally realizes that he missed out a lot when he decided to decline dating during high school. More importantly, he registered that he liked being with Kris; he made him happy. Maybe he had made a good decision in agreeing to Kris’ date proposal…

When the waiter comes by, Kris starts speaking in a foreign language, which Chanyeol recognizes as Chinese.

“You’re Chinese?” he blurts out when the waiter leaves. Kris looks amused.

“Of course. My name is Wu Yifan. You should know that it’s not a Korean name.” Chanyeol puffed his cheeks in embarrassment.

“But your Korean is so good, I didn’t realize…”
“Kris?” Chanyeol looks up and sees a short young man, with large eyes and heart-shaped lips. He looked extremely surprised. Chanyeol looks between Kris and the shorter male. He bit his lip.

Are they ex-boyfriends?

“Hello, Kyungsoo.”

“You two know each other?” he blurted, something bubbling uncomfortably in his stomach. He refused to acknowledge the feeling, unhappiness overcoming his entire being.

“No,” Kris answered bluntly, eyes never straying from the other, as if threatening him to keep quiet.

“We went on a couple of dates before we broke up,” Kyungsoo replied hesitantly, eyes never leaving his ex.

“Kyungsoo,” the blond bit out menacingly; the shorter male’s eyes narrow, anger filling them.

“I still don’t forgive you, or your friends for what you’ve done to me. It’s not right for you to do this to your ‘boyfriend’; I don’t approve of this, Kris.”

“I’d appreciate it if you’d refrained from bringing up the past.” Anger tinted the younger’s face.

“This is going to end up blowing in your face, Wufan. You’re going to regret it. He will be the tenth vict—” Tenth… tenth what? Kris glares, standing up abruptly, his chair toppling behind him from the force.

“Kyungsoo!” Kyungsoo glares, noticing that they have drawn attention onto themselves. His large eyes wander to the boy with Kris; he looked too innocent and pure; he didn’t deserve this, but neither he nor the other nine before him either. He decides that the best plan is to retreat momentarily before finding a way to spare Chanyeol from this pain.

After Kyungsoo storms off, leaving a tense atmosphere surrounding the two men, Chanyeol decides cut some of the tension.

“Kris?” He glares and immediately, Chanyeol flinches. He immediately softens his gaze, sitting down slowly.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t expect to run into my ex here.” Chanyeol cracked a small, hesitant smile.

“Guess you’re popular, huh?”

“I guess so.” Chanyeol eyes Kris from the corner of his eye. It was the first time he had ever heard Kris get mad and upset over something he considered trivial. It was no surprise that Kris had several ex-boyfriends; he was very charming and handsome!

“Are you mad that you ran into your ex, Kyungsoo was it?” He frowns at the mention of the name.

“I didn’t want to ruin our date,” he mutters half-heartedly.

“It’s alright, Kris. Don’t worry about it. It’s still a wonderful date.” Kris manages to half-smile, guilt filling his face nonetheless. Chanyeol squirmed in his seat; something about Kris’ facial expression made him feel uneasy.



A few days later, the two decide to go on another date because Kris was unhappy with how the date ended.

“We have to go on another date,” Kris insists. Chanyeol squints his eyes.

“Kris, it’s ok, I promise.”


It was almost perfect—if only Kyungsoo didn’t show up. He hated that feeling of jealousy (yes, he was jealous) when Kris’ ex showed up; he liked to think that he was Kris’ first boyfriend because Kris did ask him out, after all, not the other way around. And also because Kris was his first boyfriend, he liked to think that he was Kris’ first boyfriend too.

“Nevertheless, let me make it up to you. I don’t feel so happy; it was your first date and yet it was imperfect.” A frown mars the blond’s face. Once again, Chanyeol finds himself caving into Kris’ demands because, , Kris was one convincing man.

This time, for their second date, they agree go to an amusement park.

“I haven’t been to an amusement park since I was a kid,” Chanyeol muses. Kris grins.

“I’ll make this night one you’ll never forget.” He snorts.

“One I’ll never forget? I’ll hold your word to it.” Suddenly, a warm hand entwines with his and he looks wide eyes at the taller.

