
Into the New World: Together




I watched the red liquid fill the tube connected to my arm and seriously couldn’t focus on anything else.

Blood was so weird… interesting, but weird. Like, that was just inside of me keeping me alive and now it’s being out of me like it was no big deal?

Wah, it even looked cool. The dark red substance moving up and up and-

“You’re all done Kim Taeyeon-ssi,” the nurse said cheerfully.

Wait, what?

“That was it?! That’s all you need?” She grinned.

“Ne, we just need enough to run through our machines. Let me put a band aid on this and you’ll be good to go.”

The lady picked up the band aid that was lying on the counter and swiftly put it over where her needle just was.

I couldn’t believe it… the way hyung was talking earlier definitely sounded like they needed to take more than she just did. He said that since the end of the year physicals were coming up anyway, LSM wanted everyone in the company to all get blood work done as well just to make extra sure that we’re all as healthy as we can be.

I thought it was a good idea too, I mean everyone has traveled to so many different countries recently who knows what we picked up unknowingly. Since my defenses were so weak in NYC because of that evil girl, I’d be surprised if I didn’t have some weird America illness.

Omo! Maybe that’s why my English sounded so good recently?

Ugh, who knows! Only time will tell.

While I was remembering that girl though I couldn’t help but think about the impact that story left on, well… everything.

Everyone was talking about it. Seriously. SM had to make multiple statements about it to the press and then they even had me talk to a radio show about it and my choice not to do anything about it.

It was all over the internet in multiple languages too. Tiffany even made us watch a few videos where international fans literally discussed my whole situation. I couldn’t believe it! 

I also couldn’t believe how supportive everyone was being. It was amazing.

The same places that called me ‘unprofessional’ or said I had an attitude problem all apologized too. It felt great.

It was also amazing that it made it on the actual news here, which sparked quite an angry call from my mother who scolded me for not telling her in the first place.

Ugh… it’s not even been a week yet either. I really hoped it died down.

 I thanked the nurse and moved out of the seat, opening it up to the next person.

“Who’s next,” I called out to my members looking right at me.

“Soo.” “Yul!”

Oh gosh.

“Sooyoung, just go,” hyung said. “We have things to do today.” His eyes widened.

“But… but.” Aish, was that kid seriously scared?

“You’re gonna have to do it sooner or later buddy,” I encouraged.

“I’d prefer if it was never,” he mumbled while hesitatingly making his way to the chair. I had to laugh.

He was too entertaining.

“Yah, quit being a baby,” Yuri teased. “You’ve donated blood before pabo.”

“Yeah, but I’ve hated it every time,” he retorted.

I still didn’t understand that, I thought it was interesting!

“Woo~,” Sooyoung said loudly. “Whatever. Okay, just do it… fast.” The nurse smiled and started to clean the spot on his arm where she would be inserting the needle… or trying to at least.

The second that the small alcohol pad touched Soo’s skin, he freaked.

“OH MY GOD,” he shouted as he jumped in his seat.

Oh my god was right though, how was this so funny? It got even better when she actually began the process. Sooyoung pretty much gave a play by play of what was happening when it was happening.

“Oh god, that’s a needle alright… a-an-and yep. Oh no~,” he groaned sadly. “It’s in me.”

I swear, if someone were to film this he would seriously become the next viral hit. It might even take my name off the number one spot in the search sites…

Seriously, I was in tears laughing so hard.

His other arm was in the air and his hand was curling into a fist as he repeated, “I can feel it, I can feel it,” over and over again. “Ugh,” he shuddered. “I can feel it being out. I-“

“You’re done Choi Sooyoung-ssi.”

“I-I, wait, really?” She nodded. “That was it?!” He looked around and his expression had changed completely. “That was nothing!”

Oh. My. God.

“Nothing? Nothing,” Yuri exaggerated for all of us. “Soo, I think they heard you screaming in Busan…”

“Aye,” he coolly replied. “I didn’t scream that loud at all.”

I think I even saw the nurse roll her eyes.

“Whatever you say shikshin, let’s hurry,” I encouraged. The sudden memory that we had to finally start learning the dance filled my brain a second ago and I was worried.

How did they expect us to learn this dance in a week? Hell, I was still memorizing the song!

I mean our comeback wasn’t going to be for another two weeks or so, but we had to film the music video in exactly seven days.


I was just thankful we would get to record in bits and pieces. There was no way I would be able to do it all in one go.

Ugh, I sighed. This was seriously-

That’s the needle?!”

I looked to where the sudden noise came from and couldn’t believe my eyes.

No way…

“Yah, you didn’t say the needle was that big,” Yuri said accusingly in my direction. Oh my… seriously?

“Yul, you were watching us the whole time! How did you not notice it?”

