Chapter 06

Youngest of Pieces - [Black & White] (7)

The first day in Sweden is spent in Göteborg meeting producers – Swedish producers! – and actually recording an English song that SM Entertainment have been planning to let them record with this Swedish producer for a while. It is so different. They speak in Swedish, recording time is totally different and just everything is different. Not in a bad way, it just feels like they are at an unsure area and though their voices sounds great and the producer keep complimenting them, they are confused with how to work though it goes well for them. And they go out to eat. That is heaven for them. Swedish food, Swedish people – everything reminds them of what they grew up with, a familiar surrounding and the food is so good and they just start to giggle when eating. It is great, even their manager notices a difference in them all.

Day two, Hannah takes the train at around five in the morning, arriving in the capital around half past eight and then ready to start the book signing close after nine. She is nervous, extremely nervous; so much nervous. Hopefully people won’t notice how her hands are shaking. The book hasn’t been released in Swedish yet, so the books they have are in English, but that isn’t really much on Hannah’s mind though she tries to use it as a way to distract herself. All she can see is the people that are waiting for the book signing to start. The whole mall is filled with people – not to shop, but for the book signing – and people are standing outside too in the chilly air and it is just so many people.

Hannah personally asked her stylist to get to wear the printed-back sleeveless denim blouse she got on her birthday, but since the weather is chilly she gets to wear a hooded long cardigan in black on top of it, and though her manager reminds her to take it off when taking a seat for the book signing, Hannah pretends to forget that because it is just really cosy to wear.

It is crowded in front of her, there are so many people and about half of them are Swedish while the other half are from other countries. Everyone seems excited about the book signing and Hannah loves to see that, constantly smiling at every person stepping up in front of her.

A special MBC program will air named ‘5 Pieces Tour ’12 in Sweden Behind Story’, so the cameras are following Hannah around and probably the other members too. Their whole trip will be filmed, like yesterday, their arrival the day before, today with the book signing, tomorrow with all interviews, the concert and rehearsals the other days and also their free time. It will be a deep documentary program, about 5 Pieces in Sweden.

The first book signing in Sweden is so amazing. The people are from everywhere and a lot of them mentions that they are going to the concert and asking how she is doing back in Sweden, what she want to do during her stay and a lot of questions that Hannah kindly and friendly answers. She laughs, does high fives, trying to not give away anything about a next book or information when being asked… It is a good book signing. She feels that the book and the group gets mentioned a lot by the fans, and that makes her think that the fans aren’t there just because she is from 5 Pieces but because they are interested in the book. Just that feeling that she has released a book and people like the book: they like the story, the characters and the content, and she feel so happy because of that. What is a book if not something for others to enjoy?

Hannah holds on to Manager Lim’s arm when the first book signing is over. They are going to get some lunch before the next signing is and Manager Lim is this stupid fan of Sweden that he has been looking up restaurants that they can try. They can just try one restaurant though. He got this list of restaurants, and Hannah gets to help it take down the number and then the body guard – 5 Pieces got Swedish body guards for their Swedish stay – gets to choose where they go.

Even at the restaurant there are fans. A few followed them from the book signing while two girls and a boy were actually eating at the restaurant when Hannah came, and they even got a chance to talk to Hannah – which they seemed overly excited about.

“It is like the last place we thought we would meet you,” one of the girls says with a happy voice. She is Swedish, while her male friend is from England and the other girl is from France. They became friends through 5 Pieces’ fan site, and they are all in Sweden together now for 5 Pieces’ concert. “Where are the other members?”

“Göteborg,” Hannah answers. It feels good to chat with strangers, and it feels like a connection because this girl is Swedish and they are around the same age. It is different from her manager who is over 40, the staff and the guard and everyone who are around her the whole day. “I can’t tell you exactly what they are doing,” Hannah laughs, “but I’m sure they aren’t having such a good time as I have.”