“Is this okay?” Chanyeol slowly nods, dumbfounded. The blond shoots him a cocky smile, realizing his effect. “C’mon. Let’s play some games.” Kris leads them along the path to a small ring toss booth, where several prizes were on display, enticing the shorter to take a closer look. His eyes lit up brightly when they landed on a cute Rilakkuma doll. Kris, who notices Chanyeol’s peaking interest, teases, “You like that? I’ll win it for you.”

He puffs his cheeks out. “I can do it. I’m good at games like this!”

“Okay, let’s make a bet.” Chanyeol’s perk. Bet?

“What kind of bet?” Kris grins.

“Winner gets to ask the loser for anything.” Chanyeol snorted.

“Well be prepared to lose! I’m good at games like this! I’ll have you know that I’m a highly competitive person. I don’t like losing—ever!” His companion chuckled.

“I’ll make you eat those words, ‘Yeol.” He blushed at his newfound nickname.

“You’re on!”



One game later Kris is seen smirking triumphantly, while Chanyeol is trying to nurse his damaged ego.

“You just got lucky, that’s all,” muttered the brunette. The blond chuckled.

“If you say so.”

He sulked. Kris grinned.

“Hey, why are you sulking?”

“I’m not sulking!” he denied vehemently. Kris shook his head in disapproval.

“Whatever you say.” The shorter sighed in resignation.

“Alright, alright. What do you want, Kris?” He cringed in thought of what the other would do. Images of him dressing in an embarrassing outfit to him being a servant of Kris filled his head.

Chanyeol hung his head in defeat.

Damn it. Stupid Kris and his godlike facial features, which distracted him during the game. It was so unfair that the Chinese male was so attractive that he couldn’t concentrate on anything but rubbing it the other’s face—very attractive face, might he add—had he won.

Suddenly, a hand lifted his head and a pair of warm lips planted itself on his own. Chanyeol’s eyes widened in surprise; mouth opening in astonishment. Kris’ tongue inched itself into Chanyeol’s mouth, eliciting a mixture of conflicting emotions inside the Korean.

After a few moments, the two parted and Chanyeol whimpered.

‘Kris is a ing good kisser,’ was the only coherent thought that went through his mind.

“Wh-what was that?” he stuttered.

“That, Chanyeol, is what I wanted to do for a long time.” The brunette mumbled incoherently.

“You could have done that anytime you wanted. I wouldn’t have minded.” Chanyeol blushed, realizing that he spoke a little too loudly. The only thing that he could hear for the next ten minutes was Kris’ laughter echoing throughout the amusement park.



“Thanks for taking me out,” Chanyeol mumbled. He looked up at Kris and sent him a grateful grin. “I really enjoyed this date.”

“I’m glad you did; I’m really sorry about our first date,” the blond said.

“It’s not like you purposely intended to meet with your ex,” reasoned Chanyeol.


“It was not bad, really.” Kris leaned in closer.

“So…” Chanyeol looked to the side, pointedly looking anywhere but at Kris. “I hope we can have another repeat date, ne?”

“A-ah… I don’t know. You have to call me anyways… And then I have to check my schedule to see if I’m free and—uh. Yeah. That.” What the was wrong with him? Why was he acting like a bumbling schoolgirl? Where did all his confidence go?

“Of course, ‘Yeol.” Kris leaned in closer and pressed his nose against the shorter’s neck. “I’ll just have to call you over and over again until you agree to go out with me again.”

Chanyeol blushed.

A smile bloomed on Kris’ face. He loved seeing Chanyeol like this—it was refreshingly different than his former boyfriends. There was an air of innocence to Chanyeol, something that he needed to incorporate more into his life.

Chanyeol, who caught Kris’ smile, sent him a smile of his own as well.

As he leaned in for a goodnight kiss, a screeching ringtone filled the atmosphere, startling both males.

Kris frowned, recognizing the noisome ringtone as his own.

“Ah, that’s my phone. I’m sorry.” He pulled out his cellphone to see who called and instantly, there was a noticeable change in his attitude. “I got to go; I’ll call you later, okay?” Chanyeol hesitantly nodded; although he didn’t want Kris to go, there was nothing he could do to stop him.

“Oh, okay. See you later, I guess?” Kris sent him a tight smile, his phone continued to ring obnoxiously.