“I don’t have my contacts in you idiot. Holy… hyung. I can’t do this,” Yuri said in serious fear. He stood up from the chair, but Hyung was quick to tell him to sit back down.

“Kwon Yuri, don’t make me threaten you. Sit down and let the lady do her job, we have work to do.”

“But hyung,” he started to plead.

“Yeah Yul, quit being a baby~,” Sooyoung said in a very sarcastic tone.

I could almost see the regret on Yuri’s face from making fun of Soo like that now.

Ahh~ now this was a good way to start the day.

An even better way to start the day though, was exactly what I did a few days later.

I don’t know how I lucked out, but Tiffany didn’t have an early schedule on our one month anniversary and we could stay in bed even longer than usual… however, everyone knows it wouldn’t be a true anniversary if there wasn’t breakfast in bed.

After making sure Tiffany was fast asleep, which was way easier today than it usually is, I sneakily got out of bed. I guess she must be extra tired or something, I don’t know. I didn’t question it. I was just glad she wasn’t going to wake up mid breakfast making and catch me. Just in case she did though, I decided to make something fairly easy and pretty quick.

I got out the bread, eggs, milk, and cinnamon to make up some simple french toast. As I expected, it didn’t take long. I even made more than we could probably eat but hey, there’s always tomorrow!

I put them on a big tray along with the butter, syrup, and utensils for us both to eat with.

“Assa~,” I cheered aloud. Everything looked great and smelled even better. Actually I’m surprised she didn’t wake up by the scent alone. If Sooyoung was here he would have been in the kitchen about a minute after the french toast started cooking.

I’m not even close to joking either…

Picking up the tray and taking two steps out of the kitchen, I immediately stopped in my tracks and did a quick U-turn.

“Wow~ Kim Taeyeon,” I marveled at myself. “How could you forget Tiffany’s breakfast must have? You’re really losing it,” I told myself.

Seriously, how did I forget coffee?

It must be just way too early for me too.

I quickly poured the premade iced coffee mixture in to a glass filled half full of ice and now~ I was ready to go. I put the glass on the tray and walked toward our room even slower than I was before.

Jeesh, forgetting the coffee, who am I?

Making sure not to spill anything, I smoothly opened the door and walked toward the bed where my princess was still sound asleep.

Wah, she’s really knocked out this morning. I laughed at her adorable expression before setting the tray down on the bedside table.

“Fany-ah~,” I called softly while sitting right beside her. “Yeobo~,” I held out again.

“Uhng~,” she grunted surprisingly. Omo…

“Are you awake?” She hummed. “You shoulda told me,” I laughed. “Are you hungry? I made breakfast, sit up.” She hummed again.

“Taetae,” her adorable sleepy voice spoke.

“Yeah babe?”

“Can you get me a glass of water?” I grinned.

“Of course~! Anything for you Fany-ah.” I stood up and-

“And Tylenol too Taetae, my head really hurts.”

Aish~! A headache!?

Not in this house.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be right back,” I assured. I was too. It took less than a minute for me to get back I’m sure. “Here babe.” Tiffany quickly sat up with a grimace on her pretty face and I felt so bad. I wish I could’ve taken the pain for her! This was our anniversary for goodness sake!

Let her feel bad tomorrow instead, jeesh.

She took the medicine, but that wouldn’t kick in for another fifteen minutes at least. Hmm…

“Do you want to try to eat something while you wait for it to go away? Maybe it’ll-,” I stopped mid-sentence, for she was already shaking her head. “Wae?”

“I feel really sick too,” she pouted. “I don’t want to throw it all back up again… You should eat though Tae, don’t let me stop you.” Her lips moved briefly to mine but I had to disagree… as soon as she got done kissing me that is. I wish it would’ve never stopped to be honest, but it did just a few beautiful seconds later.

“I’ll wait. I made it to eat together pabo, I can’t eat it alone.” She grinned.

“I love you, but I’m serious. You should go ahead, I couldn’t eat last night either,” she explained. “I just felt so sick. Seohyun was really sick last week and I think I’m getting it from her.”

“What~,” I asked sarcastically. “Seohyun got sick?” Tiffany grinned.

“I know right? That’s what we said. She’s the healthiest one,” Tiffany laughed, but it was cut short when she took a big breath of air and held her head in obvious pain.

My heart hurt.

I cupped her cheek and pulled her in closer to me.

“I’m sorry you feel bad babe.”

“Don’t be Taetae, it’s our evil maknae’s fault.” I laughed, but the words she said just a minute ago rang in my mind.

Hold on, did she say she didn’t eat last night too?

Oh good grief…

No wonder she felt sick.

“Babe you need to eat.”

