Irene Bae + Seul Bear = BaeBear (Baby)

I don't care, I love it!




WenRene is everywhere.

What the hell.


Seulgi glanced over to WenRene Irene and Wendy – both of them are busy posing for fans to take pictures of them. Annoyed, Seulgi stuffed her hands into her pockets and kicked the ground.


‘Since when is WenRene so popular?’

‘Why do people like WenRene more than… us?’

‘Ugh, what am I to you?’


Train of thoughts ran through Seulgi’s mind as she waits for their manager oppa and secretly praying for them to stop posing together  for photos.


‘Ugh, there will be sooooooooo many WenRene pictures online after today. Everyone will start shipping them, and then….’

“UGHHHHH!!!” Seulgi groaned in frustration, earning the attention of the people around her, fans and members of Red Velvet, but most importantly, Irene’s attention.


Immediately, Irene smiled at Wendy and the fans and left Wendy’s side. Seulgi, nervous and embarrassed at her sudden outburst, gulped as she watches Irene approaching her. Her goddess stood infront of her with those alluring eyes and Seulgi almost forgot to breathe.


“Hey, are you alright? What’s with the sudden ‘Ugh’?” Irene asked while caressing Seulgi’s head, before letting a soft chuckle, which is music to Seulgi’s ears.

“Yeah Seulgi unnie, what’s wrong?” Joy added in, “Looks like someone doesn’t like what’s going on…” Joy smirked at Seulgi knowingly. There was a moment of silent panicking before Seulgi laughed nervously and replied.


“Ha ha… I was just warming up my voice before our recording! You know it’s important to warm up! Right? He he...”

Joy just stared at Seulgi with a ‘what-the-hell’ look as their recordings were already over while Irene just laughed, which caused butterflies to dance inside Seulgi.


“Keep up the good work then!” Irene laughed it off and walked back to Wendy, leaving a dismayed Seulgi.


“Oh Seul-bear~ You must be so jealous right now.” Joy sighed and shook her head playfully. Seulgi’s soul seems to have left the body when Irene walked away as she just look lifelessly towards Irene’s direction.

“Wendy is having all of Irene’s attention without even trying while you need to publicly embarrass yourself to have a few seconds of Irene’s attention. So sad for ya!” Joy’s words are equivalent to pouring a whole tank of salt over Seulgi’s wounded heart, and Seulgi could only frown and let out a sad smile.


“At least she gave me some of her attention. If only she could notice me more…” Seulgi sighed and looked away from Irene and Wendy.


“I can give you ALL of my attention Seulgi-unnie!” Joy exclaimed cutely and tried to do all sorts of aegyo for the heart-broken girl. Joy, despite loving to tease Seulgi, actually pitied Seulgi for her unrequited love for Irene. Thankfully, Seulgi laughed, amused by the maknae’s weird aegyo and appreciates her efforts.

“Thanks maknae!” Seulgi hugged Joy tightly. “Although you are cute, Joohyun is way cuter”

“Yah! I am trying to be nice here! Is this how you are going to treat me!”

Joy hit Seulgi’s arm playfully and Seulgi hit back. Their childish bicker slowly began to garner the attention of the fans. Almost immediately, fans gather around them to take pictures.


“OMG! They are so cute!”

The fans squealed as Seulgi x Joy couple smiled at some cameras for pictures. Wendy smiled at the sight, happy for the members as each of them have their own time to shine while dark clouds seem to form above Irene. Unknown to Seulgi (probably known to Joy), all this commotion has caught Irene’s attention.


“What’s wrong unnie?” Wendy asked, noticing the change in atmosphere.

“Nothing, let’s go over there Seunghwan.” Without waiting for a reply, Irene stomped off towards the direction of Seulgi and Joy, with Wendy trailing behind, apologising to the fans for their leader’s sudden behavior.


“Oh unnie, you are here!” Joy acknowledged Irene’s and Wendy’s existence and let go of Seulgi. Wendy smiled back while Irene shoots dagger eyes at Seulgi.

“Hi Kang Seulgi, I see you are having fun here.” Irene coldly said. Joy and Wendy shivered at their leader’s coldness and they know something is going to happen.


“Oh, hi Joohyunnie.” Seulgi replied indifferently as she waved back to the fans while smiling. Wendy and Joy mentally face-palmed at Seulgi’s lack of reaction and her obliviousness to the situation. Irene rolled her eyes.