“Good night, Chanyeol.” The Chinese male quickly spun on his heel and answered the phone. “Hello, Jongdae? Why are you calling me this late at night—?” Chanyeol strained his ear to listen, confusion fluttering on his face at the mention of a male name—Jongdae?

…Was Kris cheating on him?



The next day, after his shift at his job as a cashier register for a coffee shop, Chanyeol headed to a Chinese restaurant to pick up dinner.

“Pork fried rice, or noodles for dinner tonight?” he contemplated. “Hmm… what the heck; why not both?” When he entered the Chinese restaurant, he immediately placed his take out order with the cashier and waited patiently for his food to be ready.

While he was waiting, he noticed something, or rather someone.

“Oh—it’s Kris!” A smile bloomed across the Korean’s face upon the sight of his boyfriend. Decided on giving the blond company, Chanyeol slowly approached the other, intent of greeting him in surprise when he noticed that Kris was with a group of friends. “It’s his friends! Should I introduce myself or—“

“Yah, Kris. Have you broken his heart yet?” one of Kris’ friends suddenly said, cutting all thoughts of introductions. What were they talking about?

“No, Jongdae, I haven’t. I’m pretty sure that’s what I told you yesterday,” answered the Chinese male. Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows. It was Jongdae, as in the Jongdae that called Kris yesterday and interrupted their kiss, the same Jongdae that Kris could possibly be cheating on him with.

Chanyeol immediately ducked his head, trying to remain out of sight in order to hear more of the mysterious conversation. There was something off about the conversation Kris was having with his friends.

“Aish, you’re losing your touch, hyung!” another friend of Kris’ announced.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Jongin,” his boyfriend brushed off.

“You know what I mean!” Jongin exclaimed. “Usually by now you’d break up with your victim and there would be endless tears.”

Dread filled Chanyeol’s body—victim? What the hell were they talking about? It seemed like Kyungsoo, Kris’ ex, was alluding to the same thing that time when they went on their first date. Did that mean—?

“Stop. It’s not like that, Jongin. Don’t call him that; he’s not a victim.”

“Oh really?” A new voice chuckled. “You know we created this game in order to break hearts. He’s a victim; he’s just like the people before him. You agreed to do this, so what are you waiting for?”

“Baekhyun—I’m not—no, stop calling him that,” Kris demanded.

Fear crept through Chanyeol’s veins, as realization came crashing down on him like a bucket of ice water.

No. No. No. Kris couldn’t be—no. Kris isn’t that type of person.

“It’s a game, hyung. Just break poor Chanyeol’s heart so that we could move on to the next victim.”

“Sehun—“ Whatever Kris wanted to say next was cut off by a huge crash.

Kris and his group of friends looked up and finally noticed Chanyeol. He was sprawled on the ground, the table behind him askew. Kris’ eyes widened in surprise upon seeing his boyfriend.

“Chanyeol, you didn’t—“

“Kris…?” The Chinese male paled, realizing that his boyfriend had heard the whole conversation he had with his friends. He quickly got out of his seat, extending a hand in panic.

No,” whispered Kris. “Chanyeol, it’s not what you think—“

“Then what is it, huh?” bit the brunette bitterly. “I was just a game to you and your friends. Was it fun? Did you like seeing me fall for you hard? Were you laughing at me, at how stupid I was for thinking that you might have been the one?”

Panic seized Kris.

“Chanyeol, please! Listen to me!”

“Forget it. We’re over. Good-bye, Kris.” Chanyeol immediately left the restaurant, all thoughts of hunger leaving his mind. 

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I'm sorry for the wait! I hope to update soon but I have so much college applications to do before the deadline -_-"


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Chapter 1: Did u participated in krisyeol fic exchange? You did :)
Chapter 1: Omo poor Yeollie. Kris go after him hurry!!
can´t wait for he next update.!
Chapter 1: TAT what's wrong w/ kris' gangs???? >_< hit jongin's head hard XD
Chapter 1: / 0 /
oh nooooooooes!! /rolls
KasaiFates #5
Chapter 1: This update was beautiful! !! Its amazing! Cant wait for the rest!!! Great job!!!!!
cant wait!