“Tae I just told you-“

“I know,” I said, cutting her off. “Maybe you’re the kind of sick that when you don’t eat it makes it worse.” She gave me a disbelieving look and I sighed. “I’m serious~, it happens to my sister everytime.”

She still didn’t believe me.

“Just eat a little bit, please… for me?” I watched the corners of curve upward and knew I had won.

I brought the tray over in front of us and even cut up a piece for her so she didn’t have to-

“Oh my god,” Tiffany said in English. It didn’t sound good either… “What did you make this with?”

Huh? I looked up from the french toast to see her holding the glass of iced coffee I poured just minutes ago.

“The coffee?” She nodded with a disgusted look on her face. “I didn’t make it at all Fany, it came out of the carton in the fridge,” I said. “It’s that Starbucks stuff you wanted hyung to get.”

Seriously, there was no way I could’ve messed it up. You just pour it in a cup of ice and it’s done!

“Ugh, is it expired?” Oh, now that I don’t know… I shrugged.

“Why? Does it really taste that bad?” She handed me the glass. “Yah,” I sounded after taking a drink. “It doesn’t taste bad at all you liar.” She looked dumfounded.

“Uh, are you kidding me? It tastes sour babe. Yuck,” she sounded again. “It’s gross.”

“Really?” She nodded. I took another drink and nope, it still tasted fine to me. A little sweet, but definitely not sour or gross… “Hmm, want me to make you a regular coffee? I’ll drink this one.”

She shook her head, but I knew the real answer. Tiffany was no good at hiding it…

“I’ll be back in a few minutes,” I said.

When I came back however, the results were exactly the same.

She didn’t like it. Hated it actually. Tiffany said this was worse than the iced coffee.

There was no way I messed it up this time either since we have one of those coffee makers that uses the idiot proof cups.

You literally can’t screw it up.

It was beyond weird too seeing as how Tiffany liked coffee so much and now she hated both of these? What on earth was wrong with…

Omo! Is it because she caught Seohyun’s flu?

Ani, it couldn’t be… could the flu really alter your taste buds like that??

Last week Tiffany loved her coffee drinks and now it was the complete opposite.

Heol… then the only thing that’s changed is the fact that she’s gotten sick!

Oh god, I hope I don’t catch it.

I don’t want to hate any of my favorite foods for a week or two.

No more kisses and no… PFFT.

Yeah, good one Taeng, like that would last long…



“You look very pretty in your dress babe,” Taeyeon whispered as soon as I sat down. I quickly turned around and flashed him another quick smile.

We were at the 2011 Mnet Asian Music Awards, or MAMA, in Singapore and we my members and I had just found our seats.

We had got caught up at the red carpet, which took way longer than we thought it would and missed the whole first act. Whoops~!

MissA was on the stage now presenting the award for Best New Artist though so we didn’t really have to worry about that one since this is our fourth, going on fifth year.

We were in no way new.

It was a pretty unfortunate set up they had here too actually. Instead of the artists sitting at tables like they usually do, we were all sitting in chairs lined up along the side of the stage. Super Junior was in front of us while TYS and 2NE1 were behind us. Quite a few other groups were to our right but I didn’t have time to name them all.

Apparently I missed the male new artist too because the rookie group Dal Shabet was already being called on stage to accept the award.

Stupid red carpet.

Beast and the famous pianist Lang Lang were the next to perform with a not-so-surprising feature of Hyuna and the Troublemaker duo to perform their hit song.

It was really fun, but I kept getting so sleepy. Seriously, if the music wasn’t so loud, I might’ve fallen asleep.

I couldn’t have coffee either since this stupid flu had ruined my taste buds.

Seriously, I even liked the taste of one of Taeyeon’s favorite foods that I had absolutely despised before this…

I couldn’t wait for it to get out of my system… I also couldn’t wait to go to sleep.

Ugh, and this event was four hours long….

I didn’t know how I’d last.

The next award that was presented was for Singapore’s Choice Artist where pretty much just fans from Singapore voted for their favorite k-pop artist. Everyone knew it was going to be Super Junior that won… okay, well we don’t know for sure, but since they were seated in front of everyone else, they expected them to win the most awards tonight.

That’s how oppa said they seated us at least and I really didn’t disagree. Super Junior, TYS, 2NE1 and us have all had a pretty big year so I wouldn’t be surprised if the four of us took most of the bigger awards.

What I was surprised with though was the result of this award. Super Junior has been around for six years; of course we expected them to win a simple popularity contest, especially with their huge song ‘Mr. Simple’ that had come out this year.

When the two presenters called out TYS though, everyone was shocked. Even the cameramen, who were already focusing on Super Junior seemed confused.

That sure woke me up.

I quickly stood up and cheered, while Taeyeon looked really surprised he beat his sunbaes.

