Chapter 2

Love my Best friend

After a few, very long hours Yuri arrived at the train station 500km away from her home. Her dad highlighted that this would now be her home, but for Yuri home was there, were the people she loved where. And in this case it wasn't with her father. She saw him standing outside of the train, and his new girlfriend too. She shook. When she got out of the train slowly her dad walked to her and embraced her. 'I'm so glad you're finally here. You will love the new house and your school is great too!' Yuri just stared emotionless at him and he cleared his throat uncomfortably. 'Yuri, you haven't meet her really, so let me introduce to each other's. Yuri, this is my new girlfriend Park Soo Jin, and Soo Jin, this is my only daughter Kwon Yuri.' Soo Jin wore a fur coat, leather pants and expensive looking high heels from at least 15cm. 'I'm so glad to meet yo, since I heard so much about you. Of course only good things.' She giggled like she was some 10 year old girl. 'You and Tiffany will get along so well! She's such a nice and lovable person, you will totally love her!' Okay, so she was obviously one of those parents who overestimated her children. Soo Jin came a step closer to high Yuri too, but she quickly took a step back, ignoring the angry view of her dad. Soo Jin laughed affected, and her father said: 'I thought as a little present we'll have dinner outside, so you can see the town a little bit.' Yuri shrugged her shoulders. She didn't care. Actually she just wanted to hide in her bed. 'Oh honey, that sounds amazing,' Soo Jin cried. Yuri nearly thew up. When she sat in the car she kept ignoring the other too, but they were too busy talking about the new, amazing house to even notice that Yuri didn't pay attention. 

