
Sunrise until Sunset

Every morning roughly around 6:06 AM I get reminded of you. Before I met you I was a pretty heavy sleeper, but that familiar spring morning you started a daily necessity. We’d wake up, something kind of similar to how I just woke up. Except, you’d curl up under my arm and rub my eye for me, and I’d hum just to tell you I’m awake. I would then wrap my arms completely around you and you’d wrap your legs around my waist just so it’d be easier for me to pick you up. There would always be a bit of small talk, I would rave about how your beauty reminds me of the sky at sunrise and your smile, your infectious smile, would shine a little brighter once the sunlight beamed on your face. You would also tell me a little about what your new painting of the sky would look like.

That’s all I think about when I see the sunrise.

It’s been 3 years since I’ve seen a sunrise with you. In the midst of work and being too tired to do anything. Reminiscing our late love calms my nerves. I can’t draw, so I paint with my words— my paint brush is my vocabulary and I it onto my canvas to define every inch of your beauty. The softness of your skin to the texture of your hair. The idea of you creeps into my mind daily. Though it’s been 3 years since I’ve last spoken to you, you’ll always be my muse. I write songs to confuse my mentality, talking myself into thinking that you still occupy the other side of the bed.

“Namjoon! Let’s call it a day. It’s almost 12.” Yoongi whined with the energy he had left, his chin propped up on his palm, supported by his weakening elbow that’ll topple over any second now.
“Just leave without me, I want to finish this first.” I replied as I adjusted the knobs of the soundboard, hoping it’ll make the beat how I’d like it to sound.
“Fine, but next time you’re coming when I leave..” The older one sighed as he collected his belongings.
“Got it, Hyung.” My voice is reassuring although I don’t know if I’d be this willing tomorrow.

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