Aigo~! I guess he still really didn’t realize just how popular they were…

The three of them got on stage and cutely accepted the award and there was a camera pointed at me the whole time, just waiting for Taeyeon to say my name which he did just a minute or two later…

Fan service~, we have to love it.

The next forty or so minutes went by with performances by a Japanese performer, who also won an award, a Chinese performer who performed with MissA, and another few presenters that each gave out another award.

The next one being presented was the award for best OST. Tae was nominated for ‘I Love You’, but unfortunately he didn’t win. The song was a year old, but since the drama that it was for was being aired in Japan now, it was gaining a lot of popularity again.

A ton of other awards were presented and performances went on, but I don’t think I even got to say more than ten words at a time to Taeyeon until we finished performing on stage… with about an hour left of the show…

Seriously, these seating arrangements were the worst.

It was an exciting last hour though.

I don’t know what Taeyeon had eaten or drank before this, but he was hyper. Dancing like crazy to every song that was performed and dragging me to do the same… maybe I should have stayed away from him.

When the awards were finally over however, I couldn’t have been happier. Don’t get me wrong, it was fun to see everyone perform, even the Black Eyed Peas were there, but I was exhausted. Now that the ceremony was over though I get to sleep the whole plane ride back!

That of course wasn’t the only I was happy, no I was also really happy because SNSD won two big awards tonight.

We won ‘Best Female Artist’ and ‘Artist of the Year.’

It was amazing.

We’ve obviously won an award before, but each times feels like the first time… seriously. To know that our fans and fans of other groups even acknowledge our hard work and efforts was amazing.

It felt fantastic.

It was also pretty fantastic that my favorite hoobae group TYS took home quite a few awards as well.

They won ‘Best Male Group’, ‘Best Dance Performance’, and the other two biggest awards of the evening, ‘Song of the Year’ and ‘Album of the Year.’

It was ridiculous.

They beat out so many other huge groups, I even found it hard to believe. Super Junior, TVXQ, 2NE1, Big Bang, 2PM… even us! TYS beat them all and won five awards tonight. I was so proud of him, and a little scared.

If the Super Junior oppas didn’t already hate TYS, they totally did now. From what I was told before the show, SuJu was favored to win at least one daesang award, if not two and now TYS won instead of them in literally every category they were nominated in…

Oh, this wasn’t going to be good.



I heard the most annoying sound in the world and unintentionally groaned.

Whoever was calling me right now had a serious death wish.

Taeyeon and I got back very late last night, er well, this morning and I was still dead tired… even though I slept the whole six hour flight home.


Award ceremonies were apparently very tiring, I mean we did perform so there’s that too.

I reached for my phone and lazily hit the bright green button.

Ugh, I swear if this is my manager I will-


Who the-

I sat up, causing Taeyeon’s arm to fall off of me.

That sure woke me up.

 “Ye-yeboseyo? Who is this?”

What was going on? I’ve never heard that voice before in my life so I was pretty concerned how they got my personal cell phone number.

“Ne, is this Kim Miyoung-ssi?”

Now I was even more confused.

No one, and I mean no one, besides Taeyeon, used those names together.

“Yeboseyo,” the man repeated.

“Ah, yeah,” I replied. “This is her.”

“Great. Kim Miyoung-ssi annyeonghaseyo, this is Kang Hyeongshik from the Seoul National University Hospital. I got your number from your assistant.”


No, wait a second… hospital?!

I didn’t have long to even try to think about it though, for the guy already started talking again!

“I’m calling in regards to your bloodwork we received a few days ago. We’d like you to come in as soon as possible so we can discuss the results with you,” he paused.

What, I asked again in my head. I’m not sure if it was because I was still half asleep or just that I didn’t fully comprehend, but what in the world was he talking about?


Omo, was he talking about when I had my blood drawn a few days ago?

“There’s no need to panic Kim Miyoung-ssi,” he chuckled. “We just wanted to discuss the results with you personally,” he said calmly.

Well that was good to hear I guess.

“If you don’t mind I’d like to schedule you an appointment right now. Do you know when would be a good time for you Kim Miyoung-ssi,” he asked. I thought about it for a second, but again the doctor just kept talking. Jeesh, this guy had a motor mouth... and I thought I talked a lot. “We have an opening at eleven this morning if you can make it or on Friday at three. If neither of those work out for you though, we have quite a few openings next week. Just name the day.” I hummed.

“Eleven’s good,” I responded. I knew I had today completely off and no other plans yet so I didn’t see why eleven wouldn’t work, especially since I didn’t even know what my schedule looked like next week. Hell I didn’t even know what I was doing tomorrow.

Today had to be it and if Taeyeon planned something for later this obviously wouldn’t take that long.