The local was a little, expensive looking building in the middle of the city. They say outside and had a beautiful view on the park with it's big fonts. 
Yuri didn't ate one bite, her stomach felt like somebody seed it together. After two long, awful hours they finally drove to their home. To Yuri's home. She wanted to close her eyes, and everything was normal again. But when she opened her eyes she was still with her father and his new woman here. At her new home. 'Here we are. Soo Jin and I both designed the house in the inside together, you will like it. It's much bigger than our old house.' Their old house was a little apartment with 5 rooms, including bathroom and kitchen. But still, Yuri has loved it. This house was huge. The front door had two wings, there was a little garden in front of the house. The walls were all painted white. When Yuri walked slowly down the little way to the door, the house seemed even bigger. Her father opened the door with his keys and Soo Jin smiled brightly and cried: 'Welcome home!' Yuri couldn't believe her eyes. The foyer was bigger than their old kitchen and the floor was with marble. On her left a stairs led to another floor, and right in front of her she could see a second double winged door. 'Let me give her a little sight seeing tour, honey, please let me do it!' Soo Jin clapped into her hands, excited like a children for Christmas. Yuri had to force herself to not to cry. Soon she could get into her room, and everything would get better, that was the only sentence that kept her silent. Soo Jin showed her everything- the huge kitchen with all the new technic things, the living room with a TV just as big as the wall, and a bunch of other rooms who where still empty since they were still in the 'move into' stage. When they finally got up the stairs, Soo Jin had a sparkle in her eyes. 'Your and Tiffanys room are up here. Honey and I are sleeping downstairs, so you two have this floor for yourself and your friends. See, here are a few more rooms than needed, so if you want another room just say so.' There were really going off 6 different doors from the hallway, and Yuri just couldn't believe that her father really bought this house! 'So, this first two rooms are Tiffanys. She wanted to have a second one for all her clothes.' Yuri frowned. How could somebody have to many clothes that you needed a second room? Soo Jin opened the door. It was like a pink nightmare. The floor was covered with a big, pink carpet, and all in all the whole room looked like a real life Barbie house. One wall was a big mirror, and there was even one of those ballet bars attached. On the other side was the biggest closet Yuri had even seen. It was white and al least 3 meters long! All over the room were those dolls you saw in sewing stores. 'Come on, let's go into her other room. You know, Tiffany is a very busy person. Today she is at a party, that's why she couldn't come pick you up. She's very popular in school!' Yuri stayed silent. The second room wasn't that different from the one before, everything in pink. A big four- poster bed and a link painted desk with an apple laptop were standing in the room. The mirror wall was here too, just not so big. A aquarium was standing in the corner and all kinds of fishes were swimming in it. It looked amazing with all the colors. 'Tiffany loves those fishes. But come now to your room.' Yuri's room was on the left side of the floor, the last door. Slowly she opened it. The room was bright and really big. But when you first came in it had like a little own floor, were you could hang up your jackets. Then there was the real room, with one wall covered with a window. The old bed from her parents was standing in there, a closet and a desk. Also her guitar and a few cartoons.'We didn't know how you want your room exactly, so we just thought you can design it yourself when you're here. Good night, Yuri.' And with a smirk on her face she closed the door. Yuri suddenly felt cold. The room seemed to big for one single person, and she didn't feel comfortable. Without changing she fell into her bed. And slowly the tears started falling down. And this night she cried herself to sleep. 
Her alarm started ringing at 6:30 am in the morning. Yuri slowly started moving, her eyes still closed. She had begged her father to let her skip the first day of school when she arrives, but he said things like, it was better to go earlier, and it's going to be great! So now she had to stand up. She forced her body out of bed. She dragged some clothes out of her backpack, she didn't care how she looked. Yuri wanted to go to the bathroom, which was right next door, but the door was locked. So she just went down the stairs. On the table she found a note from her father: 'Good Luck for your first day in the school! Tiffany is going to help you, so just ask. I love you! Dad' She grabbed the note and threw it into the garbage. What he was doing was just trying to motivate her- but that wouldn't work! Not for her! And Tiffany.. She haven't meet her yet, but if she was just the way her mother was it would be horrible. Yuri looked around in the kitchen. She was very hungry but didn't know where food was in this big new kitchen. She started looking into the different counters but couldn't find anything. Most of them were empty, bit there were a few cartoons standing on and under the table. Yuri looked in one. There was the food! For a short moment she was lucky since food was always good, but then she looked closer and curled her face. There was only strange stuff, things like diet cereal. For a short moment she thought of not eating anything, but her stomach made loud noises and reminded her that she didn't eat anything yesterday at the dinner. She sighed. So her new life started with diet cereal, and that was really not the best start. After discovering some milk she sat down on the big, wooden table. The whole house was silent. Yuri felt lonely in this empty kitchen, without anybody and anything that she was used to. Suddenly she heard a noise. A girls voice was singing. Actually, she sang really really good. Her voice was strong and hit all the notes. 'We could have had it all~ Rolling in the deep. You had my heart inside your hand. And you played it. To the beat.' Of course it wasn't as good as the original, but it came close to it. For a short moment Yuri thought that they could get along very well. She loved singing too, and even more playing the guitar. Maybe.. Maybe.. 'Why the hell are you eating my diet cereal, ?!' A loud, annoying voice interrupted her thought and made her open her eyes. In the door was standing a girl. She had very long, curled brown hair and a slim body. She was wearing a short, pink dress and high heels. The heavy make- up made her look like a star, and all in all she looked like a real singer. But the expression she had on her face was deadly. 'You dare to eat my muesli? Idon't even know you and you're just going in here and eating my food? Who you think you are?!' Yuri just stared at her and couldn't belive what she was hearing. 'Excuse me, but i couldn't find any other food, and i mean, i'm your new sister or whatever, so maybe you should watch out what you say and check the situation before you insult people!' Slowly Yuri got really mad. Of course, it would have been to good if she and Tiffany would have get along well. Of course she was a little , just like her mother. The anger in her was so big, right now she just wanted to hit somebody really really bad. 'Excuse you, you are the one who just touched stuff that doesn't belong to you! And you are my new... sister?! And I thought you're just as famous as your dad told me, but your obviously aren't. And now get out of my way.' She turned around and went, ignoring Yuri into the kitchen. Yuri herself couldn't say a single word. She couldn't believe that all that really happened. Why, why hated life her so much?
Slowly she stood up and started walking. Her aim was Tiffany. She was standing at the counter and did something on her phone, maybe twitter or whatever. 'Tiffany?', asked Yuri softly. 'You wanna apologoze?' She stared at her with a view filled with abhorrence. And taht crossed the line for Yuri. She wasn't thinking. And when she saw the mark of her hand appearing red on Tiffanys cheek, she couldn't belive it. Tiffany wasn't saying anything. Her view said everything. 'How can you..?' Then she turned and ran away. Yuri was standing alone in the kitchen. How could all this happen? She just destroyed her whole new life here. When Tiffany was really that famous, she was beginning from now an outsider. But all the fellings she had, the hate for her dad, the sorrow of the loss of her mom, losing herfriends, all crashed down in her when Tiffany started insulting her for no reason. Yuri breathed deaply. Maybe it wasn't that bad. Maybe Tiffany would forgive her, and see Yuris reasons and all that. But deep inside Yuri knew that this wouldn't happen. Tiffany just showed what her personality was like. It would never be just forgotten. Yuri closed her eyes and wished that she could erase her last few actions. Because if she just had a little chance in building a new life here, she just destroyed it. Do not cry, Yuri. You can handle that. you don't need friends, you have your old ones! But this thoughts couldn't improve her mood. The only thing that would cheer her up now would be Yoona. Or Tao. He promised her to save her. And right now she really wanted to get saved. But nobody picked up the phone, neither Yoona nor Tao. It seems like everybody in the world had forgotten about her. Or hated her. She didn't knew what was better.     
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Chapter 3: Please Yuri and Siwon <3 kekeke
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virus13 #2
Chapter 1: Taoyul...update soon
YulWon or MinYul or TaoYul?
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