They end up eating lunch with these three, mixing English and Swedish – and Korean – for everyone around the table to be able to join in the conversations they are having while eating. It is a fun lunch with them just chatting, not having any particular conversation but just finding out more about the three fans.

After finishing the second book signing, they head back to Göteborg right away. If they had missed that train, they would have missed the next book signing, so it was good they didn’t miss the train. The best thing with the book signing they have in Göteborg is that her members are there. They haven’t met the whole day, but right before the book signing was about to start the other four members of 5 Pieces made their appearance – but they stayed in a room behind to not grab all attention. It made Hannah feel happy though, because her members kept telling her good things about their day – the other members have been going shopping and having fun – and they kept making her smile to loose the nervousness about having another book signing.

The ladies look like they are observing well during the book signing. They are in the back, chatting and talking about their fun day to some of the staff and they also do some small interviews for MBC, and when they hears that the book signings is about to end, they hurries out to their youngest member whose hand is probably aching after all signing. The fans present starts to scream loudly when the four girls comes up next to Hannah who is ending the book signing by talking in a microphone. A microphone is definitely needed as the whole place is filled just like it had been at the mall at the first and Hannah just smiles nonstop when Emelia stands up next to her and takes the microphone. Her Swedish comes out more naturally than Hannah’s.

“Hello everyone. I’m 5 Pieces’ Emelia, the book author’s closest support and friend,” Emelia starts off introducing herself and though everyone there already knows who she is, she is aware of that this is Hannah as an author, not as a singer. “And these three are the other members in 5 Pieces. We just wanted to thank all of you for coming here and loving our Hannah’s book and giving it all this attention.”

Maria then slinks forward as she wants to say something too. “I want to say that I have read ‘Joe – Under Seoul’s Streets’ countless of times myself, so for those of you who yet haven’t read it – you have really something to look forward to. And those of you who have read it – you know you can read it hundred of more times. Still, thank you for coming!”

Hannah feels like she is in heaven over this. When leaving, she keeps giving Carolina hugs and hugging the other girls’ arms and all of them are giggling and being in a good mood. They go around shopping a little before most stores closes – just to let Hannah join them as the other girls have seriously shopped the whole day already – and they end up at a restaurant, eating and chatting with the staff and others who came along to Sweden with them. The evening ends early with them going back to the hotel.

“Let’s order something to eat,” Maria suggests when lying down on the bed when entering their stylist’s hotel room, wearing a zip-back floral print mini dress that definitely makes justice to her long slim legs. She grabs Mi Young’s pillow to hug it while lying on the bed, not caring that they are being filmed when she asks them to order some room service.

“We just came back from dinner,” Julia laughs, sitting around the table where Manager Lim is taking out papers. They are going to go through some things for tomorrow where the whole day will be spent doing interviews for radio, TV and magazines. Hannah and Emelia went to go change clothes in the hotel room they are sharing, stylist Mi Young went along as it is her try to not have to face the cameras. When they return – Hannah in a pair of black sweatpants and t-shirt with a blanket around her and Emelia in a pair of gray sweatpants, top and cool cardigan with a print at the back – Maria is lying on the bed with a paper and pen and asks them what they want from room service. Hannah sits down on the bed behind Maria’s back.

“No room service,” Manager Lim tells to make sure Emelia and Hannah understand that.

“I want some yummy things,” Emelia doesn’t seem to listen to him and Manager Lim just stands and looks at the girls when they starts to talk in Swedish about what they want to eat. Some of the staff laughs, as they don’t speak Swedish, but Manager Lim has been learning so he says that he knows what they are saying, causing the girls to laugh too. Emelia throws a pillow at their manager who grabs the pillow falling at the floor to throw back at her and they are just having so much fun. In the end, Maria moves over to pick up the phone and say she will get some yummy unhealthy food to celebrate life, friendship and fans. They do order some room service, and Manager Lim just makes sure they don’t order too much. They can order whatever they want; it is just the amount that needs to be controlled.