“Ah, great. We’ll see you soon Kim Miyoung-ssi.” I hummed again and quickly said goodbye.

Now I just need to wa- wait.

Did he say ‘soon’?!

Oh my god, what time was it?



“Tae… Taeyeon wake up,” I heard as a hand started to pat me on the . Aish!

“Why~, I’m sleepy,” I groaned. Her patting continued.

Seriously, couldn’t I sleep for another two or three hours? I was exhausted.

“We’re going to be late Taeyeon, wake up~!” Her hand finally moved, but now I was curious.

I had no idea what she was talking about.


“For what,” I questioned groggily. I thought we both had the day off?

I rolled over on my back and yawned. When I finally opened my eyes though, I saw her in front of the mirror and-

“Heol~, Fany-ah why do you have to look so good this early?”

Gah seriously, her tight black jeans and her little blue tank top… wow~! They really hugged her body in all the right pla-

“We have to go to the hospital.”


I think my brain imploded… did she just say hospital!?

Oh my god. I couldn’t even think, let alone talk right now.

“Wh-what? Wh-why,” I stuttered. “Who got hurt?!”

Oh no please don’t tell me it was-

“No one silly,” she said calmly as she pulled her hair up into a ponytail. Uhm…

“But then…” Her smile grew as she walked to the bed.

“I just have to go talk to a doctor Taetae.” She grabbed my hand and I froze.

Tiffany had to go to the hospital?! What was wrong with her? Was she sick? When-

“Yah, relax babe. It’s nothing serious,” she informed. “He just wants to talk to me about the tests they did on my blood or something… for the physical I think. I don’t know, I didn’t ask…  I just have to be there at eleven and you’re coming with me,” she grinned. “So get your ready boo, we can’t be late.”

Oh my god.

That girl almost gave me a real reason to go to the hospital. Holy… I think my heart actually stopped for a second. Ominously saying we needed to go to the hospital and then telling me she needed to go… Gah, she really was trying to kill me this morning.

Tiffany was starting to walk away already, but thankfully I was able to catch her hand and pull her back in to me.

“Mmm,” I groaned. “Kiss.” My arms found their way around her waist and I could see Tiffany’s eyes roll.

“You’re such a kid you know that?” I nodded.

“You scared me babe, the least you can do is give me a good morning kiss.” She grinned.

“Scared?” I nodded as her hand caressed my cheek.

“You scared me big time. I was so worried you were hurt I almost died.” She laughed at what probably seemed like an exaggeration, but I meant it. “I’m serious babe, I don’t know what I would do if something ever happened to you.” My hold on her tightened. “Are you sure you don’t want your own body guard? I want you to be extra s-MMPF~!”

She cut me off with a kiss and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Her lips molded perfectly in to mine like they have many times before and all my worries were swept away… until a few minutes later that is.

As Fany pulled me out of bed and I started to get ready, my thoughts wandered… I really didn’t like where they were going either.

Something about what Tiffany said didn’t sit right with me. It was like my Tiffany senses were tingling and not in a good way.

Why did she have to physically go to the hospital to talk about her test results? I think the only thing hyung said to me about mine was that it came back fine.

No hospital visit, no personal call from the doc- Oh my god.

She got a personal call straight from the hospital. It wasn’t even from her manager telling her she needed to go.

That… that meant something bad, right?

Oh god.

Why would they call her directly and tell her to come in when they could’ve just scheduled something with her manager?

Wait, if the test came back fine wouldn’t they just tell her manager like they did mine or over the phone or something?

No, Tiffany said that they wanted to talk to her about the results.

Oh god, I internally groaned again. Something was definitely wrong and I was about twenty times more worried than I was before.

Was my Fany-ah sick? Hurt?

Ugh, what could they even tell from a blood test?

I racked my brain trying to think of any plausible answer, but nothing came to mind. I think I was just worried and a bit too flustered to think properly, but I couldn’t help it. Something felt off and I didn’t like it.

What if Tiffany was sick?

I wouldn’t know what to do or how to-

“Are you almost ready Tae? Your manager is already here,” she called from the bedroom.

“Ye-yeah,” I stuttered. “I’m putting on my coat right now babe,” I said while walking out of our very pink closet.

She couldn’t be sick.

“Well don’t you clean up nice,” she teased.

“I try,” I smiled back.

I wouldn’t allow it.

“You did well babe. Do you have your phone?”

Uhh crap. I took a few steps toward the nightstand and unplugged my phone from the wall.

“Check~,” I confirmed as I slid it in my pocket.

“Wallet? Sunglasses? Keys?” Oh right, how could I forget those?

I grabbed my wallet and a pair of sunglasses from two separate places in our room and stopped.

“I don’t need keys Fany. Isn’t your manager driving us?”

