

"You piss me off so much." Kai growled as he slammed his hand on the table and looked into the others eyes. Sehun looked down at his phone, "You're not the first to tell me that."

Kai's eyebrows furrowed. He grabbed the taller's shirt and pulled him up from his seat. "Stop it!" He shouted.

Sehun rose an eyebrow, "Stop what?" "Stop being so ing pessimist! Everything you say is so negative and it makes me so mad! Can't you just see the good things in life for once?!"

Sehun blinked, "At least you didn't beat me up?" Kai growled as he threw him to the ground. "Life is so beautiful... You just have no clue."

The younger stood up and brushed himself off, "You're right. I don't." The other looked at him. "I don't think life is beautiful. I think it's disgusting. There is alot going on in my mind to make me only spit out negative things. Have you thought about that?"

Kai didn't move. His eyes didn't leave the other's cold lifeless ones. Sehun sighed, "Happy people like you piss me off so I guess we're even." He began walking towards the door.

Kai grabbed his shoulder and turned around, "Are you depressed?" Sehun paused before shaking the hand off. He took a step back, "Yes. And I'm also dead inside." The older grabbed him again to stop him from leaving. "What do you mean?"

"Why do you care so ing much?"

"Just tell me why damnit!"

"I'm ing suicidal! I want to die! I want to kill myself! Every waking second I wish I was dead! There! Happy now?!" He ripped away from the other's grasp and walked away.

Kai spoke up before he could open the door, "Why haven't you killed yourself yet then?" The taller held the knob and looked at him. "Because I see you everyday. It keeps me going." They stood there looking at each other.

Kai swallowed the lump in his throat, "I'm sorry." The younger turned around and opened the door, "I don't want your pity."

He slammed the door and walked off. Kai stared at the door without a word. 


Words: 361

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noloveintheworld #1
Chapter 1: I wanna read sekai now~ great story author-nim! :D
asyilasa #2
Chapter 1: Wow. Just.... Wow!
This is short but.... Woah! Good job! My sekai feels...
Chapter 1: one of the most beautiful sekai drabbles i've ever read. it's short and simple yet striking so i applaud you for that! the part that hit me the most is this sentence: "Because I see you everyday. It keeps me going." dAMN, THAT HURTS- ; ; anyway, i hope to see more beautiful sekai fics from you in the future! ♥
Chapter 1: This was so perfect
kawaii-gizibe #5
I thought if Lana Del Rey's black beauty when I saw the description.

Gonna read it now!
Chapter 1: Stop being so ugh. ing amazing writer omg xD
Chapter 1: That was short and on point and I think it just killed me inside a bit.
i always love your stories ;; ugh just. damn wow.
Wow it was real beautiful!
But it is so shooort...You won't right on this fanfic anymore huh? I want more T.T
Chapter 1: "Because I see you everyday. It keeps me going."