They get the room service, the stylists’ starts to wash the ladies’ faces and help them put on some beauty products for the evening and meanwhile they are also having some kind of comfortable meeting with their manager about tomorrow. Julia keeps sitting around the table and leans her head back while Mi Young is putting on some facial mask on her. The light green mask makes Emelia laugh – she hasn’t gotten a mask on her yet – and her laugh makes Julia laugh and Mi Young tells her to stop laughing because it ruins the mask.

“Appa should get one too,” Julia laughs when even the manager can’t help but to chuckle at the facial masks.

“Oh no, don’t even think of it,” Manager Lim chuckles when seeing the glint in Maria’s eyes, and though she is eating strawberries and chocolate, her face expression tells that she really loves the idea of putting a facial mask on their manager’s face. “Maria, stop thinking through that and help me out here.”

“I already told you,” Maria sighs and leans over the table with a strawberry between her fingers and places her hand over a paper to pull it closer to her so she can point with her little finger while talking to their manager.

Hannah is sitting by the table too, also going through the many papers on the table. She giggles when Mi Young comes up to her, done putting the mask on Julia and moving over to put one on Hannah too. “My hand is shaking,” Hannah giggles. It is from all books she has been signing all day and she can just giggle about it. She keeps giggling when getting the facial mask on, especially when Carolina is taking pictures of herself and Julia together on Emelia’s camera – with their masks on. The evening is comfortable, them just having fun chatting and half working, half relaxing.

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“This is insane.”

Fans are crowding around the car, pushing their hands and faces against it because those in the back are pushing forward. Signs are tried to be pushed up above their heads and hands are knocking on the toned windows. Police is trying to come through to give room to the car to come forward the last few meters, but the place is just filled with so many fans that there is barely even room to have one person slink through by another. In the van, the girls keeps turning their heads, worried someone might get hurt but they are mostly thinking that this is beyond anything they could’ve imagined.

“Are you guys sure we are in Sweden?” Carolina chuckles and turns around to look at the back window.

Since early morning the group has been doing TV recordings and interviews, and now they have finally arrived in their home town outside the concert venue to start the rehearsals. And the whole place is filled with fans. There is one day left until the concert, but none of the girls would ever imagine it to be this many fans – this many crazy fans – waiting to catch a glimpse of them. Lucky the girls, their home town is extremely small that the police station is only two minutes away by car so the police was fast to arrive when noticing that the fans are blocking the streets and they noticed it would be crazy. 5 Pieces had not expected it though.

The moment the car stops and the door opens, the roar from the fans gets beyond the music at clubs. It feels like thousand of people are standing there and just unstoppably screaming when 5 Pieces are being led by body guards, manager and police from the car to the door to enter the arena. Maria can’t help but to giggle when seeing the police in uniforms – she love uniforms.

The first half hour is spent just getting a tour around the place and greeting the Swedish staff before they get up in front of the stage to look how it is made and go through the concert by words with the staff. Cameras are circling around filming for Swedish programs, Korean programs, ‘Life of Pieces’ and so on, and 5 Pieces reacts well to every camera by either focusing on work or informing the camera of what they are up to. The last things of the stage are fixed by the staff before 5 Pieces can start their rehearsal. They try on the microphones, see if the speakers are working and if it is heard around the whole arena, try the lifts too. The videos on the back screen that will be showed should’ve been tested before 5 Pieces’ arrival, but they haven’t tested it yet so their manager is freaking out over the Korean staff that has been with them for every concert of ‘Moon Child’.

“I love you, Pieces,” Emelia’s low voice echoes in the arena when everyone is moving to take the positions for the next song. You can hear Maria and Hannah laugh over how Emelia took the chance to say it between the seconds of song shifting. Emelia too is chuckling, though it is drowned in the music that starts to play and she starts to dance with the others with the chuckling fading.