“Oh, you’re right,” she said with an adorable smile. “Let’s go then. We’re really going to be late.”

As we stepped into the elevator though the worry began to spread through me again. My mind started jumping to the worst possible conclusions and I couldn’t take it anymore.

I didn’t even want to think about my Tiffany being sick.

I needed to get my mind off of it and quick, so I tried to do other things to keep myself busy.

I grabbed the closest thing in reach, which was Tiffany’s jacket’s hood, and started messing with it. I poofed it out a bit and then started petting the fur around the brim and-

“What are you doing?” I froze.

“N-nothing,” I stuttered.

Damnit, good job Taeng! You might as well tell her you’re terrified. She sighed.

“Quit being a weirdo and hold my hand, it’s cold.”

Wait? She didn’t catch on?

No, that’s no reason to think bad things Kim Taeyeon. She could still be tired… even though that girl has been like a sloth all week.

Seriously, I think she’s slept more this week than in the past three months altogether.

She could still be tired though! Right, that had to be it… or she really was just super cold.

Well, maybe it wasn’t actually that cold, but being in Singapore yesterday where the temperature was literally twice as high as it is here definitely made us feel the chill today. I myself was a little cold.

Exactly. There was no need to be worried… yet.

Ugh, no. Stop thinking about this Taengo.

“You’re cold,” I asked to get my mind off of it. She hummed. “Aigo~, come here then Fany-ah.” I opened my arms and she quickly stepped into them.

Ahh~ this definitely took my mind off of it… for like a minute.

Ugh, let’s just hurry and get there.



“Hyung what do we do now,” I asked from the backseat of my managers car. Since Tiffany’s manager also had the day off today, she called my manager instead. We would have gone alone, but obviously we couldn’t just walk in through the front door by ourselves.

The last time I went to the hospital alone with just my manager for a simple cold it was made into a headline and the last thing we needed are pregnancy rumors.

Well, more pregnancy rumors that is.

I’m sure there are a few already floating around, but us being seen at a hospital would only be fuel for their annoying fires. I mean Tiffany being pregnant was obviously the only reason we would both be here together…

Ugh, fans were ridiculous sometimes. We really couldn’t win with situations like this.

Thankfully though hyung said he called ahead this time and made proper preparations with their staff to help hide us going in and out.

The nurse had us sneak through a staff entrance in the back of the hospital and quickly into an elevator that wasn’t too far away. After we went up a few floors the nurse then led us from the elevator to an office at the end of a hall and told us that the doctor would be with us soon.

When she stepped out of the room and closed the door behind her, I let out a deep breath. While I was glad we made it to the office without anyone seeing, I was even more nervous to find out what all this was about.

Being in this office just intensified my worries.

Wasn’t this where the doctors always told the patients the worst news?

Oh god…

Where was this jerk?!



Taeyeon literally flinched when I grabbed his hand and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Are you okay?” He cleared his throat and hummed.

“I’m not worried at all,” he obviously lied. I grinned.

Aigo~! He’s been adorably worried since we left the house and it was so cute.

I’m not laughing because he was worried, no he had all right to be so. Actually I’m a little worried myself but it’s just that Taeyeon is being so funny in trying to hide it I almost couldn’t handle it.

I don’t know if he was trying to be strong for me or what, but he was failing miserably.

His nervous smiles, wide eyes, and hilariously late responses had been cracking me up since we got into his manager’s car. His answer just now nearly pushed it over the edge, I almost lost it. I didn’t even ask if he was worried, but he flat out lied and said he wasn’t…

Aigo~, what was I going to do with him?

“Good,” I said with a squeeze of his hand. “You shouldn’t be.” His head turned to look at me faster than I could’ve counted to one.

“Huh,” he sounded loudly. “Uh… I mean, what?” This time he sounded a bit calmer, but it didn’t fool me. “You’re not worried?”

I had to use all the strength within me not to laugh too. His expressions were so funny!

Gah, no wonder his fans always capture them online…

After seeing the look in his eyes though, I had a pretty genius idea. Instead of him being strong for me, which was still failing, I would just have to be strong for him. Maybe if I didn’t seem that worried it would loosen him up a bit…

Okay, probably not, but I could try at least.

“A little bit,” I admitted truthfully. “I’m more curious than anything babe.” He nodded and then looked at me even more intently than before. What the-


If he was trying to catch me lying, he should give up now.

I really wasn’t lying when I said that. I mean sure, I’m a little worried. Who wouldn’t be when a doctor asks you to come in to talk about test results? The thought of something bad coming back definitely crossed my mind more than once, but I really wasn’t worried.

What could they tell from a blood test anyway? Don’t they have to actually examine me for any real diagnosis?

Exactly, he was being way too much right now. We didn’t even know what was going to happen.

