after all

Becoming Your Shield
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“I’m coming back to get you in an hour. Okay, Yixing?”   The singer turns to look over his shoulder at his manager, both of them standing outside of Yixing’s house as he nods with his bright smile in place. “Yes, manager.”   The elder gives him a fond look and shakes his head before he turns to go back to their van. “No matter how many times I tell you to not call me that, you still do,” he mutters and it causes Yixing to laugh happily.   When he watches the van drive off, he finally turns back around to go up to his front door. He’s used to hearing music drifting out of his house or the scents of delicious foods bombarding him when he opens the door, but he feels no such thing this time around. All he hears are quiet whispers and the scent of ginseng tea engulfing his house. He’s very confused at this point, calling out an “I’m home” before taking off his shoes and walking in further into his house.   He doesn’t expect to see his best friend’s face happily talking to his mother over a calming cup of tea next to a face he never thought he’d see so relaxed after so many years of training and simply being with together. He’s frozen shock in the entrance to his living room, his grandmother coming up to give him a tight hug that he returns automatically with a kiss to her forehead.   “Oh, Yixing!” his mother suddenly exclaims, finally registering her son is finally home again to film Happy Camp. She gets up with a bright smile, rushing over to him to engulf him in a tight hug. “You look too skinny!”   The comment has the two men on his couch laughing softly, and he doesn’t know whether to burst in angry tears or tears of joy.   “He’s been working really hard,” his best friend mentions quietly, not knowing whether to move or stay seated, “He’s been losing some sleep too.”   “Ah, my son,” his mother chastises before moving away from him to get a bunch of his favorite snacks and drinks from the kitchen, “You need to have your fill before you go to your recording.”   Yixing stands there in silence, still staring at his best friend and he feels like he’s going to bawl, his eyes drying out quickly. And then he’s turning to stare at his ex-best friend and the world crashes around him.   “Yixing–”   “You left us!” Yixing blurts out, finally moving from his frozen spot to walk over and attack the other with a pillow he grabs from the nearest chair, “Wu Yifan! You left us when we needed you most! You didn’t even bother to tell me when you were leaving!”   Yifan recoils from the attack but takes it, Lu Han quickly moving out of the
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iminlovewithluhan #1
Chapter 17: Such an awesome stories i liked them all they were really nice
teufelchen_netty #2
Chapter 17: Interesting : )

Btw. . Do you know some good wolfau krishan ff's?
teufelchen_netty #3
Chapter 13: Friendship never dies. Like this chap
teufelchen_netty #4
Chapter 12: Yifan is so romantic, but realistic. Nice to read
teufelchen_netty #5
Chapter 11: Xd
Fluffy and lovely : )
teufelchen_netty #6
Chapter 9: Ui. Naughty and y Luhan, like *£*
The end was sweet
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 8: Nice one. Stupid Luhan is good and nice. Yifan is romantic somehow and their friends great
teufelchen_netty #8
Chapter 4: Omg xD
Yixing as baby. I loled so much
teufelchen_netty #9
Chapter 2: ;___;
Sad..don't know what to say