The girls are now practicing as if it any other concert. They are focused though Hannah knows most of them can’t wait for the day’s rehearsal to end so they can go home and meet their families waiting for them. At the moment they don’t really show it though. They are doing well rehearsing, running out on the stages and doing like they are doing at every concert rehearsal.

Their vocal teacher is quickly received a microphone, and his voice echoes in the arena to tell Carolina to not give her all during the rehearsals as they have two full concerts to do. She apologizes though the people around them are laughing by the suggestion.

“Just don’t say anything, don’t make a single sound,” Emelia says while walking across the stage to take her position and she looks up with a laugh when Carolina makes a crying sound.

“Let’s continue with the next song,” Maria interrupts to not let them start fighting.

5 Pieces is rehearsing the song [Without You] when SHINee arrives straight from the airport. They are below the stage in causal clothes, watching the rehearsal quietly but the moment the girls on the stage sees them – of course they wait until the song has ended – they call the boys up on the stage to let them greet the Swedish staff.

Since SHINee has arrived, they continue with the next song right away. [Give Back] will feature Taemin and Key, and they go through how to do it before they play the music and goes through it like that. After that song it is time for Hannah to practice [Burning], and since Minho isn’t with them, and they won’t perform the remix version with Taemin, it is some kind of anxiousness among the SM family. The other sits down on the side; Emelia sits down on the stage in the middle, to not be in the way but to have the best spot, Julia is sharing tangerines with Onew and Carolina sitting on the side and Maria is sitting on the stage to get a good view too. On the stage, Hannah and Jonghyun are. Jonghyun will take on the rap in the song, and because he normally isn’t a rapper it is something to look forward to.

Hannah is wearing a cutaway shoulder wolf print t-shirt in black. The fabric is soft and thin, the sleeves are long to hide half of her hands and she keeps pulling it up but it falls down over her hands right away. That is what people will notice when looking at the footage of the rehearsals; Hannah pulling her sleeves up. She is wearing black leggings and white sneakers to it, her hair a mess after three hours ride but she still looks okay. She got no thoughts of looking good since it is rehearsals and she is focused on that, even ruffling her hair when turning around to take her position makes her look like she thinks she is all alone.

“Don’t laugh at me,” Hannah says in the microphone when hearing Maria laugh on the side. Hannah is heading up on the lift for the opening of her song. She doesn’t look to the side at the others but instead turns around to the music that starts to play, and she starts to rehearse [Burning] with a serious behaviour, not dancing or singing as if it was a real performance. You can hear Emelia speak in the microphone to be heard during the rehearsal, telling Hannah she should go a little more to the left. Jonghyun steps up with a smirking rapping, having the style only he can, and he just makes Hannah smile when he comes up to her while rapping.

When the song ends, Hannah sits down on her heels. Her back is hurting, though she isn’t wearing high heels, and just when she squat down Jonghyun had been on his way to put his hand on her back but his hand just falls down on his side again. She smiles up at him, noticing it and he smiles back, talking in low voices to each other before the director talks to them.

“More forward?” Hannah asks in a high voice to the director below the stage as she isn’t using the microphone to talk, her elbows resting on her knees so her hands are hanging out in front of her lazily. “But the dancers are supposed to be right next to me, aren’t they?”

“They are?” the director asks and looks at the dancers that also are on the stage.

One of the female dancers says they aren’t next to each other in [Burning], so Hannah had mixed it up with [Butterfly]. Hannah ruffles her hair with her free hand, holding the microphone in the other hand. “So we will do it again?” Hannah wonders with a slight confused face expression. She is asked if she can do it another time and Hannah nods, bringing the microphone to to say they will do it again in Swedish. On the way to stand up she grabs Jonghyun’s pants leg to help herself up.

“One more time?” he asks her in a low voice when she faces him on her way to turn around. He didn’t ask it to see where he would go, but to ask her if she really want to do it another time. He doesn’t know if she looks tired from tiredness or if it is the schedule or what it is. He caresses her arm before the director tells him to go to the side and everyone to take their positions to re-do it.