I needed to change the subject and quick… ah-ha!

“When do you start filming your music video?” I watched him take a deep breath.

“Tomorrow.” Omo.

“Isn’t your album coming out in like a week?” He hummed.

“I think they’re gonna do something weird with our hair and didn’t want to give people a sneak peek at the awards yesterday.” Ahh, that made sense…

I mean if they all suddenly had blue hair or something that’s totally a giveaway to a comeba- omo.

“You better not get any weird colored hair Taetae.” He chuckled. Wah~ My diversion tactic was totally work-

“I already promised I would babe.”

-ing… Oh my god.

“What? You promised?!” What the… “Why would you do that?” He laughed again.

“Because they wanted to change my hair for ‘Growl’ but I didn’t let them because of our wedding,” he explained. “I told them that I would next time and now I have to do whatever they want me to.”

“Oh…,” I trailed off. Now that he brought it up again, I definitely remember him saying something like that a few months ago.

“Uh~huh. So now if I come home with green hair tomorrow it’s all your fault,” he smirked.

Ugh, I guess that would be semi-true… and he could always dye it right back to his original color if it looked too bad…

It would only be a month or so…

“Well,” I started. “If it has to be a weird color, push for pink.”

“Yah,” he snapped. I laughed.

“You’d be so cute with pink hair though Taetae. I-“


“Omo,” I said aloud.

I heard the door open from behind me and what was probably my heart, stop.

He was finally here.

Holy… maybe I was more nervous than I originally thought.

“Annyeonghaseyo, sorry for your wait, my last appointment ran over a bit,” a cheerful voice from behind me spoke. 

Deep breath, you can do this.


I can do this.

“Aniyo, don’t worry. We didn’t wait that long,” I assured the older looking man who was now smiling back at us.

“Ah, well that’s a relief. My name is Kang Hyeongshik, I believe we talked on the phone earlier Kim Miyoung-ssi?” I nodded.

“Ne, that’s right,” I smiled politely. “This is my husband Kim Taeyeon.” A momentary wave of butterflies came over me after I called Taeyeon my husband aloud, but that was quickly taken away by the sound of his voice.

“Ye-yeah annyeonghaseyo,” Taeyeon greeted hesitantly.

Oh gosh… my poor Taetae. I really think my subject change helped for a minute or two, but once he heard the door his face looked like he had seen a ghost… again.

“It’s nice to meet you… and who is this?”

“Ah, that’s Taeyeon’s manager,” I responded since Taeyeon obviously wasn’t saying anything. The doctor nodded.

“Oh, I see. Well I’m sorry to have to do this on our first meeting,” he grinned. “But you’ll have to wait outside. Only family is allowed inside during the actual appointment.”

“Ah, ne,” Taeyeon’s manager said. “I understand. I’ll wonder around until you all are finished,” he smiled. “Taeyeon-ah, call me when you’re done. Don’t leave the room until I get here, okay?”

Tae responded just as flatly as before, and I couldn’t wait for the doctor to tell us what was going on.

“Sit down, sit down,” the doctor urged and we did. “How are you two this morning, did I wake you?”

“Ah, ne,” I answered truthfully. “We just got back to Korea this morning actually.”

“Wow,” he laughed. “I apologize. You two must be tired.”

“Yeah, when we go home after this I’ll probably take a nap before anything else,” I laughed. He nodded.

“Have you been feeling extra tired these days? More tired than usual that is…”

“Uh, yeah,” I responded. I felt like that was sort of an odd question, but whatever.

What was he going to do, diagnose me with sleep deprivation? 

I could have told him that. I can guarantee me and probably every other idol promoting right now have it.

“My group is actively promoting so we’ve been pretty busy the past month or so,” I explained. He nodded again before writing something down on the notepad I didn’t even notice before… what the hell?

Was that always there?

Omo, was he already… doctoring me?


“Have you felt nauseous at all recently?”

What the…

How the hell could he know that? Omo, does the flu really come up in blood tests?

Wow, you can find out a lot through those then…

“Yeah,” I laughed. “The past week or so I’ve felt really nauseous.” He nodded.

“Have you vomited since you started feeling that way?” I shook my head, but then-

“Once,” I stated. Taeyeon’s grip on my hand tightened. “But the other times as soon as I ate it started to fade away… My member Seohyun had a really bad stomach flu a week or two ago and I think I picked it up from her though,” I explained. “We’re together a lot.”

Hmm, I wonder if she got a call this morning… Would it have shown up on her test too?

“Ah, that could happen,” Dr. Kang grinned. He started flipping through a few files on his desk and I really didn’t understand.

“Are you a coffee drinker Kim Miyoung-ssi?”


Okay, now my mind was blown.

