Her comfort

The time of comfort

She came here crying again drenched to the bone eyes swollen. She had tackled me after I answered after that I knew what had happened. It wasn't unusual for me and, Amber to talk but, she only. Tried to make herself smaller in my presence when something was wrong. Leading her to the couch noticing as we walked she gripped my.
Shirt so hard I could feel the tug and see her knuckles turn white she didn't let go even when we reached the couch. Here sobs had willowed down to whimpers and, sniffling. When Amber let my shirt go I asked if she wanted something to drink. A hesitant nod was all I received along with a shiver. Leaving the room to my own all the while earring  confused look I enter my room in long strides heading towards my closet.
I grabbed a brown button up shirt and, blue pajama pants along with some boxers she could change into.
Heading back into the living room with the clothes in hand. Arriving Amber was still sniffling so going over and crouching so that we were eye level I smiled softly and asked."Amber would you like to warm up while in make the tea?" Again all I received was a hesitant nod so standing again. I gesture with my other hand yet again she grasps the side of my shirt. 
As I lead here to the bathroom opening the door I set the clothes on. The side of the sink and say." I'll call you when the teas done." my voice was soft as I spoke as if speaking to a child which in a way she was. Heading back to the living room into the kitchen I grab the kettle from the cupboard.
Add water then set the it on the stove set to medium. I also grab a can of chicken soup knowing Amber would want to eat something small after. She was done so waiting for the tea to boil and soup to cook I walked to the bathroom after a couple of minutes. Stating everything was done when Amber reply came her voice was. Hoarse most likely from crying she spoke saying" Hyung I'll be done soon" heading back to the kitchen I hummed an affirmative. Along with hearing the click of the door and soft steps headed towards the couch. Entering the room with the kettle in my left hand and two cups in my right stepping towards the table. I set the cups and kettle down on the coffee table in front of us to pour some into each cup. My voice low I questioned."Amber do you want to talk about what happened?"She gave me a grimace but, nonetheless opened to talk tearing up as she spoke."Siwon you know how we were supposed to meet up in the park today?"I gave a nod already thinking about what could've happened.
Continuing on tears started to fall" I arrived late because of the rain so when I did arrive I...I didn't expect him to have Victoria sitting in his lap under a gazebo. Making out with Victoria! Siwon-Hyung it hurt so much to see because when they did notice me Victoria only smiled and laughed. While Ryeowook smiled...smiled!"
By the end of her story she was bawling hiding her head in my chest. Sighing I wrapped my arms around her shaking frame bringing her into a hug. Letting her tears soak into my shoulder making it damp all the while whispering."Shh.. It's okay." That continued as a mantra for two or so more minutes until Amber calmed down to only. Sniffling putting her face between my hands forcing her to look up at me and. Wiping away the tear streaks I did this while continuing to talk to her like she was a child."Amber he's not worth it...in fact if he thinks he'll find better in Victoria. He's sorely wrong because Amber... you're funny,kind, entirely sarcastic but that's part of your charm." My voice going from soft to loud but never yelling. Looking down and, smiling I notice she was no longer sniffling still trying to look down. Until she cast a glance up at me the corner of her lips started to upturn. Till they turned into a full blown smile saying." Thank you Siwon-Hyung for helping me get over Ryeowook" after saying that she hugged me repeating "thank you" like a mantra into my chest. I laughed asking." Would you like some soup?" She looked up hastily nodding.
        End yes it was rushed sorry.


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Chapter 1: Why!? why my Ryeowookie did you do that to my poor Amber!?!!?!??! .u.u I thought that Wookie was the one to confort Amber... but this, is breaking my heart y.y