Two hours later, Hannah is backstage drinking water and eating some food that fans have sent them. She is currently enjoying eating fish – whitefish – and deeply enjoying the taste by chewing it slowly. She is eating it from a white paper dish, slowly walking around in the room while hearing the others rehearsing on the stage through the ear-piece. Hannah turns around when someone behind her asks if it tastes good, and since the person asks her in Swedish she doesn’t get such a surprise to see it is a Swedish camera-man filming her who asked when she turns around. It’s just that she got fish in that she laughs behind her hand, trying to finish chewing.

“It’s yummy,” she answers awkwardly in Swedish. “It… I like whitefish. It reminds me of midsummer.” She gives her flawless eye-smile, and you can see she really loves it.

“What food do you miss the most from Sweden?” the camera-man asks her.

Hannah thinks about it, looking up in the air while wondering. “I can only think of whitefish now. My whole brain is thinking whitefish… hi-hi,” Hannah answers while giggling and she turns away to keep eating, listening to the others talking in the room. She holds on tight to her plate when Taemin comes up to her with fast steps, having big eyes on her plates and both of them laughs when he leans his head right above her plate, shaking his head as if he is pretending to eat it. Hannah just laughs at it. Because it is Swedish food, she must let him taste it. Taemin looks doubtful now when she wants him to try it; he has a memory from earlier that Emelia wanted him to taste something weird. But since Hannah says it is just fish, he takes his hand up to take a bit fish from the plate and she watches him when he puts it in his mouth.

“Delicious, isn’t it?” Hannah looks like she just let him taste a bit of heaven and Taemin just smiles, taking up his hand again to take some more but she is fast to hit his hand and say he can get his own plate.

The camera-man who has been filming them steps up and asks Hannah – since she is the only speaking Swedish – if it is Taemin’s first time in Sweden. Hannah nods, busy eating but she smiles at Taemin who is interested in the Swedish conversation. “It’s his first time in Sweden. It’s the first time any of our friends from Korea have come to Sweden, so we are excited to show them around. I promised to give them a round tour if we get the time after the concert, to show them around in our small town.”

Taemin is nodding though he got no idea of what she is saying, so that makes Hannah laugh and she talks in Korean to him, asking him to tell the camera what he thinks of Sweden. Taemin says something inaudible for the camera and they both burst out laughing because Taemin had been talking gibberish but pretended it was Swedish, and in the background you can hear Onew speak some words that Julia have taught him. Hannah then hears her name being called so she fills with fish before running out to the stage.

On the stage she gives Maria a hug, the two of them giggling and telling each other some useless things, ending up just laughing when Carolina comes up to join them. Maria gives out a complaint, and then Emelia gives Hannah a kick on the so Hannah gives out a whine before leaving the hug to run after Emelia. While Julia is talking to a camera on the stage, the other girls are singing and fooling around, making it almost unable for the camera to catch Julia’s voice in the film because the others are just too loud. Julia ends with silently looking at the camera, releasing a sigh before walking off at the choreographer’s voice. The choreographer gathers them to start go through the next song, making sure they have enough space between them and know what to do before they continue rehearsing. SHINee is probably heading to the hotel now, as their parts of the rehearsals have ended.

“Let’s hurry up and finish this,” Maria tiredly says when they are shifting to another song. Everyone is starting to get tired from the long rehearsal, and it is so late that their families have probably gone to bed already.

A few more songs, Hannah comes running along the stage, running to the side before running back with the drumsticks in her hands. She runs out on the middle stage where a drum-set have been prepared. There is a lift in the middle stage, so the staff will prepare it while the girls are running around doing encore and they go through the first of their two Swedish songs they will cover, and after half of that song have come through, Hannah walks over to take a seat behind the drum-set. The girls are all shouting out together “sommartider hej, hej, sommartider” in their microphones when the song changes and Hannah starts to play on the drums like they have practiced, changing to the second Swedish song. It is fun with encore, during the actual concert and during the rehearsals. They just run around mostly, but for this song they are walking around like a band. Hannah by the drums, Emelia, Julia and Carolina with their guitars and Maria being the one singing the most, but all of them beside from Hannah is walking around on the stage. It is just like they have imagined during practice.

