wu shixun

Becoming Your Shield
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Yixing stares at the little baby in front of him, hands secured underneath the baby’s armpits as he lifts him up an arm’s length away in the air to face him at eye-level above his new crib. The baby is looking at him curiously, having just woken up and staring at what he assumes are his lips. “So,” he slowly says, only bringing the baby closer to him when he tries to stretch his arm out to touch his face, “You guys adopted a baby.”   “Yeah,” Yifan happily says from his place in the kitchen, currently grilling some meat for dinner.   “When?” Yixing questions slowly again, his lips quirking into a small smile when the baby touches his lips, completely fascinated as he talks, “This wasn’t an impromptu adoption, right?”   “Do you doubt us?” Lu Han asks in return, smiling at him from the couch where he’s sitting up, elbows on his knees, and ready to go to them at a second’s call.   Yixing opens his mouth when a finger prods at his lips, waiting as the finger slowly enters his mouth and he suddenly clamps down on the digit with his lips covering his teeth. He smiles brightly when the baby squeals happily before trying to free his own finger. “Well, I wouldn’t exactly say ‘doubt.’”   And then the baby smiles at Yixing and he thinks he’s just died and gone to heaven.   Yixing brings in the baby closer to him so he can hold him more comfortably, holding out a finger for the baby to grab onto so he can nibble on it and continue to smile at him. “He has happy eyes,” he comments softly, smiling back at the little bundle in his arms, “He’s such a happy baby.”   “Isn’t he precious?” Lu Han excitedly questions, getting up to go over to his friend and coddle his new child.   “I think he makes me want to adopt my own child– Lu Han! He’s so precious!” Yixing suddenly squeals out, watching as the baby sneezes then looks up at them so incredibly confused, he doesn’t even know why his eyes are watering.   “Oh, my poor baby,” Lu Han coos, reaching out to gently wipe away the little tears sticking to the corners of his eyes, “Are you hungry for dinner yet?”   The baby simply makes a gurgling noise, grabbing onto his finger this time bef
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iminlovewithluhan #1
Chapter 17: Such an awesome stories i liked them all they were really nice
teufelchen_netty #2
Chapter 17: Interesting : )

Btw. . Do you know some good wolfau krishan ff's?
teufelchen_netty #3
Chapter 13: Friendship never dies. Like this chap
teufelchen_netty #4
Chapter 12: Yifan is so romantic, but realistic. Nice to read
teufelchen_netty #5
Chapter 11: Xd
Fluffy and lovely : )
teufelchen_netty #6
Chapter 9: Ui. Naughty and y Luhan, like *£*
The end was sweet
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 8: Nice one. Stupid Luhan is good and nice. Yifan is romantic somehow and their friends great
teufelchen_netty #8
Chapter 4: Omg xD
Yixing as baby. I loled so much
teufelchen_netty #9
Chapter 2: ;___;
Sad..don't know what to say