“Who said you can address me this casually, Kang Seulgi?” Irene spoke harshly as she grabbed onto Seulgi’s wrist, causing the latter to be surprised at the sudden contact and turned to face Irene.

“What?” Seulgi asked, confused at the older’s behavior.

“Am I your friend? I’m older than you for your information. Is this how you should address me?”

Seulgi gulped. This is sudden, because Seulgi always call Irene casually and Irene mentioned that she does not mind, so why this sudden change?


“Joo…Joohyun unnie then…” Seulgi’s voice came out soft like a whisper, afraid that she may anger Irene again. Unfortunately, somehow she did.


“Joohyun? Didn’t I tell to address me as Irene in public?” Irene looked at Seulgi with a stern look which causes Seulgi to freeze on her spot while the others wonder since when did Irene hate Seulgi for calling her Joohyun. Irene once said that she likes it when Seulgi calls her Joohyun because this makes her feel closer to Seulgi.


“Sorry… I…Irene unnie.” Seulgi apologized.

“And?” Irene arched her brows and crossed her arms.

“I won’t do it again... I will watch my mouth.” Seulgi looked down, embarrassed, as their leader just publicly lectured her. Sobs can be heard and Seulgi’s body shivered. Then, it hit Irene. Irene is just being childish and jealous.


Finally realising her childishness, Irene softened her gaze and immediately hugged Seulgi while Seulgi stood there puzzled and saddened.


“I’m sorry Seul… I… I don’t know what I was thinking. When I saw you and Joy together, I just… feel angry, sad, annoyed and frustrated…and because you are the cause of it, I wanted to take it out on you. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry Seul. Please don’t cry. I’m sorry.” Irene apologized over and over as she buried her face in Seulgi’s embrace.

Seulgi smiled, knowing that the older was just jealous of them, and jealous because of her. Seulgi hugged back while Irene snuggled closer to her. Soft sobs can be heard and Seulgi knows – their leader is crying again.


“Hey, it’s alright Joo… I mean Irene…unnie…”


“Alright, uhmm…. Joohyun” Seulgi smiled brightly while Irene just continued to hug Seulgi tightly, embarrassed of her crying face.

“I’m such a bad leader right? I can’t take care of my members and I even make them cry. I’m so useless…” Irene began to sob uncontrollably in Seulgi’s arms.

“No, Joohyunnie. You are the best leader; you are more than what we can ever ask for. Don’t doubt yourself and believe us.” Seulgi soothing voice seems to work but Irene can still be heard sobbing.

“Please don’t cry, Hyun ah. You still look pretty nonetheless but your smiling best is my favourite! Please smile, princess.”

Irene blushed hotly upon hearing Seulgi’s words and her sobbing gradually stopped.


“Then…” Irene spoke softly.


“If I’m your princess, are you my prince?” Irene looked up to face Seulgi with her sparkling eyes, which caused the latter to blush and stare for a bit too long. Seulgi snapped back when Irene hid her face again.

“I will be whatever you want, I will do whatever you want, princess Joo.” Seulgi grinned like a kid while Irene blushed again.


“Then… will you kiss me?”


“You said you will do whatever I want, didn’t you?”

“But we are in public!”



“I’m sure the fans won’t mind some PDA from us.”


“Just kiss me, KkangSeul.” With that, Irene grabbed Seulgi’s neck forcefully but gently and their lips collided. They kissed for a good 5 minutes, full of passion, lust and love. They separated eventually, due to Seulgi’s weak lung capacity, and gasped for air. Their foreheads met each other and both of them stared into each other’s eyes, completely lost in their world as they breathed hardly.


“You need to work on your stamina, Seul” Irene teased.

“I will so when are you giving me my training?” Seulgi smirked while Irene smiled lovingly.

“Right now.”


As they are going for round 2, a loud cough broke their intimate moment. The annoyed couple turned and faced a blushing Wendy.

“Uhmmm, sorry to interrupt your sweet little moment but… we are in public. So yeah, behave kids… There are cameras around…” Wendy trails off uncomfortably while Joy literally face-palmed herself.


The two love birds gasped in horror at the sudden realization of their forgotten audience. All of them had their phones or cameras out, taking pictures, videoing and even calling the reporters.

“Oh my god!” Irene immediately separates herself from Seulgi, using her hands to cover her embarrassed pinkish face while Seulgi smiled triumphantly at the cameras.