How could he have possibly known that I couldn’t stand the taste of it recently?

I explained to him what had happened and was extremely curious to as what was going on with me now.

“Will that go away once I get over this flu Dr. Kang,” I asked. “I really love coffee.” He grinned.

“Ne, actually I would sugg-“

“I’m sorry,” Taeyeon cut off.

Oh god…

He didn’t sound too happy either.

“But what does any of this have to do with Tiffany’s test results? I-is she okay?”

I brought my other hand to his and almost completely surrounded it with mine.

My Taetae might’ve sounded angry toward the beginning, but his voice just got weaker and weaker as he went on. He even stuttered again.

Aigo~, he was too worried about me that he didn’t even notice that we had been talking about this all being because of that stupid flu Seohyun gave me the whole time.

“I was just about to get to that Mr. Kim, I apologize.” Tae nodded. “But as you can see here,” the doctor said as he held up some paper with multiple graphs and way too many numbers. “All of your results came back perfectly normal, except for this one here.”

I looked at the paper but I still had no idea what it meant. The fact that one of them was off definitely worried me though.

“This shows that your hCG level, which stands for human Chorionic Gonadotropin, is very abnormal,” the doctor explained. He then said a few other things that I didn’t really understand, but I don’t think I could’ve focused if I tried.

Did I say worried before? Try terrified.

Very abnormal?! VERY?

Oh my god. There was actually something wrong with me.

I gripped Taeyeon’s hand tighter and listened to him take a deep breath.

Right, breathe Tiffany. Breathe…

“What does that mean seonsaengnim,” Taeyeon asked.

“Well without further tests we can’t be one hundred percent positive, that’s why I was asking you those questions before.” I nodded. “An elevated hCG level without associated symptoms could mean something very bad, but since you are showing signs of the symptoms I can safely assure you that that is not the case.”

Hold on, did that mean I was okay?

“I still need to ask one more before I can safely give you my diagnosis though, is that okay?” I nodded again.

“Ne, please go ahead,” I urged. If this question was the only thing between me and a healthy diagnosis I couldn’t wait. He smiled.

“Kim Miyoung-ssi, how regular is your menstrual cycle?”

What?! That was the question?


“They’re usually pretty regular,” I said questioningly. I mean sometimes is a week or so off but that doesn’t mean I’m sick right?

He nodded and wrote something down in his papers again.

Oh god, that wasn’t the answer he wanted to hear…

“And when was your last one?”

“Uhh,” I sounded as I tried to think back to when it was. “Toward the middle of last month I think.” I watched him nod again before writing something else down.

I’m doomed.

“Ne, as I said before we can’t be one hundred percent sure without further testing, but based on the results, your answers to my questions, and your missed period,” he paused.

Wait a second. My answers?

What possible diagnosis other than the flu could he get from me being tired, not liking coffee, and feeling nauseas?

Seriously I-

I froze.

Did he… did he just say missed period?

How does he know I missed it? I could just be la-

Oh my god.

The world seemed to slow down as the unfortunate realization hit me.

There was only one thing that caused someone to have all those symptoms and I really couldn’t believe it. No, I didn’t want to believe it.

“I don’t know any other way to say this,” the doctor started and my mind was racing.

I had a very bad feeling that I knew what he was going to say and I couldn’t breathe. All the air was magically being pulled from my lungs and my brain shut down.

This wasn’t happening.


“But, congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Kim.”


“You’re pregnant.”






I hope you all enjoy the chapter!
I tried to make it not too obvious of what was going on, but at the same time semi-obvious... if that makes sense.
Actually I hope it makes sense in general. Seeing as how I'm in no way, shape, or form a doctor I hope it doesn't seem too far off or is too unrealistic.

If so though, oh well!
TaeNy is pregnant~~~!!!

I know some of you have been waiting for this moment and some of you didn't want this to happen altogether and I apologize on both accounts.
I hope it was good way to reveal it.

Anyway, thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy! <3

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NekoLS #1
Chapter 19: I found this story again thank God
Hope you update more because you surely have talent on this i like your story!
Ree93brianti #2
author where are u...update pleasee
Chapter 19: Ayooo authornim please update 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Chapter 19: It's been a while since I last read this. Are you still active and updating author nim?
Taeyeon2209 #5
Chapter 3: Taetae junior 😍
Waiting for Kim's family 🤗
kidleader_tae #6
Chapter 4: Daddy tae will attend in "the return of superman" 😍😍
Love TaeNy 😘😘
FanyGoo47 #7
how r u doing author-nim? we already miss this story kyaaa.
justcrazy #8
Still hoping for more of this. Stay safe!
ddullidudungie #9
Chapter 19: missing this story! update soon author-nim
arizona83 #10
miss this story! :(