Forever, I Promise.

Forever, right?

Walking quietly along the Han River at night with your boyfriend was all that you wanted for the past month. You missed him a lot. His smiles, his small jokes and just his love. You glanced down at the hand that held yours securely before looking up at its owner, a small smile forming on your lips. I really missed you. Thank you for being here with me. Apparently, your boyfriend was just too busy with his tight schedule to meet up with you. Until tonight. He immediately called you earlier that evening to meet up with him right after he was told by his manager that he can start enjoying his vacation since he successfully wrapped up his schedules for the month. Your boyfriend is Mark, the Taiwanese-American rapper and visual of the Korean idol group, GOT7. Sometimes, you even wondered what exactly happened for the two of you to start this relationship. But then again, it didn't really matter that much now because you loved him anyway.

You felt his hand squeezing yours, causing you to look up at the redhead beside you, only to see him softly smiling down on you. "Hey? You look kinda out of it. Is something wrong?" he asked, with a hint of worry in his voice. You shook your head at him and lightly squeezed his hand. "Nothing that you should worry about. I'm fine. Really." You added when he eyed you suspiciously before letting go of the matter.

The two of you continued to walk silently along the river, taking in the cold night air. Suddenly, Mark let go of your hand and wrapped his arm around you instead, giving you a wink when you looked up at him. "I feel a bit cold. I need some of your body heat." he reasoned. You lightly chuckled before wrapping both of your arms around his waist. Mark smiled widely at the contact and kissed the top of your head, smelling the minty aroma of your shampoo. God, how I missed your scent.

"I wonder how Jackson and Bambam are doing." You wondered out loud. Although you were close with all the other GOT7 members, Jackson and Bambam were the closest to you. The reason that you suddenly thought of them was because they were living alone in Korea, without any blood relatives, and you were pretty sure that they wouldn't be going back to their home country for their vacation because they were not yet allowed by their agency to do so. Mark is also in the same situation, kind of. The only difference is that Mark has you and he has your family behind him that also supports him like his real family.

"I bet they want to spend their vacation with their families, not in the dorm." you added, tapping your chin in thought. A soft smile formed on the lips of the redhead. He had always loved your caring nature, and in that moment, he just fell in love with you even more. Caring for others is just so like you, bae. He gently pinched your cheeks and smirked. "Stop worrying over them. They'll be fine, okay? Shouldn't you be worrying about your handsome boyfriend instead?"

You blinked your eyes innocently at him. "Which boyfriend?" The redhead stopped in his tracks, eyes blank. 

"Just kidding!" You giggled at his bewildered look before running away from him and sticking your tongue out at him. Mark let out a chuckle and chased after you. "Ya! Don't you dare say that again!" he said as he playfully headlocked you and gave you a noogie. 

"Okay, okay! Stop!" You said, struggling under him before he finally let you go. "Thanks for ruining my hair..." You huffed as you tried to comb your hair with your fingers. You just wanted to make him a bit jealous, which you successfully did. But he was not just 'a bit' jealous. He felt very jealous. Unfortuantely, you also made him feel insecure in your relationship. Mark stood there quietly, looking at you intently before crushing you into a tight hug. You didn't understand why he suddenly acted like that, but you didn't try to move away from him. You loved how he always smelled so fresh and masculine, but most of all, you loved the way he hugs you.

"Don't you scare me like that again." he whispered against your ear before burying his head on your neck. Scare him? But I didn't... You remained silent, thinking that maybe the redhead was talking about one past event that happened between the two of you. Mark gently caressed your hair and let out a soft sigh, his warm breath slightly tickling your skin. "Don't. Please." he whispered.

"O-oppa? I don't understand what you're talking about..." Mark didn't say anything and just tightened his hug on you. You lifted your arms and lightly patted his back, hoping that it would at least calm him down. "Oppa? What's bothering you? Come on, tell me." you asked quietly. Mark wasn't the type of guy who openly expresses his feelings, much less be this emotional, and it started to bug you. This was the first time that Mark sounded so... broken. He slowly lifted his head and gazed at you deeply with pleading eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" you fixed your eyes on his crestfallen face. Did I do something wrong? Why is he acting like this?