“I’m going home after this,” Maria smiles when they are doing the final song. She looks tired, but you can see she is longing to go home and meet her family even if they are sleeping. All of them are. Hannah smiles, letting Maria embrace her when they are supposed to pass each other. “I love Pieces!”

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Hannah gets a small hotel room by herself. She got nothing against it; the rest of the Korean staff, SHINee, her manager and stylists are all staying at the same hotel. The other members of 5 Pieces are though sleeping at home with their families. Hannah washes up and is so tired; ready to go to sleep when it knocks on the door. Tiredly, her limbs hanging and hair still up in a bun at the top of her head from brushing her teeth when she heads up to the door and opens it just a little.

He is wearing a hat, cardigan and sweatpants; looking comfortable in his style but his face is hard when looking at her. “Are you going to sleep at the hotel when you for the first time in over a year is back in your hometown?” he asks her in a voice just as hard as his face and Hannah just gives out a tired sound. He steps inside on his own, turning around to face her on a two meter’s distance. “You can’t sleep here while the other members are with their families.”


“No. That’s insane. You don’t know when you will come here next time; it can take a year or even two years before you get a chance to meet your family like this. You got what, two or three days?” Jonghyun is talking fast, trying to make her realise what a mistake she will think it is when they are heading back to Korea. “Go home, Hannah. See your mother, your sister and brothers… I know you miss them-”

“Stop, just stop,” Hannah sighs, interrupting him while tiredly rubbing her forehead. “You don’t understand, so stop talking about it. I’m not going there, and no matter what you say, what you do or how you now want to change my mind, I won’t change my mind.”

“Why not?” he sounds disappointed but he still got that hard face expression, looking at her as if she is doing some she will never forget herself for.

“I’m too tired for this, Oppa,” Hannah whines and goes over to lie down on the single bed, lying on her side.

“You should still go home.”

“I don’t want to.”

“That’s just childish. Come on,” Jonghyun tries to take her arm but Hannah waves his hand off. “Hannah, get up. Go home, sleep in your bed-”

“That’s the problem, Jonghyun; I don’t have a bed there. They have thrown it out, like all of my other stuff. Well, no, they sold the bed and put the ‘valuable’ things in some room, all packed away. Even if I went there, I wouldn’t have anywhere to sleep. My cousins are sleeping on the sofas and there is no room for me. Get that? I got no home to go to so stop bothering me about it.”

Jonghyun hesitates but sits down tailor on the floor, moving closer so he can rest his arms on the bed and get in eye-height with Hannah. “They took out everything?” he whispers. She hasn’t told him that.

Hannah breathes out through her nose, some kind of snort, when turning to lie flat on her back. Her back hurts as she hasn’t gotten much time to lie down today, so she has to bend her back up so her stomach is pouting out. She doesn’t know if Jonghyun notice, his eyes are just focused on her face as she wipes away a tear from her eye, using her whole hand to do it as she tries to make it unnoticeable too. He takes his hand out to place it on her arm. “I’m tired, Jonghyun,” she whispers, holding in the tears. “I can’t sleep in Sweden.”

“You want me to sleep with you tonight?” he whispers to her, his chin resting on his arm while looking at her. “Kibum understands if I don’t come back. I can stay here if you want.”

When she doesn’t answer, he gets up on his feet, leans his legs on the bed to try make her move and once Hannah have moved up to rest her head on the pillow, making space for him, Jonghyun lies down next to her and takes his arm around her to hold her in for a hug. She doesn’t giggle, nor smile, so he quietly lies there next to her. He starts to hum for her, slowly starting to sing a lullaby, hoping it will help her fall asleep.