“Aigoo Joohyunnie, what’s done is done. Come, let’s pose for some pictures!” Seulgi grinned widely at the cameras as she comforts Irene by pulling her into another hug.


“Guys, fans or not, I have one thing to say!” Seulgi exclaimed while hugging Irene, whom has her face buried deep in Seulgi’s embrace. “I love Bae Joo Hyun!” Wendy’s, Joy’s and Irene’s jaws dropped as Seulgi raised her hands in the air and waved wildly.

Shocked beyond belief, the three other members of Red Velvet tried to stop Seulgi but Seulgi fights off every single attempt and continued saying things like “We are in love!”, “Joohyun is my Bae!”, “We’re your OTP now!” and so on, each sentence adding a deeper shade of pink onto Irene’s cheeks.


After a few minutes which felt like eternity, their manager oppa finally appeared and dragged Seulgi into their van with the rest hopping into it. He smiled apologetically to the people at the commotion and immediately drove off before Seulgi could escape, not that Seulgi wants to leave Irene’s side. However, Seulgi managed to roll down one of the windows and shouted again before the members shrieked and pushed her away from the window.


In the van, their manager oppa looked at them, exasperated.

“I cannot believe what you just did, Seulgi! I mean it’s okay for you to love whoever you want but it’s not okay to publicly announce it like that, especially when the person you love is a member of the group, she is of the same gender and you guys just debut for like, what, three months?!”

“Yeah, yeah oppa.”

“Seulgi, I’m not against you dating Irene but I’m not sure whether the rest of Korea will be okay with it. Homouality is still not a thing in this country yet and your actions may cause Red Velvet to have a bad reputation. And for God’s sake, you guys just debut! It’s not time for you guys to release dating scandals or news!”

“Oppa, how am I supposed to avoid this love that comes so suddenly? Love cannot be planned to happen, it won’t be called love then. It’s not my fault that Joohyunnie is so attractive and she loves me back. Just leave us alone.”

“Well but that doesn’t justify for your shouts of love.”

“It’s my expression of love.”

“Seriously Seulgi?”

“Serious Seulgi.”

Irene laughed at Seulgi’s play of words but was immediately hushed by their manager oppa.


“Okay, so how do I explain this to Mr Lee Soo Man? I heard he has already got hold of this commotion.”

“Wow, that’s fast.” Wendy stated.

“Media nowadays.” Joy sighed.

“Just say a fool fell in love with me, and I fell in love with her too. But, this fool is a pabo, making a scene in public and she sincerely apologises for her weird instincts.” Irene snickered after suggesting.

“Hey, but it takes one to love one. Oppa, just say love happened.” Seulgi said as she yawned.

“Aish! Never mind I will take care of this, but be prepared for any questions from Mr Lee!”

“Yes oppa.” The members replied in unison.



Seulgi casually holds Irene’s hand and intertwines their fingers.

“I have wanted to do this for so long, Joohyun.”

“Don’t we always do this back in the days?”

“Yeah, but now, we are holding hands as lovers. Official lovers.”


Irene smiled as Seulgi leaned her head on Irene’s shoulders and closed her eyes.

“I love you, unnie.”

“I love you too, bear. I have always loved you.” Irene spoke softly and carefully pecked Seulgi’s lips, in which Seulgi’s lips turned into a bright smile.


“You are going to scare people if you smile when sleeping.” Irene chuckled at the sight.

“I’m in love, there’s no stopping me.” Seulgi cheekily replied while Irene just smiled to herself.


Although they still need to face lots of media interviews, the Lee’s questionings and so on, Irene is glad that all of this happened. She has never felt more comfortable than this, and Seulgi is sure feeling the same – as they are living their dreams now.







Hihi, so here it is! This is my first time writing fanfics and I actually don't know what I'm writing haha. This idea suddenly pop up and I began writing and eventually finished it! (I'm quite proud for finishing what I started kekeke) Sorry for any grammatical mistakes (there will be a lot, go ahead and count, I won't judge) Please leave a comment below so I can know how to improve on my writing! 

Ask me anyday and I will still choose to write in Chinese than English but I still chose to write in English this time! 

Thanks for reading! :-))))))))))) (the many layers of double chins... if you get it)


“It’s my strong belief that when people love each other and are desirous of creating a committed relationship with each other that they should be allowed to marry, regardless of their ual orientation.”

  • Wendy Davis

State Senator, Texas

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