The redhead cupped your face and gently pressed your foreheads together. With eyes closed, he whispered the most unbelievable words that have ever come out from his mouth: "Please don't leave me..."

At first, you didn't understand what he was talking about. But as you tried to recall everything that had happened that night, you finally knew what he was referring to. He actually misunderstood my joke. Oh, Mark Tuan. What am I supposed to do with you? You giggled inwardly as you gently pried his hands off your face and gave him a peck on his lips. You loved how his lips seemed to perfectly fit yours. Mark's eyes widened slightly from your action. Although it was pretty dark and the only light that shone around the area aside from the moon were the street lamps and Banpo Bridge's rainbow fountain, you could still clearly see the confusion in his eyes.

"I'm not going to leave you, oppa. I mean, not now." you said, chuckling right after when his expression changed from being confused to terrified. You guessed that he might have misunderstood you for eventually leaving him one day, or maybe, soon. But that wasn't what you meant. You hugged him tightly and inhaled his scent briefly before looking up to his face. "I am not going to leave you, oppa. I'm going to stay with you until my last breath. That was what I meant, you silly." You giggled, blush slightly creeping up your cheeks. You swear you felt him breathe a sigh of relief. And a big one.

Mark chuckled in disbelief. He couldn't believe himself for thinking about the worst things. He lightly your hair and stared at your eyes before leaning in to give you a passionate kiss. Most probably, the best kiss he had ever given to you. Although you wanted the kiss to last a little bit longer, you had to pull away to breathe. You smiled sheepishly at him before giving him a hug, which he gladly returned.

The two of you started to walk again. You looked around the area and was quite surprised that there weren't much people around. Maybe it's that late already... Should we head home now? You were about to tell Mark that the two of you should head home when he spoke first.

"Will you promise me something, baby?" he asked. You blinked up at him a couple of times, wondering what he wanted. You nodded in response anyway. "What is it?"

Mark stopped walking, which also made you stop. He turned to face you, eyes staring intently at you. His stare wasn't intimadating, if anything, it was full of affection. "Promise me that you'll always be mine. Forever." he said. You stood there, trying to process what he just said. Did I just hear him correctly..? 

"I-I don't think I would be able to live without you... Please, promise me? Please?" he begged, his voice starting to sound like it would break soon and he looked like he would start crying. Without second thoughts, you hugged him tightly. That goes without saying, oppa. "I promise, oppa. I promise. I'm yours, all yours. Forever."

He smiled in your embrace, his heart beating rapidly. "Thank you, baby. And I'll forever be yours."

The two of you stayed like that for a minute before you gently pushed him away. "But I don't want you, though." you playfully sneered at him. He chuckled lightly, understanding that you were just joking. "Yeah? Well, you can't do anything about that baby coz you'll be stuck with me forever~" he sing-songed with a playful wink directed at you.

"More like, to pester me forever." you countered before running away from him again. "Just wait till I get you! I'm gonna make you pay!" the redhead threatened as he chased after you. It didn't take long before he successfully caught you in his arms, both of you panting. You let out a shriek when he suddenly showered you with kisses.

"Y-yah! Mark Tuan I'm going to kill you if you don't stop with your kisses!" You tried your best to break away from his tight hold, but eventually sighed in defeat because he was just stronger than you. Knowing that you have given up, Mark started to change his kisses from playful to sweet ones. He let you go and turned you around to face him. He showed you one of his breathtaking smiles before softly pecking you on your forehead, both sides of your cheeks and stopped on your chin. You were now on eye level with him, and it always amazed you how Mark's eyes looked so beautiful. Before, when you just met him, you always thought that Mark was the playboy slash jerk of the group, alongside Jackson. But you were all wrong about them. Your first impression on Mark changed when he unexpectedly came to your house to take care of you when you were sick, and that was the day when your love story with him started. Both of you honestly weren't expecting things to turn out the way it is now.

Mark left a light kiss on your nose before looking down on your pink, plump lips. He let out a small smirk before leaving a peck on your lips a little longer. You always found it amazing how gentle gestures like this from Mark made your heart beat rapidly.


"I love you." he whispered against your lips. You closed the gap again before whispering back an "I love you, too."

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Chapter 1: the feels. ;-;
Chapter 1: So sweet~!! AWWWWW~!!!
Chapter 1: This is really beautiful~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