The next thing Hannah remembers is waking up, lying on her stomach with one hand up in her hair, the other one under her chest and Jonghyun resting with half of his body over her, his arm over her neck. She probably woke up by suffocating as it is hard to breathe under his weight. Slowly and carefully she leans over towards the wall, removing his arm and tries to make him lie comfortable before she gives him a peck on the arm, sitting up on her knees to crawl out of bed. But she feels tired, so she crawls back and lies down her head on Jonghyun’s arm, having her face close to his. Then she remembers.

Today is the concert.

She is quickly out of bed, getting dressed, doing her morning exercises and packing a small bag before she goes to roll over Jonghyun who is still sleeping. It’s still early. “Jabjong,” she whispers and giggles.

‘Jabjong’ is Korean for ‘hybrid’; a nickname she personally thinks fits Jonghyun especially after watching Vampire Diaries where they call those that are half vampire and half werewolf for hybrid. She has before thought Jonghyun as a vampire – she is a girl who loves to imagine things – while Jonghyun thinks he would fit as a werewolf because of his muscles, so she loved the idea of him being a hybrid so he can fit both of their imaginaries.

She lies there and watches him sleep, close to falling asleep again but waking up by her own giggling. Jonghyun wakes up by her giggling too, smiling because she seems to be in a good mood. “Pieces would never forgive me if I told them I’m in a bad mood on this important day,” she explains for him, giving him a peck on the hair before getting up, patting him on the when leaving the bed. Jonghyun won’t stop smiling either. Waking up like this is really nice.

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Rehearsals start early. The first thing they do is looking through the videos on the big screen, the opening and all videos for the concert that they couldn’t go through the day before. Meeting up with the members is fun. The girls are tiredly greeting each other, half awake, walking around like zombies backstage and barely able to focus on the videos on the big screen. They are looking forward to start the actual rehearsal, moving around and waking up.

Before that, Hannah slinks backstage to take her pain killers. She tries to ignore her stylist’s eyes, turning her back towards her, but then seeing a camera from some Korean show being on that side she walks some steps to the side to be able to take the pills without having anyone seeing from in front. Without a word she just quietly bows to the camera when passing it on the way back to the stage, returning a second later to get something she had forgotten. Then she heads to the stage. The other members gather with her on the stage, Maria warming up her voice. She heads over to the others when hearing Carolina doing some ‘hu’ sound to warm up. Julia follows Carolina with the same sound but a different tone, grabbing Hannah’s arm for her to join in too. Out of nowhere they are practicing the acapella version of [I Love You] that they for the past few months have been practicing with. They do it without the microphones as it is just their own warming up for their voices. When they are done, Maria nods with satisfaction, turning to face out the stage.

“Should we begin the rehearsals?” she asks as the leader.

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Headline 02nd: 2nd Photo Book “City of Pieces” Released Of Charismatic 5 Pieces


Headline 03rd: 5 Pieces’ ‘Moon Child’ Concert In Nanjing Countdown – D-10

Headline 03rd: Best Book Of The Week For 5th Week ‘Joe – Under Seoul’s Streets’!

Headline 03rd: K-Pop & 5 Pieces Talked About On Swedish Radio

Headline 03rd: Short CF For Suzuki With 5 Pieces’ EM & Hannah Is Revealed


Headline 04th: 5 Pieces Talks About K-Pop & The Difference From Other Music On Swedish Radio

Headline 04th: 5 Pieces’ Appears On News All Over Europe For The Overwhelming Fan Base

Headline 04th: 5 Pieces’ Amazes On Swedish TV With Down-To-Earth Interviews

Headline 04th: Fans From All Over Europe Gathers In Sweden To See 5 Pieces

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Chapter 50: OH MY! Jonghyun heard about the kissing... -,-
Chapter 14: thank you for updating, you just made my day... hahahahah

i was bored before...

waiting for some more... fighting! ^^